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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:36 pm

Finishing up my beans, I add a couple more logs onto the fire then duck into my little tent, sitting on the sleeping bag I pull my boots off and sent the on the side, pull out my little pocket knife then wiggled into the sleeping bag. "How do people sleep in these things?" I mumbled to myself feeling trapped in the bag, reaching to the zipper I pull it open until it was to my calves then sighed laying back down, "much better" I mumbled and fall asleep, my pocket knife clutched in my right hand.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:45 pm

I couldn't sleep. Normally i was out like a light by now, but something was bothering me. Grunting, i wriggle out of my sleeping back and put on my shoes. I get out of the tent and wander over to the fire carrying my pistol in my pocket. The fire was still going even though it must have been awhile since either of us tended to it. I glanced at her tent wondering if she was sleeping at all. Grumbling, i take out my canteen and swig as Bunny walks up. "hey girl." i say and pat her nose.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:39 am

I fell asleep but the demons and nightmares came out to play in my mind.
It was dark, normally Mark left a light on for me, if he was going to get back late, my stomach tighten as I drop my backpack onto the floor by the couch and looked around "Mark?" I called out in a small voice,wishing I knew where he was, walking into the dark kitchen I looked around feeling for the light switch "This isn't funny Mark" I said flicking the light on finding no one but me, taking a deep breath I back into the living room, why didn't I turn on the light when I walked in? Reaching for the light swift I let out a muffled scream feeling someone grab me, one hand locked around my waist the other over my mouth, a voice smooth and dark that made me shake in fear came to my ear "Shhh Nicole it's just me"
Letting out a blood curling scream I bolt up, hair plastered to my face in a cold sweat, eyes wide filled with fear of a little child "No! leave me alone!" I screamed in panic struggling to get out of the sleeping bag that trapped me, finely I go free of the sleeping bag, bolting out of the little tent trying to escape the nightmare, I came crashing onto the ground and screamed again as the voice echoed through my mind "Shhh, Nicole,its just me" The tears were falling freely down my face as my body shook with pure terror "Leave me alone!" I cried out in a thin, high voice trying desperately to free myself from what I was now tangled in.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:25 pm

As I stroked Bunny, drank from my canteen, and poked the fire, I couldn't stop thinking about the ranch and Nichole. After I'd gone down the many halls of horse stalls, I'd find her standing at the end. I shook my head to clear away the silly image. I heard rustling in Nichole's tent and turned to glance at it. "Restless sleeper." I muttered to Bunny scornfully then I softened, "Must be from all those terrible years she spent before coming here."

A sudden scream pierced the night air. Bunny reared and bolted, flying past Rocket(?I forget) and upsetting him. "bunny!" I shout after her retreating figure. I grab my pistol and stand up, watching Nichole's tent violently shake and jerk. "Nichole?" I say as I creep closer. I hear her shouting to get away so I back up. At that point she falls clumsily out onto the ground, her face stricken with tears and her hair stuck to it. She kept crying for someone to go away but I knew she was living an old nightmare.
I carefully approached her, "Nichole? It's okay, it's me Kyle." I say soothingly. I reach out to gently touch her and try to calm her. "calm down." I urge as I put down my gun and put to worn hands on her upper arms to pick her up out of the dirt. "Your dreaming." I whisper.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:04 pm

Breathing hard I struggle to stand up out of the dirt the voice still going in my mind "No! j-just stop!" I cried out , feeling a hand touch me I flinched and screamed trying to get away, everything was black and All I could hear was that smooth dark voice going in my mind.Screaming and struggling when I felt hands grip my shoulders and pick me up out of the dirt, a gently voice broke through the nightmare, sniffling I looked up at the face of the person who had me by the shoulders "Kyle?" I asked in a small voice, looking up at him with fear filled eyes.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:25 pm

