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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Guest Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:09 pm


I frowned and watched Kyle leave. My face saddend at the thought that he left for a horse. I just shrugged and walked outside. I spotted Bucky near the fence and walked over to him.


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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:26 pm

I glance up as Kate puts her stuff inside. "Ill send Lacie up to show you your room. It's a girl thing." I chuckle lightly at the gold mare. "Ken! Come see if this mare will go to pasture." I call out to another guy. He comes and up and pats the mares softly. "hey there girl." I return to Kate, "Uhm Lacie is my sister. We both work here. I have no clue who that girl is." I tell her before walking over to Lacie. "Hey I see you found another helping hand." I eye the girl up. "I need you to show Kate to her room." I explain while trying to put my shirt back on over my tan sculpted torso.

I finally get Joan and Nicole up to the house. "This is Nicole. Alright, I'll show em both. Here take Joan." I say as instart heading up to the house. "Hey Kate, I'm Lacie." I tip my hat and walk into the house and make my way up stairs. "Here is your room Kate." I gesture to a countrified room before leading Nicole to another room. "Bathrooms are down that hall." I say pointing to another hallway." I'll be in the kitchen. Feel free to roam kate but I need to speak with Nicole."
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:33 pm

i walk with her till chewing my lip then stoped when the guy walked to us, i tense up admittedly but keep a cool look on my face, looked at him and smirked amused "aww im flattered, your putting your shirt on" i say with a fake smile then, fallowed Lacie still tense, i didnt trust men at all. when they were away from me fine but when they got close... i shake my head and eyed the other girl "hi" i say then fallow Lacie up the stairs, then smiled seeing my room, it was a nice sized room with a full sized bed. i smiled then groaned softly hearing that he wanted to talk to me.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:16 pm

I smrik rolling my eyes, "Out of respect. Besides I'm way to tan." i say to Nicole. I start heading back to the gold mare whom Ken had coaxed into a large pasture with a few mares. "I'll be back to see you later mare." I say as she explored the pasture. I walk back to the barn and climb up into the hay loft to finish tossing the bales down to other guys to put where ever it went.

I wander back down to kitchen and grab a sandwhich and watch a guy tried to get Joan back into the barn. I hollar out the window, "Git Joan!" she snorted and then cooperated. I sink into a chair and finish my sandwhich waiting for Nicole and wondering how long shehad been out wandering the streets.

(You know she is to speak with Lacie not Kyle.)
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Guest Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:29 pm

I wave a pathetic goodbye to the horse and followed Lacie. I smiled and sat down on my bed, glancing around. "Thanks Lacie!" I called to her.


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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:57 pm

I heard Kate hollar upstairs, "Anytime Hun!" I shout back finishing my sandwhich.

I finish the hay job and toss my gloves onto my saddle rack. I put on my hat hanging from a hook near my water cantine and walk out shirtless again to Bunny's pasture. She was grazing lazily under an oak tree. I whistled and her head flew up, curls bouncing wildly. She took off at a poky canter and stopped at the gate tossing her up excitedly. "Wanna ride girl? I suppose we could do a little more training." I lead her out of the pasture and to a set of cross-ties to groom her and tack her up.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Guest Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:52 pm

Sundancer: I snort and pin my ears back but allow the new male to touch me and follow him into the pasture after being bribed with carrots and apple slices. I look around at the green pasture and at the other mares then take off at a full gallop toward the end of the pasture. I had the speed of a Thoroughbred, stamina of an Arabian, and wildness of a Mustang. I skid to a stop when I reach the end of the pasture, nearly hitting the fence, making dirt fly and creating a cloud of dust around me that caused my hole body to disappear. I spin around on my hind legs and lunge out of the dust cloud racing back down the pasture, with my ears flat against my head and my neck stretched out.


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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:08 pm

An older mare named Clarabelle watched the young golden mare race back and forth across the pasture. She snorted softly and nickered to the mare as she tossed her wavy black mane. "Young child why do you appear upset?" called her sweet wise voice. The dust she was stirring up settled upon her curly white coat and she lazily shook It loose.

