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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:43 pm

I stand silently in the background of the forest scene. I watch from a distance as normal teens mingled about around the school parking lot. I take a deep breath and hoist my bag over my shoulder. I close my eyes and walk out of the trees and make my way past students lauging about their awesome summers. I roll my jade green eyes and keep on moving a quick pace. I reach the front doors and pull open one....high school.

High school is tough for a normal student unlike me. I am different...very different. A girl with long aubrun green eyes and pale skin may seem like the kind of girl you would want to be friends with until you get to know or until the rumers hit. You see one my lower back I have a tattoo of a star outlined in purple, some consider it a "tramp stamp". Yeah it's like a stamp but it doesn't mean I'm a means worse! I am classified as a monster...a vampyre.
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:05 pm

{Layla-Shape shifter}
I step out of my car and look up at the big building, I sigh and mutter under my breath, "great. high school." I grab my bag and shuffle through the thick crowds, looking at people from preps to goths. girls laugh and stare flirtaciously at jocks, I smile and laugh silently in my head. I make my way up at steps and heave open one of the heavy doors, my smile fading fast. I start walking down th crowded hall, guys and girls not taking a second glance at me. You see, I am a freak. I have no friends, and no family to speak of. Well, besides my new foster parents. I get new ones every year because they can't put up with me. So, lingering infront of my locker, number 1374, I started to think back to my real parents, I zoned out and couldn't seem to grasp the one memory I had of them, the one of them leaving me behind. With reality starting to come back to me, I heard the sound of lockers slamming and friends telling each other about their schedules. I sighed once more, grabbed my books, looks down at my schedule and headed to my attendance.


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:14 pm

I hug the wall as I make my way through the crowded halls to my locker with much distaste is located on the second floor. I find it easily, number 1375. I stuff my books in and place a few nick nacks here and there. They were simple stuff like cute pictures girly girls put up of smiling monkeys and rainbow hearts. I wasn't like that type of girl I just wanted too fit in. I didn't put up any pictures of people. I had no friends or family. My parents left me years ago and now I live in a small building down the street from th school. I close my locker and slip off to attendance. I reach class just after the bell rings.
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:22 pm

I'd left long before the owner of 1375 had come. I had scurried to attendance and found a desk in the back. I pulled up my hood and put in my headphones, waiting for the bell to ring. Once it did I immediatly looked up and quickly pulled my hood down and put my headphones away. My teacher, Mr. Williams walked in at a fast pace saying, "Welcome to Keller high new freshmen! Hope youre ready for a rockin' year!" most kids giggled to each other, making fun of poor mr. Williams whose first impression didn't go as well as he had planned. His smile drooped a little, but he pulled it back up.


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:31 pm

I walked into class a few minutes after the teacher did. I stood at the front of the class room looking like a complete idiot...Let's not forget a good looking one too and staring at the floor. I glance at the teachers desk and see that his name is Mr williams. I nodded a hello and made my way to an empty desk in the back. I plopped down on the hard chair and rested my head on the cool desk. I sighed. This year was going to be crazy. I'm at a new school with new drama, new boys to tease and teachers to impress. Alot of people liked me for my looks not so much my personality. I could woo and guy and get away with anything with a teacher, haha. I pulled out my iPod and stuck both ear buds in my ear and cranked it up loud. Being a vampyre payed off sometime...not always.
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:38 pm

I watched as a girl with pretty auburn eyes walked in a few minutes late and couldn't help but laugh at the girls who stared in envy and the guys who stared mouthed watering. The girl came and sat beside me and did just as I had a few minutes ago, she listened to her iPod. I watched and turned forward, my hearing was amazing, seeing as I could shape shift into a wolf, actually any type of dog. Which also meant my smell was amazing too. I moved my hand up and pushed back a stray blonde hair that wasn't long enough to reach my ponytail. My blue eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail. When I heard mr Williams call out my name, Layla Anderson I lifted my hand and called out a faint, "here."


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:23 am

oops! pretty green eyes and auburn hair! sorry!


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:27 am

I hadn't even noticed the girl sitting next to me until she spoke. When she spoke a sudden aroma of wet dog stung my nose and I absentmindedly curled my lips back. What was I doing? I didn't even know this girl. Little that I knew, she could be really cool. All I did know was that she was a werewolf. I still had my head phones in and turned up when I heard Mr Williams call out "Gemini Cedar?" I pulled out an ear plug, raised my hand up and in a sweet feminie voice said,"present" and flashed him a bright white smile.
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:34 am

the minute the girl known as Gemini curled her lips back and spoke, I knew she was a vampyre. I tensed in my chair, but relaxed, maybe she wasn't like most vampyres. And actually I don't think she's even fully changed, and if she's here she obviously hasn't gone to the House of Night. Suddenly I tensed again, we would both be leaving for the school soon. We were just waiting for the man to come and officially mark us. I looked over at her and whispered with my sweet as honey voice, "hello."


