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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:56 pm

“Seclusion Ash Soul, where have you hidden him?” she snarled “Why would I hide my enemy, thanks to him, I almost lost a wing to you annoying pests.” She made them snap, picking up Deadly she held the silver crescent blade to his neck “Want to risk it, you use magic to absorb attacks, you’re a terrible fighter and even the arc-angels struggle to fight me, think you even stand a chance, fledgling. No wait, that would be insulting to the fledglings, whelp” she smirked. “Don’t let her wind you up”
“Actually you are invading my territory, get out, I’m rather hungry tonight, form what you did to me… maybe you should be my next meal” They froze and turned to her “Now get out of my lands you insolent flies” she said threatening them this time taking Deadly away from his throat she stepped forward and they backed up. She was truly threatening and her mood wasn’t great when she had newly growing wings, they were irritable.
“Come on we should search elsewhere, this creature… monster won’t let us search for another fly, how stupid” she closed her eyes and twitched her fingers, the small threads nearly ripping off their wings. “Leave now” she said frighteningly calm. They looked to her and left swiftly. She turned to Methos. “I’m sorry, I seem to have dragged you in with me” she said running a hand through her hair and giving a light sigh. Deadly jumped down from the air as a wolf, “You are so irritable Seclusion, calm yourself”
“You try having wings growing form your back, it’s downright painful” she said and just went to go calm herself down sitting in the living room after finding a story book to read.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:51 am

"Thanks" Methos chuckled "You handles them pretty well" he said as he accompanied her to the living room. He noted her mood and went to the kitchen and meeting with Deadly on his way there he asked if there was anything he could do to ease or help Seclusion, both of them seemed to be in a better mood than she was and fatching another glass of water he brought it back with him. Seeing Seclusion absorbing herself in the book hi put the glass infront of her and sat beside her thinking that it was the who-knows-how-many times she was reading it, is he was there, there should be no reason to read it alone and so , slightly afraid of an extreme reaction but willing to take it all the same he ask "Hey, whats that about?" He was never interested in stories but for some reason he couldn't quite explain there was nothing els in the world at that moment he wanted to know more than that. Still, he did press the point and asked the question in a casual way, knowing full well she'll know everything if she cared to glance at him but considering she was so upset he hoped he could make it easier for her. Since the angels left he got the a strange feeling like someone havebeen watching them, or even specifically him and even if this could be expected he didn't trust that watcher. There was no reason to keep his guard up all the time, if they wanted to watch he'll let them atleast untill they'll escape again, for now getting some rest and letting Seclusion's wings finish their growth was at a higher priority.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:29 am

“She always gets like this, just try not to make her snap, it’s not pretty” she laughed a little. She looked up from her book briefly seeing him put the glass in front of her she nodded her head in thanks before going back only for a little while before he asked about what she was reading. “It’s about a human, he got lost one time but no one quite knows why he didn’t come back. He stayed there for many years. He said he met an angel there… it’s a rather good story” she said “But it’s an old one, told by the elders usually but they wrote them down as well.
She too had a feeling he was being watched which was rather concerning, “I wonder why they are after you though? Surely they haven’t become that corrupt just yet, but it’s odd. They’ve never hunted one of their own” she said ruffling her hair. She gave a light sigh leaning back to calm down a little. “Did they leave a tracker on you?” she asked just wondering, “Sometimes even they stoop to that level, plus do you get that feeling your being watched” she asked…
After a few more hours her wigns ahd grown all their feathers. She gave a sigh and stretched them out, the new bone cracking into place. She looekdto the arum lilies in the vase and thought a little. "Ever been to a festival?" she asked, they might as well do something, there was usually festival around thsi time of year anyway, one her race usually did. "Maybe it'll calm us both down, you appear to be rather tensed up as well in which even I know that isn't normal for you"
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:09 pm

Hearing her speculations he gave it some thought pausign for a moment he said "They probably guided an arcane angel till they found me, and he left his far vision spell here to watch over me". As Seclusion spoke his wandering dark thoughts changed from spying angels to the joyable lighthearted moments of more than one festival he had been on. Being in those events reminded him of special events in the place he used to call home, and left him with an odd feeling that even though every one of these humans had problems regardless of who he was everyone seemed to be able to drop them off and just enjoy the celebration. "Actually" he said, looking at her he didn't know if he should get her in her bad mood to be around people "I know a place that should be celebrating tonight, come on, lets see what they've got. That might confuse our new friend, too." He got up from the couch and led the way to the door, after closing it behind Seclusion and Deadly he jumped to the air and glided toward a nearby city. He didn't pick up speed as they had time now - everyone knew where they were hiding and speed wouldn't loose the spy so he took his time and relaxed, after all they were going to the biggest party in the whole region.

