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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Love Dreams Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:01 pm

"Nah that can wait she found my house" I said laughing "The last thing I need is to see her or the guy she brought with her" I said smiling. "And Im having fun she can stand outside" I said laughing
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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Guest Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:06 pm

"Ok..." I looked around everyone was either leaving or going outside. My brain was fuzzy, but I thought I saw a bonfire outside. "Hey you wanna come outside to the fire with me?" I grabbed her hand a pulled her toward the door a bit.


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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Love Dreams Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:22 pm

I smiled as he pulled my hand "Yeah sure"I said walking out there with him and everyone else. I checked the time "We've been here for like 2 hours" I said laughing.
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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Guest Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:29 pm

"I pulled her outside, and smiled as I saw my friend. I left her and ran up and tackled him. "Yo DUDE!! How you doin'?" I head locked him, then looked up at Kat. "Meet Derik."


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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Love Dreams Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:40 pm

I laughed as he tackled him I ran up to them " Hey Derik Im Kat" I said smiling and looking at them both.
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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Guest Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:44 pm

I let Derik out, and smiled at her. "Derik's my bff, as you girls would say." We both laughed. Derik punched me in the shoulder falling over he was laughing so hard. He had had way to much to drink.


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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Love Dreams Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:56 pm

I laughed watching the two. I smiled trying not to laugh as Derik fell. "Amazing best friend you have here" I said smirking still watching them.
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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Guest Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:02 pm

"Yah I know right." I laughed as Derik pulled me to the ground. I sat on him, to his misery.


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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Love Dreams Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:47 pm

I watched them hearing someone calling my name "Kat! Kat! Kitten!" She yelled. "Kitten?"I said confused "It can't be...Melanie?" I said turning around to see a brunutte running towards me and jumping on me as almost causing me to fall. "Mel!" I said swinging her around. "I didnt know you were dating Drew" She said jumping off. "Uh..Im not" I said. "Really? Oh..Well hey Drew Hey Derik" She said looking at the two and laughing. "Guessing you already know Melanie here" I said laughing
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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Guest Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:56 pm

I looked up from smacking Derik,"Wha? Oh yeah, Hey Mel!" I gave her a bit of a wink, as Derik pushed me off of him. I stood up brushing myself off. I put my arm over Mel's shoulder," Oh yeah we go wayyyyyy back."


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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Love Dreams Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:09 pm

Mel & I laughed "Oh yep wayyy back" She said laughing as he put his arm on his shoulder. "Oh nope Ive known her longer" I said laughing and grabbing Melanie's arm
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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Guest Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:26 pm

I pulled Melanie's arm, in a playful way. Then I whipped around and grabbed Kat's waist pulling her against me. I kissed her neck, and whispered in her ear," I thought we were dating?" I asked laughing.


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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Love Dreams Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:53 am

I laughed as we pulled her arms. "No need to fight over me" She said. I whimpered a little as he kissed my neck. "Oh really? So were a couple now?" I said laughing.
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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Guest Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:29 pm

"Yah sure... I'm not really up for one night stands." I kissed her again, and looked at Melanie, "Yah we're dating."


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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Love Dreams Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:00 pm

I kissed him softly as Melanie reached in my pocket and grabbed my phone. "Leah's back in town?" She asks looking at the calls in my phone. "Yes sadly enough its like she always manages to find me probably just to rub something nice in my face she's still with Jacob too" I say hugging onto Drew. "Really?..He left you for her..He probably just wants the money" She says I sigh "I honestly dont care I have Drew" I say shruging.
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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Guest Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:12 pm

"So that's his name... Did you actually like him?" I asked hugging her back. I smiled jokingly, and looked around for a beer.


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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Love Dreams Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:23 pm

"Well yes and no he was actually a close bestfriend of mine since we were like 6 and I guess you could say we grew up together and ended up dating" I paused sighing. "But its Leah you have to meet she hates me she tried so hard to take him away and I finally let her but the thing is we were all bestfriends at one point" I say "Its like everything I had she
Wanted" I say laughing. "She changed me in ways I cant describe I actually missed being the old me" I say laughing
handing him the beer I was just offered.
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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Guest Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:29 pm

I took the drink thirstily, and quickly opened it and took a couple of drinks. Then I looked back to her, "That's kinda sad, but I don't think anyone can still me, I'm really not up for cheating either." I bit her neck tenderly, grabbing her hips. I pulled her back into me, and smiled.


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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Love Dreams Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:51 pm

"Ha I know" I said laughing."Haha no Mel we should tell him about that tine we went skinny dipping" I said laughing. "Oh that was nice" She said laughing. I turn around jumping onto Drew's back "speaking of skinny dipping" I said pausing myself "Oh nevermind" I say laughing.
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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Guest Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:57 pm

"SKINNY DIPPING!! Girls actually do that?" I took another drink, and grunted as Kat jumped on my back. I grabbed her legs to keep her from falling, and gestured to a dark place over about a quarter of a mile to the left. There's a big ol'e river over there. We could do it if you wanted." Derik grabbed me by the shoulders, "Now your talking!!!" He yelled, he took off running toward the river. Just as he slipped out of the fire light, he took off his shirt. Swinging it above his head.


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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Love Dreams Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:04 pm

Mel and I both laughed "Yeah we actually do that" I say. "Uh yeah I guess we could go do it" I say looking over at Mel "Uh yeah Im up for it" She said. I jumped down and turned to Drew "You up for it?" I ask him laughing at Derik.
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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Guest Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:08 pm

"Of course! I'm up for it." I stumbled a bit," I'm up for anything." I said in a bit of a slur. I grabbed Kat's and Mel's hands and took off at a slow jog. I laughed as Derik fell in a hole, he jumped back up cussing. I stumbled a bit, looking back. A pick- up had started trailing us. Full of college kids, who were yelling and screaming. This was a party!


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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Love Dreams Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:20 pm

I laughed as we ran noticing Drew was a bit passed buzzed I laugh harder watching Derik. I stop as we reach the river I look over at Mel and couldnt help but laugh "Ha we never told them our story" I said to Melanie slightly in the water "Well we were about 15 at the time alone and bored so there was this pond near and we decide to go skinny dipping we strip and get into the water" I say as Melanie cuts me off "Some little kids stole our clothes" She says laughing "Funniest night ever" I say leaving out the rest of the story.
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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Guest Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:27 pm

"That's one i'd like to hear." I said clumsily taking off my shirt. I undid my belt, and took off my pants. then turned to the girls,"Close ur eyessss." I said laughing, I pulled off my boxers and ran into the water, where Derik was waiting. He splashed me, and I looked back at the girls. Every one was getting out of the truck, and stripping. I hoped to get a couple of good little peaks, of the girls.


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Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Katherines New Pain (Story of my life) ...

Post by Love Dreams Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:37 pm

"Im sure it is" I say laughing as I strip my dress off. Melanie takes her shirt and pants off "Kat Mr.Robinson though" She says laughing. "No dont remind me oh gosh most weirdest thing ever" I say as we take our bras and panties off. "Okay 3..2..1 Run!" I yell as we run and jump in.
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