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Dec 25, 2009 12:09 pm

I turned to face Layla and pulled out both head phones, shut off the music, placed in my pocket and said, "pleasure to meet you Layla" I smiled small and tried to ignore her stentch. I was about to compliment her shirt when Mr Williams called out, "Gemini, please stand up and say a few words about yourself." I winked at Layla and stood up. I flattened out my skirt and smoothed my v neck shirt out. I turned to the class of envious girls and lust filled guys to explain my being. I smile a sparkling smile and said simply,"I am Gemini Cedar and I am 16 years of age" I nodded smiled on e more ant returned to me seat. Mr Williams called on Layla next. When she stood up a thought popped into my head I shivered. *house of night*
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 12:24 pm

I smiled and replied, "it's a pleasure to meet you too Gemini." I could tell she was having trouble with my stench and I was actually having trouble with hers. Mr. Williams called on her to stand up and tell the class about herself, everyone turned their attention to her and the room was eerily silent. I shivered and listened quietly, though my eyes wandered to the window. Once she sat down Mr. Williams called on me, I stood up and looked around at everyone, most were still looking at me, but a few had turned away. Secretly I was very beautiful, probably almost as beautiful as Gemini, I just didn't like to show it. I didn't like the popular crowd, no one understood me, all the girls only gossiped and the boys only dreamed of girls, they all looked so fake, so much like plastic. It was disgusting. So, I kept to myself, sadly I was thinking Gemini would probably go to the popular crowd here and at the house of night, and forget about me completely. I sighed, took a deep breath, put on a smile showing my pearly white teeth and said,"I am Layla Anderson and I am also 16, and to be going on 17 in February." Sadly, my birthday was on the 14th, Valentines Day. Once I was finished I sat down and Mr. Williams called on a boy named Ben Kohl. I looked back over at Gemini and saw a tinge of fear in her eyes, I whispered, "You're scared to go to the House of Night too." it wasn't really a question, but more of a statement, although I wanted to hear her answer.


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Dec 25, 2009 1:11 pm

I listened quietly to her speech as she explained herself. She kept it simple like I did. I could see that deep down she was very beautiful and simple. I sighed quietly to myself. No one really knew me all that well. Everyone always assumes that I am a prep or that I will lean with the popular crowd but that's not me. I glanced at Layla, and said "do I give off that vibe?" I tried to chuckle but I squeaked. Half way through the class I started to get the chills. I shrugged them off. Suddenly the class door swung open and a tall handsome man strode in. He had pericing black eyes and sandy blonde hair. He was dressed casually with a notebook in his hand. I tenced up and tried to hide my face. His soothing red velvet voice called,"Gemini Cedar and Layla Anderson please come with me"
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 1:41 pm

I smiled, but it faded a little when her chuckle came out as a squeak. I whispered back, "Everyone is." I heard footsteps outside the classroom door and could tell someone was about to come in. A tall, handsome man came in, I immediatly tensed and got the chills, his voice was very serious and his clothes didn't seem to match with what I thought his personality would be. He looked like a surfer, someone who should be out on the ocean in Florida, not in the praries of Oklahoma. I saw Gemini out of the corner of my eye try to hide her face, but the man stared with peircing eyes at both of us, and said,"Gemini Cedar and Layla Anderson please come with me." Since, we were all freshman we didn't know he was the man who got new recruits for the House of Night. Well, Gemini and I did but everyone else didn't. They all "ooooh"ed, just like in middle and elementary school, thinking we were just going to the principals office, but little did they know, we weren't going to come back. I looked around at all the other students and saw a few understood who he was, then I saw them turn to their neighbors and whisper,"They're being taken to the House of Night." and soon everyone was silent, until Mr. Williams cleared his throat and said with a raspy voice, "well girls, you'd better be going. Glad we got to meet." I stood up, looked at Gemini, my eyes saying, "let's go."