I let her get all of her scream out. I knew no one could here us out here so i did not bother me. When she called my name, i looked down at her and stared at her fear filled eyes.
"Its me." i say softly and loosen my grip, but dont let go completely.
"Are you okay?" i asked her and brushed aside some on her hair from her face.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:09 pm

Letting out a shaky breath, I sniffled and looked up at him, trying to get a grip on my emotions but failing, his grip on my shoulders got softer but he still held onto my shoulders. Giving a slightly flinch when he gently brushed hair out of my face, my lips parted to say 'yeah, I was fine' but the words wouldn't come out. I shook my head biting down on my bottom lip that was trembling again.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:47 pm

I saw her flinch and felt bad. I had to push out the notion that she wasn't flinching from me or my touch, just her screwed up history and horrific memories. When i saw that she was relaxed, but not controlled enough to talk, i risked all i had and pulled her to me, wrapping my arms around her and placing a hand on her head to stroke her matted hair. I left my hold loose in case she wanted to bolt and punch me. "Im sorry..." I murmured over and over again not sure what to say.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:01 pm

Stiffening up when he gently pulled me to him and held me, I should have punched him and screamed 'to never touch me again' but when was the last time someone held me with out trying to feel me up or get me into bed? Its been a freakin long time, my heart crumpled and I buried my face into his chest,gripping his shirt in my fists, still trying to control the sobs that wanted out I sniffled.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:05 pm

I was relived that she did not punch me or scream in my face. I held her gently in my arms at first and then when she gripped my shirt, i held her tighter and rested my cheek on her skull for a moment. I listened to her muffled sniffles and sobs until they began to quiet. I remain where i was as i asked, "Can you talk now?"
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:27 pm

He tightened his arms around me, and I sniffled again into his chest trying hard not to completely melt into his arms and get used to it..when a girl could totally get used to being in his arms. Slowly the sobs and sniffles died down and I sighed listening to his eyes beat my eyes squeezed shut, hearing him I nodded and gave a soft "Uh huh"
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:25 pm

I felt her melt just a little bit, but not enough to make her seem vulnerable. I continued to stroke her hair for a while until she answered me and then i asked, "What happened?"
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:24 pm

Sniffling I looked up at him and let out a shaky breath, my grip on his shirt didn't loosen any "It-It was just the past haunting me, nothing new" I tried to make it sound like it was no big deal but I was still scared as hell from the voice in my mind.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:27 am

I look down at her not believing a word, "Tell me about it." I encouraged. "Its better to get things out."
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:49 pm

My grip on his shirt didn't loosen when I looked away, trying to find the words to tell him. "I got home one day from school and the house was dark and silent,it wasn't like Mark to leave all the lights off and not leave me a note or something for me" I squeezed my eyes closed as the voice echos through my mind again but I kept talking. "I started looking around the house for him, and couldn't find him anywhere. I was walking out of the kitchen when someone grabbed me" Sucking in a scared sob as the terror grabbed me again I forced myself to keep talking "Kenny whispered in my ear that it was ok as he held me tightly but I freaked out" Tears started falling now "He-he slapped me then pinned me too the floor, I tried to get free really I did but....he was so much bigger then I was and he-he raped me" My voice small and broken sounding. "He-he said if I told anyone he would k-kill Mark..I-I couldn't stay....s-so I left" I stuttered out the words going back to when I was 14 and on my own.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:24 pm

I felt my shirt clenched tightly in her hands and i allowed it. I nodded once as she began her story and i watched her closely, listening intently. I could tell by the look in her eyes she was scared to death to bring forth the terrible memory and soon, tears were cascading from her eyes. Anger gripped me then as she told me how she was raped. It really pissed me off when i read these stories about guy who took advantage about young girls. The same thing happen to Leslie. I began to shake. I closed my eyes and held her tighter to me and tried to cool down.
"Im so sorry, Nicole. I had no idea all that shit happened to you..." i whisper against her hair.
No wonder she was so closed and afraid of men....
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon May 02, 2011 3:45 pm

