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Ocean's Tale (redhead)

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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by Daydreamer Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:02 pm

The cry of seagulls pierced through the air above her. Shaylee watched as the waves caressed the shore of the beach. She sat cross legged on the sand, in jeans and a T-shirt. Out of place in the screaming girls running around In bikini's. her long golden hair waved in the wind around her. She kept her eyes lowered, not meeting anyone gaze that passed by, they always got a little freaked out by her huge, electric blue eyes. "weirdly beautiful" was what they called her, she didn't mind it.

"The quite one, secretive, whats she got to hide?" all the things she heard about her at school. She was different, nobody knew and she was going to keep it that way. She didn't know what sort of testing they would send her away to. She shuddered at the thought of being someones science experiment. Her passed parents worked so hard in keeping her safe, and her uncle did too, now as she lived with him. She remembered the look on his face, as she the social service workers had him come to get her, fist the shock, then the smile. He knew everything about her, and a he was only one except for her foster parents.

She watched the ocean, and sighed. Wishing that she could go swimming, but the part of the beach that wasn't crowded was a half hour drive from here, and she recently wrapped her car around a tree, so she wouldn't be getting far. She closed her eyes imagining slipping into the water, her legs closing together, and transforming into a beautiful blue green tail. The slice of the water around her as she swam through the waves. And the call of the dolphins as they came to play with her. She lost herself in these daydreams.
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by redhead14 Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:16 pm

Bentlie had just come out of his beach house wherre he lived by himself since his parents split 6 months ago. It wasn't a bad life, you got todo whatever you wanted. Have parties whenever you wanted and just not care. But it did tend to get lonely even though he did have the family cat living with him it was still ruff at times.

Heading down to the beach most of the girls came running over to bentlie mainly because he was the top jock at their high school, but he wasn't your typical jock, he was smart and loved art. Bentlie smiled as some of his guy friends finally made their way over to him. Soon a game of football started. Bentlie played quarter back and through the ball to an open team mate who missed and the ball landed next to shaylee. no one would go get it because they didn't know her but bentlie didn't care so he went over to get the ball.

" hey sorry about that shaylee you know how someone of these football players can be on the dumb side " bentlie said with a friendlt bright smile as he picked up the ball
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by Daydreamer Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:33 pm

Shaylee sighed wondering maybe if she could walk there, but quickly dismissed the idea, swimming for miles sure but she hated walking distances. She put her chi on her knees as she pulled them in. Maybe no one would see me if I slip in, but she doubted it. She would never take the chance that some one other than Her uncle, Tom, would know.

She looked up, seeing a group of guys from her school, the jocks, of course and a group of giggly girls surrounding them, probably gossiping. They had already seen her and she sighed, she really disliked those popular girls, who thought nothing except about boys clothes and make-up and the most work they would do would proboblly(sp?) be walking from a bad parking spot at the mall. She didn't pay attention to any them, until their football skidded to her side. She looked at it without moving then seeing one of the jocks jogging over to get it. Some of his friends laughing behind him. As he got to her side he spoke to her, she was slightly shocked. She turned her large eyes towards him and gave him a small smile with her big lips. "No problem, don't worry about it" she answered with a nod of her head, pretty surprised.
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by redhead14 Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:48 pm

Bentlie smiled as he saw her pretty big eyes look into his " I'm bentlie by the way" he said as he extend his hand to shake hers. " hey if you want you should come hang out with us I mean yeah their abunch of jocks and preppy girls but some of us have common sense and curtesy" bentlie said with another smile hoping that she would take him up on his offer.