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:36 pm

I kept my eyes cast down at the floor because I didn't want anyone to see the frightened look in my eyes and the odd thing they do when I am unsure. My green eyes become dialted but instead of black irisis mine turn white. That's why I have to wear contacts but they don't seem to work. I lift my bag over my shoulder and start to ease my way up the isle. I didn't realize that my shirt had rode up exsposing my star tatto! I arrived at the front of the room and turned to face the gentleman's shoes keeping my eyes down. A sudden gasp from behind me made my freeze"she's marked!!" a girl screeched. I whipped around and she froze too actualy the whole class did. They saw my eyes. The gentlman gripped my arm and Laylas dragging us out of the room.
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 5:40 pm

I followed behind Gemini and noticed her star tattoo was showing, I tried to send a low warning growl that no human could ever hear. She obviously wasn't paying attention and a girl whose name was Sarah Wilson, screeched, "She's been marked!" Gemini turned, causing the whole room to fall silent, her eyes were still green, but they were dialated and her irises were white. I took in a deep breath, but saw her eyes were filled with fear, then replaced with anger. I knew how she felt, my eyes were actually a golden brown color, just like a wolf. I, of course, wore contacts everyday, except for when I'm at home alone. I sighed and while I walked past her, I nudged her slightly with a movement no human eye could see, and whispered,"Don't let them think of you as a monster." And let myself get dragged, fairly easy, by the surfer man. I got annoyed of the silence and asked,"So, what's your name?" he answered,"Michael. Now quiet." I frowned and said,"Nice to meet you, I'm Layla. What are you?" He let out a very obvious, annoyed sigh and said, "I am a tracker. So don't try to run." I exchanged a glance with Gemini and said,"Oh, um, I'm a shapeshifter, I change into canines." He continued to stare forwards and said, "Thats cool."


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Dec 25, 2009 6:52 pm

I walked silently along Layla as we were shoved down the hallway by Michael the tracker. I didn't fight back or try to persuade him to let me go...I could have easily tried. I tried following Laylas possitive additude, "yes well it is a great pleasure to meet you, I'm obviously Gemini and I am a vampyre" I tried to sound some what happy. He pulled us out of the school and to a shiny silver BMW. I jerked my arm away "Im not going anywhere until I have some of my personal items!" I exclaim. The air was warm and moist. A gentle breeze tugged at my auburn hair, pulling strands away and letting them flutter around my face.
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 7:55 pm

I smiled at Gemini for her trying to help keep a positive attitude. I was wearing flip flops and when we got outside and almost to the car one fell off. I tried to yank my arm away from Michael, but his grip tightened. He stopped and turned back toward me and through clenched teeth he said,"What." my voice blank, I said,"Dropped my flip flop." He sighed then replied,"Forget about it. I'm sure you have more." I frowned but then smiled when Gemini said she needed to get some stuff. His grip loosened and I yanked my arm away, I ran back for my shoe, I could hear Michael close behind. Just as I was about to reach my shoe, Michael grabbed hold of my wrist and yanked me back. I flew back and landed hard on the ground, my head flung back and smacked onto the hard gravel. I yelled to Gemini, who Michael had left by the car, "RUN!!"


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:36 pm

I watched stunned while Layla played it off. I was about t orun, but i didnt want to leave Layla behind. Faster than human speed possible, i whipped after Layla and grabbed her by the arm. I growled in Michael's face and turned for the woods, pulling Layla. I heard him not far behind us, but i wasnt willing to stop. We hadnt made it very far into the woods when i was stopped by a group of people, more like other vamps. I stood still as Layla breathed heavily. The first one stepped forward just as the surfur man stepped out of the trees. "Stop Michael." the voice was low and hesitent, but full of power. His face was hidden by a cloak as well as the other vampyers. He turned to me, "Gemini. Layla" he noded and we nodded back. He turned to Michael, "Why are these girls not at the House of Night?" Michael studdered, "uh uh Sir, i was to the car when Layla made a sneaky move. Gemini and her ran for the woods." The cloaked man seemed to not believe him even though he was telling the truth. "You are thought to be the strongest of our trackers, obviously Ms. Alstonia was wrong and you will pay." I was about to object when twp large cloaked men stepped forward and easily killed Michael. "Come" he motioned to us and we obediantly followed him. I was actually very worried and i had forgotten to remove my hand from Layla's.
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:02 pm

At first I was furious that Gemini didn't run, but immediatly I was grateful. She took off toward the woods at a speed a little too fast for me! It was faster than I could go, but only by about 15 mph. She held a tight grip on my hand and held just as tight back. We stopped infront of a group of vampyres, I could tell from the stench. A man with a hooded cloak that matched the others stepped forward and ordered for Michael to 'be disposed' of. I was about to step forward and object, just as Gemini was, but we were both too late. I cringed away from Michaels now limp, lifeless body. Also, a small silent tear slid down my cheek because I was the one that had done this to him. I sighed and follwed reluctantly behind the man, who seemed to be the leader or principal of the House of Night and still hadn't told us his name, and didn't remove my hand from Gemini's. When we started to get farther and farther from Michaels body my grip loosened a little, but I didn't let go, and I still was gripping her hand pretty hard.


