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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:36 pm

When the night fell a forbidden creature began to emerge, it didn’t hold a frightening form; eat flesh or anything like that. But the whole world had forgotten her; every race every soul and yet she was certainly something the devil himself would fear as was her partner; for she was the one who ate the corpses or those that remained after she had gone hunting.

She had fought in a war against several other races, about a century ago now. Angel, Demons, vampires even humans they all worked together at some point to fight against the Utopians, she had lead them to their deaths, being locked up for several years after being raised as a weapon by the queen her so called sister, that never did go down well. On the last day however, she was left with the choice to stop this madness, her race hated her after, or they would have but she was the only one left, she killed her own queen, her own sister but she did not hesitate, that lead to a heavy punishment. Her whole world was destroyed and what was left lay in ruin. She had been taken apart for about a century, waking up into a strange world; in which her curious mind soon worked out how to live in.

They Utopians were a peaceful race but were hated greatly because of what they lived on. They live on; souls, living or dead to them it didn’t matter in the slightest; they could either hunt for their food or be scavengers. Unlike the rest of her dead race, she had learnt the hard way, you must fight to live in this world and you must hunt if you wish to eat at all. Luckily she could last a month without a decent meal, but she usually ended up hunting not that she minded. She just got to play one of her games. But unlike the others of her now dead race she could not handle any solid food her body just instantly rejects it. Utopians without such an 'illness' could live off solid food and maybe one of two souls a year but she had to eat about twelve times more at least to survive.

That night was the night she would hunt, the moonless night was perfect for her. She smiled and rustled her wings.
Her name was Seclusion Ash Soul, Pure blooded Utopian and her partner Deadly score a former resident of hell laid on her back as a double bladed scythe.
Seclusion Ash Soul had moon pale skin which felt as colder than ice, it had many scars from wars over it, her eyes were mismatched; one of blood red and the other one of golden amber, her shoulder length hair was coal black. She wore a tattered pale blue scarf over odd markings that lay on her neck, she wore a pair of torn black jeans and a white shirt.
Her partner Deadly Score was a pure white she-wolf with brilliant amber eyes and in her scythe form had a black handle with bloodied bandages wrapped around it, twin scythe blades of pure silver tinted with amber and blood.

She sang her sweet melody luring her next meal; she had been there for a few days now and didn’t plan on leaving such a plentiful hunting ground. She gave no care as to who run it, unless they had an exotic tasting soul that is, or if they bothered her. She looked to her two targets an angel and a demon. “How lovely, I’ll have a beautiful meal tonight” she said her razor teeth showing. She stayed on tall buildings letting her wings bathe in the moonlight and slept in old abandoned buildings. She forever remained unknown to the humans that claimed this land.
Soon her partner was down on the ground eating a meal until her heart was content. “We had such a lovely hunt tonight Seclusion.” “Hmm, indeed” she said lying on her front and then jumped down “Come on, we should hurry. That song attracted too much attention for my liking."

She lifted her head quickly and backed up into the shadows with Deadly. Watching silently as the creatures of this place gathered around the mingled angel and demon corpse. "What happened to them, those aren't normal wolf marks, their too dainty" said one person. "And their wings appear to be an angel and a demon... what creature..." stopping they saw a silver feather stained with blood "That is..." they hesitated as if the name wouldn't come out their mind forgetting the correct name. “It's one of them... I don't know what they are but they should be dead... How is it alive?"

(To anyone who replies to this can you please not drop it without telling me...I worked really hard on this post and will be very annoyed, Pm if your interested in it please)
Character- I would like them to be able to put a fight against her. and can be anything humanoid (as long as in the first post you say what they
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:58 pm

Methos (pic by JMan -3H) was walking through the lit up street somewhere near the park while checking the people around him and looking for a sign of anything familiar other than the human world, his white, feathered wings folded as there was no need to be ready to fly. He wandered this place for a long time now as he was the first to arrive, since he was sent here and was told to wait for instructions or meet another angel, both didn't happen at the expected time and he decided to try and figure things out himself. He got lost, how moronic of him he was thinking to himself once, clearin the white long hair he had from his face, this place, plant between his heavenly home and the fiery abyss, the plane where humanoids and other creatures resided was much larger than he expected, and he was suppose to prepare things for the arrival of his kin!... It didn't matter now, by the time his siblings arrived he was too far from them and though he could feel a divine presence he couldn't decide where this feeling was coming from, and then it faded and left him there. Oh, there were other occasions when he felt it, but he only found ramnants of his brothers' - a feather, a metal shard from a sword or armor no one of this place used, he understood there was fighting, but who was fighting who? And why? While he didn't meet any angels he ran into some deamons, one have tried to kill him and the others mumbles something about agreement and that it wasn't his territory, and when he tried to talk to them they recognized him, thinking he wished them dead they fled, leaving him with more questions. He didn't even had to reach his greatsword resting on his back, its hilt ending a head high above his own. Other than these occasions he didn't meet anything that threatened him, or that he recognized from his home and he got used to this somewhat awkward world - to the rudeness of people and the little miracles they could do to bring a smile to anothers' face, gestures, not miracles, but sometimes the reaction was the same. The world on the otehr hand was surprised to see him at first, peoples' reactions varied from running away at the sight of him or turning to him for help which he was often glad to give. With time though it seemed that everyone got used to having outworldly being around and he was free to walk with his read long sleeved shirt, gloves and greaves that bore powerful glowing runes and he figures that there must be more of his race around after all. At this warm night he felt rather comfortable with himself, still, always dressed up with his gear and his sword and walking on the sidewalk like just about every other self respecting human when he heard an alluring song carried in the wind, together with a divine and hellish presence, this was odd but past experience made him keep his expectations low, he couldn't sense fighting, and the song made these presences somehow less important. The effect wasn't powerful, but after all this time of searching his own reason found nothing els but to follow it, wishing for himself that this time that would be it, he will find someone who knew about the world more than the humans did, and more importantly - someone he could talk to. He walked, not thinking about using his wings to fly or his magical powers to teleport closer to the source and regretted it when he song was over, the words hanging fuzzily in his memory and the melody fading like a morning mist. Then a strange thing happened - the divine and abyssal creatures were gone, he wasn't worried he wouldn't find the source however, humans always crowded where strange things happens, but the song was sweet to his ears, like it was made for him to listen to it. It led him into the park, to find men gathering around two corpses. Men tend to crowd around corpses all the time, especially now when it was regulat for people to die indoors, but these corpses were of an angel and a deamon, something tore them apart and fed on them. 'It doesn't look like fighting' he thought, the angels bastard sword was sheathed and the deamons metal claws were strapped to his waist, a surprise attack then, but what could've get an angel and a deamon that weren't fighting? more questions, he added them to his list and looked for a blood trail knowing that something that gore other creatures this way will be sure to leave. He didn't find much, but few drops of blood were enough for him, using his angelic powers to follow the killer. At this point he was desperate for answers enough not to kill whatever did this but to try to question it first, he went on after the track of offworldly leftovers, some that he might have known and some that he might have killed a while back...

