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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:14 pm

Koty~I smile warmly, my flash a hidden feeling and back to their normal blue. I lean back and let her trace my tattoo while I admire her cute face and curious eyes
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:47 pm

I follow the tattoo up his neck and stop resting my hand on his shoulder


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:43 pm

I smiled small and looked at him


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:00 pm

Koty~I catch her hand and hold it there as I gaze into her eyes
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:03 pm

I look back into his but not sure what to do


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:22 pm

Koty~I don't and will never know what took over my body that moment. It may have been lust or just a great desire for a beautiful girl. I leaned forward and pulled her face to mine. I kissed her lip right then and there out in the open.
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:26 pm

I was suprised for a second and then put both of my hands on his shoulders and lean into him kissing him back my eyes fluttering closed


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:42 pm

I pull her to me and i wrap my arms around her delicate waist, daring to deepen the kiss
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:10 pm

I wrap my arms around his neck, tilting my head to the side deepening the kiss


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:51 pm

We sat kissing in privicy under the old oaks. I had used one of my gifts to pull us to the trees without feeling it. I put my hand at the small of her back and the other intertwined in her hair. I kissd her gently and slow, gradually picking up the pace. My tongue explored her mouth and my fangs nipped her lower lip which bled but didn't hurt her nit gave her a peasurable feelin as I licked it up. I opened my eyes every so often to check for signs of discomfort
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:53 pm

I smiled and was pretty much doing the same


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:20 pm

I pull away slightly from his lips to breathe


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:24 pm

"What are you two kids doing!" came a loud annoying voice. I slowly pulled away from her, licking the blood off both of our lips before turning to the voice. I plasterEd a fake smile to my face and turns to the snob who had come over. "what doEs it look like?" I ask calmly. She snotty girl flipped her hair, "sucking face. Anyway you are not suppose to be out past 9 and it's 11!" she hissed and shimmied away. "11!?" I eclaimed. I hurried to put my shirt back on.
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:30 pm

I got up "Wow that late?! Well see you tomorrow I guess." I look at him and get my jacket and put it on and start to walk back to my dorm


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:33 pm

I was about to say something but she was gone. I shrugged and shuffled off with my hands in my pockets
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:38 pm

I quietly open my door to my dorm with Tracy and Ricky still awake I put my fingers to my lips and quietly shut the door and sit on my bed
Ricky: "OMG! Jamie why were you out so late!?"
I rolled my eyes "Shh.." I snap "I was hanging out with someone now shut up." I lay down on my bed and hide under the covers smiling brightly Tracy yawned and layed on her bed but didn't sleep
Ricky: I sigh "fine don't tell me." I snort and fall asleep on my bunk
I finally fell asleep that nite before the dean came in


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:29 pm

Later that night I woke up and I looked at my alarm clock, it said it was 4:30am I sigh somehow I couldn't sleep that well I didn't know if it was because I was looking forward to something or dreading it I shake my head and pull the covers over my head.... That morning i woke up to Rickie whaling about something She probably just broke her nail again or burnt her hair on the flat iron I bury my head in the pillow and she walks over to me and shoves me saying "Get up!" I reply "Go away." my voice was muffled since my face was in the pillow I groaned when she shoved me again and mumbled into the pillow she finally stalked away annoyed but what was new! I threw the covers back over my head shielding my eyes from the light but then my alarm went off I groaned and sat up throwing the covers off me looking out the window watching other walk around campus to the showers, private classes and all that. Rickie came back up to me "Oh yay your up!" I rolled my eyes at her "Mhm, yay.." I grumbled tiredly "Now what did you want." I look at her and she sat in one of the large beanbags in our dorm and looked at me "I wanted you up. There's a rumor going around that your going out with someone." I look at her "Well, I'm not." I snap Rickie jumped back "Geez Jamie don't have to be so rude. Gosh." She got up and stalked off to the showers I rolled my eyes and flopped down on my back still on my bed and turned on my stereo to Monster by Skillet the music blared, I loved this song I closed my eyes just listening to it silently until someone banged on the door telling me to turn it down it as one of the deans I sighed unwillingly and turned it down and got up off my bed and walked over to my closet/stuff and change out of my tank top and boxer shorts that were my pajamas into my usual clothes, black faded skinnies, black converse, black and neon graphic T-shirt and my favorite sweatshirt and walk out of the dorm house and outside and spin inhaling the fresh air then stop putting my hands back at my sides. I walk to the tree I was at last night with Koty and lean against the trunk of it and pull out some bottle water from my bag that I had now let it drop from my shoulder and onto the grassy ground. I watched as people walked down the small road between the schools, Girl dorms, and boy dorms not lookig for anyone really, I sit placing my water bottle beside me, it leaning against my leg. I lean my head back and close my eyes listening to my ipod quietly this time to the song Comatose by Skillet