The light and sounds could be heard from afar as the night covered the world and people went out to the streets, to behold and join the great parade that was all over the city. Kids weren't sent to bed early and were allowed to play together, running in the streets chasing and playing, enjoying the freedom that was given to them to do as they liked, youngsters joined the dancing and pageants, some of the adults danced, some hanged in the streets, watching the celebrations and some watched from their windows, accompanying the parades with their eyes, minds and lively cheers while the old gathered in groups of various sizes talking to themeselved about the newest gossips and occasionally pointing to something they knew something about, that was going on in the streets or in the homes.
Methos Landed in a side ally that split from one of the city's main streets, coming out of it didn't cause any stirring in the crowd as by now they were used to the presence of outwolrly beings, and in such days angels were welcomed as a good sign. They came out to face a large group of standing elders all chattering enthusiastically at once making the conversations hardly understandable, blocking the path out of the alley. A boy ran to them squicking in excitement "Grempa grempa look! An angel!" Atleast half of the men didn't seem all excited as the boy was but some of them turned to look, confirming the news to those who didn't bother to turn, who in their turn turned to see and decide for themselves if that angel was worth noticing and nearly all of them turned back to their talks. One old man made his way to Methos, his friends watching him, He was tall and seemed to had a good shape when he was younger, his body still strong from many years of phisical effort. Walking tall and bald he stopped before Methos and examined him "You haven't changed a bit, you old bastard!" he stated and punched the still confused angel forcefuly on his shoulder "You promised to come visit me that time we met, after the war, i thought you forgot!" By the time the man finished Methos recognized him "Hard to forget someone who save your life, how have you been Marcus? I see you took a good care of that scalp, keeping it shiny" He said with a smirk.
"That "scalp" still blind the onlooker" Marcus retorted, pointing at his bald head. Then Methos changed the subject "Happy new year Marcus, i'de like you to meet a friend - Marcus, meet Seclusion" Marcus Turned himself to see her and he scanned her with a critical eye "If you're with him then it good to meet you" he congratulated her, then turning back to Methos he said is a lower voice that still could be heard, but he did that to hint Seclusion he was trying to et things straight without offending her "I don't sepose she's one of your hevenly friends...? Her wings ehh" It was clear enough he was talking about her black wings in contrast to the angel's white ones "She is a friend, and not a bad one" was what Methos offered, and that seemed to satisfy his old time fellow. "Well then. Feel welcomed to join our celebrations" Marcus lifted his arms in an inviting gesture and made a path for them going through one side of the group to the side of the main street. While they were at it Methos asked Marcus "How fair's your city?" -- "Not my city, you may remember my officer, Elliot, we thought its best to give him the pleasure" -- "What? Elliot? Are you serious? Elliot can't tell his toe from his shoe" But Marcus didn't answer, he just kept going throught the crowd toward the parade "Oh boy" Methos exclaimed and Marcus half turned his head and shouted above the noise "Im an advisor, keeping him in check, we're doing alright." And the obviously did, it was a large city, the celebrations were only beginning and it was already hard to move around the streets. "Well, it sure is good to see you again, and now go and enjoy yourself, i've got a gossip to catch, you came just in the interesting part" And Marcus departed, leaving them to do as they liked.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:34 pm

Seclusion listened to what he had to said a nodded “Hmm most likely” she said before she got up “ok…” she said a little curious now but still when she was outside she waited for him to take the lead Deadly resting on her back neatly. Landing she turned into a wolf and Seclusion looked to him folding her dark blue wings in swiftly. “Reminds me off one of our old festivals, how nostalgic” she smiled She noticed the man walking towards them and instinctively she stepped back. She raised an eyebrow at the first thing he said not able to help laughing a little Deadly chuckled and looked to them. She listened to the conversation before the boy came up to her and she kneeled down “What are you?” he asked “I’m something long forgotten by you humans” she said softly. Deadly walked forward and licked the boy’s hands. “What are you, I won’t forget”… “There isn’t any point; I’ll doubt they’ll be another, forget about that question” her voice softened greatly. “What’s your name?” she looked to Deadly “Seclusion” she said simply… “That’s a funny name… why, what’s your real name?” pausing she laughed “My, you are clever…” looking up she stood when she was mentioned. “Don’t you dare think about comparing me to those demons either Marcus” she said simply and Deadly chuckled. “But it is nice to meet you as well”
While those two talked the young boy walked with her, she told him old legends which he appeared to love very much. She picked up bits of the conversation easily though. But preferred to tell stories, old legends she was told.

She raised an eyebrow when Marcus and the young boy left, “What festival is this?” she asked him curiously “What are they celebrating?” she asked curiously “and I’m guessing he was an old friend of yours, Marcus doesn’t seem so bad…” she said compared to the humans she had met he seemed more… human. The ones she had learnt about when she was young. “Seems he wasn’t happy about you not changing into an old man either” she laughed, remembering the greeting he had received form his old friend. She looked around, everything was so lively, she smiled happily at the scene. “So lively” she whispered
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:17 am

The surprise struck Methos when Seclusion's comment came after Marcus questioning about her, she should've known that he didn't know about her "Don't take it so hard, wasn't it your wish that no one will remember?" Methos asked while walking in the crowd, no one heeding their conversation. When they got out of the crowd and Marcus said his farewell Methos tapped Seclusion on the back of one of her hands to get her attention and motioned her to come with him. They were walking throught the main street passing professional dancers in costumes, a huge festive paper dragon colored red and yellow adorned with sparkling decorations and headed toward a group of acrobats accompanied by fire breathers, the parade continuing endlessly all over the city "Its their new year celebration" Methos had to stop talking when a firework shot from the back of the dragon's back and exploded to a colorful flower high above their heads "Marcus is a good man, we met in a war. We were serving on the same side, he was a seargent and i recruted as a combat medic, i didn't want to fight all that much, and especially not against humans, so i took the medic role" He stopped again to see a fire breather lighting an acrobat's loop on fire as it rolled on the ground, and another acrobat jumping through it before another acrobat standing a short distance away cought it in a gloved hand. Now they were nearing a man on a unicycle who held sticks in both his hands and spinning round plated on them, many people from the crowds were running toward him, trying to make him flinch and laughing in embarrassment when he didn't, returning to their friends "I saved his leg on the field, he saved my head when i tried to get to someone else, i am immortal, but we too have some limmitations" he said with a smirk as they kept going and he laughed when Seclusion said Marcus isn't happy about Methos's appearace "He knows im an angel Seclusion, he was being friendly in his own way". As they moved on he spotted a lemonade stand "Do you want to do something? Just think about it, im going to get us some lemonade" and he walked off quickly to the stand, coming back with two large cups of yellow liquid.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:34 am