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:17 pm

Seclusion was still close by she tensed seeing the presence of another angel Different, he’s too different…for an Angel she thought her piercing mismatched eyes scanning over the soul of the angel named Methos. Deadly Score had turned into a stunning scythe, the silver blades singing to calm the tension from its companion from this somewhat different angel presence.
She soon slipped from the shadows deciding to tease a little. “Hmm, I wonder what could have done such a thing, looks like an angel and demon how pitiful they are…” she said a few turning to her words “Angels are not pitiful creatures, they…” at that she snapped and her words grew hash “What do you know?” She was gone within what seemed like seconds her form had melted back into the shadows.

Giving a light sigh she settled herself back on the tall building beginning her song once more the bittersweet melody ringing with the music from her devilish companion. “Seclusion are you ok?”
“Yeah, something just bothers me... and it’s today…” she whispered.
The old scythe understanding kept playing the melody even when the lyrics seized to be sung. She looked up briefly seeing him again. “Hmmm, I might have some fun tonight… that angel is trying to find me… Maybe tonight isn’t so bad we both might get an extra meal and he actually looks like he won’t become prey at the drop of a hat.” She said a slight laugh coming from her and she picked up the twin bladed scythe and rested it on her back its silver crescent blades easily engulfing the moonlight as she waited.

“I wonder how much longer” she said and began her luring melody once more, he seemed interesting for an angel that is. But soon enough she decided to find him. “Who are you looking for Angel?” she asked a slight menace in her velvet voice her blood stained wings folded neatly on her back “Or are you just lost?” walking from the shadows with a white wolf beside her she simply waited for his answer standing firm and with no fear but also with such emotionless eyes hiding behind bits of stray hair.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:18 pm

Methos wasn't surprised, with all that mystery around and both the angel and the deamon dead, it was only reasonable that something unexpected will show up, but there still were so many question... A resounding, virtually eardeafening internal scream call him, summoning his awareness and sense. Living in a human world, a mortal world left some signs on him, one of them was the knowlage that death was a part of everything, and thogh he was immortal that atmosphere and lifestyle stuck to him, he shook himself from the light trance he was in and mentally repulsing from the song. There weren't many things he could expect, but considering the rarity of such an event it was probable enough that it will be a Utopian, a creature that was made to live of souls, any kind of souls including the two victims. And it was obvious enough that she was the killer, their blood was all over her and her wolf, the Utopians' shape shifting weapon. His newly gained survival instinct shoved him to be ready for attack and divine wrath was bursting inside him, but he contained himself, like the so many other poor humans had to do when facing trouble. He didn't reject them completely though, and as he unsheathed his two handed sword he asked nearly as he said "you must know my name by now", his eyes were jumping from the wolf to the Utopian female "whats yours?" he asked, he wanted to know who killed him if things would go downhill from here. Then, continueing his own line of thought he added "And while you're at it, what are you doing here Utopian? Your kind isn't well known for killing nerly openly, not to mention this overly populated area". He let his word linger, trying to buy some time before the hungry and the obviously too interested creature will release her fighting frenzy. It was too long without answers, with question he be his company, they could've send someone for him from up there, they just left him here and didn't communicate, and that was enough for him, he intended to get his answers. Problem was - getting answers from a hungry Utopian would be as hard as not killing her when she'll have enough of the talk, if there would be any more talk. He readied he greatsword, her weapon wasn't in her hands, but that didn't mean it wasn't at the ready, and he watched her for her next move. Even if only her wolf attack it'll be atleast by a mental note from her, since it didn't attack by now, and he scrutinized her eyes to see what she was about to do.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:37 pm

“My name is Seclusion Ash Soul or Alma in my language, from the tainted line of the Utopians, Methos.” She said her voice changing to a slightly harsher tone her fingers twitched she had more than just Deadly Score as a weapon. “You are correct, we did not hunt in the open, in fact many of us didn’t hunt but I must eat to survive as must my companion and who would leave such a plentiful hunting ground?” she asked. The blood on her wings was form long ago embedded in her wings after the sin of murder from the war and killing the queen of her own race. Her punishment would have been heavy but the power hungry queen had been another reason for the deaths of nearly every Utopian. Seclusion was all that was left and forever she would remain the last and she knew it.
She used to be like her mother, sweet, charming and caring, but those traits now hidden from the torment of war and her punishment for being what she was.

