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A Shifter and a Jester

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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:09 pm

"she can't hear you... she is dead when she sleeps" he sadi jokingly..."in other words she sleeps like a log and she need to"
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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Guest Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:16 pm

Belle ~"Oh ok, I guess i'll tell her, when she wakes up." I look up to the sky wondering where Carlos is.

Carlos~ I was getting frustrated, I ha joined up with, these guys thinking that it would make finding Belle quicker, but I would find her, sooner or later "were are you Belle" I muttered to myself


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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:20 pm

i smirked and then talked "i heard you the first time and we shoudl be going in ok?" i said and lead the way crawling under a colasped roof i lay down and slept again
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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Guest Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:40 pm

Belle ~ "Haha, you two" I followed and fell asleep soon after


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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:46 pm

morning.. i woke up early but i sensed something *not good* i thougth i had caught their scents getting closer every minute

The Hunters
they were laughing as they looked at the dead stray angel.."what an animals she is, the Black Jester a magnifcent killer, assassin and a great fighting partner.. if only this one wasn't so stubborn"
"she should obey us.."
"what a stubborn Jester... and she has the cards as well a true blood ofthem as well how marvelous... Carlos what do you think? to be able to kill a stray is a sight that is rare to see"
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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Guest Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:55 pm

Belle ~ I woke up, later then Ash, she had picked up something. "Are they close?"

Carlos ~ "Yes she is very skilled indeed, she fights alone, and has a natural sense of fighting, unlike the one she travels with. She cowers away and trys to hide, where as this one doesn't she is not afriad to fight." i said with a smile on my face, a worthy adversary.


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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:01 pm

"yeah, we have to move now" i said quickly "that shifter is not normal.. he is not normal i just know it.. you get a head of me now and hurry up we don't have much time..i'll remain here.. afterall i'm the prey"
"go ahead no argueing.. i don't want to loose anyone again either and you are not coming that shifter seems like an interesting oppnent" i said and then vanished leaving no trail and then i found them...

they laughed "you must have met her then.. she is no coward thats for sure and even destroyed and killed the hunters before... she was fun and we captured her once but no she brung the hosue down... literally she destroyed the place"
"and she'll do it again if she gets a chance... you are completely right as well her kind are rare but they are great fighters and use their instinct..."
i listened to them sat in a tree happily...*ohh... this one is interesting* i thought and looked at them all Joker smirked and my cards spread out ready for an attack...Joker was in my hand and half were in my pocket...

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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Guest Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:10 pm

Belle~ She was gone before i could do anything to stop her, "Dammit, what do I do know." I strapped Tira to Fire Blaze and burned the saddle, i then morphed into a horse and signalled for the others to move out. we ran as fast as we could, but i was still troubled about leaving Ash.

Carlos~ "We are close, I can sense it" I did not realise how close she was though.


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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:17 pm

i stopped myself from laughing and then waited silently and watched the shifter *how interesting, he can sesne things as well, this sound fun.. right Joker?* ithought and joker smiled and i smirked watching ashes turning to feathers again...i got board and jumped down in the center of them "you just don't know when to give up, i hate being hunter you know and even joining forces with angels you are true idiots...honestly you really think i'll let myself become a pet.. i have more pride than the last one i'm afraid" i said with a smirk... one of them attacked and i swiftly dodged and sweeped them and slit their throat with Joker and then looked for teh leader my crimson eyes glowing slightly... "oh... looks like he's a coward and won't come to hunt me himself...and you lot follow this guy.. the coward who won't even come after me..." i laughed and they back off and looked to me amazed and frightened by how quick i had killed one of only took a few simple movements but they were now dead.." and Angels i didn't think you were so foolish.. i could destroy your land and you know it... but look you've joined forces with idiots that follow a coward"
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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Guest Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:22 pm

Carlos ~ I stood back, leaning against a nearby tree. I clapped slowly " Very good for someone so young, know tell me where is Belle ?" I asked.
Belle ~ I stopped, the other looking around at me, "I can't leave her."

Apple ~ "Belle she knows what she's doing, your not ready to fight."


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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:28 pm

"make me dig my grave first.. you are a shifter and a very strange one at that... from what i recall your name is Carlos and you recently joined" i said with a smirk...
some of my cards darted suddenly and stopped Belle "no.. you are not ready.. Ash refuses to loose someone and she can take more damage than you think"
"also from what i can tell you seem to be good as well...i guess they've already told you who i am then>>> i'm Ash-Kinfe,Third Geration of Black Jester... pleasure to meet you Corlos" i said with a slightly bow.. i stood up again with a smirk and Joker was laughing slightly in my hand
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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Guest Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:32 pm

Carlos ~ "Yes my name is Carlos, and you did not answer my question, where's Belle ? "

Belle ~ " You don't know Carlos, he'll trick her inot false security and then he'll strike."


