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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:24 pm

Methos stood up and swept the room with his eyes then set them on Seclusion "I'm going to rest, we have time for that now. These feathers will take some time growing back so i'de better give myself as much time as I can, the last thing I need is not to be able to fly properly." he said while wading into one of the apartments' bedrooms. He took off his sword and clothes and went for a quick shower, then got into the bed and fell asleep, at some point his conscious took note of the sound of Seclusions' song, the melody calming his spirit and accompanying his rest.
Taar was going through everything in the large apartment. There were so many things people, humans held that he never saw or understood before and now she had the chance to study them. The only other time she had time to be curious about the world around her was the time she woke up after being kidnapped, and before understanding her situation, she was looking at the room around her, and then the figure turned and she saw the evil in his eyes, and then the ooze came and she found herself stripped from most of her powers... Now she was between friends who protected her and curiosity was clawing at her. She opened every door of every room and closet, locker and drawer, draining them of their content one item after another and examining them, sometime figuring their purpose and sometimes giving up and moving on, there were just so many new things to see, and after she was done with one thing she put it back before going to another. She pulled out a gown and tried it on, but her tail was too long and stuck out awkwardly, she found a pipe, but all she could make out of it was a piece of polished wood with an odd shape. She even went into Metos's room, looking at his sword, the closet with the male clothes and perfumes she already had the concept of them and went on to a drawer near the bed. She opened it quietly and there was a pistol, lying on the bottom with two clips beside it, and several pages under them. Not wanting to create noise she got the pistol out using telekinesis and kept it floating in midair between her hands turning it around slowly, she sensed the mechanics with her mind, trying to figure out what it does. After a while she got it and decided that with all the efficiency it might have using it wasted too much energy, other than that metallic machines weren't her weak spot of interest and she soon slid it back and moved on. She found a hat on a nog, the big bed and Methos on it... His wings were still partly bare from feathers and red with burns, his face and neck also carried big red spots and she wanted to thanks him for what he did for her. She leaned over him inspecting him closely and carefully, then she softly put her hands on his back, transferring healing energies from herself to the angel, the red, burned skin soon healed, and then investing a little more, small new feathers began to grow instead those that corroded by the ooze. She felt it was the right thing to do, after all what they've done for her. Taar kept her small discovery quest of ornaments and tools when she heard a melodic sound she could understand if she listened deep down herself and she decided to leave the painting and find out about the source of it. The tune led her to the living room where she found Seclusion sitting by herself and singing a calming song with soothing words, looking through the window. Taar didn't want to interrupt her, but then Seclusion stopped by herself and uttered something to herself, something Taar wasn't able to hear the same way she did the song, and the worse were too hushed to understand them. As she drew closer to the Utopian she saw the wound on her, and Seclusions' attempts to cure it "Maybe if we tried together?" she suggested, then reached to her wound, where the threads were on the work "Please." Taar asked and let a stream of healing energy flow from her hands to the threads, making them glow slightly and mending the flesh where they touched it. After the stitching was done Taar playfully backrolled in the air "There! Is it better now? It looks better." She stopped, reflecting on what she saw recently "You're both fighting a lot, don't you?" she asked in a slight tone, as though afraid from an answer, she really didn't know how far she was allowed to inquire about others' affairs yet it seemed a fair question, she wanted to know what she was about to face when things will continue happening from the break they now had. She floated about in the living room, thinking about everything she saw and everything that happened when she finally set on the same sofa Methos rested on earlier and pulled the blanket that prevented the dust from piling on the sofa on top of her, stretching her body and relaxing "Mm it's late, we should all get some sleep, and Methos was right I guess, they won't come for us soon... I’m so tired." and with that she fell asleep, her chin and tail poking out of the blanket.
Morning came, reys of light warmed Methos's back and wings, he groaned wuith pleasure - it's been a long time since he had such a sweet sleep, he felt like he was a new angel. He turned around in a sea of softness and light, the bed brushing against his skin and feathers. He spread his wing against the window, shadowing himself from the sun and looking at the wing, there were new, small feathers where the burns were the night before, the pleasent feeling didn't let him to think about anything else but how nice it was that he got new feathers and he brushed the freash fluffy down with the tips of his fingers, then he stopped, and blinked, and the darker reality took its place back in his mind. He got up and dressed, ahnging his sword on his back and walking into the kitchen and making breakfast, he wasn't sure why he was feeling uncomfortable - maybe it was because he was thinking about leaving this city and Markus's presence was strong in the cared appartment so he feared that mouthing the idea would hurt Marcus's honor? Maybe it was because he finally felt close to someone, maybe because that someone wasn't an angel like him, and maybe it was just all the chages he was experiencing lately, from the state of unknowing and undoing into this fray of action and discoveries, he'll have to get used to it. When he was done setting the breakast he called everyone to the table, gently waking those who needed it and making sure that a huge cup of juice was waiting for Seclusion. As everyone sat down and began eating, or drinking, he said "I think we need to leave, if we'll stay we'll bring all hell, and heaven to this city, they already know we're here, better lead them somewhere else. We can stay, ad i want to thank Marcus privately for helping us, but we can't stay here longer than that." He took a bite of a fried egg, cheese and bread and swallowed it "But i don't know where we should go. A good hideout or a frontier... i guess they'll be all the same. What do you think?" He asked Seclusion but soon looked to Deadly and Taar, the places he knew were the streets, heaven and some regions of hell and he figured any other place would be better than those, except perhaps for the streets, that could provide temporary hideouts. He didn't let the thought discourage him with thats kind of a good morning and he kept eating his breakfast gingerly, enjoying at his company.