She had noticed him unsheathing his sword beforehand and Deadly turned into a scythe the blood vanishing from the sing silver crescent blades that loved it master dearly. She held the bloodied bandages with a firm grip the loose end flapping a little and her other pale skinned hand tucked bits of stray coal black hair form her emotionless but piercing mismatched eyes.

She took a threatening step forward she was not as tall or as strong as most of the opponents she faced but other abilities made up for it her fingers on one hand twitching the small almost invisible threads danced around the sword he had. A light chuckle coming from Deadly Score a small tune emitting from the scythe and Seclusion listened as if she was being told something.
Her stance changed but it was very subtle barely noticeable to those who did not know the basics of wielding a scythe. The tips of the back blade rested light behind her as though assuring herself of something and her wings fell loose.

The small threads tried to stop him from moving but failed when he moved once more and she gave a light smirk “So you’re not a weakling like those other two then, that is why they are pitiful, they know me and they don’t even train to defend themselves. However, you seem unaware of why there is so much fighting in this world of humans and creatures" she said. She had learned a lot in so little time to ensure her survival here that no one really knew how she learnt so much. Although it was pretty obvious.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:08 pm

Methos was impressed, he didn't head Utopian used any kind of threads, and her soul reading was say more advanced than he thought it would be, he stopped for a moment to wonder if all Utopians had that kind on in-depth soul reading, which was much more than reading the soul, she was reading his surface thoughts too. The wind stopped blowing and there wasn't any human around so it was safe to discuss other, nonhuman matters. He lowered the tip of his sword from his high guard stance and took a step back exchanging his from leg with his back leg, but he didn't let the tip didn't let it toutch the ground, that wasn't a defensive nor offensive stance but something in between, to show he didn't mean to attack, that didn't let her close on him before any fighting began, too. After all these years he wasn't letting his chance get away and the more they'll talk the closer he'll get to his answers. "Tell me then, why were these two walking alongside one another? What can make this felony from both sides be ignored by the superiors?". He wasn't blaming her for killing him, not really. It was his nature as an angel that ordered him to destroy anything that held evil qualities and harmed the messengers of heaven to be that angry at her. He could ignore that feeling by now after walking the mortal realm for so long, but he had his own rage, which was empowered too by his angelic need for justice. The moonlight shined on his swords' tip now aimed at seclusion but not threatning her, his wings slightly opening from their minimal fold by the excitment the situation offered, but he obviously wasn't going to attack as long as things went smoothly.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:21 pm

She read through his soul, He still thinks there are others he gaze wondered to the silver blades of the scythe which gave a comforting lullaby to the young Utopian. He gaze shot back up when he began to question her and she also noticed his threat her, holding Deadly’s firmly in her hand the tip of the bottom blade touch the tip of his sword as if testing something.
She hated to talk about this subject, angels and demons were nothing more than a threat in which made her life difficult and also prey that held everything she needed to survive. Seclusion scowled a little a slight frown forming on her lips from the questions.

Deadly gave a warning growl sensing the young Utopians unease and sadness mixing with rage all of a sudden. How could he not know, the naïve angel.. how could he not know? that fact angered her greatly she should not have to delved into the past to explain to some stupid angel that had lost himself in a mere city.

“Give me one good reason why I should answer you?” she said in a harsh voice sending chills through the air. She moved Deadly knocking his blade away and the sharp crescent swiftly threatened his throat. Misjudging the distance by only a fraction… or had he moved back? "I have no reason not after everything, you ignorant creature" her harsh words digging into the very soul and even her razor teeth seemed blunt in comparison to such words. Her eyes gazed up with anger filling them.

Swiftly moving back again to avoid any attack her eyes locked n him completely reading every move, breath hearing every sound that came and signalled an attack from him she was alert… almost too alert for anyone’s comfort.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:53 pm

'Not yet' he thought to himself as the scythe lashed towards him and he didn't move, she didn't show a killing intent on that attack and he was just out of reach anyways, though that was close enough for him to understand the next one might not be so suggestive but the real thing. One thing was sure - she wasn't hungry after her meal. Considering this was his last chance he answered her question hoping some sort of code will make her answer his, even if the chance for that pretty much nothing, he had to try. With a low, internal tone he said "I've been sent here many years ago, before the fighting even begane, but i got lost and didn't meet anyone but deamons who ran off or tried to kill me, i was left out of it all. As to why you should answer me - because im not going to let my chance to know to get away, tell me." He couldn't help but tense as his mentality fought off the effect of her words, she probably knew more and more about him with every passing moment, but it didn't matter now, the important thing was what she knew about the events and he didn't. He placed his sword back to the last stance he had and waited there.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:03 pm

Pure anger soon took over her eyes mixed with hatred something had changed this touched a sensitive nerve. “Then don’t get yourself involved, this must be more than you can handle if you’ve been left out. “And this fight between us has been going for an endless and I’ve seen and every bitter moment and scream, go back to your haven and rot there” she snapped at him clearly not going to answer.
She suddenly lunged at him remember that last time she left one of them alive she almost got killed being forced to spit out if there were any others… there weren’t not anymore… she was the last solider, last of her kind and the queen was dead but they would not cease the fighting.

