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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by themagus Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:53 pm

Kevin Tennet was walking down the street to his house on a warm Tuesday afternoon. His work was done and with the care he regularly did his job no one should call him till tomorrows' early morning, when the slightly dumb supply delivery driver would get to the warehouse and forget that he had the key.
He was walking the usual path in the slump casual clothes he clang to wearing even though his paycheck could afford him a more neat look, this made people forget him, if they ever bothered to look. He also walked on the outer part of the sidewalk, as close to the road as he could because people didn't feel comfortable walking near whizzing cars, but Kevin took comfort, this way no one would have to look at him because they walked into eachothers' paths.
Kevin was a McDonalds' branch manager, and a bad one at that. He was doing his chores better than most, though he would never think that but he never went to staff meetings and let someone else interview new employees. As to how he got there? When he was on his 2nd month as a cashier his current branch manager died. No one wanted the job and when they asked him if he wanted the job he accepted, only because he was too afraid of further conversation if he said 'No'. He didn't have the chance to find out that his boss was a greedy thief because he skipped the staff meetings from the first day and as unexpected as it is his boss because afraid of him only because he couldn't talk to Kevin directly. This created the image that there was something very wrong and suspicious in that new branch manager, and it's better to let him do his job as long as things go well and he don't talk about a salary raise.
Kevin wasn't a reader, unless the chat room online games offered counted, which Kevin dismissed as reading. He did read a book every once in a while, when those black pools under his eyes gone too black and told him he should lie down and stop starring at his computer monitor. This was one of those times so now he carried a book in his brown-and-silver shoulder bag so he could resist the temptation where-ever he went.
The book was called 'A Tale of an Old Kingdom'. Kevin found the name banal but it was actually pretty good. He found nice plot and deep characters and the story seemed slightly serious, like when an old man tell a story about a scar from a battle he once fought. 'It's the style' he thought 'The author has a different style, makes the same words interesting' so he was reading in his room till evening when his cell-phone suddenly went off. This wasn't anyone calling, Kevin simple forgot that this was Tuesday, the usual raid day in his online game, and as an admin of his clan it was his turn to lead a team down a dungeon.
5 minutes.
He turn the computer on and sat down on his bed, could he finish the book by then?
Only a few more pages...
He was a fast reader but the race prooved impossible. The HTC smartphone range again and Kevin close the book shut, the bookmark leaving only a thin white line of paper between the bulk of pages and the back cover. He knew he shouldn't do it, he should rest and keep drinking as much water as his body will allow him, but he smiled inwardly, he missed the rising group of newbies he was tutoring through the game, and he wondered if they'll be up to a more difficult task when he saw, through some sort of a miracle, all his old buddies whom he met when they themselves were new to the game online. After apologizing to his low ranking group he set off with the big boys to a good three hours run of the hardest mission the game had to offer.
Well past his bed time Kev ordered his computer to shut and turned the screen off. Sighing, he rolled over to his bed, his mind still running images of ability bars and monsters mixed with the less familiar images of elven warriors fighting off a warlord he read about in his newest book. Darkness crept, quickly and quietly and Kevin was out of it before pulling on the blanket.

Morning came and Kevin didn't remember answering his phone in the middle of the night, though he apparently had because there was an answered incoming call from the delivery guy. He didn't have time to think about it, he overslept, and if he'd be late everyone would stare at him, he hated that.
Wednesday wasn't a busy day but for some reason paperwork kept showing up and the phone rang just when he thought he might have a moment to make himself something to drink. By noon he was exhausted and allowed himself to smash the phone on the table when the call ended, without damaging it too much and massaged his eyes with his palms.
He waddled to the kitchen and returned with a steaming cup of strong apple tea and sipped. Nothing happened.
Kevin finally allowed himself to relax. He pulled the shoulder bag to his lap and pulled out the book. Looking at the bookmark he mentally scolded himself, leaving a book unfinished when being so close wasn't like him.
He read the remaining pages. Then, he read them again, and again. Then he looked at the summery on the back cover of the book, to see if it held any hints as to what was going on with the story, but the story simply didn't have an ending. No twists, no 'To be continued', no sudden rush of heroes that save the day, nothing. Instead the author seemed to have the notion that the reader should... conjure... the ending. Was that even possible?
'By all the hells my character been through!' This sucked. He wanted to know how the story ends, for some reason he really, really wanted to know. You couldn't make such a thick book with good characters and a nearly biographic plot and not to end the story!
This really bugged him and only became more and more annoying as the day turned out to be more and more boring. He was eventually angry with himself for falling for such a book so he hurried to leave and made his way quickly, deciding on his next in-game raid.
A colorful array could his eye, he was passing a flower shop 'Eight rose leaves...' Was he crazy? 'Does it matter?