“Yeah, but it wasn’t me who wished for it, Pandora’s dying wish, the old queen… the corrupt one” she said simply. Having drifted a little into her own thoughts she turned a little when he tapped the back of one of her hands and followed. She looked to the dancers in their costumes, the acrobats and fire breathers and many of the other things that were going on. “Hmm…” she said drifting once more into thought. “We had a similar festival, there were several acts, my mother used to sing for us all on the night of the festival, I remember angels and demons came one year to listen.” she said smiling a little and Deadly nudged her gently making her snap out of her memories. She listened to his story about how he met Marcus, “I can tell that much, and I know, it was just a rather funny way to greet an old friend” she said. When he asked her if she wanted to do something she had to think, looking to Deadly for help on telling her what there was. “Thanks” she said taking the cup from him and sipping it “sweet” she muttered.
Looking around she spotted several things, “Why don’t you pick what you want to do first” she said rustling her hair before she took another sip from her glass.
“I wonder what other things there are here?” she asked nonchalantly her eyes still looking around picking up different things. Locking away her usual vision for once.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:03 am

"Let's go and find out" They kepr walking through the lit and cheerful streets till they reached some stands that offered verious food and entertainment. The first stand had spaghetti and the secound had a larg tab with water and apples, people standing around it and trying to catch the apples with their mouth, mostly coming up with short breaths, wet heads and empty mouths, he decided to pass. Next there was a fortune teller, Methos never liked those so he went to the stand right after that one, a man was standing behind a counter, Methos come up to him "What's your stand about?" the man's eyes open wide to see the angel and his unknown companion with her large white wolf "You need to knock down all the cans with the same number of balls" Methos was up to the task "Line them up then", and the man did. Methos easily knocked the cans from the opposite counter then the man said "I've got a better challance for youm if you're up for it - i have some empty slugs here, if you could hit all of them with a marble i'll double the reward". Methos smiled "You're on", the man lined the empty slugs and handed Methos the marbles. Methos took a just a tiny moment to aim before throwing each marble, he hit most of the slugs, missing only a few "Sorry" the man said "It's everything or nothing". Methos thought for a moment "Maybe my friend here could try?" he gestured to Seclusion, the man said that if she could hit them all it would be something worth seeing, and began gathering the marbles, Methos eyed her, encouraging her to go ahead and try.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:24 am

She watched smiling a little “You missed a few” she joked speaking in a playful tone. She decided she might as well have a go. Picking up the marbles she looked to the empty slugs thinking a little she knocked them over with two of the marbles. “You have to aim for the weak spot, the bottom left slug, and then it can cause a domino effect on the other bottom two if hit as the right angel then easily knocks over the others without anything to support them.” She said and rustled her hair. “I need to get out of that habit” she muttered to herself although she did enjoy having something to figure out and only having one chance to complete something.
She rustled her wings relaxing them on her back so they rested for once, Deadly jumped up and made her jump causing her to twirl around. “Very funny.” She said tapping the wolf’s head and pushing her down gently.
She looked to the man curiously “What’s the reward?” she asked just wondering and Deadly shook her head a little. The man laughed. “Well that is something, where’d you get that idea from?” she thought a little “My father” she said simply. Her father had taken her to a similar stall at their festival but there wasn’t as much there since the utopians were a small race anyway.
She waited for an answer brushing a bit of hair from her eyes silently as she waited, Deadly sat at her feet waiting as well.
“Looks like you got out done, well pick an award then” He said referring to the things hanging around the stall. “Deadly, you pick one” she said looking to the wolf who soon picked one out.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:00 pm

Methos was rather amused to see Seclusion let Deadly choose from the teddies and other toys that hung around the stand and he found it funny that Deadly actually chose one, he smiled and waited for them to join him, his lemonade finished by then. He took the nearly man-size bear Deadly chose, still profoundly amused his smile reflecting in his eyes, they continued walking through the different stalls on one side and the parade on the other. There was a man standing at a hot dog stand shouting he'd got the freshest buns in the event while some distance later there was an old crone selling gemmed necklaces and bracelets, earrings and handcuffs and telling to those who bothered to stop and listen about the special qualities of the stones and why they should be wore around the neck, at the wrists, ears and more, and Methos gave her stand an examining glance, he knew there were stones that could empower magic infused weapons and though his sword wasn't made for that he was always interested in learning more about it. Right next to her was a man with a flea circus, the flees surprisingly co-operating with the devices the man prepared for them but here was where the stalls disappeared from the streets and the crowd was so dense it became hard to move, Methos leading the trio to the main event. With some shoving and jostling he made way to the overly packed town square, he wasn't in a festival for a very long time and the travel to heaven, hell and back made it look even longer so he wanted to have some from the heart of it. The townspeople stopped close to the square, leaving large space of open ground to a circus, a real and big circus this time. A band was playing non-stop on a small heightened stage in one of the corners while the main event was displayed on the widest available space at ground level. As the group made its way to the first line the show was already beginning, opening with a group of jugglers and a silly clown that cleared the stage to a magician who sawed his assistant in half just to get her out of the closet in one piece, pulling a dove out of his sleeve and other various tricks. He in turn made way to a knife thrower who used the magician as a live practice target, hitting apples on his hands and head, apples thrown in the air, cutting ropes and several more challenges. When the last apple remained the magician threw up and the knife thrower made a double throw with the same hand, one perfectly hitting the apple and the other hitting the magician squarely in the forehead. The crowd gasped as the mage fell, and cheered when he disappeared in a huge cloud of smoke, understanding it was a part of the show. Next came acrobats the walked on ropes tied to pillars, high above the ground and threw eachother from swings, to be caught by other acrobats on swings. As the acrobats went offstage a slim girl wearing a light pink fleshing with less than a knee high glass box walked into the arena. She placed the box in the middle of the arena and slowly and carefully began getting into it till all that was left outside was a hand. The hand waved and closed the box, the rubber girl winking to the crowd from the inside while two muscular men came from behind the scenes to carry the box away, the drums were beating quickly and the girl came from behind the curtain she was carried through and bowed, the crowd clapping with amazement and appreciation for her abilities. Now was the animals show time and the circus offered the smallest animals first, beginning with two rats in a maze racing for a slice of cheese. The rats, knowing this maze well enough without the cheese raced for it and both skipped above the last obstacle to the showman's obvious displeasure and the crowd amusement. Then came cats and dogs and a couple of lemurs, a huge round aquarium that was led by horses with rare kinds of fish and lazy tigers that nonchalantly jumped through burning hoops. Last came a display of a rare creature, its cage was made of a jelly-like material with no bars or glass to keep its shape thought it remained a perfect square, the material seemed to have small vibrations that sent waves through it and made it look like it was shivering. In the middle of it in the lower part of the odd container ley, not entirely touching the cage's floor, an exquisite creature, its lower part was a fish colored red and purple, the upper part of a fox turning bright yellow. Its gills could be seen on its ribcage and its hands had something human to them. The Nexus was seemed to be resting, its eyes closed and its somewhat over two meters body curved to the lengh of the cage. Those at the front lines could see its muscles and body shaking every so often. The crowd became silent, a silence so complete it sounded like noise after getting used to the music and merryment all around them, even the band seemed to be surprised in the presence of such an exquisite wonder. Then the lowest purple marking on its back and tail flashed momentarily only to disappear and leave the creature as is, unchanging, while flames started licking Methos's sword and the angel's wings spread out to half their full extent.