Her stance changed once more swiftly lowering her body as she lunged that scythe blade attempting to slit his throat but the cut was shallow,nothing more than a minor scratch like the kind you get from a house cats claws when it was angry at you, she tutted and frowned before her fingers twitched once more her eyes met his for a brief moment showing her hatred for him just because he was one of them
She triped him with the curved crescent blades of Deadly and at that point she dropped her scythe and pinned him down having to resort to using her own body weight to try and pin him. Her wings opened a little their orginal form of midnight blue with ink black tips. She glared at him "I am not obliged to answer your questions..." her razor teeth snapping at the last word. "Leave my territory and never come back.
She was unaware of how vunaerable she was but didn't give a damn at this point in time forgetting the true abilties of her oppoent completely lost in her anger.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:25 pm

The cut to the neck would've got Methos if he didn't move slightly, and then Seclusion spoke.
More than he could can handle... Fighting going for an endless amount of time... How long has it been since he left heavens' gates? For how long have he been walking this realm? How long was it since he last been concated? Never, not since he left heaven, about the other question, frankly, he wasn't sure... And she've seen everything, and screamed... What have she seen? What he didn't, what he was left out of, she knew everything, all that he missed... After all that time something of this world, the mortal world got to him, and something got to her too. But while the change in him deepened his personality and made him understand that what he thought to be right was a blinded heavenly good guidance the change in her was different, It was as there was a huge scar in the world, not only in her... He heard from his brothers that Utopians were agressive, but something in Seclusions' manner told him that something was overly wrong.
All of this was running in his mind while Seclusion was tripping him, and he understood that what lie hidden was much more than he was asking for but what els was there for him? No other of his kind to be sure, this is all he had, and he wasn't letting it disapear, not as far as he was concerned. Now he was sprawled on the ground, Seclusion leaping onto him and keeping him where he was, his wings flat and his sword held in his left hand, resting flat on the ground as well, her words achoed in his mind that was readying itself to grasp the situations' scale, still craving to know whats it all about.
His right hand moved between his head to hers and grabbed her neck, his left leg flexing at the knee while his feet remain on the round, pulling his knee closer to his body. A rightward pull at Seclusions' neck, a powerful thrust of his left leg and left wing turned the weaker Utopian over and under him. He placed both his strong his wings over hers to pin them down, interlocked one of her legs with both of his, spread his hands and cought her arms grounding them to the ground and using his elbows for stability, planting them into the earth. She could try and use her free leg, but the most she could do would be kicking into the air. He lie on herand just for a moment reminded himself he left his sword near where his left hand was, with enough distance to force him to break his lock to reach and take it, his face mere inches from her, his rage building tremendously while performing the maneuver. It was his turn to be snarling, his eyes reflecting the anger and wrath that filled him "What happened here? Heaven deny me, hell escapes me, and Utopians scream of despair. Tell me" He said the last two words as a hiss coming through grating teeth, her eyes filling his view, as his eyes were filling hers. He decided that if she would try to bite him with her devilish teeth he'll butt them or her nose with his forehead, even if it means she'll have none left to eat material food.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:41 pm

Seclusion struggled against him instantly rather shocked that she was suddenly on the floor with her wings outstretched and even snapped at him as she eventually got pinned down herself the scythe turning into a wolf and snarling angrily. Eyes of pure hatred looked back up at as she tried breathing his hand restricting it and she hated it the markings on her neck burned a little under the scarf biting her lip to stop her screaming, to her it hurt, her wings flexed flat on the ground flapping wilding despite the fact even they had been pinned down.
She soon stopped trying to get free figuring out she had no chance her wings soon stopped.
“Use your head you stupid angel or are you really that naïve? Utopians…. Usually travel in family groups yet there is only one of me… we do not live to fight yet you’ve pinned one down in a fight… use your damn head and think…. There are no more Utopians there is only me you twit” she snapped at him. She knew she was not in best position either.
“Nothing is as it seems anymore, this world is a lie and that so called alliance with the Utopians was destroyed long ago… they placed an order to destroy us… our home and burn every damn soul they found… every belonging and if that didn’t work then torture them until they gave up…” she snapped. She had just about survived that torture but not without injury she only just survived and her body now littered with scars.