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:34 pm

I still held onto Laylas hand but not as hard. It some @%^ comforted me. The cloaked men had led us to a set of black iron gates way to tall to climb. The gates were attatched to high brick walls that were much to high off the ground for my liking. They opened with a eerie screech that sent shivers down my spine and I held laylas hand a little tighter. I glanced at her, my eyes dialated again. We entered the gates and came into a court yard filled with flowers of many a kind in gardens of all sorts. I looked up at the large school called The House Of Night. It had a medival castle look to it and reminded me of a story book from when I was younger. I was marked 4 days ago and somehow managed to make it without living in the house of night. We entered the school through large cherry oak doors with large black knockers. They led us down a dim hallway lit with old fashioned gas lamps on the stone walls. If it weren't for my spectacular eye sight i would not be able to see.
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:45 pm

I glanced over at Gemini just as we were in sight of the House of Night, her eyes were dilated once again. Her grip tightened and I took in a deep breath, I was not excited to go inside the castle looking school. The doors were huge, and obviously very old since they made an eerie creaking noise when they slowly swung open. Geminis shivers went straight down her arm and seemed to pass over to me. soon I was feeling shivers all around. Once we stepped onto the school grounds, I could no longer smell the stench of vampyres, instead they smelled of some other kind of weird smell, "so," I thought to myself, "they want us to feel somewhat comfortable here I'm guessing." I looked over at Gemini with a confused look on my face. When I turned forward again, I saw a beautiful women standing before us. She smiled and I couldn't help but smile back, the men around us put their fists over their hearts, like in some sort of salute. "She must be the principal/high priestess of the school!" I thought to myself.


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:35 pm

I see a young looking woman with long dark brown hair step forward. Her body was graceful and slender like that of a model. Her skin was white as snow and a hint of pink stuck out on her high cheeks. She saluted the men and turned to me and Layla. Her large light brown eyes bore into mine as I stared into hers. I couldn't pull my gaze away from hers. When she looked at me, my body wasn't tence I felt like I was safe. The woman spoke, "Ahh Gemini and Layla What a pleasure to finally meet you two in person!" her voice was like spring time, all warm yet it held power and royalty. "I am Alstonia, highest pristess and or principal of The House of Night."
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:58 pm

Something about this woman made me feel loved, and safe, she made me think she was my mother, I knew she wasn't, but the feeling was there. I smiled, and said, "It's nice to meet you too, Alstonia." I then thought back to what she had said, she said she was happy to finally meet us, I shook my head, she must just say that to all the newcomers. I look back at her and said, "Um, so, are we gonna have to fill out papers for registeration or something?" I felt stupid asking, but I was just trying to make conversation. I then remembered that students here get dorms..and roommates. Great.


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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guardian Angel Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:03 pm

I chuckle silently to myself as Layla asks a silly question. I knew about the house of night, I had a cousin who went here and didnt suvive the Change. U shuddered and glanced back up at Alstonia as she answered, "Oh of course not." she turnes and with a swift movement of her finger, we all follower her down a dark but dimly light passage way. "Once you are marked, I know everything about you. Its odd really, but very fasinating." She dismisses the guards and leads up a stair case and to a long hall filled." she looks down and then her warm smile reappears. "Here is your dorm and inside are other rooms where you will be place I have put you guys together for reason unknown to you." I looked at her with a quizzical expression.

(Uhmm forget about Stevie Rea. I want Layla to be her, but obviously she doesnt die)
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Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only) Empty Re: Gemini wishing for the one and only (humens only)

Post by Guest Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:14 pm

[hey sorry! okayy, sounds good then]
I nodded as Alstonia answered, her voice was very warm, and loving, but I was suspicious of her. I shook away the feeling and pushed the thought to the back of my mind, I wasn't going to make accusations, I'd just met her. I stopped my mind babble, and looked around, we were walking through a lightly dimmed passage like hallway. *They must have the lights dim because of our sensitive eyes.* I thought. I turned out to look out at the courtyard, and stared, astonished, at the tall trees, swaying in the breeze, students buzzing about around them, some sitting on benches, girls with their best girlfriends, boys with their guy friends, and some couples in the back, in the gardens, whispering softly to each other. Stone pathes were used instead of the normal cement sidewalks I was used to, it made the school seem even more like a castle. I turned back towards Alstonia just as she turned around and pointed to two large doors that lead into a different room or hallway. She told us they lead to our dorm and told us we were roommates, for reasons us. I was mixed with many different feelings, confusion, suspicion, and a small trace of fear, all facing towards Alstonia. I turned to Gemini and smiled, but my smile was saying, let's talk later. I turned to Alstonia, and said, "Well, thank you so much for showing us here and for clearing some stuff up. Do we start tomorrow, or is everyone still on a break?" I watched her expression, it was guarded, and so were her eyes. I got slightly annoyed, but didn't show it.


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