The creature lying in the jelly like ooze wasn't in pain, but the efforts to maintain its living was greatly overwhelming it, requiring every bit of magic and concentration it had. The Nexus knew it was being shown and bragged about because its cage, the ooze was fed and was now stronger, putting more pressure on the beast. This was getting more and more tiring, the cage growing because it was being fed and getting stronger with every show the circus threw, and in this one there were several displays of the mythic creature. This time it might be too strong though, the acidic body of the cage was nearly burning through its magical defense and it was afraid the magic used to sustain its life will fail and let the cage digest, burn, melt it slowly as it'll try to struggle infront of people who will never forget what they saw and will tell it to their grandchildren. The Nexus decided to try, it didn't try for a while now, preferring to use its remaining powers to live, but after now it might be too late, and it went looking for someone who was open minded enough to hear it, or perhaps someone with a talent. There were four - one is too far away, and was already known to the Nexus - the woman with the special stones stall had a bit of talent but the creature knew she wasn't going to help. The other three were very near, all focusing on it. It didn't like the first one at all, a soul consumer that used its abilities to feed, the other one was a crafted beast, a weapon made and given soul but it had a bad feeling about it, the third one seemed to have a change of heart but the core was a good one and the beast broke into its mind, desperate and bold, with the knowledge that it was going to die very soon and the chances f surviving were slim.
"You!" The Nexus called with abandon, clinging to his consciousness like a starved man would cling to an apple.
Methos's mind was shocked with the new presence, so strong inside him he could feel his mental defense breaking with the force of a battering ram, it tried to recoil, shake and return its defenses with no avail and after a moment he heard the word clear in his mind, like the thing that invaded him spoke right into his ear, not trying to hide its meaning and being frighteningly exposed he then showed his acceptance, preparing to hear what it wanted.
Help! The beast was so frightened it sent a powerful telepathic wave with a strong meaning, but it was too short of the other one to understand.
Methos's mind tried to contain the wave of communication taking most of his focus, he now had a better understanding of that he was coping with and returned an answer "Who are you? How can i help?" Methos as an angel was more than willing to help anyone who seemed to be in such a dangerous state, but he needed to know more before he could act.
The creature couldn't remind itself consciously to remain oriented but an instinctive part of it powered by Methos's inquiry made it reply. The reply came as one word and a mental image of the situation the Nexus was given and the consequences of it "Me."
”I'll try" was all that Methos could send before the link collapsed, and he looked at the magnificent creature in new light, his instincts that partly came from the endangered Nexus making him to get ready to act as he unconsciously began to open his wings and his mind commanding his sword to light its flames, the conversation taking no longer than it took the lowest purple stripe on the Nexus's tail to flicker with energy and shut off again.
Methos then understood what he was about to do, that he was about to draw his sword and go right through the cage and steal the beast, he stopped himself then and let his mind to catch up and help him decide how to do it more neatly, or atleast without making it a right out crime [ i kinda got stuck on this word ]. He stepped forward and entered the arena, his flaming sword and spread wings making him look majestic and mighty "You are holding this creature against its will and are going to kill it under those conditions" he accused the showman and the circus manages, being used to watch closely after his greatest treasure came running from behind the scenes, two of his cronies waiting to see if he'll give the signal for them to come and help, but as the manager approached the angel he began to stutter, the showman seeing his friends lack of words started to protest but Methos cut him short "I am taking it with me now, before it’s a corpse" he told them and without waiting for further reply he grabbed his sword and unsheathed it, the showman and manager watching him wide-eyes and the crowd keeping its silence and watching, he charged forward his wings beating and taking him in a low flight the short distance that was left to the cage. The ooze seemed to feel the presence of a living thing nearing it and the walls of the cage facing the angel curled towards him. The ooze understood what it was up against too late, and Methos's blade cut through it, a wild cut that created a vicious would, the blade now searing with intense fire. His momentum took him inside the ooze and the cut allowing him to do most of the way to the Nexus without being hurt by the ooze acidic body. When he gt to the creature he was right in the middle of the ooze, where his blade couldn't reach in the initial cut and the runes on his clothes were shining, trying to protect him the best they could from the liquid like material. He wrapped a hand over the creature's waist and forcefully bringing his other hand over his head he made another cut, opening most of the way out of the ooze. His legs pushing with force given by the instinct of avoiding pain he pushed his way out of the ooze, his wings burned and his flesh red, the parts of his skin uncovered by his clothes red or eaten by the acid. He gave a few deep breaths and a little squeak of pain escaped from his mouth.
He gathered himself and sheathed his blade, taking a better hold if the creature and flying into the sky, glancing at Seclusion and Deadly and signaling them to come with him, he knew he wasn't fully aware of his condition because the trauma his body was going through and he thought he might need help, after he'll be finished with this poor creature. He went high above the city, letting the warm air take him up and spotting the place he wanted to go to, his old flat he got as a gift from Marcus. The building next to it was new and luxurious and he secretly thanked the now old man for keeping the building his flat was in as it was, helping him to recognize it. He landed stiffly on the high balcony and opened the glass door, giving a glance to the beast he found it unconscious or close enough for that, it was hardly breathing. The apartment held a 10 years old furniture to Methos's surprise, it seems like Marcus did think he would come for a visit, and everything was covered in nylon, the dust on sinking into the apartments things. He walked to the bath tub and lay the Nexus there, opening the cold water letting then fill the tub till they flooded it. He looked at the Nexus, he found it a beautiful creature, graceful yet with sharp features. He pressed on its chest and nothing came out, that was good and showed it didn't breath any of the ooze, he massaged it by pressing its chest few more time, helping the circulation kick in and watched with satisfaction as the chest began to rise and fall by itself, the breathing stabilizes. He gave a smile and a sigh, standing up and began looking for a cream against his burns and as if by que he started to feel them, in nearly every place in his body. He hastily grabbed the relaxing cream and went to the living room, swishing a nylon patch off from a chair he started to smear the paste in his skin, holding his breath when he got to the more painful spots, the more exposed skin that directly touched the ooze.