" hey bentlie come on we have a game to finish" yelled one of the jocks that were waiting for bentlie to return to them. Some of the girls looked over at shaylee and bentlie and glared not happy he was being nice and friendly to her
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by Daydreamer Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:52 pm

Shaylee couldn't help but smile as she took one of his large hands into one of her gentle ones. "pleasure" she answered shyly. She looked over at the guys who were waving him over and shrugged. "Im not really a sporty person, I'd rather sit here, take photo's" she said lifting up the nikon that was around her neck. She loved photography and used any chance she could of taking any photo's. She caught one of the girls glares and quickly looked down, it was the one who called her owl eyes that once in the cafeteria when she accidentally bumped her. She looked at bentlie, "I'm okay here" she said with a small smile.
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by redhead14 Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:59 pm

Bentlie smiled as his large hand swallowed her much smaller one " I understand . I love art but don't let the other jocks no they might kill me" he said with a laugh and a wink. Bentlie saw his friends acting stupid " are you sure " he asked knowing why she would feel uncomfortabl " I mean you could take pictures of me if that made it better" he said smiling teasing her. " if you want you could watch from my house its right there " he said as he pointed over to where he lived hoping she would say yes
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by Daydreamer Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:06 pm

Shaylee let out a small laugh, one that didn't sound like a preppy teenager girl, but a sincere light one. She raised an eyebrow, " why pretend to be someone your not around your friends" she said bravely but just shook her head. She raised an eyebrow at his cocky tone, "oh really. What makes you think I want to take pictures of you?" she said also teasing him back. She looked towards his house and debated in her mind whether she should go or not. She looked up at him, "alright once im done her, why not" she said with a small smile.
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by redhead14 Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:04 pm

Bentlie laughed " hey I'm just as much of a jock as I am of a artist. I'm pretty sure they all no I love art anyway" he said with a smile. He enjoyed her fiestiness " uhh who wouldn't want to take pictures of this" he said as he flexed for her and started laughing before his friends and the girls started to yell again. Bentlie smiled as he heard her say sure why not " ok great" he said as he waved and went back to his football game
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by Daydreamer Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:09 pm

Shaylee smiled again as she looked at him, slightly squinting her. Eyes from the sun. "yea, right" she said with. A small snort. She raised an eyebrow at him as he flexed "ooh that just might impress the cheerleaders" she said starting to stand up holding her camera. She gave him ma small wave as he ran back to the game. She turned her head towards the beach watching the water. Aquaphobic, that was her excuse whenever someone asked her why she wouldn't go swimming. It was the best thing she could say and it a made people feel bad too so no one tried to pressure her into it. She sighed as she took a step back as the tide started to come in.
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by redhead14 Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:22 pm

As bentlie went back over to the jocks and the blondes most of the girls were still talking abotu shaylee tand how they didn't like bentlie giving her the time of day. As the football game came to a end bentlies team won and a lot of the jocks and girls were going to go out to a party which entlie planned to invite shaylee to if she wanted to go
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by Daydreamer Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:34 pm

Shaylee took a couple more pictures of the waters edfe a couple of formed rocks before putting her camera away for the day. She looked back at the game and saw that they hadn't finished quite yet, she shrugged. Might swell take bentlie up for the offer she thought as she started to walk towards the house that he pointed at. She looked up at the big house before stepping in, it was unlocked. She closed the door behind her and looked around, seeing a porch she went onto it. She got quite a view of the beach and she saw Bentlie, she took out her camera and zoomed in, snapping an amazing picture with a wave in the back, and sand flying around as bent lie had the football under his arm and running. She smiled at it, and watched the rest of the game.
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by redhead14 Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:02 am

As the game came to a end bentlie said good by to his friends knowing they would be back later that night for a beach party. As he walked over to his house he notice shaylee on the porch he smiled. " so you came after all" bentlie said with a cute smile as he sat his stuff down then went and sat over by shaylee
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:46 am

Shaylee smiled at him, with her full red lips. She turned off her camera and set it on her lap. She cocked her head at Bentlie, "well yes, it would've been rude not too, after you invited me" she said with a small laugh. Scootching over to make room for him on the couch.
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by redhead14 Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:50 am

Bentlie smiled and laughed at shaylees answer " maybe just alittle " he said as he look out at the beach " I always loved the beach I was practically born on it" he said with a soft grin watching the waves then he turn back to shaylee " what about you I've notice you come here a lot but never go in the water" he said as he studied her large beautiful blue eyes
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:19 pm