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:40 pm

I sleep restlessly all night, tossing and turning in my bed. My two roommates, kyle and Devin, slept soundly around me. I got up and apced silently, my mind racing around with the thoughts of Jamie and our kiss. I touched my thin lips and sighed. I fell back onto my bed and dozed off until early morning. I got quickly and dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a wife beater(lol) and a pair of blue converse. I slicked my hair back and left my dorm room. I grabbed a bite to eat in the dinning hall, ignoring the stares of girls with crazy hormones. I swear they are worse than the guys. I was heading to the tree from last night and didnt expect to see Jamie sitting under it. I acted completely normal like nothing happend as i sat down beside her, pulling out my bottle of coke which i spiked with rum. "Hey" i say kindly, pulling her ear bud out and smiling a warm flashy smile. I didnt mind that my tattoos showed and ppl gawked. Sometimes i liked the attention, but not now that i think i may ahve found the one
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:47 pm

I smiled seeing him "Hey." I turn off my ipod and pull the other bud out of my ear


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:14 pm

[/b]I smile warmly at her, "Did you get and sleep last night?" i ask kindly like a gentleman would. I pick at a blade of grass and sip my drink as ppl walk by.
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:16 pm

I shrug "Not really."


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:54 pm

I sigh and take another swig. alcohol doesnt bother fledgling or adult vampyres like it does humens. Our bodies dont react the same way. Now blood is like booze to us and yes we can get drunk off that. I laugh to myself as i thought about the one time i got trashed.
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:03 pm

I looked at him and smiled "What are you laughing about?" I ask curiously and with humor dancing in my beautiful eyes


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:26 pm

I smile innocently and slosh my drink around "Booze" and chuckle darkly "And not the liquor kind either" a dark smile tugging at my lips as my blue eyes flashed a naughty glimmer. It was not normal for a fledgling to have blood lust but my god when I first tried it, I was hooked.
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:05 pm

Guardian Angel wrote:Koty~I shrug casually and trace my neat tattooing that the goddess gave me. "I guess it's cuz I know you better" I smile a kind smile. I go back to running my hands along the black lines that covered my muscar body

Gemini~I walked silently along side Layla sometimes brushing her arm and resisting the urge to jerk away and cry out from her abnormal heat. We get to our dorm and I wait to see what Adien would do. I was still blushing from my exposeing episode when I curled up on a small lounge chair next to Layla. I glance around at all the girls and well you could classify Adien as a girl but let's not get on the gay subject. I got nothing against them. I had been itching to ask him a out his sight on the subject but I didn't. I noticed Haven(?) constently glancing at me. I caught her peeping gaze and smiled assuringly at her before I turned back to the screen.
(yes I have I'm on the 5th book)

(dangit. i hate when i get far behind! oh cool, thats Hunted right? I'm on Tempted...not sure which that is! haha i'm not good with this memory stuff!)
[oh and yeah Haven is the jealous one!]
([since you know jack, then lets bring him in for i mean aidan...'s sake!])
I had forgotten that since I was a werewolf I was always emanating(?) heat. Gemini sat in a chair beside me and I said out loud, "Well, I'm hungry, Gemini you wanna come get a drink with me?" I wasn't that hungry, I just wanted to check the kitchen out and briefly talk to Gemini. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the kitchen, whether she wanted to come or not. Werewolves were better with one thing than vampyres; strength. Vampyres had speed, but werewolves had the strength. Both had the gorgeous looks and the witts, so vampyres and werewolves weren't as different as everyone had thought. We made it to the kitchen and I made movements to the cabinets and fridge, banging lighty on them to make it seem like I was actually getting food. I stopped at a fridge and pulled out a V8, I loved vegetables and decided a V8 sounded good. "You want one?" I asked Gemini. I waited for her reply and while I did my words burst out of my mouth, "You aren't alone when it comes to a 'different' fledgling." I put my hands over my mouth and turned away from her. I was nervous and tried to pretend like nothing had happened, to make it seem like Gemini had imagined it, I took a drink of my V8. Savoring the flavors of tomatoes on my tongue.
I smiled back and didn't look at her again, I knew she would notice. I watched silently as Layla took her into the kitchen. But not why Gemini's choice. I chuckled to myself and fixed my eyes back onto the tv.
I watched Layla force Gemini into the kitchen, I was going to stand up to make sure everything was ok, but figured they probably need to talk. I looked at Deadria and Haven, shrugged than turned my attention back to the tv.
I didn't even notice when Layla and Gemini left for the kitchen. I did notice Haven and Aidan look over to where they had been. I looked over to see what was happening and only saw Gemini disappear into the kitchen with Layla. I watched the kitchen doorway for a second then decided I shouldn't eavesdrop and turned back to turn my attention towards the tv.


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) - Page 5 Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

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