[ finally... i should have written that in the first day i started it, sorry ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:44 am

Seclusion found it rather funny as well watching Deadly trying t carry it. “Thank you” she said as he took the bear off her and gave a yawn, she also noticed the amused smile on both their faces as well as an amused look in Methos’ eyes, but soon she thought back to the teddy; she could use it to lie on or as a pillow. Seclusion meanwhile was looking around the place before she ran to catch up with Deadly and Methos. She watched the performances curiously; she hadn’t really seen much of the acrobatics since her race could fly. She rustled her hair a little thinking to herself and looked to Deadly. Both of them held so many secrets it was incredible and hardly anyone knew about them at all…“It’s amazing” she whispered watching the acrobats “it’s like their flying without wings and they are defiantly human as well” she said smiling a little... When the girls came out with the glass box she watched all the animals before her eyes saddened seeing the creature, Nexus, in a cage. “How sad” she whispered softly watching it. She jerked suddenly hearing music before she looked to the creature, she didn’t show any fear and looked to Methos. “What is it?” she asked, she hadn’t seen a Nexus before so curiosity was getting the best of her a little. She noticed flames licking at his sword and his wings looked as though they were ready to take off at any moment. Shaking her head a little she looked to the creature again searching through its soul for anything and then backed off half a step. “Something just doesn’t seem right” she said…Turning she looked to him as he walked into the arena with his sword, now she knew something was wrong and twitched her fingers stopping any people from coming near and watched as he took off, she let her eyes seek out souls once more, her vision returning and she soon flew up after him picking Deadly up and resting her on her back.
When they were in the house with 10 year old furniture she looked to the Nexus and then to Methos, giving a sigh before she went over “stay still, this is going to sting a little” she said twitching her fingers again the burns cooling down and slowly beginning to heal but she soon had to stop since she didn’t have enough energy. “That should be better, you were reckless, think a little next time but I guess that the life of the Nexus was more important” she said and went over to it. “Stay still, I’m just going to stitch you up a little, I smell blood on you” she said softly she could pick up that it wasn’t particularly happy with her for some reason. “I won’t hurt you” she touched the skin softly and let the threads half heal the creature stitching up any wounds and helping any burns to cool down. She then just found somewhere to sit and sighed, "What on earth is happening?" she muttered.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:19 am

"The Nexus told me its going to die, and that if i won't help it now it will be only a matter of time. Besides, people who hold a creatures in ooze don't deserve them, or to walk the earth for that matter, but that last part isn't my call anymore, and saving life is more important than taking them, so thats what i did." He said behind gritted teeth, the burns sending cold and hot waves all over his body because of the trauma it gave him, threatening to drive him mad. He had to distract his mind so he took a chair from the living room and went to the bath tub placing the chair infront of it and deeping the tips of his fingers in the water focusing on that wet, cold feeling, that sometimes changes to hot becasue of the burns in the rest of his body. He began to breath slowly and offered the paste to Seclusion "Do you mind putting some on the back of the wings? It stings so badly" he said, wongs shaking and his chest nearly folding to his stomach. In a frantical moment he grabbed the tubs wall and let it go as soon as he did it, his hand wriving from the burns even inspite of the paste and he put it back in the water, trying to calm it again, all that time he looked at the Nexus' now serene face deep in its recovery sleep. Methos took anotehr two deep breaths "You know Seclusion, it's probably the only Nexus we'll ever see, we're luck... oh, everything i can help you with, read me. I can't do much but to try and concentrate right now, i'll need some time here till my body calm over." He found it hard at that moment to concentrate on both calming the burns and talking, so he just sat there for several houres falling asleep on the chair or otherwise putting his hand into the water and looking at the Nexus.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:19 am

She crossed her arms, listening to what her had to say and nodded a little “Hmmm, I can see why after that, even I know that the ooze is horrible, I’d rather see it burned alive if anything” she said having had an encounter with it before, the burns, she knew could drive a person mad. “and that’s true, saving is more important than taking” she said softly before she followed him into the bathroom where the Nexus was. “I wonder what its name is, but maybe we should let it rest first, we can take it back once its recovered otherwise it might just get caught again.” She said before taking the paste from him “This might sting” she said and carefully put some of the paste on the burns that he couldn’t reach on his wings, careful not to irritate them.
“I figured that, there are no records of them at all in the old library, it’s strange but the Nexus is a beautiful creature…” she said
Walking out she checked on them both every now and then crossing her arms and laughing a little seeing him having fallen asleep, Before she left them both in peace to rest.
“They’re both asleep, best leave them be they’ll both heal quicker that way” she said sitting back in a chair and keeping guard in a way making sure no one came there and looking after the two of them
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:15 pm

Methos opened his eyes but all he saw was blackness. He blinked and saw two purple pupiless eyes appear before him where the darkness was. The eyes blinked and he blinked with them, and he fell back to sleep.