"But answer me this, why the on earth would you care?" she snapped her harsh voice returning. Deadly snarled suddenly and Seclusion tried to get free once more desperatly struggling to get away this time. She had already read all his thoughts.... She didn't understand how he didn't know, he was clearly skilled and atleast equal in abilty to her clearly they'd have had a better chance of finding her if they had told him.
She jerked suddenly her insticnts picking up something and snapped at him threatening him once more with her hellish teeth."I have answered now let me up"
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:41 am

He didn't see that coming. In all his years he couldn't image angels making genocide, yet her words rang true, the hatred in her eyes honest. He began linking everything he has seen, all the clues he found. It came as a shock to him and he lie there for a moment, still grounding her and breathing heavily. Her flinch called him back from his thoughts and he decided to keep the coping for later, for when he had the time. His focus faded as her speach went on, the understanding of the damnable situation of everything around him sinking. How come he never had a chance to fully see that? Every time he got close to the truth it ran away and now he got everything on a siver plate, just as he asked. Her next question was another blow, what did he care, really? He wasn't a fallen angel, but a left out angel wasn't so far away from it. Ofcourse he cared but the recent events, this truth slapping his face was more than he could handle if he needed to know the answer for such a question and he kept quiet, his thoughts turned inside. Suddenly his head reared a bit when she snapped, he didn't really wanted to harm her, especially after seeing the truth. He quickly lowered himeslef to ground her as much as he could and pressed his head against hers so she won't try to bite him. "Are we going to kill eachother now?" he asked in her ear, he wanted to know whats going to happen before he moved, in case she'll decide to draw those threads of her again, or set her weapon on him, he was beginning to be aware of anotehr presence, but right now he didn't care. He wasn't satisfied, not at all.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:02 am

While he was in shock she tried to get out from under him not at all happy with being grounded she hated it and hissed angrily at him warning him to let her up now. She watched his reaction seeing that her question was another blow a light smirk danced on her lips once more, “Care about recent events, this is not recent this is over a century old…” she snapped.

“Seclusion, we have no time” snapped Deadly suddenly and her eyes went up to the sky and she snapped at him once more to let her up she tried to move her leg caught between both of his instead of moving her free one and when he pressed his head against her she bared her teeth angrily threatening him despite her position as she tried to pull her head back away. “Just let me up, like I said I have answered your questions let me up” she snapped at him or at least tried to as he grounded her as much as he could hating the feeling she was trapped and snarled at him

Listening to his next words she laughed a little “Kill each other? I don’t think so, if we kill each other those damn angels will have succeeded in their mission and I don’t plan on dying until my own mission is complete” she said that dangerous smirk danced on her lips. She hissed a little angry picking up he still wasn't satisfied despite the other presence there. "I don't care if your satisfied or not, I will not answer anymore until I am let up"

Deadly stepped forward this time “Let my companion up, we must leave before we are found again… and we need to hunt tonight” she said simply making Seclusion hiss once more as she felt the presence of something else making her tense since she couldn’t see it and was still stuck under the cursed angel that grounded her. Deadly began snarling as well “Let her up , Angel!” there was a clear sense of urgency between the pair they knew something dangerous to them was coming and this tiem they didn't feel like risking it. Tense and paniced still trying to get away she moved her head a little just enough to get him to rear his head up again and went for his neck with her hellish teeth, having no idea if it would work or not but just wanted him off her.
"Don't let me up and you'll end up as my next meal" she said her voice turning back to it's velvet like tone.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:39 pm

The moment she tried to bite his neck he instinctively butted her face using his forehead but he reacted too early and missed, hitting her nose instead of her teeth not hard enough to break it yet enough to make it bleed and her head to reciol. Listening to her the word that now came with some painful diffeculty he wasn't ammused at all, yet he replied to her thread very calmly "Considering your situation i don't know if you can". Right now he was the superior but he understood her sudden, different tension and obvious histeria - it was this Utopians feeding time, and the new presence was making her nervous too - she was being hunted by both sides and so, dispite what he just said he let her go, untangling his legs from hers and waving his wings once he let go of her hands and lifted into the air, landing near his sword with a soft 'tak' made by his light boots and picking it up. As he placed his sword behind his back he gave more attention to the other being, enough to understand where it was coming from. He was apprehesive as he spoke again "I... won't follow heavens will to destroy you, but i'll acompany you, till things settles... Im not welcomed by both sides at the moment either, so we can row the same boat". The human reference for working on the same side probably wouldn't mean much to the Utopian but Methos just got into the habbit of slipping those to his speach unintentionally as he wandered through the mortal realm. For a moment he got excited about the idea of flying, there wasn't a need to fly here as no human was able to fly and so he himself didn't fly for many years and now he was in the company of a winged creature. He gave it a secound thought, flying might not be the best idea if they needed to hide, unless ofcourse the being nearby wasn't able to fly, but he wasn't able to detect enough about it to know.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:01 pm

Her head fell back and she closed her eyes hissing a little in both pain and annoyance. She was only too glad he had missed her teeth she needed those to eat the souls. She knew her position “That has never stopped me before and I don’t plan to let my position stop me now” she said and was swift to get to her feet her wings stretched out their more subtle midnight blue, ink black tipped form blending well with the darkness they moved a little on their own and made a slight sound and she stroked them “We can’t fly… not yet” she whispered to them and looked over her shoulder “Do as you will.. Just don’t bother me too much” she said and her eyes quickly searched the darkness she just folded her wings in tightly.
She had but one true home but she was not going to go there while he still accompanied her and instead she walked through the dark alleyway and to an old settlement. It wasn’t the best of places not many knew It was there but it was a small community within the city. She rustled her wings a little and just walked straight to an old block of buildings, up a few flight of stairs and to the place she slept. The apartment was bare apart from things that were necessary. The walls were damp and this hidden place she somewhat called home was better than her true home in ruins.