He got back home and immediately went out to the alley next to his house. The road was mainly dust so making a circle with a tree branch wasn't a problem, his sense of direction always served him so placing the leaved wasn't a problem, he spread the rest of the ingredients and simply included a metal-made power line pole as 'lightning' in his circle. He held the book in front of him and went down to his knees, speaking the incantation words as the book ordered and closed it to see what happens.
Nothing did. Kev felt stubborn after all the fuss so he waited for a little while longer to see more nothing happening. A bird couple flew by 'When impatient count to 5. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5.' And still the nothing was all over him.
He took a deep breath and released it with a sigh 'Back to the game'.
He straightened both his legs simultaneously but before he could stand up, in mid-squat, a lightning struck his circle and all he could see was a purple-black void that sucked him inside with enormous gravity. Kevin went head first into what should have been the ground and into enigmatic darkness.

Kevin woke smelling nature. He knew it was nature because he used to like it when he was small. He was lying on his back, one of his cheeks touching the earth. He opened his eye but everything was burry and he couldn't quite figure where his limbs were. He tried to look around but couldn't understand what he was seeing and hearing someone speak to his he replied with what would sound like 'Aa uu eeii' and even he didn't know what it was suppose to mean. All he could do was to flail his arm and legs without really knowing where they are or where to place them.

[ ok, few things -
1 - sorry it took me that long
2 - introductions are always longer, but don't expect me to pull something so long again, I can only guess it's because I'm so tired and not that conscious, which make writing feel this sort of fuzzy-fun
3 - Emoticon it's your turn I think? Find him and help him up!
4 - sorry it took so long, again
5 - please tell me this post is fine? to make me feel better X_X
6 - I know I need to say something else but I don't remember it right now. ]

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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by Emoticon Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:08 pm

(okay, I'll make a bio for her later)

Irene sat down on the tree stump, the bark feeling slightly uncomfortable. She was slightly tipsy from her day at the pub, even though she didn't have anything to drink; or well she didn't plan to. Some warriors thought it would be funny and make fun of her, then force the beer down her throat. She put her hand around her neck, still recalling almost choking with the foul liquid. "Violent men..." She muttered to herself, knowing that she was working at one of the sausage fests around the town. Warriors and travelers would come in from around and tell stories and drink. The pub she worked at often had problems with fights and all-out-brawls. Even if she didn't want to work there, she needed the gold. A few men on horseback walked past her, glancing in her direction. She pulled down her hood to hide her face, the brown leather concealing her ears. She was an elf, not knowing any of her kind. She had never met another one of her kind, though she guessed from the stories, an elf wouldn't work at a place like she did. A leather band could usually cover her elvish ears, though it's uncomfortable. She stuck with the hood for traveling the most used paths, making sure to bow her head so that no one saw her face.
The men took a second glance at her, but kept moving. She hid her sigh of relief and got up, walking off the sandy path. Even through the leather, she could hear more people coming towards her. Her leather cloak wouldn't help ease the suspicions of what the two pointy tips on her hood were. Stepping towards a very thick patch in the forest, she started to quicken her pace. A wall of thick thorns and sharp branches were blocking her path, but that didn't stop her. Most people would have turned around, or try to find a different path, but not her. Gaining speed, her soft fur boots didn't have much padding, making it painful to walk on the sharp rocks. Finally, she felt herself sprinting towards the wall. It seemed like it would sprout legs and grab her, but she shook it off as her imagination. Jumping off her final stride, she jumped forward to clear the wall of thorns. As her body moved upwards, the wind tugged at her hood, blowing it off her head. Her elvish ears snagged on the hood at first, but the hood soon blew back. They took a moment to regain their posture, but then she could move them around. White blond hair streamed out from behind her, falling slightly below her shoulders. Her green eyes were the features that were most interesting, since one was green, and the other one was grey. It was almost a teal color, though it was lighter around the end of her Iris. Her hair streamed out from behind her, but she paid no head.