Methos woke up to stare at his feet in a wierd angle. He lift his head to see he was sleeping on his arm, now an unresponding arm that was resting on the tubs' wall, he let it drop to his side and wated for the circulation to revive it, soon feeling the funny stings of an awakening limb. He looked to the Nexus, still sleeping and looking peaceful, its body loosen and still unconscious, he tugged the cork out and opened the spigot on to renew the water in the tub. He stood up focusing inwardly and commenting to himseft that he was healing quite well he walked out of the tub and to find Seclusion, seeing her sit on a chair he approached her weakly waving his hand. "Thanks for the help with the wings, it felt horrible, it'll take some time for the feathers to grow back, too." He said with dismay, glancing at his left wing. "Do you think we should try to wake her?" He asked Seclusin, then the understanding got to him - he knew it was a female, and he had no idea how to tell between the gendres as far as he knew "Hmm, i wonder what's her name..." He said in a low tone and turning his head back towards the bathroom.

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Post by Soul Hunter Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:48 am

She looked to him leaning her head back and frowned a little “It’s fine, and that would happen with me as well so we can stay here for a few days until your wings are better, also go rest, you look terrible” she said simply.
Standing up she rustled her wings before Deadly yawned and stretched walking beside her. “We should let her sleep, she’s recovering so it might be best not to interrupt her and just make sure no more harm comes to her while she sleeps” she said simply before she found somewhere to make a drink, She made the usual tea she had, it helped her condition a bit better. She soon finished make the sweet drink and offered him some before she handed some to Deadly sitting down again and thinking to herself as she sipped her drink.
She listened around herself in silence ignoring Methos, Deadly and Nexus’ presence while she let her senses wonder before she snapped out of it and looked to him.
“We can ask once she is awake and healed up” she stood up “Want some drink?” she asked, rustling her hair.
She really did hate to sit still for so long, it irritated her and she was by no means used to it either.

"Do you want to eat before it gets too late, I'm going to go find somewhere to sleep. I'm exhusted and you need to sleep as well as the nexus" she said muttering to herself a little.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:31 pm

Methos denied Seclusions' suggestions for him getting better with a negative nod, then he took a deep breath and sighed, changing his mind he knew was taking everything too seriously and he could definitly use a good break "Yes, lets go eat something. The Nexus will be fine here." He got up, went to the shower roon and closed the spigot after sealing the tub with a cork. When he got back to the living room he began to sigh again but decided it won't help him so he took his greatsword and hung it over his back, perfecty betwen his shoulder blades so it resembled a cross. He shuffled his hand through his hair streightening it, and thinking hr must be lucky to still have it as he walked over to Seclusion. "How about italian food? Thats the last thing i had before leaving Marcus, looks only suitable i'll have some again after i've seen him" Methos said after a moments' thought he added "I didn't have italian food since". He walked over to the door this time, leaving the sliding glass door that lead to the balcony behind, opening the house's front door to a crack he smiled to himself, thinking about the faces other people would have seeing two winged being walking down the staircase and in the street. He was used to that spending the time of war walking his way in the world, but the contrast will probably make them notice, especially now after the main events were over. He weakly folded his wings and held the door open, waiting for her.

[ sorry for lameness, need ideas! ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:04 pm

“I can’t eat normal food; unlike the others my body just can’t handle it. Kana told me it was like poison to me… Sorry, I can’t change it… No idea why, I’ve just not been able to eat any solid fodo since I was born” she said “But you can have Italian if you want” she said nodding a little. She sighed and looked to him following him folding her wings in tightly as Deadly stayed at home tired. “I think I’ll let her sleep, she needs a lot more rest than me” she said giving a light smile and looked to Methos. “You ok? You look terrible” she said a little concerned.
Once they were outside she gave a light sigh at the cold breeze, “Used to be a festival around this time of year where I lived, it was rather fun, my mother used to sing as well. Everyone came to hear her I remember that… anyway we should go get you your food before you topple over and faint” she said walking down one of the streets picking up where things were quickly by skim reading everyone around her to figure out her way around the town. “Hmm, this should be a short cut” she said thinking a little.

Back in the ruins, the arum lilies had all bloomed, it was the middle of winter and snow had fallen, if they had seen the sight no one would have known why they bloomed in the cold season, they were waiting for something.

After they had gotten the food they headed back. Seclusion walked in front and looked a little confused when she picked up something from inside the house. She heard growling and quickly got inside and snarled angrily "What are you doing here, despicable demons" she said furiously, they didn't reply and one of them got a nasty bite form Deadly who snarled in annoyance.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:06 am

Methos smiled at her comment "It'll take more than a visit in ooze to make me pass out, and besides, the paste helps a lot" and he turned to the direction Seclusion was pointing at. Even though the events were over and the stalls and music gone the decoration and lights were still illiminating the streets with dozens of lights and people were still cheerful. They walked a street with white sidewalk painted with thin stripes of yellow and blue passing children and people who wrote their greetings and wishes for the holiday on the sidewalk with coloured charcoals. The restaurant was just behind the corner and Methos went over to the reception desk and ordered a place for two. The waitress, a little awedto see the angel and his friend in her restaurant but polite enough to swallow it and go on as normal showed them to a small table near a window with a couple of bright wood chairs. They were served with an opening dish of fresh bread, butter and salads, and Methos ordered bolognaise, turning his gaze from the waitress to Seclusion he asked "Anything to drink?" and then on secound thought "Can you even drink?" he asked with apologetic look. He ate and rested a bit, keeping his sit then got up "Lets get back to the house, i don't feel like leaving the Nexus for too long, and i need some rest too, come on". On the way back Methos took the longer way, skipping the shortcut Seclusion found earlier. He kept quiet for some time walking beside her and thinking, as they walked he got closer so she could hear him, they were in the street and no one would listen to their conversation, there were far less people in the street than before too and those who were were hurrying to their homes due to the late hour "You seem to miss your people a lot..." another moment of silence "...Why won't you tell me a bit about it? Your festival?" he asked quietly, keeping his voice low and intimate. Walking made you think things over and he hoped he could ease his friends' burden if only a little bit by sharing a happy memory for a change, he wasn't sure how willing she was though, so he took his time in asking, letting them cover some distance before getting to his point yet leaving a decent ammount of time for her to answer.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:08 pm