Looking outside she noticed the coming dawn and sighed she ignored his presence mostly and Deadly walked beside her heels as she just went to get ready for bed before speaking “there should be a spare room you can use that” she muttered but that was all she said as the tiredness from the night engulfed her. This place was only used by her so she didn’t have to pay for rent or anything food she never had to buy at all and only bought a few things for Deadly to eat but she mostly hunted for herself.
Everything seemed so normal considering but the one differance was that as soon as she had fallen asleep threads weaved themselves around the house to protect their master from those that hunted her Deadly even if she did trigger them was recognised and they would not bother her for such a thing but Methos would be a different story, getting too close to her wouldn't be wise. Lying on her front, her arms folded infront of her she buried her head in them with both wings falling over her.

The one point in time in which she returned to her oldself in which she seemed at peace, full of innocence and no longer hatred. Deadly watched her for a breif while before she returned to where Methos was an looked to him "Anymore question methos, I do not want her disturbed" she said in a motherly soft voice, like how she talked to Selcusion.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:28 pm

Methos was guarded as the white wolf approached him, mistaking the non-threatning tone to be a sarcastic farewell, thinking the wolf might attack him while leaving seclusion out of it, and he decided to risk it. The next most important thing about this whole plot nearly jumped out of his mouth as he kept a tensed stance, a part of him whispering that this wolf really ment its words, and that this last Utopian, Seclusion, didn't put her main purpose in killing him, when she struggled him it was like she only wanted to survive, to keep living... "Why...? Why would both heaven and hell work together to destroy the Utopians? There is a war already - angels killing deamons, deamons killing both angels and humans, and the Utopians killing everyone, even if its more about servival than it is about war. God isn't interested in conquest and the last thing hell want to do is to walk hand in hand with the higher force. What was it about the Utopians that made everyone want to kill them? As i said i was left out of it even if i was here before it happened" while he spoke another, different and strage voice was speaking in his mind 'they did send you before it began, the sent you away from it', another hard to believe truth but one he made himself hear so he could accept 'what am i thinking? doubting god? im an angel, there is a reason for it, there must be' and then another thought came to his mind, 'am i sepose to be the one who will kill the last of them?' he violently recoiled and shook himself of that thought, there was something wrong with that thought, something shallow that wouldn't fit the higher power he was sepose to serve, but unlike the angels who served and were filled with gods light, it was long time since he saw that light, and with time he learned from the mortals around him that the light could be found within him as well. It was a different one - gods' light was absolute, unquestioning, undoubting and all knowing, the light Methos found in his heart was more tender and understanding, the sort of light that led mortals to the death they always knew to come at some point. There was another thing - the only part he couldn't really decide if it was true or not, and after a short break to let the wolf answer on his previous question he asked, with a soft, deep tone of his own, recognizing that he might share a companion here that he never shared before - a companion for lonelyness and homesicking "Is she really the last?"

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:46 pm

“Hmmm, you really don’t know anything do you? How to explain…” said Deadly sitting down “The reason for the destruction of that race holds two reasons. There was an alliance between the three races once with the Neutral race keeping the peace and guiding the souls to their correct place but the other two got angry because they wanted more control over such a thing but the king and queen of the neutral race refused to rethink the deal knowing full well it was fair and that they were just being greedy. The king was killed but the queen was spared her and her two daughters one a new-born born into the war just before the youngest of the family. The next queen was corrupt and raised her sister as a weapon after she was born into the beginning of the war, but that all turned when her sister was given a choice to end it all and she took it, she killed the corrupt queen without hesitation but you see that only brought more hatred from the other two for that queen was giving both sides exactly what they wanted. She never spoke of such a think again for she knew what was right at that point in time, her people were suffering she had lead her own race to their deaths.” she said finding it hard to explain why they were ordered to death “Some say they brought it on themselves but think about it they were only trying to create an equal agreement and keep the peace. The deal that the other queen made was unequal and unfair, the humans deaths increased greatly but neither side cared until the two heads realised, that is the onyl reason they co-operate now."

Looking up to him as he asked the next question she nodded “Indeed she is, she is the last there are no more we’ve been searching for many years now. But we have had no success" she said a sense of sadness in her voice a stirring came from Seclusion her wings rustling on her back giving a small screech and Deadly turned slightly "Don't be alarmed it's only her wings screeching, her second soul controls them they are a living being within themselves at times."

A udden clutter was heard from the next room and Seclusion was up her eyes glazed over and Deadly turned swiftly and snarled a hiss came from Seclusion her razor teeth showing to warn them both. Something was terribly wrong. "Seclusion calm down, relax..." Deadly walked forward towards her fearless Seclusion withdrew her threads and just watched the wolf waking towards her "Calm down, Tamar is safe, she's home remember..." Seclusion just looked to her and turned her gaze towards the window pericing eyes watching the daylight she did not speak a word and flexed her wings out before she just colasped sitting on the bed. "Listen" whispered Deadly turning into a scythe Seclusion closed her eyes and listened to the sweet lullaby emmitted from the blades.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:15 pm

Methos didn't understand, or rather, he didn't agree with the reasoning - he understood hell throwing someone away without even thinking about it, but heaven... yes, things were wrong... it wasn't god, but someone in the high windows got greedy for good carma made by raising souls to heaven, and thats what the deamon meant when he said it was their territory. The angel was at first awed by the wolf, but he quickly became to accept her - He never saw anything like her, but he wasn't out and about too much before this failing mission of his. When he did get out of heavens' gates it was always with determination and cause, and he came back as quickly as he finished his task. following the white she-wolf to Seclusions' room he jumped when Seclusion got up and threatning but soon relaxed as he understood what was happening, he understood Seclusions' nightmare a little bit better now, both when she was awake or asleep. His nature demanded him to care and ask her, or her she-wolf friend about it, but he reminded himself that the she-wolf asked him to keep quite, and he did, he was also curioous about her wings, eince his wings were his own and he didn't need a soul to use them. He didn't stay for the lullaby and left as Seclusion went back to sleep, finding the room she mentioned before and sitting himself on the bed and rested his back against the wall, his sword resting tip on the floor between his legs and hilt on one of his shoulders and waited to dawn, like he did many nights but this night he was thinking about a different world, and asking himself what was his place in it.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:31 pm