I lead Bunny back out to the dusty corral and mount her swiftly, adjusting myself in the saddle before she had a chance to act and buck me off. She stood still and loosened the reins confused and that's when she took the chance. As I struggled to grip the reins again, Bunny took off at a bouncy gallop around the corral stirring up dust as she went. "Woah!" I say as I barely stay on after aarge buck. I knew she was doing this to have fun but it would have to stop.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:25 pm

(haha yea i meant she but whatever lol)

i walk into my room and stop looking around, i just stand there for a little bit so unsure on what to do, its been yeas seance i've had a bed to sleep on or my own room for that matter. i shake my head and drop my backpack on the floor, i wasnt going to shower right now cause if i go in the shower i would stay in there for hours, i take off my old dirty shirt and pulled out one of the guy shirts i snagged from the table. i pulled it on a look at myself in the mirror hanging on the door, it was hanging on me but i didnt care, it was clean. i pulled the band out of my hair and let my hair fall on my shoulders. i sighed and walk down the stairs into the kitchen "you wanted to talk to me" i say to Lacie then sink into a chair
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Guest Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:39 pm

I stared around the room for a few more minutes and then walked back outside. I spotted Bucky in the pasture and walked over to him him. I leaned against the fence and sighed. "Are you easy to ride?" I muttered to him. He looked up and perked his ears. He nickered and walked up to me. I smiled a little and patted his nose. It was so velvety and soft. He licked my hand and then nudged my cheek. My smile grew and I gave him a small kiss on the nose. I wasn't even sure if this was the horse I was supposed to ride, but I knew we were certainly going to get along.
I looked around and wondered if there was anyone to help me.


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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Guest Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:55 pm

Sundancer: I stop and look at the older mare then trot over to her, my light golden coat shinning brighting in the summer sun. I stop when I get to her and snort, pinning my ears back in confusion "Where are I? I've never been to a place like this before."


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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:29 pm

Maribella smiled warmly at the young confused mare. "You are at Hope's Ranch. A warm home where they take care of Bashkir horses like you and I." she knew she was confused and a little frightened so she gingerly nuzzle her golden cheek, a motherly touch.

I spot Kate with Buddy and chuckle seeing him take to her so easily. Another match made in heaven like Bunmy and I. We work a little longer and finish up with a few rounds of barrel racing. She could turn sharply and gracefuuly I knew that would be one of our performances in the summer shows. I hop down and led her inside handing her off to another guy who took her to untack. I walk back out to the feed barn and nuge Chris. "Hey man, go check out Kate. She needs someone to help her around here since she is here for "character building." go on!" I say clasping his shoulder.

I smile at Kyle then gaze over at Kate with Bucky. "He seems to like her" I say. "Ill give it a shot." I start walking over, the warm breeze tousling my blonde hair and the hot sun lighting up my blue squnting eyes. I stop at the fence and smile. "Hey, Im Chris. I hear your here to learn to ride eh?" I tip my boot and kick at a weed and shuffle over to her looking Bucky down.

I look up when i see Nicole come in wearing one of the shirts she took. I looked her over and was going to comment on her greasy hair but neglected the idea. I turn in my seat and place my hands on the table. "Obviously this isn't going to be a vacation. Since you've got no money and your stayin here, you gotta work. Have you ever rode before?" I say as I fiddle with a napkin on the checkered cloth table. "Youll be assigned a work partner and a horse. Pay is small but do-able and it can be rough at first but it only gets better after day one." I add looking her over again, my green eyes soft but my voice stern.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Guest Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:37 pm

I jump slightly and then turned and smiled to Chris. "Err...yeah." I glanced at Bucky and then back to Chris. "Could, help me?"


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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:18 pm

i leaned back on my chair and listen to her with a smirk. hard work was no big deal to me, how do ya think i say alive? i think to myself then nodded "hard work i can do and yes i can ride, bareback,western and english, but i like bareback the best" i say then looked at her "hey as long as i get paid its cool with me" i smiled small then looked at the table "i like to work by myself" i say softly working with other especially guys didnt work out at all. the last guy i worked with wanted in my pants and when i didnt let him, he tried raping me. i shake my head at the thought then looked at her "if theres nothing else, im going to shower"
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Guest Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:31 pm

Sundancer: I stand rigid when she touches me, since the last time I was touched like that was was when I was 1 year old by my mother. I have not seen my mother since then because she had been taken by a wild mustang stallion, but I had been able to out run him and escape. I relax and smile nodding then begin grazing on the green grass.


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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:56 pm

I smile, "I sure can but you won't be starting on Bucky. He uhm..bucks." I chuckle then signal her to follow me into the barn.

Maribell sences her uneasiness. "Youve had a bad past haven't you?" she asks softly starting to graze to.

