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A Fox's Tale (M)

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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by Emoticon Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:05 pm

Akki turned to his side in his bed, wondering what he was doing. Was he supposed to do something? Didn't he remember something important? He scowled as last night's memories came to him slowly, unable to be rushed. In frustration he tried to skip to the point he went to the inn, but lost his mental grip on them. Getting up quickly, he grabbed his forehead. He suddenly had a headache, probably from getting up so quickly. Sitting at the side of the bed, he checked his phone. "9:10." He muttered as he unlocked it, seeing that he had a message. It was an unknown number, but it was the same number he had a missed call from. The number was the same as yesterdays. He fumbled a bit before he read the message.

The time for the interview has been moved up. It starts at 11:30.

Thank you.

11:30? Akki looked at the message, confused. He could have already missed it, or he would arrive at the wrong time. He put his phone down and gave an exasperated sigh. He didn't understand why it was so difficult to do an interview, and almost didn't seem worth it. He needed to money, even if they keep playing with him. Getting up to take a shower, he guessed that he might have some clothes in his backpack.

Akki brushed his wet hair back, trying to get it to look good. He didn't want it to look too formal, so he just stuck with the usual. Smoothing his clothes out, even if he was going to go casual, he wanted to look good. It was already 10 o'clock by the time he was done, and checked his phone. They had texted him the location of the interview, which surprised him. Realizing that he didn't even know where the interview was taking place, he mentally slapped himself. He decided to order himself room service, to try and calm his nerves. After eating, he set out exactly a hour early in case he was late.

Akki stepped out of the cab, tipping the driver. "Thank you sir." The cab driver replied, and stepped back in the car. He drove off from the parking lot, leaving himself by a steady stream of people. Taking a few anxious glances at the strangers around him, he stepped into the automatic doors. As soon as he stepped in, someone grabbed his arm. "This way to your interview, sir." The feminine voice said, and he thought it was familiar. He tried to get a look at the face, but she was almost running. Finally, she stopped at a white door. "Here you are." She said, and he thought that he could sense something malicious in her voice. She opened the door for him and pushed him in, rather violently. As she was closing the door, he got a look at her face. Just before she could close it, he knew who it was. It was his ex, of course. He didn't have time process what he felt, because a voice broke through the silence. A girl was picking her finger nails, which were bright red, looking at him. He stuttered a bit, but she interrupted him. "Quite a entrance. I don't employ druggies, k. You know what how to dress for an interview? Did you ever take a class on such things? Are you competent?" She asked, pausing. He wanted to say yes, all of those were true, but she cut him off when he opened his mouth. "No. Your resume looked good, but your clearly stupid, or high. Get the hell outta here." She slammed her fist down, gritting her teeth. Before he had time to explain, the same hand grabbed him, yanking him out of the room. "You feel okay?" The voice said with fake sympathy. He began to struggle as she pulled him back to the hallway, attracting eyes. She let out a smirk as the people stopped walking and stared, whispering to each other. Saving whatever pride he had left, he jerked his arm out of her grip and began to walk towards the entrance. Walking out of the building, he felt the rage building, and the tears. That bitch...why... He thought to himself, walking towards the parking lot. He would have to tell his mom that the money she had given to him was wasted, both hers and his. Managing to find a cab to take him back, he tried to keep his mind off what had just happened. He wanted to scream, but just scowled.

When he looked back at it, he probably should have tried to explain what happened, but let his future slip. He had already called his mom about what had happened, and he thought that he could hear her crying over the phone, but she held it back for him. He had to find a job, and he knew that there wasn't much of a chance of him finding a job back home. He sighed again, knowing that he was back here again. This time though, it was a feeling of pity instead of desperation. He had taken a flight back as soon as he could to this place, while he saved whatever money he had. Walking towards the familiar place, he wondered if she was still there. "Heeey! Tenshi!" he called out.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:42 pm

Tenshi pricked her ears up. Did she hear someone calling her name? She walked outside of his house,her tail wagging quickly as she looked in all directions. She had somewhat of a poor long distance eyesight,but her emerald iris's could be seen from miles. Her ears twitched once more,looking around. Her hopes were up,and now spiraled down. She couldn't see Akki,but heard his voice. She sighed,walking away back to a bench behind the fountain. The sun was setting. The sky,vibrant colors of pink,yellow,and orange. Her eyes traveled the sky,sighing in depression. Memories flooded her mind of that boy. She hoped he got his job,hoped his life would be great.

