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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:48 pm

i looked at him and crossed my arms, clearly he was hiding something, i rolled my eyes and shake my head "ok whatever" i mumbled as i walk to Rex, i mount up and fallow Kyle looking at his back "ok now answer me" i say firmly, if he was hiding something i wanted to know what it was
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:06 am

I hold open the gate for her but instead of turning right towards the ranch, we go left down a path leading into the woods. Once we were side by side, our horses keeping pace, I said, "Now I guess I'll answer but it's only fair you answer.." I look up at her momentarily before returning my gaze forward. "Lacie and I are from Gary Indiana, a very poor run down city in such a vivid state. I am an ex con. Iv been in jail twice and I'm only 19 for stealing and undergae drinking at a party. I was only caught because I got into a fist fight with a black male. The dominant race in that city." I pause shorty. "Lacie was just a trouble maker, by age 18 she had already fucked 5 men in various age groups for money to buy our mother alcohol and was charged for prostituition. Mom beat us and father left so the state sent us down here to this ranch and we have been here ever since." I finish up with a cough and pat Bunny firmly on her neck.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:44 pm

i lead Rex through the gate then stop waiting for him, then walking Rex beside him i looked at him still avoiding his eyes, a lesson i learned the hard why was you never looked anyone in the eyes if you didnt trust them. i rolled my eyes at his comment and wait for him to go on, i look around us listening to him, wow this sounded familiar, i think to myself then looked at him when he finished "so your a ex con? and your sister was charged for prostitution? huh didnt see that one coming" i say then looked at down at Rex's main biting my lower lip, yea my life was kinda like theirs but a little more living on the streets and getting into fights.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:28 pm

"Yeah thats right." I say still guiding Bunny. "how about you know? its only fair.." I give a small crooked smile and continue walkin along the warn path.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:23 pm

i looked over at him and rolled my eyes at him "fine" i snapped at him then looked at the woods around us, " i used to live at a ranch with my mom, until she died when i was eight. my dad sold everything, horses,the house,land, everything that could be sold was gone. we moved to Chicago and lived in a crappy little rental house." i swallowed and kept going "my dad soon took a liking to drugs and beer, he also liked beating the crap out of me, but i was good at hiding the bruises and cuts when i had to go to school. there was this guy that lived a couple house down, Mike he was 19 " i smiled faintly then shake my head "he was a fighter like in warehouse and stuff and my hero, he saved me from my dad one night when things got really bad." i rubbed my shoulder remembering " i moved in with him, he taught me how to fight and i was safer from my dad ,i lived with him untill i was 14, then something happened so i left. i then lived on the streets,crappy hotels where ever. i've gotten forced to have sex with about ten different guys and have gottin in to more fights then i can count, then i was walking around looking for a old cabin or something and found the ranch house.. so here i am" i say not looking at him
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:05 pm

The woods seemed to fall silent and listen along side me as I took in her terrible story. It was like we had come from different background but sorta lived the same lives. It was just a little weir but as I listened further and was invited deeper into her past, I realized we were very different. I felt bad for Nichole and I wanted to make it better but it was obvious she didn't let guys in her life so i decided to stay out for awhile. I also had questions, lots of questions about her life. I looked over when she brought up Mike and felt a little envious. Why? I risked a qustion, "Did you like Mike?" I asked softly and guiding Bunny down a small hill.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:58 pm

i let out a shaky breath when i finished looking straight ahead, i didnt trust myself to look at him, i hadnt told anyone my life let alone a guy. the silence was almost worse then if Kyle was shooting questions at me, i mean at lest with him shooting questions i could snap at him and turn him off, but in the silence i didnt know what he was thinking, that kinda scared me. then hearing him i laughed shortly and smiled softly , i glance at him then answer "Mike? i guess but not the way you think, i thought the world of Mike, he was my hero at the time" i say softly then squeezed my eyes closed and set my jaw, i was to going to cry, yea my life sucked at times but you sucked it up and moved on. opening my eyes looking down at Rex's main my eyes dull and wary for talking of my past
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:12 pm

I steal a sideways glance at her and sigh quietly, she had tears in her eyes. I was comforting guy, I mean m kind and sweet and caring! I'm a Teddy bear on the inside and I wanted to wrap my arms around his and tell her itnwas okay but I didn't want to lose any teeth or not be able to have kids so I refrained from that. "I understand that part at least." I say softly. "But at least you had a little escape and now it's over.." I add trying to sound nice and sincre.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:22 pm

i keep my jaw set so i would cry, then snorted softly "i doubt even you understand fully of what i've been through" i say softly then just simply shake my head hearing the last part, the nightmare i called life was never over untill i was dead, i know he was trying to be nice and sincere in all but i've fallen for that to many times then fought for my life. letting out a breath i glanced over at him then look down thinking
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:32 pm