She landed silently, though she could feel the dull pain in her knee. Standing up quickly, she left the wall of thorns behind her, trying best to duck her head from the pointy branches. She twisted her agile body around, avoiding most of the branches. A few of them managed to poke her, but none drew blood. After the last low-hanging branch ended, a break in the forest let a streak of light in. Around her was a small pond with a few leaves floating on the surface, being picked at by fish. The grass was much greener then the grass by the dusty path, creating a green circle. She felt her ears twitch, hearing the sound in the center. She glanced at the creature on the ground, then walked up to it. Sitting on her knee's, her cape fell lightly behind her. "Hello creature." She said, not knowing what the being was. It looked a lot like a normal person, but it was dressed in strange clothing and smelled weird. Hearing the reply, she thought that it must not speak. It might be a dumber version of what she thought it was, but she continued speaking to it. "Creature!" She yelled on what might be the face of it.
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by themagus Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:30 pm

The loud shout made him stop waving his limbs, things were becoming clearer and... did that person just called him 'creature'? Who called someone else a creature? Even if you don't know someone... But that thought disappeared with a groan as Kevin put the elbow of his right hand under him and supported himself with his left, turning himself around to see the speaker. A young woman, his brain tagged her automatically as an Elf. Common clothes and not armed 'low level...' His mind stopped again, he was partly chewing on a leaf, a physical, real leaf. He was alive where-ever he was, and this place was real.
It took him a moment of silence catch up with what he was thinking and then his brain made a logical line of thought as followed: I'm real > I'm here > This place is real > Elves are not real > She's not an Elf which led him to the somewhat childish reaction - "Hehe", a short laugh, "Your ears look funny." Then he remembered surgeries and odd situations and asked with some honesty in his voice "Did something happened to you?"
At this point of shock and confusion he had one part of his brain fighting the other, and they both demanded he'll take action to decide which one of them is right. So Kevin reached to the debatable Elf, and he felt like his hand took forever to cross this short, unavoidable path but he did find the smooth skin of her cheek. He didn't hold it, he only touched her with his fingertips. Tentatively, sensitively, he ran them from her template to her jaw. Wide eyed as a goat and open mouthed, his hand stopped on her way back, a short distance from the beautiful face, he was surely the first man to ever see a real Elf and he mouthed a small, shy "Hello." as he slowly realized he might just have offended the girl.

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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by ZeldaWolfy Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:53 pm

A small,snake like creature was swirling over head. It circled the two,landing softly on the ground as it's massive head bowed. It was an ancient dragon. It's scales were pure white,it's mane green and body long and thin. He would be mistaken as a chinese dragon,only if his accent didn't tell where he was from. "Hello,Kevin. I see you've met with a terrible fate." he smiled,his body stature proud and mighty as he sat down.
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by Emoticon Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:15 pm

Irene stood still as he stirred, wondering if the creature would speak. When he looked up at her, she didn't realize that her hood was down, exposing her ears. She blushed a bit, but before she could pull her hood over her head, it spoke. The voice sounded childish, maybe his kind was tall? Or maybe his body grew faster then his mental state? She watched in wonder as it got up and looked at her, but she remembered her ears. He was staring at her ears like everyone else who would see them, monster or person. She shuffled backwards, giving a small smile and looking down. Suddenly she froze as his fingner touched her face, and she looked up. She stayed still as his hand moved across it, and she let out a small giggle since it tickled. As she realized that it might be mature, she stood up. Looking at the face, she blushed and turned away. "Ah, yes hello. I am an elf, creature." She walked a short distance away, and turned around. "Are you hurt?" She asked. Suddenly she saw something white around her, and she turned to see the dragon. The green mane of the creature didn't look so alien as the it's pure white scales. "O-Oh." She said, suddenly realizing what it was.