(WOW. That boss was a BIIITCH. o.o)
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by Emoticon Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:08 pm

Akki thought that he could see her eyes, so he rushed where he thought she was. Running a bit, his backpack bounced uncomfortably on his back. He lost sight of the place he was going to, so he decided to walk back to the main path. So she hadn't left, but where was she? Giving a sigh, he kept on walking. He could feel that he might be getting loss, and started to run. The place seemed so familiar, yet so distant. Walking to the middle of the town, a wave of memories flooded over him. The first night that they had met, was the first time that he saw the ears and tail. He chuckled, thinking that he might see them again. Even if she tried to hide it, he would probably ask about it more. Walking up to the familiar fountain, he spotted Tenshi's hair, along with what looked like the ears. "Heeey! You finally let me see 'em things?" He called out, walking closer.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:47 pm

Tenshi lifted her head,her ears twitching. Akki? Did she hear him again? Her head turned to the standing figure of Akki. Her eyes widened from surprise and excitement. She pushed off the bench she sat on,running toward Akki. She tackle-hugged him,squealing in joy as her tail wagged and ears brushed along his neck. "Akki! I missed you! How'd your interview go?" she asked,all excited about him. But,she then pulled back quickly. She was reminded,her ears and tail showed. She tried to think of an excuse,cuddling her tail in her arms as she looked down. "Umm.. Ah.. These are.. Err.."
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by Emoticon Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:09 pm

Akki wasn't expecting the hug, so he put his arms open to hug her. Instead, he tumbled backwards and slightly hit his head. He felt something on his neck, but wasn't sure what it was. His vision swam for a second, images coming in and out of focus. At the thought of his interview, he felt his happy mood fade, but he tried to hide his anger and dissapointment. As his vision came back to focus, he noticed her ears. He looked at her, his eyes darted from her ears. He looked over her, seeing her tail. "So you have those ears and tails again?" He asked, hoping that he would get an answer.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:13 pm

Tenshi giggled,reaching for his hand. She gripped it and pulled him to his feet. "Yes.. And yes,these are real." she chuckled,brushing them. They were pure white,shining under the sunset. She blushed at him,feeling his negative mood somewhat. Guessing the interview didn't go well.. She thought. Her tail wrapped around her waist as she sighed. "I don't need to hear about your interview. I'm just glad your here." she put a toothy smile on her face,giggling.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by Emoticon Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:00 pm

Akki looked at the white ears, thinking they were pretty. He didn't look long though, since he was tired. Everything seemed to be weird in his life, with his interview proving how messed up it was. "No, it went bad." He began, feeling like he should tell her anyway; even if she didn't want to know. 'An ex of mine messed it up, and the lady was a bitch anyway. It was embarrassing, and my mom and I have already spent a lot of money getting ready for it. So I'm thinking of getting that job at the cafe." He said, moving her tail from his waist. Getting up, he brushed his shirt off.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:07 pm

Tenshi gasped. "That girl! Oh I should just tell god right now about her!" Tenshi said,her eyes filled with rage. She then took a calming breath,looking to Akki. "Well,your welcomed to stay. I'm very sorry about your fortune." She took his hand,blushing as her eyes fluttered. "You have no idea how happy I am right now.." She giggled. Her heart was racing just looking at Akki. Her usual shyness,completely vanished. She was like a completely new personality.. Somewhat.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by Emoticon Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:26 pm

"Uhh...okay..." He said, not knowing what she was going on about. He decided not to ask about her origin...for now. He rolled his shoulders to try and ease his tension from the interview, but it was still there. He doubted he could get anything to relieve it, so he had to just tough it out and let it pass. "So, how have you been?" He asked, walking towards his place.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:29 pm

Tenshi giggled at him,following him to his house. "Nothing big. Cleaned your house. Mine too,yeah nothing big." She smiled softly. Her jaw expanded as she let out a long,endless yawn as her fangs showed. She was quite tired herself,covering her mouth with her palm as she hushed her yawn.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by Emoticon Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:39 pm

Akki noticed her fangs, until she covered them up. If he was staying here, he might as well risk it all on the chance that he might offend her. "Hey, what are you exactly?" He asked, hoping that it hadn't come out as bad as he thought it sounded. He knew that it was too late to debate on whether to ask her, since the dominoes were falling into place. He wanted to ask her more questions, but held back. Until he blurted one out. "Your story doesn't make sense." He bit his lip, wondering how she would take it. He saw that they had reached his house, but wouldn't go in until he got a response.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:43 pm