I nod my head, "Good, all styles of riding are welcome here." I look out the window at Kate and Chris smiling to myself. Her comment about working alone didn't suprise me. "Im afraid there is nothin to do bout that one. It's boss's orders and we must follow through wit em.". I say. "If your worried about a forcfull roll the hay, forget it cause very guy round here has better things on their minds like doin nasty cow hoes instead of girls like you and me." I add with an eyeroll. "Okay, I'll be out in the barn, come find me when your done. I'm sure I'll have figured out your partner by then." I smile and leave the house.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Guest Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:07 pm

Sundancer: I stop grazing and close my eyes sighing quietly "Better than some other horses, but sadly yes" I look around as two humans walk into the barn then start grazing again.


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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:09 pm

i looked up at her and listened to her, i wasnt to thrilled about working with someone, but whatever i would live, i nodded "ok will do" i say then stand up and walk up the stairs into the bathroom, i strip out of my clothes and start the water, i reach my hand in the shower and smiled feeling the water was warm, i get in and closed my eyes letting the hot water run down my body. i groaned softly then grab the soap and scrub off the dirt and grim,i stay in the shower for a half hour then finely get out, i grab a towel and wrap it around me, looking in the mirror i smiled small seeing that i was clean. i walk back into my room with my dirty clothes in my hand, digging through my backpack i groaned seeing that i didnt have any clean jeans, i sighed and pulled back on my dirty ones then pulled on another shirt i snagged from the table, it was hanging off of me but whatever, i think to myself then pulled my shoes on and walk back out the door to the barn pulling my hair back into a messy bun
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Guest Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:49 pm

Sundancer: Once again I stop grazing and perk my ears forward as a young girl walks out of the house. I snort softly and smoothly canter over to the gate sticking my head over it then whinny to the girl wondering if she had any treats. I arch my neck gracefully and paw at the gate wanting out.


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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:55 pm

Maribella sighed, "That is unfortunet young one." she watched her canter to the gate and knew Sundancer had a wild spirit mixed with a good heart. Would she last here?

I spot Nicole coming down the walk towards the barn in her old and jeans a baggy mens shirt. I sigh knowing I would have to take her out to get a new wardrobe. "Over here Nicole." I call turning and walking back into the barn. "Kyle, your Nicole's trainer person." i say harshly, scribbling on a clipboard.

My blue eyes pop out of my skull, "Why me?!" i ask angrily. What was I going to do?! I sigh and stand by het side waiting for Nicole to come in. I spot her in one nanny shirt and my eyes narrow, "Thats my shirt." Lacie smacks my shoulder. "Ouch." I complain.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:46 pm

i see her and nodded "oh boy" i mumbled to myself then hear Kyle complain about working with me, i snorted getting annoyed by him already. i walk in and looked at them crossing my arms, i wasnt to happy about working with someone let alone a guy. i snorted hearing him whine about that i was wearing his shirt "aww im sorry do oyu want it back?, cause i can give it do you right now" i say in fake sweetness then looked at him "and look if was up to me, i wouldnt be working with you ok? so stop whinnying about it" i say with a edge then looked at Lacie "what do you want me to do first?"
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Guest Sat May 01, 2010 2:19 pm

I nod. "Oh...okay." I followed him into the barn and looked around. "Who then?"


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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Sun May 02, 2010 8:47 pm

I lead her down a wide isle and turn, "Lets start you off on a smaller guy." I look around and spot Chance. "Here we go. Ever rode before?" I ask leading him out. I set him up at a set of cross ties and grab a brush, "Here." I toss it to her and set off to find some tack.

I look down at my paper and smirk while she talk to Kyle. "No, I cant tell you what your doin now. It's all what he says." i explain smiling. "Good luck," I wish her as I walk away after a gentle pat to her shoulder.

I roll my eyes, "Please. Let it on." I look over at Lacie and glance at her checklist. She leaves and I let out a sigh. "Alright then, we have to fill stalls with fresh bedding. All those stalls over there are empty and will be the ones we start with." I say poining. "Follow mw cuz you'll need gloves." I start walking away towards the tack/work room.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon May 03, 2010 12:59 pm

i sighed softly and nodded "right" o flashed her a smile then try not to stiffen up when she pats me on the shoulder, i turned to look at Kyle "got it" i say then pulled out a pare of leather gloves out of my back pocket "you mean these?" i ask innocently then fallow him pulling them on "just tell me where the bedding is, then you can leave" i say walking behind him
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Mon May 03, 2010 4:58 pm

I glanc over my shoulder, "Yeah those." i enter the work room and get myself a pair and exit again brushing past her. "I won't be leaving you. It's my job to watch you so your gunna have to get used to it." I start walking to the end of the barn and find two wheeler barrels, "One for you and bedding is in that corner." I point. I start pushhing the wheelbarrow over to the sawdust pile.
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