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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:21 pm

Sire and Dam: By Dreamcatcher SMF out of Stardust Storm
Name: Flaming Dream (aka Flame)
Breed: Spnaish Arabian
Age: 3 year's
16. 1 hands
Color: Red fiery chestnut-
Not broken.

I reared my foreleg's scraping the air, my scream loud and clear, lather ran down my hunches and highly crested neck. My eye's large and rimed white. The handler yanked on the chain over my gum's, making me come down. I kicked out at him making him jump back. He pulled me into the auction ring. The lead attached to my halter made stretching sounds as he pulled harder. I went at him teeth bare, my small fine ear's pined back. The auctioneer started reading my pedigree as I bucked in the center of the ring, sending my back hooves flying. The bidding started at $6,000. The handler went to grab my halter when I met his hand half way. He winced in pain as my teeth found there mark. I reared and jerked the chain as he held on tight. I carried him with me when he slapped me across the muzzle. I came down and bolted nearly dragging him, I made a short trip around the ring, the stands quiet. People shook there head's. The bidding stayed $8,000.

(Will anybody buy this beatiful horse? This is about how Flame (as a domestic horse) became so brutel and how he became wild. He is from a Spanish Arabian stud farm after being caught from his home island (where his real owner let him run free) and taken from his heard now he is being sold-.)

[img]Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Island11[/img]

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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:18 am


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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Guest Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:22 am

I can play as a mare he meets at his new home but I don't want to play as the harsh owner.


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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:24 am

The owner don't have to be harsh Flame just goes through some bad times but you can play a mare if you want Cool Thanks for the reply to though no one would awnser-

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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Guest Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:52 am


I saw the wild stud and took my seat to bid "10,000!" I shouted knowing he'd be a great stud to own. H is beauty was wonderful tho he would need some work and training. I watched people stare at me clueless.


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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:32 pm

The shout caught my attention admeditly as I slamed to a stop and turned quickly to find the voice who had yelled? My nostrils flared as I shook my head and troted around the ring my coat was covered in a light sweet as the hot lights beat down on my back. I kept running untill I heard the gravel fall on the potdeum and heard "Sold!" There was claping like the crowed would ushaly do when a horse was sold but there where smart remarks made like "Whos gonna catch that horse for her?" Most of the handlers where alreayd closing in on me but I snorted and squeled as I ran away from the corner toured the exsit. It might be a trap but I wanted out of there! The gate would still not open even as I drew closer toured it. I charged at it and slamed my body against the bars even when it would not help. In rage I reared and screamed throwing my head-

(you can playa horse though if you want? You don't have to but if you want to you can)

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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Guest Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:41 pm

(She comes in latter)

Anna, "Stop" I yell walking to them, "That's no way to treat a horse. You don't want them to fear you but love you." She said getting in with no fear showing at all." Whoa there boy, I won't hurt you like those nasty handlers." I said standing in front of him holding out a carrot.


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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:59 pm

The auction house was deathly quite as she entered the ring. I stopped moving and watched her my eyes still wide open and breathing labored. The scent of a long forgoteen food filled my lungs as I breathed. What where they called again? Carrots? I snorted and backed away not wanting to look t was just bait. I kept my eyes on the human. Then stood quietly waiting for her to make a move-

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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Guest Sun Aug 28, 2011 4:18 pm

"Hmm not a carrot friend are you?" Her voice sweet and filled with confidence. She slowly stepped forward, "At least try it." After a little while she put it in her pocket and hold her hand out, "I won't hurt you." I said slowly putting my hand on his velvet noise then off, "See, no harm done."


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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Aug 28, 2011 4:39 pm

He watched the carrot disaper in the cloth like pouch, then she touched his muzzle. His eyes widened and he snorted once she drew her hand back, bringign a forleg up he rubbed his face and then looked at her curiose. He flicked his tail and nickered waiting, then he took a step forward and looked for an exsit. Then back at her, maybe she coudl get him out of here?

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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Guest Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:01 pm

She smiled, "Now I'm going to put this on you." She said moving so slowly with a rope and putting it around him, "Open the gate please." She said gently stroking him and patting. Once the gate was open she lead him out and to a wide trailer and loaded him up. Once done tieing him she walked out. "You'll be ok." She said closing the door and opening his window. She hand a small treat bag and scoop of grain. She gave him one treat and the grain then closed up his window. She put the stuff up and got in her truck heading off.