[ finally, very sorry it took that long ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:19 pm

Seclusion, who’s mind had been absent as she sang stopped sensing the nexus, Taar and looked to her before answering her question “Yes, we both fight a lot, actually the first time we met each other we were tearing at each other’s throats and thank you” she said referring to the healing. She did not do much else until falling asleep eventually, she was the last asleep.
In the morning she groaned as she was awakened and blinked at the light her wings swiftly moving to shelter her from it “What is it?” she asked a bit out of habit, not really used to being disturbed when she was sleeping although it was morning and nodded “I know somewhere we can go, it’s a little far but heaven and hell both think that place is deserted” she said, stretching out her wings and arms before she stood up finding the juice and licked her lips before taking a sip before gulping it down thirstily. “How are you feeling this morning anyway, the burns have gone and your wings have regrown very quickly” She nodded her head as a thanks “But we’ll have to leave soon in order to get there before night fall” she muttered thinking to herself quickly. “But how will we get Taar there?” she asked and Deadly thought “She can flaot can't she?" asked Deadly and Seclusion snapped, she'd forgotten that.

She jumped from the window and began to head to the old ruins of Utopia.
They were falling apart, the rotting, forgotten and falling buildings that she once called home was now but traces of the former glory it once had. But the strange thing was this place was locked in night, no sunlight ever hit the place anymore, the very ruins themselves were mourning for the loss of its people and the heart of utopia was dead by now.

They did not arrive there until the night had almost fallen, it was a long journey and they made several stops to rest up. She landed and walked through to the old palace and found a hidden door, opening it she let them both go through and closed it behind her leading them to where a small blue light was, the chambers of the heart and below it was a pool of fresh sea water constantly flowing. “Here, this might be better for you Taar” she said to the nexus looking to her floating behind them "Might make you feel a little more at home" she said

(You do know that is about two pages right?)

Last edited by Soul Hunter on Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:34 pm

[ Taar floats above the ground and can fly using her magic which by now is fairly restored, i thought i should mention that just to the sake of it, it's on the info PM too if i remember right, all the carrying around... Also i don't have much time to write today, i'll get on it as soon as i'll be able to, tomorrow will be a busy day too, lots of hopes, less actual opportunities =/ ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:35 am

(sorry, forgot... edited reply now)
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:35 pm

"How did sea water got here?" Taar was genuinely surprised her purple eyes open wide, from all things a pool of flowing sea water was the last thing she expected and she approached it, dipping the tip of her finger in the water and pulled it out, looking at it as though she thought they'll vanish. When the water stayed where they were she put her arm into the pool and glided into it, leaving her upper body above the water so she could still see her new companions and enjoying the salty cool water. She was following Methos with her eyes, he was walking around the hall and passing from one chamber to another, stopping to look at the light every time he went out of one. After passing 3 chambers he stopped to look at Taar and her pool, lifting an eyebrow in awe, he could swear these were sea water, but in the middle of a city that was in the middle of a forest? He looked to Seclusion for answers but all his questions summed up to "What is this place?" From all the places he's been in, many cities among them, there was nothing like it. The light wasn't forign, there was no strange feeling about it, Methos walked to stand near the sea water pool and gave it a good look, other than being out of place there was nothing strage about it that he could notice, and the light was strange too, it was illuminating a place considered dead for decades, and while Seclusion didn't held a different expression when they got in there was surely something about this place that was different than the rest of the city, somehow he knew...

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:45 pm

“Underground source, we used to purify sea water to drink and the water we didn’t use would return to sea water” she said before she vanished by herself to a chamber a little further off than most would dare to go and she pulled two hidden blades from the table and attached them to her arms carefully, looking at the family emblem, her family emblem that lay on them. She held so many secrets, never telling a soul about the truths and secrets that were hidden within this place. It was very different for this was an assassin’s lair, her family’s lair and also her old training grounds, so it held a different atmosphere but it also held the dead within it. She looked to the arum lilies that were beginning to grow inside and smiled. “Death finds its way anywhere huh? Innocent yet deathly” she chuckled and sighed a frown forming on her lips as she hung her head and settled herself back on an old stone that lay within, she did not make a sound and her wings wrapped around her, they gave a whispering sound as though to comfort her.
To her this was a place of memories; she never thought she’d return here. Pulling her scarf off a broken seal wrapped itself around her neck, she rubbed it but again no sound came from her for a moment before she spoke “I’m sorry, I have been away far too long, but things had to be done” she said, inside that chamber was a beating sound, it was faint but it was there, the mourning cries of utopia itself were heard in the chambers if you listened closely enough. “I could not save anyone, I am sorry, my seal even broke.” She whispered knowing she might not have that much time now if her seal was not fixed, it kept her alive, half of ‘the heart’ of Utopia was inside her, a physically beating heart. She died the day she was born, her mother pleaded with the heart of Utopia to let her live, it gave her half its heart but the seal was to protect her from the power it held.
Silent tears fell from her eyes; she picked an arum lily and looked to the dark swirled petals of death that it held. Deadly stayed with Taar talking to her and bringing her up to date a little about what this place was but did not say much before she called Methos back, having a feeling Seclusion might want to be alone for a bit, hoping he hadn’t found her before she had called him back.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:57 pm