Seclusion looked to the food and just closed her eyes leaning back, she wasn’t going to risk it knowing how badly she had reacted last time she ate solid food. “Its fine and don’t look so apologetic, nothing anyone can do about it” she said, no one could really change that. “and yes I can drink, just can’t eat” she said laughing a little she looked outside searching through he air for nothing before raising her head towards the moon that rested in the sky.
Nodding she followed him out before walking in front of him and then listened to his question “Of course I do, they were my family, my friends and even the person I loved was there, so obviously I’d miss them, I’ll never see any of them again…” she stopped and closed her eyes “never mind” in silence she walked back before she heard him ask another question “It was always lively, the arum lilies would bloom for days in the winter, as if they were celebrating with us. My mother would sing and sometimes even the queen, they sang so sweetly, angels and demons used to come to listen to them both as well, it was always peaceful around that time of year as well. Each family would do a small performance, we were never a large race anyway, never very many of us in truth that city contained our entire race…” she said recalling the festival and telling him about it as best she could but in truth to her it was indescribable.

She finished talking about it when they got back and opening the door she hissed seeing Deadly and a few demons inside. She was quick to rush in seeing Deadly hurt, small threads began to stitch her up and she looked to the demons “What is it you want here?” she asked snapping angrily as Deadly went back to guard the nexus. Seclusion lunged pinning one down and threatened their neck swiftly with her teeth, the soon hesitated to even move.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:33 pm

[ i don't know what the level of violance allowed, but i might have gone a bit descriptive here on the blood and gore issue... ]

Methos being behind Seclusion wasn't able to see what was happening inside but he assumed the angels got to them somehow, unsheathing his sword and keeping its flames off he went through the door only to find deamons occupying the place. His sword went immidiately ablaze and he instinctively swung it at the nearest deamon and killing it on the spot, the blade, made to fight exactly those kind of creatures, killed them instead of sending them back to hell burning it and leaving only a small pile of ash behind. He began his attack at the secound closest deamon but froze in mid-swing as Seclusion stopped her assault to question the deamons, it was a teamwork instinct more than a reasonable thought telling him that now was a time to talk and it took a moment for the adrenaline rush and smiting impulse he had every time he was near those creatures to calm down, by that time he could see they were scared to the bone and even though there were few with medium magical and phisical abilities they were no match for they two of them, and the deamons seemed to acknowledge that. Methos was breathing heavily his sword parallel to the floor, he looked from deamon to deamon thoughts running in his mind - what would they want? Deadly? Him? Seclusion? Seclusion was the most probable guess, while he was desposable she was needed for the balance, he lowered his blade, standing at a front guard stance, tensed and ready. The deamons looked to eachother waiting for one of them to betray their mission or pick up the fight, but none of them dared. Methos, not having much petience and being angry at the deamon who broke into an appartment someone kept for him for decades spoke first "Well? not going to answer?" and without further questioning he slashed at the deamon he was about to kill before, the deamon made a weak attempt to defend himself by raising his claws toward the general direction of the blade and Methos took one of his small black wings off. The deamon screamed and arced his back, his hands trying to reach the wound and Methos stabbed him in the chest a couple of inched below the right side of his colar bone and knocked him backwards nearly piercing him when he pinned him to the floor. The would smelled of burned deamon flesh and the deamon was holding on to the blade and trying to get it out, but Methos held it firmly and wouldn't budge "Now fiend, what is your name?" Methos spoke slowly using an interested tone, he hardly looked to the one he was pinning to the floor, he was looking sternly at the other deamons daring them to show resistance or disargee with what he was doing. The injured deamon wasn't talking yet, he was trying to fight the flaming sword off his wound, Methos twisted the blade, the deamon screamed as he did and hissed after Mothes stopped "Khierp". Methos waited for a moment and then plucked the blade out of the wound "Good, now Khierp, what's your masters' name?" he asked, avertnig his look to the injured deamon, speaking calmly and locking his gaze with the deamons' eyes. The deamon smiled evilly "Umilus", Methos heard the name but never met with the powerful arc-deamon who used to stay in his lurking deep in the abyssal kingdom, he glanced to Seclusion, looking to see if she recognize the name while his sword tip resting against the deamons' stomach "Why did you come here for?" The deamon didn't need another remider about his choices as the blade was scorching him still, without looking to his allies he pointed at the bath where Deadly stood guard and watched the Nexus "The beast" was all that he said before Methos snapped, his rage getting out of control and slashed the deamons' throat, making another small pile of ash in the appartment.

[ this post feels kinda lacking, and i would like to kill the deamons, if you don't mind =P ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:14 am

Seclusion raised an eyebrow picking up that Methos was angry, or at the very least annoyed. She watched his interrogation of the demons and then also to the one that had died, she picked up the flame and smirked a little rather pleased with the meals he now had and began reading though it, unlocking all the secrets, puzzles and the very life of this now dead demon. She jerked suddenly at the name and Deadly looked to her “you know him don’t you?”
“How can I forget, he dragged me to hell for crying out loud, and my wings got burnt and that hurts” she said not sounding at all impressed by it. “And he has a high rank as well, a lord actually.” She said and thought a little again “He wasn’t a person I’d like to meet again though, Death himself is bad enough, trust me on this I’ve met him in person and he is well, a little annoying” she muttered.