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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:12 pm

With the rope around his neck flame stood stubernly waiting for the gate to open. He snorted a little but followed more like walking next to the girl. He then hurred even faster through the gateway. As she lead him toured the trailer and up the wide ramp leading into the dark trailer Flame stopped for a moment hesitating before he walked inside. As he stood there a moment a small window opened and he saw the girl look at him puring grain into a small bucket. He shived his muzzle intot he oats and strated to eat his ears pricked for the first time that day. Suddenly his weight shifted forward with the truck moving forward. They where now on the road moving-

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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Guest Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:18 pm

~2 hours later~

The truck came to a slow stop then went back wards turning then stopped aging but nothing more. The truck door slammed then her voice could be heard, "All right boy." She then opened the door, "No don't get to excited." She walked in and untied him and turned with him. She took the rope off knowing if he were to run he would find him self with a small group of mares in a pasture with white fence around it and long grass and a weeping willow and apple tree near a pound.


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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:37 pm

Once the light filled the trailer Flame looked over at the girl, he had napped a bite tired from being chased in that auction house and raming his body into metal fences. Now he was somewhere new and he was exsited. Turning to face her Flame followed her down the ramp quietly but carfuly that was untill he spotted the mares. Raising his head looked over at the small group and wondered if this was his new home? He hoped so it looked like his old home in some ways exsept for the fence..... He then praced in place and tossed his silky main like a dancing flame upon his high crest. He waited to be relased so he may go greet the mares and claim his new home-

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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Guest Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:59 pm

The girl let him go and walked off.

(Um I need some Arabian name with a V as 1st letter so hold on, Smile) ~
She had been grazing on the far side of the group, unseen. She then lifted her head and started to gallop at a easy pace. Her neck arched and her small head high. She then saw the stallion and galloped to him and stopped eye to eye with him. She was magnificent, whiter then any other horse you've ever seen. Long glossy main and tail, light brown eyes. Pure white white no other colour traced on her body, "Hello."


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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:24 pm

Theone mare caough my eye, she had a pure white coat like a dove and soft light brown eyes that looked as if they might have small speaks of gold in them. I looked at her pretty face "Hello, I'm Flame." I stayed in place trying not to be rude by not troting around her or anything.

(that's okay this the only one I could find that started with a V- Vega means Falling in Arabic-

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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Guest Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:33 pm

I smiled, "I'm Vega in love but please call me Vega as all horses do." I said bowing my head the lifting it back up and turning around and walking to my group, "Come I will introduce you to every one." I said walking calmly.

(Thanks!Smile )


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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:42 pm


I follow her head held high and tail set up blowing in the wind, "Hello." I said to the other's as I stop beside Vega. "I'm Flame." I had said it so much I was getting use to it, I hope I could stay here for a while so I could make more friend's but maybe it was better that I don't get atached to anyone. I bow my head low and say "It's nice to meet you-

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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Guest Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:58 am

"It's nice to meet you to" She said turning to the other horses, "This is Anna, Vittoria, Macey(May See), and Dreams." She said interdicting him to the others who were ether bay or grey. It was wearied how Vega was the only mare with a white coat.

(I was thinking that in the future they could fall in love but right before he is free and wild aging something happens to her.)


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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:59 pm

(Yeah it could even beacome the cusse as to why he is so mean in the future Smile )

I bow my head to each of them in turn as she introduces them. "What lovley pasture buddies I have." I pause "I hope I wont be much of a bother." I was trying to be as polite and charming as posible. "So how long have you ladies lived here?" I ask

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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Guest Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:16 pm

(Yea! Oh and lets try to make the topic last long. Smile I'll reply to marrow. I got to get to bed...Sorry. )


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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:28 pm

(Okay we can make it long I have long topics so I can do that- Smile )

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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Guest Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:08 pm

(Ok and I had an Idea of what happens ok so Flame and Vega are going to have a foal but when it comes Vega's body could not take it and she dies but her son, who I will play has the splinting image of her and lives, he has his fathers attitude and eyes.)

Vega in the other smiled, "Such a well mannered stallion." She commeted on him with a winked and glanced at him with her sweet eyes. "So how long you plan to stay? " She asked knowing away to the wild from here but was to afraid to go alone and the others were completely afraid to go at all.


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Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever) Empty Re: Flame Untamed and Uncut/ This is the story of how Flame met a human who changed his life forever)

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:16 pm

(That sound's like a good idea! Maybe they some how maneg to get free?)


"Well the dapend's how long the human girl want's me to stay and if I am treated right not disrespect toured her, she seem's like a kind owner." I said not wanting to insult them of course. "If thing's do not work out I may have to find a way out." I say quietly wondering when I will see home again.

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