Methos started to totter off and just when he thought he heard a rustle of feathers and an unclear, very quiet voice he heard Deadly's voice and came back to the centre quickly to find her explaining the existence of this place to Taar and stayed for a while to listen to the story [ ehh! what exactly does she tell them? about Seclusion too? i guess not...? ], his mind partly trailing off, trying to remember things from other places he's been to and from the one other time he's been here in the Utopian ruins, when something finally came up it wasn't what he expected, or what he was looking for, but that might have something to do with the city, coincedence or not... "Deadly, remember you asked me if i could get anything about unique seals? There were a few interesting books i didn't finish going through, think you can show me back to the library later?" And after a shirt pause he added "Does it have anything to do with the city?" For now he could only guess, but such a magical and lively light, the heart of the city could have something to do with Deadlys' request. Taar tried to remember if there was such a thing anywhere she'd been to in the acuan kingdom, but nothing came to mind, she wasn't surprized though as most of the places her and her family been to were somewhat remote from the more populated areas of the ocean, and they never needed a heart to where they lived, having one to yourself was enough and so another thought came to her mind "Is this heart belong to a god?" [ another hole in the information here - does this world have just god and satan or are there more gods? that's what Taar is thinking about, anyways - maybe it's a heart of a lesser god, or a heart given by a god ] She wasn't sure she ever saw a god, she knew that they were there but they never concerned her. She was toying with the water using her tail, making small swirls and manipulating them to look like corals before vanishing back to the flow of water. Methos mentioning the seals took her interest off the water and back to conversation - she never used deals and didn't plan on start using them, but the one who captures her, Umilus, used powerful seals to take her under his custody and put her into the ooze nightmare, stripping her of most of her powers, she was keen on not getting into that situation again so she figured that the more and sooner she'll know about how to undo seals the better "Can i come too? I don't like seals and i want to know how to undo them." Methos lifted an eyebrow at the request but he might be happy to have some company with him "That's fine by me, once we'll be done with whatever it is that we came here to do, we're not just hiding here, are we Deadly?" He said in a somewhat inquisitive way, his head facing one way while his eyes resting on the scythe-wolf. He didn't want to puch things around, but if they were there for soemthing he better know what it is before all hell, and heaven, get loose again, he'de like to be on top of things every once in a while and those whiles seemed to be coming ever faster. But now they had time, and if things weren't as pressing as he thought he was willing to take some time off and learn a bit more about whatever he could, and perhaps help with the obvios burden Seclusion was carrying on her shoulders, and the way to those hopes was slowly clearing up.

[ oh, and i didn't know it was 2 pages long, im typing my replies here on the site so to me it looks like a slightly bigger paragraph ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:05 am

“Not exactly, the utopian heart is literally the heart of this city, this is a living city. How to explain it belong to Utopia its self but that is neither a god nor a demon, however it was split in two, Seclusion has half in her heart because she has died once already as a baby” she said. The heart of utopia wasn’t one of a god, or any sort of creature it was a beating heart of the city, a giant crystal that sent pulses through the city like heart beats, no one quite knew where it came form but it had been there since the beginning of time.
“Hmm, I do not quite remember that, but I’m sure there are old book in the library” she said leading them to the old library and picking out a few books “These are the basics; ask if you have any questions for each seal has a different purpose.” She settled herself down on the soft carpet letting them go through the books at their will, knowing Seclusion wouldn’t mind.
Seclusion however, did not emerge for a while she was deep in thought afterwards wanting to just be left alone to think through everything, “Time is so cruel” she said rustling her hair and pretending as though nothing had happened “Why are you looking up seals?” she asked curiously but also because she thought that there must be some reason to it.
She rubbed her neck a little irritated at the burning feeling form the utopian seal on her neck, it was not a seal recorded in any of the books however, it was a far more ancient seal. “You do know those books won’t tell you the purpose of the seals, for each has a different one as do combined seals” she said simply sitting herself down after picking out an old story book.

She skimmed through the book with ease,a tale of legends and myths long forgotten by many but recorded centuries ago when they were still well known.

(sorry its so short, not a hundred percent at the moment, ill .)
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:08 pm

Methos didn't answer right away, he had a hunch and he followed it intently "That's why" he said, his mind racing over what he'd learn "I need to see all of them, the meaning might not be as important as the combinations." but after few more minutes he threw the book he was reading aside, letting out a sigh of frustration. He already knew what he was reading, it was all repeating itself once he knew all the seals and most of their uses, what he found were mainly different variations of different cultures - orcish, elven, dwarven, sometimes royal utopian, celestial and abyssal, there were more, ad in most languages the seals took different meanings and different usage, but there must've been something he missed, and he was looking for it in the wrong way. Under the book he threw aside lei another book, it had nothing to do with the first book - the seals had a different meaning, a different context, yet he could see the similarities in the seals, something that wasn't as plain as the explenations each book had. That wasn't enough, he sighed again and meshed his face with his palms, his eyes tired from reading... And then a small bell rang in the back of his mind... the meanings are not important... the combinations are... He gave a sidelong glance at Seclusion and hoping she won't get absolutely mad at him he quickly packed all the books that were on the table and left to anotehr room. Using the largest table in the room he opened all the books and stared at them, the verious seals screaming at him yet he couldn't hear them. He was confused, he should've seen it by now... infact he was so confused that he thought the books moved by their own initiative, he blinked a few times and the next thing he knew the books were twirling slowly in the air infront of his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and opened them again, the books were still twirling around themselves, he snatched one of them from the air and looked angrily back, Taar looking at him back from behind a shelf, giggling both evilly and playfuly "Very funny." He was about to tell her to drop the books back to the table when he saw two open books going right next to eachother, and the seals were almost identical, there were minor changes that could as well be the spilling of ink. He signaled to Taar to stop the books from spinning and just leave them hanging in the air. He opened the book he held in his hands - yes! the seals were so close to eachother the difference between them might be taken for mistakes. It was a basic and short seal that could be used as it is or combined with others.
He began tearing out the seals pictures and drawings and put them all on the table, dropping the books to the floor. After a while he had all the seals he could remember seeing that had something in common with another seal, then he tore the seals into the most basic shapes he could recognize that were also on other seals and piled each of the basic shapes separately and stepped back to look what what he'd done. He ruined many books, but on the table infront of him he had the key for the ancient Utopian language, or atleast most f it. He sighed heavily - he got the key, the letters, and by now he figures out how they connect to eachother, but now he faced another problem - he didn't know what they meant in ancient Utopian. He put his hands on the table and let his shoulders slump down and just then he understood what he had done - he tore most of the seal pictures from most of the books explaining the seals, just to get something he didn't know how to read. He doubted he could ever find someone who could read that language nowadays, but he was pretty sure that this is what Deadly wanted him to find, maybe she knew more than she let him think? maybe she'll have a selution for him. He went back to the main room and called Deadly to see what he found "It's all here, the hidden language, the base of making seals in all cultures, like you asked. But i don't know how to read it, or what to do with it, got any ideas?" He was hoping that this led somewhere, and all that time Taar was flying around, looking at what everyone were doing and trying to figure out books, other than pretty pictures there wasn't much to them as she saw it but when Methos called Deadly Taar came along, wishing to know more about her imprisonment and those seals and so she kept quiet and stopped trying to pull pranks, now she listened and learned.