Tenshi halted to a stop as he asked the question. Her eyes searched inside his,but she wasn't offended. "I'm a goddess.. I'm not known to many in books or by religion. Matter in fact I'm new. I was sent here,into this village to help the ones in need and pass judgement. I'm also a kitsune,half human half fox." She smiled. "About my past.. I was Jesus's daughter,until I got this curse of kitsune. And now.. You put the pieces together." She giggled. She was glad to get that off her back,it was a lot to hold back.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by Emoticon Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:01 pm

Akki turned around to face her, not able to hold the shock from him face. "U-wha-never mind." He stuttered, and went towards the door. Leaving now would be weird, but he needed time to process information. He made up his mind. He opened the door and shut it behind him, not looking back. He could laugh a day ago about thinking that it was some horror movie, but this was a strange film. Slipping his backpack off on a chair, he sat on the couches. He would have to apologize, but he wasn't sure he wanted to approach her. That thought surprised him. It's not like she's a goddess or anything... He thought sarcastically.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:04 pm

Tenshi decided to walk away,thinking to. "Maybe I said to much.." She whispered. Walking to her own home,she opened the door and shut it behind her. What to do now? She was back in the same predicament as before. She sat down on the kitchen table and stared at the window. What to do what to do.. Get some sleep. She yawned,getting up and going to her room.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by Emoticon Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:29 pm

Akki spread out his legs on the couch, thinking about what to do. He wondered how she took it, and if she was crying right now. The thought made him uncomfortable. He decided to go apologize, but for what? Well, she was a goddess and everything, she would be fine. Deciding not too, he knew that he needed to go and apply for that job at the cafe. He might start living here permanently, which would require a house. Pissing off his tenant and making her cry wasn't the best start. Opening the door, he had a maybe a 20 minute walk ahead of him, but if things went well, he should be back by late noon.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:40 pm

Tenshi's ears pricked at the sound of a door opening. Sure,no /human/ would've heard it but,she wasn't human. Nope,not at all. She decided to ignore it though. It was his life,even though she did disturb it she wouldn't go deeper into it. She walked upstairs and opened her bedroom door. A normal bed,bathroom to the right and walk in closet to the left. She started to get some pjs.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by Emoticon Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:42 am

Akki stopped outside the cafe, looking into it from the tall glass windows. He could see the lady there, as well as Kara. Waking in, he found himself looking at a long line. A few people were sitting on the benches that were around the door. They didn't look like they were full, but they were slow. It only looked like the two of them this time. As the old lady passed by delivering a tray, she glanced at him, then stopped for a moment. Giving the patrons their food, she went up and greeted him at the line. "Oh, Oh! Akki how nice to meet you again." She said, though she glanced nervously at the kitchen. He decided to be blunt about it, maybe too much. "I would like to take that job offer, though I kinda need to get paid..." He whispered in her ear. She smiled, and led him to the kitchen. Kara gave him a glance, but didn't say anything.
She walked through the door to the kitchen, and motioned him to come in. He could see a few names on the boxes, along with the check-in cards. "If you do good today, I'll consider you full-time." She said, handing him a apron. As he fumbled to try and get the black apron on, she gave him a ticket. "We are quite behind on people today, and Kara is working the booth. Go and serve the tables, you should see the numbers on the tables. Be quick about it too." She put the ticket in his pocket as he was still trying to tie his apron on. He grabbed the ticket out of his pocket. "Number 49, eh." He said to no one in particular.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:33 pm

Tenshi put on a nice,light pink night gown. Her vision started to get blurry as she let out a long yawn. She walked over to her bed,crawling into it. She didn't work much today to be this tired,but she did notice it was getting close to winter. Even though they don't hibernate,they sure do sleep a good hours. Her hands reached for the covers,pulling it up to her body and dozing off into a deep slumber (Sorry it was rushed)
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by Emoticon Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:02 am

Akki was wiping down on of the last tables, his arms becoming numb. Kara was sitting down, texting on her phone. He had glanced at her a few times, and caught her looking at him. After he had thrown the rag away, he too had sat down at one of the tables. He heard some noise from Kara, but ignored it. Suddenly he could hear her sit down on the bench, across from him. She was staring at him, and she had finally set down her phone. "You're trying to take my job, aren't you?" She asked, surprisingly, not in her usual bitchy voice. He looked at her for a moment. "I need a job." He said, then got up from the table. Walking across the room, he flipped the switch off. Kara got up quickly after the lights went off.