Shaylee smiled at Bentlie, "I love the beach too, I love the water though" she said. She looked at him slightly shocked that he had noticed. She shrugged and lowered her gaze and played with the buttons on her camera. "I use to love swimming, I spent most of my days in the water, but last year I was on a boating trip with my parents, and something happened, there was an explosion and they were killed in it, I survived. Although now I can't go into the water, i'm aqua-phobic. Ironic huh?" she said with a small laugh, she felt so bad about lying to Bentlie but she had too.
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by redhead14 Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:36 pm

Bentlie listened as shaylee talked and told him why he never went into the water. Bentlie felt horrible " I'm sorry I did know" he said as she finished speaking " and I thought I had it bad. My. Dad cheated on my mom 3 years ago after finding out my sister wasn't really his baby" he said then looked away " their diviorced now and maya lives with mom n out step dad george" nentlie said before looking back at shaylee
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:57 pm

Shaylee's stomach turned as he told her his story, she felt bad about lying about her aqua-phobia, but she was a freak in his world and her secret was just too big to tell someone. Shaylee shrugged, "Its okay, and im sorry that had to happen with your parents" she said. She missed her parents, she remembered the boating accident like it was yesterday. She couldn't help it but she gave him a small hug. She pulled back with a small blush on her face.
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by redhead14 Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:39 pm

bentlie shrugged " its just life it happens sometimes" he said right before shaylee gave him a hug. he smiled and hugged her back before she pulled away from him " you look cute when you turn red" bentlie said with a soft laugh before brushing some hair out of shyalees face
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:46 pm

Shaylee started to laugh, "Thanks...I think" she said and lowered her head again. "So are you going to that beach part tonight?" she asked curiously, she had heard about it from one of her own friends. She'd never really been to parties, not her place but no harm in asking.
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by redhead14 Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:53 pm

bentlie laughed then when shaylee asked about the party he smiled " actually the party is at my house the gregs house you no the soccer captin he lives right next door" he said with a smile before looking at her with a msile" i was actually hoping you would come and would like to come hang out with me" he said rubbing the back of his neck before looking out at the beach then back to her " thats only if you want to though" he said kindof blushing
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by Daydreamer Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:03 pm

Shaylee laughed when she saw him blush, "You look cute when turn red" she said using his same words with a small wink. She shrugged, "I dunno, i've never really been to a party" she said looking a little hesitant, "But okay, I'd love to come" she said with an excited twinkle in big blue eyes.
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by redhead14 Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:33 pm

bentlie laugh as shaylee copied off of what he had said to her. as she spoke bentlie got alittle sad but then when she said yes he smiled really big " great and dont worry you could always stay beside me if you get scared" he said with a wink before moving just incase she took a swing at him.
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by Daydreamer Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:46 pm

Shaylee rolled her eyes playfully. "Ha Ha, very funny" she said with a small chuckle. She laughed as he moved over, "What are you scared of the owl girl?" she said laughing at her own joke. She didn't mind the nickname's, they didn't bug her because they meant nothing to her, but that didn't mean she could make fun of them herself. "Well I hope this party doesn't get too crazy, oh and I don't drink" she said quickly with a small frown.
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by redhead14 Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:53 pm

Bentlie smiled " why should I be afriad of a pretty girl" he said as he winked at her. Then as she told him she doesn't drink he laughed " that makes two of us I don't drink or smoke and I'm always the driver" he said as he looked at her
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Ocean's Tale (redhead) Empty Re: Ocean's Tale (redhead)

Post by Daydreamer Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:09 pm

Shaylee laughed and raised an eyebrow, "Flattery won't get you anywhere" she said with humor in her eyes. She cocked her head, "Really? I didn't think..." she said but then again she hadn't really known him except for today. She shook her head brushing it over, "this party...we won't be going close to the water will we?" she asked, she needed to make sure it was safe before she went to this party.
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