[ i hope this post isn't confusing, im rather tired as i write it. if it is confusing let me know and i'll edit it to something more simple ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:43 pm

Seclusion eventually just wondered off do go hunting, she was always careful about when and what she hunted around these parts now, she turned briefly “Think carefully about that sentence of yours, the combinations are important, in Utopian language” she said before leaving.

Deadly went over when she was called and looked to him “Of course I can read it, however for you it might be best if you look for an elder ghost, Kana should know more about seals after all.” She said yawning a little and stretching out “Try the old house near the palace she usually dwells around there at this time of day or any time of day of everyday” she said.

When Seclusion did get back though she did not find anyone but a sleeping Deadly in the library and picked out her favourite story book before walking outside and looking around. It did not take her long to find Methos and kana was talking to him “Ah, Seclusion, perfect I was just talking about combination seals, remove yours scarf” she said. Seclusion did not speak a word and untied her scarf revealing the glowing, eerie seal around her neck, it was complicated and strange a few had turned black. “Hmm, that seal of yours needs to be renewed Seclusion. Be careful, and why does an angel such as yourself wish to know about seals anyway?” asked the elder as Seclusion pulled her scarf back around her neck, the tattered material revealed small parts of the seal but they did not glow as much under the softness of it.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:02 pm

When Seclusion took off her scarf Methos's eye widerned, he never saw such a complex seal, then his eyebrows narrowed while he tried to remember what patterns he saw in the torn seal pictures that now lie on the table he used in the library, but he couldn't even begin to guess what this seal was about, apart from the story Deadly told him. "Kana, please come with ma to the library, i think i have all the basic seals of the ancient Utopian and i need to know their meanings so i'll know how they can be combined." and he led them back to the library. When Kana asked him why he was looking after the seals all he said was "In the library there's someone who i think will be able to answer this question better than me." The truth was - he wasn't completely sure why he was looking after those seals, it was something Deadly asked him to do as a personal favour, but now he was getting a pretty good guess about what's going to happen. As Deadly Described it the heart of the city might as well be one of the magical power sources of this planet, or maybe even this plane which means it has an awesome ammount of power, and now half of that power was inside Seclusion, if the seal would break, what would happen? "But looks like we have one burning thing we ought to do - get Your seal rejuvenated." he gave Seclusion a sidelong glance, it didn't look like she was happy about it, but there wasn't much of a choice. When they got to the library Methos woke Deadly and asked her "It was Seclusions' seal you wanted me to fix, am i right?" He was looking at the wolf, the answer to this question was quite obvious, but he wanted to hear it himself from the one who got him to stick his nose into this business in the first place, after he'll hear the answer to that he'll go with Kara and figure the seal mystery, with hope he could help Seclusion.

[ sorry it's not my best now, hope we can talk about this topic tomorrow ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:55 am

Seclusion had wrapped the scarf back around the seal on her neck and rustled her hair. Kana nodded and followed before heading back to the library with him and looked to the seals easily translating them into a language he would understand. Seclusion simply listened and Deadly nodded “Indeed, it’s a dangerous power and its the only thing keeping her alive, she died when she was born after all” said Deadly and Seclusion nodded fiddling with an arum lily in her hands twirling it around and watching the swirled petals disappear into the dark centre of the flower.
Kana looked to them noticing one seal was missing “Methos, you are missing one seal.” She said softly “the original person who put that seal on her is dead, the soul is not here either, most likely a personalised seal to secure it, and it is that one which has broken by the looks of it” she said as Seclusion swatted her a little when she touched her seal giving a hiss of annoyance, “Don’t touch it” she said wincing at the burning feeling it gave her.