I could tell she didnt want to talk about it anymore so i dropped it and decided to save it for a better time. I look over at her and examine her face. She was actually very pretty but hey, i wont say anything. I return facing front and my eyes lay upon the hidden lake. "Look, were going to go there..." i say as i point to it.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:36 pm

i keep riding in the silence, thinking about stuff i haven't in a long time, how was Mike doing or was my dad even still alive? i shook my head and scowled at myself thinking like that Nick is going to make you start balling your eyes out. i thought then snapped out of thought when Kyle spoke, seeing the lake i smiled softly "its beautiful" i whispered softly looking at it
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:00 pm

I smile and say as i urge Bunny into a trot, "Yeah it sure is and always warm!" We keep a steady pace as we trot closer and closer. Once Bunny"s hoof struck the stand she became her old self, the bucking bronco i trained. She was buck, kick, rear and toss me around like a rag doll but i managed to stay on everytime. Calming her down, I hop off and untack her. She whinnies to Rex and takes off into the lake. I stand watch her with a easy smile on my face and turn to wave to Nichole.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:50 pm

i fallow him still lost in my own thoughts then seeing him tap Bunny into a trot i have Rex do the same. i nodded and smiled faintly "cool" i said then pulled Rex to a stop when Bunny started going, i watch Kyle get thrown around with a faint smile on my face, when she slowed down i jump off of Rex and quickly untack him, setting the tack on the ground i looked over at Kyle and smiled small laughing lightly "nice ridin" i say then walk to the water
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:41 pm

Laughing, "thanks!" I call to her and start to the water's edge to stand beside her. The lake was wide and deep, stretching for miles around with forests springing up from the sandy shores. I kicked off my shoes and stepped into the water. I sigh, "its warm today.." stepping out, i turn to Nichole and ask, "You wanna swim?"
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:50 pm

i walk up to the water looking around and thinking ,it was beautiful i thought then looked at Kyle watching him closely. "ohh uh...sure" i said with a faint smile, oh god Nick what have you gotten yourself into? i though and i kicked off my shoes and rolled up my jeans just below my knees, if i was alone i would have jst stripped to my bra and underwear, but i wasnt alone noo i was with a guy. i shook my head at myself then looked at Kyle redoing my ponytail into a messy bun
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:14 pm

I chuckle and remove my bottoms down to my basketball shorts. hey, just cause im a cowboy doesnt mean i cant wear city slicker clothnig. I start to step into the warm waters and go out to my knees, the liquid slowly getting my shorts wet. I turn to her, "come on! it aint gunna hurt you!" i call.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:35 pm

i watched him chewing on my lip then slowly unroll my jeans then pulled then down so i was in my soccer shorts, yea i wore soccer shorts under my jeans, its a long story. i looked over at him and laughed lightly "im coming im coming" i say then slowly step into the water, i wade in up to my thighs sighing softly it felt good
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:06 pm

I chuckle, "Its like trying to coax a new colt into a halter." I turn away from her and gaze out across the water. Shaking hair from my eyes, I dive forward and out into deeper water. Coming up, I look back at her and grin.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:05 pm

i shot him a death look "oh shut up" i say walking slowly in , then jumped back when he splashed me "hey!" i squealed "geez its colder as you go" i mumbled the water up to my waist
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:00 am

Grinning, i say to her, "When was the last time you ever went swimming, for fun?" i wade closer to shore and up to my thighs, her waist. "Its fine to me."
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:24 pm

i looked at him thinking about what he said and frowned at myself i couldn't remember the last time i just went swimming for fun, i shook my head taking a small step back " i cant remember and its freezing to me" i said looking at him then i get the sly smile on my face and quickly i shove him into the water with both hands
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:49 pm

At first i thought i had offended her and started to back off until i caught the small wicked smile on her face and didnt have time to react as she shoved me. Losing my footing, i flail my arms and laugh as i fall back and go under. I come up and shake the water from my hair as i approach her still laughing. "Permission to touch?" i ask seriously as i splash her gently. I knew how she felt about touching so i didnt want to pick her and toss her without her screaming and breaking my nose.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:26 pm

i burst out laughing as i watch him fall into the water then squealed and jumped back getting splashed with freezing water, when he came up i grinned at him then cocked my head to the side hearing him then squealed softly as i get splashed, it sank in and i smiled softly "yes" i said bowing playfully a grinned on my face, i was having fun i'd almost forgotten how it feels to laugh and have fun
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:42 pm

I chuckle as i hear her reply but still cautious as i near her with my arms outstretched, unsure if it was a trick. Oh well, taking a broken nose from her would be worth one touch. Grinning, i pick her up under her arms and flip her so she was cradled to me. I wink and lift her up, tossing her into deeper water and laughing at her squeals.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 4 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:26 pm

i looked at him with a amused smirk as he slowly and tentatively grabbed for me, then feeling his hands under my arms i tense up a little,giving a small squeal as he flips me around, looking up at him i suck in a small breath then get through into the air, hitting the water i squealed then go under, holy hell it was freezing!, i come up giving him a dirty look "the waters freezing!"
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