Seclusion soon settled back to sleep when the night returned over the world she was awake once more not to hunt this time but more like to stretch her wings, she didn’t bother to disturb him and just picked up Deadly and laid her on her back. Opening the window the cold winter air appeared and she took in a deep breath not saying a word she sat on the windowsill for only a brief second before she was in the air flying and looking below just to search for the stray souls. She still kept up the job her race used to do but for her it was far more difficult due to her illness. She pulled little at her pale tattered blue scarf around her neck. She gave a light sigh first before she landed swiftly and listened around her always so alert for anything that was a danger to her. She had no choice, she did not want to die.
She deicded to head back to the ruins that night.

However, she had read his soul briefly before she slept and left a noteon the table, reading; Our wings have souls because they are their own being, this is because we did not have wings beforehand and so we needed to grow a new soul in order to accept them as we evolved.

Tamar’s souls had found the angel and returned to their spirit form and screamed using a younger, similar voice to Seclusion’s “Please listen… I need you to tell sister something. She can’t hear me... Please tell her something for me. It’s important Methos” she said trying get the angel to listen to her. She had watched last night and knew full well that her sister wouldn’t be able to make him shut up easily either so it was a good chance for her. “Please, just warn her, they are planning something terrible, she’s in danger tell her not to go near the ruins, Please Methos” The younger sibling seemed less harsh and more like what true Utopians were like before the war and before the bitterness she also greatly resembled her older sister but she was far more like the old Seclusion, caring and gentle.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:13 am

Methos stood up at once, rising from his contemplations he held his sword with one hand on the hilt and one on holding the blade in a defesinve position. He sensed another being here, not as threatning as Seclusion he decided but was still on his guard, you could never really know how tough an opponent is, especially if he could trick he's something he's not even before you saw him, attacking an angel such as himself and a Utopian will make this skill useful.Then he heard a voice coming from far far away but going stronger as it went on " Please listen… I need you to tell sister something. She can’t hear me... Please tell her something for me. It’s important Methos " he turned around to find a half visible figure that looked like the Utopian he recently met. He was awed, did Utopians possessed the ability of astral projection as well? "Seclusion?" he asked, not quite sure how to react "I thought you were the last one" he added, still not quite grasping it, and just afted he said it the small bell rang in his mind "Tamar" he used the name he heard from the she-wolf, that must've been her looking so much like Seclusion, but not as combative he figured. " Please, just warn her, they are planning something terrible, she’s in danger tell her not to go near the ruins, Please Methos " The ruins... the Utopian city, he knew where it was but he never been there and his first visit will be to its ruins, i seemed. He looked to the ghost "I'll try" he said, he didn't have many ways of detecting Seclusion, but he thought he had a good bet about the direction in which she'll go. Methos sheathed his sword, dashed to the window and jumped head on, going throught it without a sound, the glass gone a long time ago and opened his white wings, crousing into the night.

[ i have no idea what to do now XD how does Methos even find her? ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:15 am

Frowning at her older sister name she shook her head soon nodding at her name smiling a little “Oh, you don’t know how to find her Methos; of course you don’t you can’t ‘see’ ” she then thought a bit. “Listen, Listen…. She sings around this time, sister always sings at this time in the same spot…you can follow just make sure she doesn’t go the ruins it’s a trap they know she’ll go there tonight” she said and soon she let silence take over a melody playing once more and the familiar mix of demonic and angelic mixed into one once more the sweet voice not as luring for it was not her night of hunting but she still sang to lure the stray souls to her. The sadness of the song was noticeable but a slight passion was in the voice.

“If you do not get there in time head north of here, it should be easy to spot the forest outside the city there is an old building many say it is an old church, Arum lilies grow there it’s the only place they can grow…” she said but vanished.. she had no more time left and needed to get back following her sisters song.

Seclusion kept on singing; it echoed but no one would stop to listen their ears just blanking the song but the angels heard it, the demons heard it and they stopped only for a moment were they all forced to remember the bitter moments but it was enough to satisfy Seclusion. Her mission was not to destroy them but to teach them, to try and balance things out once more, she sat on the highest point she could find small flickering flames of many colours drifted towards her and she read every one of their bitter tales hushing their restless souls to sleep she would guide them back tonight.