Kana then also began to teach Methos about combinations of seals and their different meaning, she loved to teach and Seclusion laughed “You’ll be here for a while, she loves to teach about anything, she knows an awful lot” she smiled and leaned back in her chair singing softly to herself and Deadly lay at her feet as she closed her eyes her wings wrapping around her as she kept herself warm since it was rather chilled in the library.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:06 pm

Methos had the letters and most of the connectors he could find, but what he thought to be a simple task of translation became a complicated, long task of learning a very different language from everything he'd heard before, the language was far reacher than any other language existing - not only it consisted of so many letters, some of them which he didn't find, it also mattered where you placed them around the first letter, what connector was used, and there were several possibilities at that, some of the letters he didn't know how to prenounce and had to spend atleast an houre in learning them, and there were more than a few specific seal that means a specific thing, some with unique letters and some had a unique combination that meant a whole other thing. He could also use complete seals to create the innitial letters and unfuse them with power, he guesses that he'll have to use this method to recharge Seclusions' seal, which means it's going to be one very big and complicated seal.
Once he and Kana got through everything Methos sat down and looked to Kana, looking for her verdict. She turned to look at him with an incentive look "You know what need to do" she said as though scolding him for not doing his chores ignoring the long hours of study they just been through, but then again, ghosts do not tire. The angel massages his face, forhead and brows then got up and went over to Seclusion who was sleeping lightly on the couch. Methos patted her wing, waking up the reluctant Utopian girl "Hey, Seclusion. Come on, we need to get you to a ceremonial site, where they made your seal." He helped her up, noting the Deadly woke up with her, and walked her out of the library, guiding her with his arm over her shoulder and his winds spread in a slight semi-circle to pretect her from the wind while she shook the sleep off of her. "I know what needed to be done to get your seal fixed, i think, but you're the one who know where the ceremony should take place" he said, gesturing with his hand for her to show him the way "I'll have to do it the long way because i don't have the Utopian lineage of magic - i'll create every letter and connector of your seal by combining other seals to guide the magic, it means that every part of your seal will have it's own seal so that's going to take a long time, too." He was implying that she might have more time to catch some sleep, though he didn't really know what it would require of her.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:00 am

Giving a light groan as she woke up and moved to her feet yawning Deadly followed. Her wings flicked a little walked ahead a little after the sleep had worn off listening to what he said she had to think about where it was taken place since it had been so long ago now, searching her memories quickly and soon found the correct place where it was originally formed on her neck. It was ancient and falling apart as well, like the rest of the once glorious city. Rustling her wings a little she spoke “good luck then, it’ll take some time” she said running a hand through her hair as she settled herself removing her scarf to reveal the seal slowly breaking on her neck which made her very irritated since she wasn’t used to the amount of power that was held within the seal. Deadly sat beside Methos “we should start soon, I’ll make sure the original doesn’t break while the new one is applied” she said making it clear that it was important she was never unsealed.
Kana came as well ot help with pronoucing the letters correctly, a single mistake could make the seal weak and hse knew that well, she was one of them that had orginally applied the seal and waited in silence for everything to start.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:34 pm

Methos had the letters and most of the connectors he could find, but what he thought to be a simple task of translation became a complicated, long task of learning a very different language from everything he'd heard before, the language was far reacher than any other language existing - not only it consisted of so many letters, some of them which he didn't find, it also mattered where you placed them around the first letter, what connector was used, and there were several possibilities at that, some of the letters he didn't know how to prenounce and had to spend atleast an houre in learning them, and there were more than a few specific seal that means a specific thing, some with unique letters and some had a unique combination that meant a whole other thing. He could also use complete seals to create the innitial letters and unfuse them with power, he guesses that he'll have to use this method to recharge Seclusions' seal, which means it's going to be one very big and complicated seal.
Once he and Kana finished the preperations Kana left, other than ehr knowladge she couldn't do anything else as a ghost. The ideal was that the seal will be drawn in the air, the main rune right before the the place the seal should be placed, once the initial rune was drawn correctly it would glow with Utopian magic and he could draw the rest of the runes that connected to the initial rune from there, but Methos didn't hold the Utopian natural sort of magic which meant he'll have to draw the seal physically on the floor. While he could correct himself this way it made the seal even more complicated because he had to code the place the seal was meant to go within the borders of the original seal, and more than that - he had to do it while Seclusion was sitting right in the middle of it all. While the feather covered Seclusion sat in the cold evenings' wind, her wings about her, Methos was working with a charcoal - sketching and erasing and sketching again, a large circle around Seclusion filled to the brim with small runes. When everything was done he carefully swept himself off the circle with a gentle wave of his wings and looked at it with a critical eye. He scrunitized every sharp edge and every small connector and after he was satisfied he took a silver pick and began carving those seals into the stone. The silver didn't break and Methos didn't think it will, it probably held as much magic as himself. After the long and tedious work was done he toutched Seclusions' shoulder, shaking her from her nap. "It's all ready" he said in a meaningful tone, allowing her to view his work. She would probably check it, but he knew that everything was there and done correctly. Taar wandered around and got to see Methos in his last moments of carving, she stayed there and waited for him to finish, knowing it wasn't time for pranks and that something very interesting was about to happen.

[ i had to go so i didn't think much about the ending, sorry ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:52 pm

Waking up she moved her wings to fold on her back and looked to him half asleep before shaking her head and waking up giving a yawn and looked to kana, who had stayed around checking ti over, it was a dangerous operation last time almost failed because the power had an instinct of its own, it did not wish to be sealed or resealed and that desire to run for it was kicking into her but she shook her head not letting that get to her, unlike last time.
Kana nodded “That should do the trick; it’ll take a few minutes so you have to be able to hold still for that time, both of you” she said to them seriously. “Understood” she said nodding and when the seal was activated, her nails began to dig into the soil since it literally burned her neck, tearing off the old seal in the process as it was slowly replaced. The ground was beating beneath them calling out to the other half of its heart. Biting her lip to stop herself blood dripped onto the ground as her head hung. Watching to be careful Kana and Deadly offered their support to Methos who was helping her, grateful he even attempted such a thing at all. “Don’t stop no matter what she says understood?” said Kana, she ahd screamed last time for them to stop but oddly this time no sound came she maintained herself in that circle struggling to control the power while the seal secured itself.