Eyes squeezed shut trying to block out the memories and the smooth dark voice that haunted me. Tears falling I looked up feeling Kyle shake, for a sickening moment I though he was going to do something all he did was tighten his grip on me. Sagging into him, the silent tears fell soaking into his shirt hearing his soft words I sniffled and closed my eyes,face pressed against his chest. The steady beat of his heart slowly eased the terror and panic away but the voice was still in my head I doubt it would ever go away. "Th-thanks Kyle" I whispered int his chest, I trusted him a little now after everything that happened.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Sun May 08, 2011 7:51 pm

I keep my hand pressed to her head as she sags into me. I dont mind that she has a death grip on my shirt either. I look down at her, "You welcome." I say warmly as i hug her to me. I then sigh and peel her away, "You need to get to sleep.." i whisper as i start to stand and pull her with me.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue May 10, 2011 2:31 pm

Sniffling I wanted nothing more then too bury myself into Kyle but he peeled me away from him, sighing I looked up at him a flash of panic flashed through my eyes "N-no I don't think so, Im wide awake now" Getting pulled up I looked up at him hoping he would believe me, sleeping would only bring back the nightmare and his voice back.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Tue May 10, 2011 4:52 pm

I look at her and keep my hold on her shoulders. I see in her eyes she has no intentions of going back in that tent tonight. I sighed and said, "Help me find Bunny. You sent her running when you woke up screaming." I started to grab a few flash lights and handed one to her.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat May 14, 2011 3:49 pm

Letting out a breath I looked at him trying to smile, grateful that he wasn't going to press going back to bed. Nodding I blushed lightly hearing that I scared Bunny off with my screaming "Right, what about Rex?" I asked taking the flashlight and wiping my cheeks for any lingering tears and hair out of my face. Giving him a faint weak smile I looked around staying close to Kyle.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Mon May 16, 2011 4:50 pm

I smile small and shine my flashlight over Rex who was posed where he was tied up. He looked rattled, but other than that he was fine. I start to pick my way out of our camp and into the open space, calling Bunny's name and keeping a watch on Nichole. I hear a faint whinny and i see a figure cantering towards us. I smile in relief and catch her just as she stops nears us. "Hey girl.." i coo and being her back with us. Bunny snorts and looks over at Nichole. She touches her as if to say *You scared the hell outta me! But, are you ok?* i chuckle and give her an apple.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon May 16, 2011 5:02 pm

I looked over at Rex and let out a breath seeing that he was ok besides being rattled up by my screaming, blushing lightly I start fallowing after Kyle out of our little camp and to the open. Trying not to jump at every little noise I scowled at myself, I was acting stupid, walking out into the dark wasn't anything new to me,but that nightmare really scared me this time. Looking around with my flashlight I smiled small seeing a figure walk to us, and stopped, letting Kyle walk up to her I looked around turning my light off then back on. Flinching slightly when Bunny nosed me I gently place a hand on her cheek and smiled small "Im sorry for scaring you,but Im ok" I gave her a gently kiss on the nose then looked at Kyle.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by Glass Prison Mon May 16, 2011 5:42 pm

I smile as i watch the two comfort each other. I led Bunny to the post where Rex was and tied her up there. I went about fixing some disturbed items by the light of my flash light before stopping and turning to Nichole. I really was tired and i yawned. "Nikki, i need sleep." i laughed and then looked at her seriously.
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Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open - Page 9 Empty Re: Bahskir Curly Training Session Now Open

Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon May 16, 2011 5:54 pm

Fallowing after Kyle I hugged myself looking around like the shadows were going to grab me and drag me back into the darkness forever, shuttering a little I kept my flashlight on even if I wasn't moving or needed it, but it kept the shadows at bay. Looking back at Kyle I smiled weakly at the nickname, a flash of panic went through my eyes hearing that he wanted to sleep "S-sure right you sleep, I-I..I'll stay up and make sure nothing happens" I doubted anything would happen but that didn't matter, if I staid awake the nightmare could get me.
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