(I thought of
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:26 pm

Methos flew off from the appartment and changed his siderction to the direction Seclusions' singing was comnig from, it wasn't that hard to do, it was luring him there. Unlike before though, this song wasn't meant to be hypnotizing, but instead it was inviting and guiding, telling a sad story that was more understandable in concept than in literal words from this distance. He flew for a while, quickly closing the distance between him and the source of the song, but all of a sudden the song stopped and Methos was swipping the area, looking for Seclusion. After another short while he decided it wasn't worth it, and headed north, to the forest and the ruined city of Utopia. At this point he lowered his flight, the ruins were well within the forest and even though he knew their location he didn't want to take the chance of missing them. When he saw the first glimps of the ruins he lowered himself to ground level partly running and partly gliding till he reached the city entrance. The first thing Methos noticed about this place is that it was haunted, or cursed - the air felt heavier here, as thought somebody was watching the air and overbearing it with his glare, the forest was twisted, the trees bare with red tint covering their trunks, there wasn't a single house complete with most of them burned and torn apart, he could see through most of them, and sometimes through the house behind them. The cobble stones were taken apart leaving parts of roads and mostly dirt to walk on, everything he set his eyes on was rotting and damp, part of crates, wagons, poles, stands and more were spread around the street, all in crumbling state, this poor place was sacked to the ground, and beyond if possible, its glorious days weren't visible anymore as it was now, less than a skeleton of its former self. Methos walked the streets, nervous by the surprising atmosphere that was found inside a forest, in this place which was so out of place, till he got to a relatively complete building - he wasn't able to see through it and he got the notion atleast a part of every one of its wall was standing. The cross wasn't there, but the hole in the wall shapes like a cross was, he found the church.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:13 pm

Seclusion was there she was used to the saddening heavy atmosphere and thechillin which her wings protected her from of the place she once and still does call home. Deadly looked to her the once fiercely piercing eyes turning softer, sadder and somewhat relaxing, but in this haunted cursed place the white arum lilies blossom under the moonlight. Sun light barely seemed to hit this place licked into the midnight veil as though it was a ghost.
Walking to the well she let the souls direct themselves taking them to where their correct place no matter what they were. She closed her eyes briefly as silence overcame her. It reminded her so much of the end of the war each time she did this job but if she were to stop it then they would win.

She let Deadly wonder and picked up a white Arum lily once she was inside the old church. Looking to the flower of death she gave a light chuckle “how Ironic, the flower of death is the colour of innocence” she laughed a little and then snapped… She gave a light sigh and stood up still holding the lily in her hand she walked a little and soon faced him “What is it you want Methos, you have no business in my home. Or rather what is left of it” she said simply her voice harsh and defensive teeth bared very slightly. She did not want him or anyone to destroy all she had left of her race; it was truely all she had left of them and though she may dwell in its memories it was better than forgetting a place which held so much beauty at one point in time. But that was long ago."Answer already" she snapped at him.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:01 pm

Methos was standing in the churches' main hall, broken statues, crumbling and mostly burned benches, part of suporting walls around him and an old well toward the other end of the church, right across to the main door. He wasn't standing at the center facing the door and waiting for her, instead he stood somewhat off to the side, he didn't dare to move, but he turned to look at her. His eyes were jumping all over the place - the dark spots where light didn't get to, climbing up poles that didn't end in what was left of the ceiling and stares at a hole in the wall, or the wall in the hole depend on how you look at it [sorry, i just had to], then he settled himself on Seclusion, nothing els was important, nothing els mattered. The stress was obvious - he had very little time and making both sides wait wasn't easy at all, he spoke quickly and quietly, not wanting to give his plan too far away, to other ears listening with care "Your sister came to me and told me to warn you about a trap, here, you must get out of here, they're waiting for you, all of them - both heaven and hell. Im going back with the angels but you must get out of here now. Look at my soul, its true, you must never return here. Find another well but go, now!" His urgent tone was plain, his eyes worried, understanding what will happen if any of the sides capture her. The greatsword was resting on his back as it always used to, and he wondered that if on this time he'll be fast enough to reach it, that Utopian was stubborn and arguing with him meant delay, and delay meant assault, all he hoped was for her to read his soul and get out of there as fast as she could.

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Post by Soul Hunter Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:20 pm

She shook her head and looked to him reading his soul her eyes froze, locking on and flicking through it didn’t even take seconds and she looked to him “I cannot leave my birth place, this is all I have left and you expect me to never return, let me tell you one other thing Methos, there is no other well” she whispered back with a snap in her voice. She knew full well she had to leave she could now sense them all around her and swiftly her wings spread she grabbed Deadly quickly her blood-stained wings taking her into the air she made a brief gesture of thanks to him but it was very subtle barely noticeable if one did not look.
She found the broken glass and went for it swiftly bits of it shattering just front the contact of her wings and the angels arrived only seconds after a few gave chase and one scowled at him “What did you do that for, she can sense and she can read… that was one stupid plan, talking to her yourself” he said a bit annoyed with himself for letting that happen. The demons chased after as well but she was soon caught and fell to the ground without one wing one of the angels having ripped it off her back violently but she wouldn’t scream.
She gave a groan and was pulled to her feet the demons grabbed Deadly and she turned to a wolf snapping and growling and Seclusion turned instantly her only friend, the one she thought of as family was being taken away. She snapped at the angels barely missing their neck. “Let her go, Let Deadly Score go” she screamed angrily. “Oh shut it you despicable creature”
“How can you call me despicable when you’ve almost killed off an entire race and what for… nothing but petty greed” “our queen was no different” no, she was different you held greed before her and I sorted that problem out, I only have you pigs left to deal with”

But they had also noted one other thing Methos, he had said something, done something that seemed odd, why hadn’t she snarled at him why had she paused as if she was listening or bother to search his soul, why? They knew he had done something to ruin the original plan and whatever it was it brought up issues in which he would be judged on, if he returned. They were slwoly peicing it together.
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