(No worries)
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:16 pm

Suddenly the huge seal lit up and energies began to rise from the ground ad gether from the air, condensing into the characters. Kana was shouting from behin him and a fear woke inside Methos - the energies were growing stronger with every passing moment and by now were fiercly intence, it was going throught him streight into Seclusion without heed, not taking any effect by that, and will a move kill him in such a moment? But he needed to help Seclusion and he grabbed her arms, pressing them to her body and holding her, and he didn't die. He could hear Deadly, restless during the ceremony, probably waiting by Kana right outside the circle, and he couldn't see Taar either. Few seemingly endless moments passed and he could see the reflection of the power runes appearing above their seals, the power runes that will replace Seclusions' current seal. He forced his eyes open in the middle of the energy storm and he found himself looking over a sea of power runes, each of them glowing above the seal that created it, that's when something took his attention away from the seals, he saw a color that shouldn't be there, a form that didn't belong, it was intercating with... Then a heavy cloud of energy just cleared it's way and Methos behind misted thoughts that swirled with the energy around him could see... "Taar?... Wha..." It took him a moment of squinting to figure out what she was about "Empowering the spell... How..." and then another thought "Powerful..."
Everything was white, he couldn't see nothing but white - not his hands, not his shoulder and not his wings. He was holding something that felt ethereal but he couldn't bring his hands closer together, figuring it was Seclusion he kept the tension in his muscles for one lingering moment...
As in after a lightning hitting nearby everything became clear, darker. He was holding on to Seclusion with great effor, more then require to keep her still, not to mension lift her off the ground while his wings were spread around them defensively, an act that obviously didn't stop any part of the magic. His vision still stunned from the energy burst he tried to find out Seclusion situation, he heard distant voices and his eyesight was getting clearer quickly, the first thing he could recognize about her was her seal, now complete and nearly alive with power.

[ ehh i didn't know what to do further than this, and you're welcome to the chatbox if you want to ]

Last edited by themagus on Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:07 pm

Deadly watched from outside the circle, shouting at Methos “Don’t go near her” Luckily she had unarmed herself before she had even stepped into the circle, she knew pieces of what had happened last time and did not want such an incident to be relived. She had closed her eyes during the ceremony and they snapped open whens eh felt someone holding her arms to her and glared at him with hatred that was not her own.
A different voice came from her “Let me go?” it sounded much older, far more harsh and timeless. She tried shaking it off and she struggled to accept the seal at first, it was of a different magic.
When she did regain her own senses she noticed him holding her still and tried to moved her wings squirming a little, she even noticed that his wings were around them both and looked to him “Hey, you ok?” she asked genuinely concerned about him the seal on her neck still settling as its glows slowly faded where the old seal once was.

(Sorry my mind is failing me today...)
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:32 am

"Yeah, it's just the magic doesn't seem to consider that there was another person inside the circle." His hands were tingling and he wasn't sure where his stomach was, this ceremony wasn't for him and it made that clear. He let go of Seclusion, slowly relaxing his hands and chest and waved his wing, pumping blood to stop the tingles the magic left in him and went to pick his sword from outside the circle of runes that seemed to have lost their power. Taar was with Kana and Deadly by then, all excited and curious "Think you can do that again? This was amazing!" She was nearly looping in mid-air "No, it's not something to play with" Methos answered as he sheathed his sword back to its' scabbard, then turned to face her "What were you doing back there exactly? Did you imbue the spell with more power or was that my imagination?" Taar changed from almost hyperactive to blame in an instant "Well... i was thinking, since the last seal failed... maybe i could help this one last longer this time..." Methos gave a sigh, if Taar would've tried to alter the magic no one knew what could've happen, luckily she was simply empowering it but... how powerful one must be in order to empower such a powerful and ancient magic... she must be recovering well. Taar floated slowly over to Seclusion, somewhat shy and asked "How did it feel?" Now she understood that even if this magic was wonderful it was also risky, and 'risky' might not feel so great... Like the time she saw that seal and her instincts told her it's risky, and now she's here. Methos was slowly going back to where Seclusion was, after this ceremony he was worried about her and wanted to know how she was doing.

[ Mine too, kinda. I have an idea, i'll PM it later today ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:16 am

She shook her head “I’d rather not” she felt sick, her wings fell limp on her back “A little weak but I’ll be fine, I’m hungry though” she said ignoring the burning sensation from the seal. “I doubt it will last too much longer than the original, not the same sort of power to start with. “As for how it felt, it felt odd, I can’t remember a thing”
“Ah, that is natural, we are not usually sealed up that much” she said nodding, it was indeed very risky but it was keeping her alive so she was grateful for that much. “You don’t need to worry, if I can defend myself and stay alive for this amount of time a small sealing ceremony is nothing” she said rustling her wings on her back and felt a tingling on her finger tips blinking a few times.
She rustled her hair a little “I’m going back, I need to check up on something” she said heading to the old library and picking out the most oldest book there where the information on her power source was and looked through it, she found a little bit on what would happen and other things as well, about the complete seal and more.
“Now then we should all eat” said Deadly nodding a little and yawning slightly she headed back curling up near where Seclusion was.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:38 pm