(Sorry I don't remember from the chat XD, but does she know the book and the dragon and what is meant for him? Oh and also, do the monsters have to be violent or can they just like, own the place?)
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by themagus Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:25 pm

[ Umm ye she knows of the legend about the human who will come and set this land free and she knows that only the creator of the book is the only one who can destroy the book but only the dragon know how to get to the creator. The monsters will be edgy when he's around and will become violent and attempt to capture him if they'll figure who he is. ]

Kevin was suddenly overwhelmed with the situation, he manage to stumble where he stood and mumble under his breath "Oh I'm fine. I... I'm sorry" he said while briefly glancing at the elven ears. He was about to blush when he heard the unfamiliar voice calling his name and turned his attention from the elf to the... DRAGON! 'Not a big dragon' a small voice in his mind reassured him, but a dragon nontheless. His eyes popped open and he stood frozen for what seemed to be a very short moment until his body demanded he will continue breathing and when he did he did so slowly as someone would act in front of an aggressive beast. Maybe the situation where he could die helped clearing or maybe it was that he wasn't alone at this moment but Kev managed to regain his composure and looked into the dragons' eyes.
"What kind of fate exactly, dragon?"
He asked while moving closer to the girl. This wasn't usually him, he was the standing aside guy but somehow this was different. 'Don't be ridiculous, how is THIS not different? but he couldn't resist it, that moment felt like nothing in his life did and if he knelt to chant from a book, he'll do this too.

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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by ZeldaWolfy Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:53 pm

Toshiro lowered his body to the height of them both,his spiral body wrapping around them but,carefully not squeezing the life out of them. "A magical,adventurous one. You've read the book,I watched. Was it not amazing?" He smiled,remembering such fond memories of his own creator.
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by Emoticon Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:59 am

Irene blushed a bit, the dragon wrapping around them bringing them a bit closer. She didn't really think about her ears at the moment, but she hid them behind her hair just for good measure. She wasn't sure if she was excited or fearful since the boy had come, but there was no going back now. She shrunk a bit to avoid the scales rubbing against her skin, which felt weird to her. "U-um...I'm guessing this is the one?" She already knew the answer to her question, though she asked anyway.
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by themagus Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:14 pm

[ Just so you know - it's really hard making him not-faint >.< ]

Kevs' eyes widened, this dragon was watching him while he was reading...? This whole dragon?! In his room? At his work? Even if it could turn invisible how could he fins a large enough space fir him to lie low without anyone noticing that there was something there? Was the dragon spying on his every move? The tightening ring of scales around him didn't help his cool either and it was when he heard the elf asking if he was the one when a bell rang in his mind. Not a small bell at that.

He pushed one floating scaly mid-section that to his head level, stepped over another mid-section (or that was what he assumed it is, hard to tell when there's so much of the same section), faced the two and slowly walked backwards "No." He said, pointing with both his hands at the two, who not only seemed to know what they were about but also seemed to know what he was in for.

"No. No-no-no-no-no, nnnno." His fingers warned the the pair to keep this whatever notion they had in their own minds because he was afraid it was beginning to leak into his. He was more afraid, getting close to hysteric actually, that it finished leaking and he now had atleast most of it.

reaching inside his shoulder-bag Kevin grabbed the book 'I'll just get the instructions, do whatever it says and I'll be back home.'
But after quickly glancing at the last page while keeping the elf and dragon in sight his heart sank. Instead of the instructions there was what would cryptically be a 'good luck and fare well' message from the author. He couldn't move at first but then he swallowed, sighed and looked at the mythical beings with a measure of desperation.

What am I going to do now?

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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:51 am

Toshiro loosened his grip on the elf,his body crawling toward Kevin with a smile. He knew how humerous the author was,and how much he wanted the reader to have a kick in his adventure theories. He stopped so his head was near Kevin's,looking down at the book and reading what he thought was it. "Yes,he has good humor. Anyway,don't deny such events. It is true,you are the one in the book." his whiskers drew back as his eyes scanned the place,making sure there was no such beings around to harm anyone. "Although,you must accept fate quickly! So we can be rid of this hazardous place!"
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by Emoticon Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:35 pm