Akki had locked up the cafe after Kara had gone, and had made his way home. He didn't know if he liked the job yet, but it would have to do. He had walked slowly to his house, glancing around him every few seconds. It was already dark outside, which had made him nervous. Staring at his house, he looked at it for a moment. He didn't think how lucky he was, though he didn't want to think about what followed. Shutting the door quickly, he hadn't even bothered to take his clothes off. He tried to take his shoes off without untying the laces. After a minute, he had managed to get them both off. He crawled further up his bed, and laid his head on a pillow.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:16 am

Tenshi laid in her bed,waking up shortly after her sleep. She was gasping for air,her hand on her chest as she panted. Sweat rolled down her face,her emerald iris's wide like saucers. Her red forehead tattoo was glowing quite brightly. She jumped out of her bed,her hand on the wall for balance as she coughed and coughed. She eventually coughed up a crimson liquid that had dripped into a puddle on her wooden floor. "B-blood.." She mumbled. She bowed to her knees,sitting beside the puddle.

Her eyes closed softly as she tried to calm down. Her breathing finally slowed down to its normal rate. Her mind started to travel into thought. The sun was coming up from the corner of her eye. It probably was a long sleep,she guessed. She had no clue why she did throw up a vital resource in her body. It made her mind twirl in deep thought. She sighed,letting those confused thoughts fly away.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by Emoticon Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:17 pm

Akki had woken up pretty early this morning, though he didn't know why. Something was vibrating in his pocket, and he slowly reached his hand into his pocket. He had grasped the surface of the phone, which woke him up. He pulled the phone out quickly and opened it, relieving the numbing sensation that was coming on. The phone stopped vibrating, and he looked at it. Another 1-800 number. He sighed and got up out of bed, not knowing what to do with them. Even if it was his interviewer, he wasn't going to go back. He might even be another trap. He slid his hands across his face, stretching the the process. It was still kinda dark outside, which led him to believe that his ex was messing with him again.

After Akki had taken a shower and dressed, he went outside and watched the sky. He thought he could see the sun, or that just might be a tree in the distance. He didn't know what he should do, but as he walked to Tenshi's house, he stopped. What was he doing at his landlady's house so early? He might have just dozed off, or had gotten confused with the light. He could hear something coming from the house, and he took a few steps forward. He was now by the door, wondering what he should do. The noise sounded like coughing. He hesitated a few seconds, wondering if it was coughing at all. Suddenly, it stopped. He was relieved that it had stopped, whatever the noise was. Or she could have just died. The thought worried him. She was up after all, right? He walked the remaining steps to her door and knocked, wondering if he would get a response. He knocked again, hoping that his dumb thoughts weren't right.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:19 pm

Tenshi's ears perked up,her eyes fixed on the stairs. She got up quickly,her hand on the wall as she covered her mouth to muffle a cough. She was twirled in a thin line of golden dust,her outfit changing to skinny jeans and the usual blue sweater. She limped toward the stairs,rushing down them while softly shouting "I'm coming!". She finally reached the bottom of the steps,looking at the door.

Akki.. Hopefully he didn't hear her. She walked fastky to the door and turned the knob,opening the door. She still has her hand on her mouth,letting go of the doorknob. "Morning." She said softly to him.
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by Emoticon Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:31 pm

Akki felt relieved that she talked. He didn't want to deal with a dead landlady with the cops sniffing around. He waited a few moments before she opened the door. He first poked his head inside to see if there was anything, then looked down at her. "Are you alright? I heard you coughing and I thought you might need some help." He said, rather concerned. She seemed fine, so he turned around. He then noticed something that was strange, and then turned back to her quickly. He put his arm on the door and leaned a bit closer to her. "Why are you covering your mouth like that?" He asked, looking closer at her hand. He thought he could see what might be blood, or was he imagining it?
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Tenshi nodded. "Oh,ok." she went to close the door,then looked at Akki. Her eyes went to her hand,moving it away from her mouth as blood was splattered over the palm. Her ears bent back,her tail curling between her legs as she started to breathe quite quickly again. He wasn't imagining blood,it was right there. She backed away a little,her eyes searching for an explanation.

(Grr so short! -facepalms-)
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A Fox's Tale (M) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Fox's Tale (M)

Post by Emoticon Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:51 pm

(lol, tis kay t(ツ)_/¯)

Akki backed away a bit, but continued staring at her hand. Well at least she wasn't dead, but now she was throwing up blood. What else could get more stranger in his life? An ex that sabotaged his interview, now his god landlady coughing up blood. Even with his thoughts he grabbed her hand, rather forcefully. He looked at the blood on her palm, it smudging on his fingers. "What happened?" He asked, still holding her hand.
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