Hearing she was about to be off again he wrinkled his nose "I don't feel hungry right now" he said as he fell into step behind Seclusion till they got to the library, he stopped by the entrance as the Utopian went in "I'll keep watch, this little rune of ours will attract attention" and with that he took flight to the rooftop of the library, taking a look at the serounding. It was a good stop - the library was a high structure compared to those serrounding it, once, the Utopians must've had quite a load of lore in this desolate place, not a shard of its' glory left. He sat near the high dome watching the direction that lead to the civilized world. Haunches on the roof, knees bent, elbow of one knee and face on a palm he was trying to figure out what he was trying to do, what he wanted to do, in his situation - now that he knew everything, that heaven and hell were pacing over the world of the mortals so one of them could gain controll over existence, so one of them could find Seclusion and use her as a power source... And now that he had her, what was he going to do? Or maybe... she had him? They were more or less stuck with eachother, none of them had anywere to go to yet they had to keep moving for if they'll stay put for too long, eventually, the seekers will find them... What if he chose to stay with her? This way he won't be stuck with her anymore, that won't be a thing heaven or hell could effect any longer... If it was the thought of ruining his enemieses' plan by making that decision or the fact it would simply be nice, to have a companion he chose to be with, he smiled, then laughed at his thoughts - an angel befriending a soul eater, it was uncomperhandable some time ago, but his laughter was a fake, an expression of what he learned in an unright world, deep down he was hoping... A friendship out of a choice... The idea what so appealing it swallowed him whole but then again - he was an angel, he couldn't help it, he had to hope. Besides, Seclusion wasn't a bad person when you got to know her, the events made her that way and she had every right to be the way she is, she had to be the way she is or she wouldn't survive.
Methos decided that if he will be able to make that choice he'll take it, and with being content about that he moved on in his thoughts to the task at hand - they must change their status. Being runaways will get them killed, if not sooner then later, and there must be something they can do to change that. But what? He could only guess - Could Seclusion use the powers of her unnatural heart to change anything in this war? Would they have to fight everyone untill there will be no one left? Was there nothing they could bring up to heaven or take down to hell to stop all of this? For now he didn't have answers to those questions, he'll have to wait, and that's the point when he took off of the roof to check on Seclusion and spotted a move far away, at the edge of the forest. He couldn't make what it was, it wasn't big anyways but it doesn't mean it'de be less bothersome than deamons. He dived down and into the library, scaring Taar as he flew by throught the main corridor shouting for Seclusion to get ready for whatever was coming, the sooner they'll get moving the better.

[Think we're ready to meet the circus manager who becomes Umilus at the library yard? )

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:06 pm

Lifting her head swiftly she stood from her chair hearing her name being shouted “Please be quiet” she said still having some after effects from the sealing, she had eaten and was fairly content although she wanted to rest a little more. Picking Deadly up she stretched out her wings listening around. “You have so many unanswered questions Methos” she said briefly looking through his soul with a smirk on her lips before she tried to concentrate on picking up any unusual presences. “Hmm, think we should go out?” she asked him before she walked past. “he shouldn’t even be able to get in here” she whispered under her breath.

She pulled her scarf on and looked back “Well you coming?” she asked him rustling her wings before she picked up the location “Damn, he’s close, too close” she said snapping her teeth a little as she spoke in that harsh tone of hers. She did not care who she befriended anymore, she had learnt not to judge because of race anymore thanks to Methos, well partly. She still thought the worst of those that attacked her, she did not like taking risks as much either. She looked to the yard in front of the library and waited in silence, always alert, always waiting. “Oh come out you fool, I know you’re there and I am in no mood to play petty games with you either” she said, clearly in one of her bad moods.