Irene looked around as the dragon eyed the place too, wondering if something was wrong. "But this is a Safe Haven...." She let the sentence trail off into a mutter, eyeing the creature. "Creature, Do you have name?" Almost as soon as she was done with the sentence, she heard slashes from behind her. She turned around and ran toward them, wondering what was making the noise. She could hear more slashes, the rough laughter. "What is that smell?" She heard the being in front of her say. She realized that they had just slashed down the thorn barrier, and were now coming towards the new creature. She turned to run, but then something held her leg. "What a pretty bitch you are!" It said, and she felt herself being lifted. Her head touched one of the horns on it's head, while it's black eyes stared at her. "Ohh, it's a elf I see, I haven't eaten one in awhile." The monster licked it's lips, showing out a forked tongue.
She shivered and watched it's scaly arm begin to lower her to his height, which was about 7 feet. She could see the fangs on his mouth, and his hands began to hold her. She let out a yelp as he picked her up by her arm, his claws digging into her flesh. She felt his muscles bunch, and then he opened his mouth. "If I remember, elf blood has it's price." He let out a strange roar, while the one's around him roared with him. The other ones were the same kind, except for a giant-sized Snake. It had spikes on the top of it's body, while it had a wide, black hood. The snake's under body was brown, and the rest was black. She closed her eyes as his huge face came towards her arm, and his tongue licked up the blood. He sniffed again, having a confused look on his face. "Something smells....better. Let's go-" Irene saw her chance and twisted out of his hand, bringing up her feet and kicking at his wrist. He let out a loud roar and lunged at her, but she was too fast. Running wildly, she shivered in disgust as she saw the saliva on her arm. Reaching the dragon and the new creature, she quickly looked behind her. "We must go now!" She said and grabbed the creature's hand, pulling him towards her. She could hear a tree soon crack and the sound of the beast sniffing.

Pulling him to run faster, she soon looked towards a cliff. She ran towards it and stopped at the edge, leaning over it. It had to be at least a 3 story drop. She then heard a loud grunt behind her. The monster was only 10 feet away, and it only had to make one more step before it reached her face. Reacting quickly, she jerked his hand off the cliff, holding on to him tightly. She let herself be pulled off the cliff, but held on to the edge. She could hear the air of the monster's swipe in her ears, and she tried to swing them to the rocky side of it. She let go and missed the monster just by a few inches, and put her hands out on the stone wall. She found a thick branch sprouting out from the side, and grabbed onto it. To her horror, the branch soon snapped off quickly.
She looked at the ground, and saw that her feet were almost at the cracked mark. She didn't close her eyes, but stared in silent terror. She watched as the ground soon cracked beneath her, and a dark hole swallowed her up. She had pulled the creature up so it didn't hit the ground first, but as they went through the hole, she soon realized it was a tunnel. She felt her back rub against dirt, and the creature's body was pushed on to hers. After a few seconds, she started to try and push him away, suffocating. She thrashed widely around, but then she felt the dirt disappear. She could hear the sound of running water, and soon splashed into it. The water was surprisingly warm, but she broke the surface for air. She had let go of the creature as she thrashed around, and she splashed around her. It was pitch black and she couldn't see anything.
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by themagus Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:39 pm

Kevin had the urge to drop the book and walk backwards so the dragon won't get closer to him but he knew it won't work so he just held the book out with a hand frozen with fear. Good humor? Did the dragon just mocked him? It's one thing a book mocking someone but a dragon...

He couldn't think that this place was peaceful just as the elf mouthed it and a thought came to him when she asked him for his name "Creature? You mean there are no humans here...?" but his words faded a they trailed of after the elf that seemed to suddenly be up to something. Kevin eyed the dragon and began to slowly follow her, trying not to make sounds as he carefully stepped around small bushes and above thin branches. He could see her just as she got free, kicking the tall monster that help her. He was back at the clearing long before she did. He tried to tell the dragon what he saw, but he was out of air, even after this short run and the state of alertness his mind assumed since he woke up fired adrenaline into his body made his reactions quick and innacurate.

Hearing her should he tried to replied but instead of words a blurt came out of his mouth as he was whisked away into another crazy run that ended with cliffhanging. Kevin tried to hold on the best he could but the exercise exhausted him and as the elven girl shook him his hands let go and she swung and let go, throwing them away from the monster... and off the cliff. He probably screemed though he never really knew if he did because as they got closer to the ground so did his world because duller and black, then an image jumped into his sight - the girl, having her eyes open and looking toward the point where they'll hit the ground and die. His heart skipped a beat at the serene moment of admiration of unearthed beauty and courage, just before he completely fainted, and just before the moment they were supposed to hit the ground.