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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:16 am

"don't worry about her.. she is a trickster as well you forget, Jester, the trickesters.. they play along most of the time as well.. the one trait that is unknown by most"

"like i said, make me dig my own grave first.. or are you just a coward like their leader" i said as another attack and i fell down and sweeped them and Joker slit their throat... "anyone else care to have a go?" i asked and looked to them all and they backed off again..i smirked and watched them.."idiots adn cowards always follow each other like sheep" i said my voice was harsh...i turned back to Carlos..."also it is not one of my traits to tell my enimies anything, i don't tell my allies everything either" i said and the light reflectin in my eyes made them turn darker for some reason...
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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Guest Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:00 am

Carlos ~ " I am no coward and you wold be wise to watch you tongue. " I said standing from my tree " You see, your right I am differant, instead of killing my victims striaght away, I kill them slowly, and Belle will be no differant, I have no interest, in fighting you, your theirs to deal with. "

Belle ~ " I know..." I start moving when Apple nudges me.

Apple ~ "Come on let keep moving" I say nudging Belle forward


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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:05 am

"actually i can finish them of anytime and i don;t have to watch my tounge" i said with a smirk and Joker began to report to me and i jumped up into a tree quickly.."idiots" i whispered my smile vanishing and i jumped further in and found them again..."well i have no choice then... how many of theese are they goign to make.. so cruel... Strays were impressions of Jesters.. i sighed completely fed up and then put joker in my mouth and jumped back with another card appearing in my hand..i pinned them all and slit their throats before vanishing back to the village and making sure Belle got moving... i was covered in blood again but this time i seemed harsher and more alert..."that shifter is Carlos.. he is after you so get moving now" i whispered in her ear and made the horses run for it quickly before staying the village the little girl came over and hugged me.."Ash, you win ok?promise" "yeah promise.. i'm not loosing another person.. not even if i have to dig my own grave"
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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Guest Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:21 am

Belle~ As I heard Carlos's name I shuddered, she vanished again. I had to run with the others, aware that he could be around the corner.

Carlos ~ She vanished again, and this time did not return. "You've got you hands filled here boys," I smirk. "Have any of you picked up Belle's trail or am I going to have to do it myself.


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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:36 am

i waited i could tell they would coem by here next...

"uh no.. she killed all are trackers a few days ago... we can't pick up scents but those stray angels just like Ash-Kinfe could but she just killed the last five today" said one of the hunters...

i simply waited and told all the ghosts and spirits to hide and waited carefully just sitting in the open not really careing...
"sir, we have a lead, the old town ahead..."
"huh, we destroyed that one years ago why would they be there?"
they found me there and i smirked "to be honest i hate fighting.. it's too much hassle and the smell of blood is sickening to me.. we never did like to kill all three of us didn't but when we have to we don't hesitate" "where is your companion"... "make me dig my grave" i said as one of them pulled me up by my neck... i then kicked them in the ribs.. Crack i had broken them and i landed jjumoing backwards and he fell down dead.. i kicked him in a vaital point and his bones were so brittle anyway...
"Carlos for comfirmation i will not tell you at all... plus i know about six Belle's as well"
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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Guest Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:47 am

Carlos ~ I was getting frustrated with this one, " I will find her myself then, she can't have got very far. Let me guess she doesn't want to leave you on your own." I smirked and shifted into a wolf, slipping away into the shadows.

Belle ~ I wished my mother was here, she was an icredably powerful shifter, much more than me or Carlos.


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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:51 am

"think i'll let you" i said i had covered her scent easily and made sure she had gone far...
i stood up seeing he was frustrated i laughed slightly "short temper i'm guessing" i said and followed annoying him since i couldn't be asked to fight.. i knew he was more of a threat than the others anyway...
i then said "anyway she is long gone by now.. i came here alone i know her but i came here on my own so i have no idea where she is"
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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Guest Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:59 am

Carlos ~ " You know I usually swat down annoying flies." I watched her carefully

Belle ~ We had run for ages " I need to rest. " I said completely shattered.


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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:02 am

"sorry i'm an annoying fly... also answer me one thing why do you want to know where Belle is, and no i'm not going to stop following or anoying you.. to much fun" i said.. yeah ok i was weird but who cares i had my own way of protecting my freinds
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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Guest Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:10 am

Carlos ~ " That's my business.. " I reply, trying not to reveal to much. I wince as I step on a thorn


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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:12 am

"idiot" i said to him and sat up in a tree watching... "you should stop with that" "huh Why Joker? "because-" i was still hiding Belle's scent very well and wasn't going to let her be found some of my cards were with her keeping guard and reporting to Joker who told me if anything serious happened...
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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Guest Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:34 am

Carlos ~ I lifted up my paw and pulled out the thorn. " I will find her, you can't hide her for ever." I siad with confidence

Belle ~ I morphed back to my human form I couldn''t walk, my legs were hurting from running too far, too fast. " Guys, I can't run any more. " I looked up at them

Apple ~ " Jump on my back, Belle."

Belle ~ " That's not what I mean, He's never going to stop, I need to face him and I know Ash will not like it, but she won't know until i'm already there, will she."

Apple ~ "Belle, no I won't let you."


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A Shifter and a Jester - Page 5 Empty Re: A Shifter and a Jester

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:36 am

" don't give up Ash is covering your trail at this very moment wait until you are ready.. don't you get it Ash has lost many as well she doesn't want to loose anyone else so don't give up and she is with Carlos as well" said on of the cards...

"i can if my will is strong enough and i'm afraid it is"
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