(Yep yep)
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:58 am

Methos wasn't in a hurry like Seclusion, he followed her to the library entrance, drew his sword nonchalantly and walked out, making a small distance into the yard "They know we're here Seclusion, no point in hiding." he said over his soulder, he could feel the presence now - like a small spring of evil leaking from somewhere infront of him. "Show yourself!" He damanded of the hidden fiend, right behind the corner of the closest building...
A thick, broad man came from around the corner of the building closest to the library, it was clear that something was wrong with him; his skin was red, his eyes wide open and every inch of this face was stained, making his expression resemble a pig. His hands, red as his face, were twitching and their movement and gestures were fiercely exaggerated. He walked to the yard entrance and waited there for the companions to come out and when they did he still didn't say a word, he barely saw them, his eyes were focused somewhat behind them 'Finally at hand {a surge of satisfaction filled the man} now she'll be mine and none could stop me!'
'Yes great lord, she will... She is... But what of the reword great lord? The one you promised?'
'You are a good servant and you will get your reword as promised.'
'Thank you O' great lord.'
After a short while Methos's petience ran out, 'Why can't i smell the trap? Where are the others? They'll attack us at any moment now, but where are they?' Methos brought his sword to the guard position, blade between him ad his enemy "What do you want with us?" He was getting tired of things chasing them. The mans' hand shot forward, pointing at a point between Methos and Seclusion "E'r" he shouted, not quite comprehensibly. They turned to see Taar, floating behind them with a scared face that would make anyone pitty her, she was going slowly toward to two, seeking their company and protection without even being aware to her actoin. Methos turned back with a snarl and his sword lit up with flames, he wasn't going Taar away, or any other who seeked to own her power. The crazed circus manager smirked and sent his hand forward, palms open. Taar, taking her self controll back sent her hand to the ground palm and fingers surrounded by magic but before she could reach it the seal cast by the possesed man appeared, paralizing them all, not allowing them to breath or blink. Taar had to fight the fear back, she knew that now there were others who could save her, if she could only dispell the seal. 'Extend yourself... you can toutch it without toutching, it's magic...' She thought and began channeling her energy to her hand, the aura around it enlarging and taking her hands' shape. While they were frozen the circus manager gleed and giggled while pulling a ceremonial dagger, blade curved outward and started walking toward the helpless group, his deamon lord guiding every step. 'Extend...' A hand made of blue energy made the inch between Taars real hand and the ground, destroying the rune it toutched and Taar could breath again. With a swift motion she ripped the runes her reach could allow her, the paralizing seal flashed and disappeared, it's runes no longer supporting it's purpose. Now it was Taars' turn, and she was angry. She spread her hands wide...
'Do it!'
'But lord...'
'Do it! Don't you want the reword? The power?!'
'But lord, i will die!'
'You won't die.' There was a heedless tone to this promise, but the circus master didn't hear that, the hypnotic charm canceled his judgment 'I will make you live, and you will have more power than you can ever dream of!'
Taars' magic roiled, a blue, powerful aura surrounded her whole, her eyes glowing with the energy contained within her and the energy around her buzzed and tingled. She shot her hands forward as the fanatic man stabbed the dagger into his heart not loosing only his soul to the deamon but his body too, Taar fired her spell and the man burst into flames so hot they melted the stone under him making it a white hot lava. Taar relaxed and let her hands fall, her magic eating away everything it toutched, but Methos was still waiting, he could feel it, and he guessed Seclusion could feel it too - the source of evil was only growing, and it errupted in an invisible wave from withing the flames. Taar squiled and Methos grind his teeth waiting for things to come, he allowed himself a glance at Seclusion and returned his eyes to the fire. A growing shape appered, one that soon became a mighty and rather large deamon - goat legs clawed hands, twisted horns and mouth full of saber-like teeth, Umilus looked down at them, his sight focused on the Nexus, his horrid mouth smiling "Close, Ahahaha! But now that i'm here, you are mine." Methos wasn't drawn back, this deamon wanted something of his friends and for Methos his friends were his territory - if anyone wanted to harm them they'd have to go through him. He fought arc-deamons before, alone in his late servitude of heaven yet he didn't know this one. He knew it wasn't as easy as tales told but he wasn't going to step back "You know him?" he asked Seclusion who probably knew more deamons than he did, considering she spent a decent ammount of time in hell, his blade was engulfed with intense flames and he was holding his ground till they could think of a strategy, or till the fight will break loose.

[ Tell me if that's fine, or if you have another idea and want to change the cain of events to get a different result ]

Last edited by themagus on Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Soul Hunter Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:45 pm

Seclusion gave a hiss at the man, when his hand reached between her and Methos. She turned swiftly and saw Taar “Deadly” she said swiftly the hell hound lunging and growling standing protectively in front of Taar.
Seclusion growled not able to breathe, although that was not exactly a problem before and tried to get herself free, Deadly turned and looked to the seal, something was wrong, terribly wrong with it the glowing markings were tearing themselves apart on her neck. Releasing herself from that frozen state when he got too close to her and snarled angrily her body lowering itself and taking a step back with angry eyes. “Get away from me, touch any of them and your dead” she warned. Rustling her wings she stretched them out bloodstains appearing and she looked furious.

When she saw him in his ‘true form’ she didn’t show any fear. “Pathetic…” she said not impressed in the slightest “and I’ve seen him around, just some old powerful demon that is a big hassle” she said bluntly to him. Deadly was still concerned about that seal tearing itself up as though it was responding to her protective nature. “How about you leave my territory, surely any demon knows this is my land, so leave” she said “as for Taar she will staying here”

(Sorry epic fail on ym side and yours was great... my brain is just failing me today)
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 4 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:15 pm

[ That's ok, no worry ]

After hearing what Secllusion put out of her memory he said under his breath "But what's bigger? The power or the hassle?" If it was teh power there'll be no wonder, if it was the hassle all hell might be after them when the fightings' done... Umilus laughed his infernal laughter, mocking their weaknesses "You fools! You really think that now, that im fully in this plane you could keep something away from me? Away from Umilus himself!?" That did it, if there was something Methos hated was deamon mocking him, and now he was in a position to fight, he didn't mean to let that go quietly, but as he prepared to rush into the deamon that one lifted his hand, his palm burning and cast it forward, a two headed fire snake snapping at both him and Seclusion with a surprising speed. Methos had to dodge and he barely made it, but a moment before he did he thought about the course of the head, and brought his sword in an arc to the place he just moved from, intercepting the snake head and cutting through it. Somewhere behind him Taar floated, unharmed. The snake head vanished, the magic not able to withstand Methos's own divine power and the neck went up into the air, preparing for another attack. Methos stood guard and prepared himself for the coming strike, nearly as quick as a real snake and took a pick at Umilus - though he seemed concentrated enough with the snakes he was trying to creat a spell with his other hand. Methos didn't want that, they couldn't keep protecting Taar and hope to defeat Umilus at the same time. He charged at the head, his wings beating powerfully and pushing him upwards as a purple light came from Umilus, Methos cut the snakes' neck, but the neck ad head grew back immidiately. He wasn't worried about it though - Umilus had to change his concentration, and his new spell failed when he reanimated the snake. The other head lashed at Methos and he cut it, the his knocking him to the ground, then he saw the other head preparing to strike Seclusion...

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