[ umm I didn't understand the cliff part so I hope what I wrote about that part is OKay. And for the protocol - He's face down, in the water, not splashing, and ye he need help again, just this time he NEED help >.< But I can't blame him, elf, dragon, monsters, mortal danger and attempted suicide by jumping off a cliff is a LOT for 10 minutes of consciousness in a new unheard-of fantasy land so... ye xD ]

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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by Emoticon Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:50 am

(Lol okay. She jumped off the cliff to try and grab the branch but it cracked, and it's actually a root from the tree that was once there. The cliff is kinda rocky and sandy on the barren side, the side with the roots, and grassy on the top part. Does that explain it?)
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by themagus Sat Feb 16, 2013 8:36 am

[ Yeah though we get past that in your post so it's not that important, good to know, anyways. ]

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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:13 am

(So,they're falling,right? xD)
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by Emoticon Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:42 am

(They were, but now there in a underground lake)
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:47 am

(God in two posts how can so much CHANGE!)

Slithering away from the giant monsters from battle,he watched the elf fight from tree top. A smile came upon his face as he watched her break free. A typical elf with great speed.. He thought. His thoughts though made him sidetrack as he saw the two rush off. With a quick leap he soared through the sky like a flying snake without wings. He took a five as he saw them fall into a deep lake. He hated getting soaked,but I think he'd put that aside. He lifted his body up as he came to a soft landing above water,his claws digging under its surface as he watched the two from above.

(Forgive if its not exactly on-line here xD)
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by Emoticon Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:20 am

Irene took a couple more breaths as she looked around, hoping that she could find the creature. Swimming in wide circles, she soon touched the creature shoulder. Pulling on it, she soon found out that he was limp. She drew his body closer to hers, and tried to keep him above the water. She took in gulps of water as she was weighed down by him, and struggled to find the surface. Putting him belly side up, she leaned on his leg lightly. She breathed in, almost gagging at swallowing the nasty water. Beginning to pull him by his legs, she hoped that he hadn't swallowed any water. Eventually, he leg managed to hit something hard, and saw a dim light in the distance. Swimming towards it, the water level dropped and she was now walking on the sandy bottom. The light was huge, burning fire. She hoped that a monster wasn't near it, but she had to take a chance. Dragging him up out of the water, she looked at his face. She could only see bits of it, due to the dim light.
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by themagus Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:28 pm

Kevin felt like something was drawing him from under deep water as he came to, gagging and coughing out water while leaning on his elbow and he noticed that we was lying on warm and soft sand. After his lungs were clear he lie back down and looked at the young elven girl.
"Thank you for saving me. You don't have to call me 'Creature', my name is Kevin, and I'm a human." He sat and smiled "Umm you may have told me, but it's been pretty rough here and I can't recall your name."
He sat with hands around his legs, enjoying the fires' heat and watching as it painted the elf in fiery colors in a way that showed her exposed side so fiercely and completely swallowed the other side with shadows. He stood to let the fire warm him better and to take a better look at her. Just standing there she had more grace than anyone he remembered and deep down he was impressed, admiring.
"Umm..." He hesitated, but figured he's going through with whatever's going on whether he likes it or not "What are we going to do now? I mean, about this - " He pulled out the book while what he wanted to say was formed into words in his mind " - How are we going to end the story?"
It seemed a good time to ask that question, it was quiet and remote, unless those monsters would try that huge drop into the lack, which he didn't think was likely.

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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by Emoticon Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:48 pm

Irene didn't smile at him, she was exhausted. He had started coughing up water, which she didn't know was a good sign or not. She would've learned that medicine stuff if the training hadn't been so expensive. She had her face away from him, but she was surprised when he spoke. She wondered what a human was, but they seemed the same as the normal people. She had thought that they might be half-monster, which she didn't know how she would feel about, and could transform. Knowing that he wasn't a monster, she drew a deep breath and sagged her shoulder. "Good." She said. He had asked for her name again, which she didn't mind telling him. "You must be a different human then the others, Kevin." She felt weird using that name. Had she heard it before? "My name is Irene, Kevin." She used it again, just to get it to fit. She was on-edge since he was by the fire, but walked up. The people seemed to have abandoned it, leaving the fire going. Or the monsters could have left it, for whatever reason. Even though the water was warm, she was still getting cold. The fire helped dry her off, and provide warmth. As he pulled out the book and asked about it, she bit her lip. "I don't know, I think someone out there knows. But like all good stories, maybe like the ones you have heard, have a good and a bad part. If this is what the adventure is, we probably just started it." She knew that it was her duty to take care of Kevin. She also hoped that it included a happy ending, which she didn't mention, not wanting to scare him.
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by ZeldaWolfy Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:17 pm

His eyes narrowed,the colors turning from emerald to ghost white. They scanned the ocean floor,until finding a trail of bubbles from the elf and human. He took a long breath of air,his stomach stretching as scales made those cracking noises. He lifted up to his hind legs,and dived right down into the water. Like a spear,he slashed right through it and swam into the cave. His eyes searched for the opening,while he had just listened to them talk. Their voices were echoed underwater,and it was a perfect place to spy. He slowly floated to the top. Like a crocodile,his noise and eyes were seen as his whiskers swirled in the water. "Ah,she is right. There is someone who knows the ending. Fate. He will decide who you meet,and who you will become. He decides your death,and your rebirth. His decision,can change everything about your future." the albino dragon said with a noble tongue. His eyes searched the cave,adjusting to the light.
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by themagus Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:53 pm

"If this is what the adventure is, we probably just started it."
'Just the start? So I have so much time to spend here? The thought was meek, and Kevin wrapped his fingers around his cell phone that obviously didn't work after a good unconscious swim in the underground lake. It wasn't going to be of any use anyways, not some other things he had and no matter what he did he was stuck there.
Then the dragon spoke, and the thirst thing Kevin could think, and even if he wanted to he couldn't stop it was 'Fate is cruel.' There wasn't any answer not clue in that, and nothing was going to help him it seemed. He could feel the frustration, the gouging, all the time he spend as being a no-one and what he did to keep it that way, the lack of value in his life 'Why out of al-- and then it burst "Damn it!" He collapsed to the ground, his right fist hitting the sand and the left hand supporting his quivering figure "DAMN IT!" his voice was shaking and his fist hit the ground again.
He opened his mouth but couldn't say a word, if he tried it would be something between weeping and speech. He wouldn't cry, but all his life were suddenly a burden, and this place, the place he was mastering wasn't his anymore, there was nowhere to run, and all of it was in the verge of his red eyes and gaping mouth, he wouldn't cry out or let tears wash him, but it also was too much to keep going.

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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by Emoticon Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:05 pm

Irene was about to stop the dragon when she stopped, mouth open. She had leaned over, ready to touch the dragon if necessarily. But she stared at Kevin, then shuffled uncomfortably. The dragon, she thought, either didn't care or didn't know. His sudden burst surprised Irene, who backed away from the fire. The fire suddenly seemed dangerous, and she needed to get away from it. Her eyes darted from Kevin to the dragon. She was going to go help him, but she was afraid of what she might do to her. She closed her mouth and tried to make out what she could see of his face with the fire. The fire was dimming and she was getting tired, and guessed that the sun might be setting soon. She was mostly dry with damp spots in a few areas, but she cautiously walked with her knees towards Kevin. She was ready to jump back and defend herself if he attacked her. "K-Kevin..." She said, wondering if she should comfort him. Closing the distance of 3 feet, she sat on her knees next to him. "Don't be afraid..." She tried to calm him down, which made her wonder how she would react to the news. She knew that she would only react later, maybe when no one was around to see her weak. She leaned forward, supporting herself with her hands. She wanted to touch him, but held back.
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:05 pm

(You guys may go on,I can't think of anything for drago right now.)
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A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R] Empty Re: A Tale of an Old Kingdom [R]

Post by themagus Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:54 pm

[ Sorry for taking so long ]

Kevin raised his head to see Irene beside him. He was too absorbed in his emotions to fully understand her but he knew she was comforting him, that she said something so he could feel better. His life seemed to be freefalling from a high cliff but she was there and he, he could trust her, couldn't he...?
He began leaning toward her, too, and slowly, unforcibly, he buried his face in her shoulder, his hands hanging to her shirt near his face, and his tears flowed.

'Just a little, I can just a little...'

"I'm sorry"
He said when he finally could speak, and after that he felt like he could move so he leaned back, just a little, so she could see his face though he still couldn't look at hers.

[ Sorry it's short too, but lets see if it works? If not let me know and I'll change it! ]

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