She then took a bite from the ash black soul in her hand and smiled happily “Might as well show some kindness, Methos, isn’t that what you angels specialise in, he’s going to die at this rate anyway, might as well make it quick” she said referring to the other demon. “And at least to them dying by an enemy’s hand is honourable.” She then stretched her arms up. “So what now, I’m guessing he is after the nexus, wait I know he is after it, being able to read souls does come in awfully handy when you’ve killed someone you’re supposed to interrogate and get answers from.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:52 pm

Methos turned to face Seclusion, answering as he did "That’s why--" and he cut himself short when he saw the deamon Seclusion just threatened trying to jump at her back while she was analyzing the remaining deamons' souls He must not get to her! was what went through his head while he swung his sword on a high arc trying to keep his hands low so the sword won't get stuck in the sealing and getting the deamon right before it could grab Seclusions' wings, taking off an arm and a head and making another ash pile. He’d glare at her to make her rethink and see her mistake of letting the deamon go just to read a soul that will be staying there for a while if not to the other, last deamon that still was in the apartment. Methos got his guard up and ask Seclusion, a little warily "What do we do with him?" He wondered if she'd rather kill him or get some answers out of him when he lived as he saw the purple glow coming from the bath. The Nexus was alive, and probably woke up, things were getting more and more interesting, especially if Umilus wanted the Nexus for something other than gaining power, something that will have anything to do with Seclusion, or perhaps the soul-well, a Nexus should be powerful enough to create another one… The purple glow dissipated and there was a soft sound of sloshing water as the Nexus moved in the bath, her relatively short body shaking the numbness off its limbs but his concentration was interrupted as the deamon standing before him, the last remaining from the small squad that paid them a visit screamed in rage, his companions dead and him not far from it. The deamon waved his axe in defiance and was about to fly off, probably to report back to Umilus about their location, identities and number. Methos was far from being able to fight for long, and he needed to heal from the ooze burns that still stung him deeper than he cared to admit, a thing he’ll have to do if he wanted to stay alive. He looked to Seclusion, his eyes asking for her help as he wouldn’t be able to give chase when the deamon will spread its wings, or close in soon enough to catch it with his blade, Seclusion had few trick that will allow her to deal with that, and he was eager to watch her in action.

[ i'm sorry it took so long, life has been overly occupying lately so i'll be slower still ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:23 am

She jerked a little turning when she felt the other demon getting closer and also picked up that the nexus was awake, “Thanks” she said to Methos and then turned again before she flew out swiftly taking Deadly with her. She preferred to get rid of enemies quickly sometimes, rather than playing around with them. She could get her answers later, which was why she was perfect for her actual occupation. It did not take her long to catch up to the demon and she pulled something with her teeth and the demon was brought up to her level, the threads she used gave shallow cuts “Sorry, did I miss?” she asked messing with the demon in front of her.
She spun Deadly around once in her hands before the demon jerked away just as she rested the blade on the throat “I see…” she muttered and placed the scythe down in the centre of the ‘battle grounds’ of her and the demon.
Vanishing into the shadows, threads searched the ground silently as the demon remained focused on the scythe. “Your no fun, I’m sure your master will be though” she said and moved her hand back before picking the scythe up and cutting off the head. Deadly turned back and proceeded with her unsightly habit of eating the head in her hell hound form. She licked her lips “Tasty?” “Indeed, now information”
“That demon lord wants the nexus, but they were not told why, only he knows” she said before going back. She went to the nexus and spoke “How are you feeling?” she asked at first “Also any ideas why a demon would want you and I know you can speak, my friend heard you”
Deadly nipped her “Nicely”
“I’m not a child or a dog” she said making Deadly growl a little before leaving and Seclusion sat down in a chair waiting for answers.

(that's ok, I'm busy at the moment as well)
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:47 pm

Methos couldn't help but yawn and relax while he watched Seclusion at her aerial battle taunting the deamon as she overmatched and killed him. It was late, the moon high in the sky washing the surrounding with its light and Methos could see the moonlight reflecting on parts of Seclusions' threads as she shot them. Even though he ate his body was exhausted and after Seclusion was done with the deamon he sited himself and rested spreading his wings on a sofa and letting them lie and despite his own questions about the Nexus he wasn't in the right mind to preset them to it, a reviving sleep took the higher priority for the time being so he decided to remain quiet for now. The Nexus came floating about knee high above the ground, its back straight and lower body curved under it, trailing behind in vertical curles. It stopped at the entry to the living room and heard the questions of Seclusion but didn't answer right away. She glared at the scene taking it in and then looked to Methos as if asking for approval that this Utopian wasn't one of the bad guys, Methos simply looked at her back having his own thoughts in mind. "My name is Taar." (linked to the character i took the name from) she was sending a telepathical response, hardly as intrusive as her call for help, one that cuold be blocked at will. When she answered she was looking at Methos as though he was the one who asked the question, then she looked at Seclusion "But its funny that you should ask Utopian, and im sorry im invading," she was refering to the telepathical link "But i can't use my voice above the surface, you won't understand." She said with some sort of sullen apology "Your voice is beautiful" she added, still looking at Seclusion meaning to compliment her. "Thank you all, twice, for helping me. I don't know what they were going to do with me but im glad you got me out of there. "Mind if i'll stay with you? Atleast for now?" She was certainly afraid. "Looks like we're all running, and im the one who got you here, i don't see any reason for you not to stay, I'm Methos".

[ i'll think about the rest of the Nexus details later ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Jan 21, 2012 3:07 pm

“I don’t mind, my mother was mute, so she used to talk to me like this, I’m used to it” she said to her “and my name is Seclusion, not Utopian and my freind here is Deadly"she spoke bluntly “You can only use your voice underwater, am I correct?” she was guessing “what do you mean, my voice is hardly beautiful, that word should be reserved for others and I have no objection either, it’s better to stay in a group if we can, I have a feeling that whoever is pulling the string on this will come back and mostly likely in person, the nexus, truly mysterious being, just like us…not very well known and very rare.. or rather nearly extinct now… anyway how are you feeling? Wish I could heal myself like that instead of stitching myself up like a patch work doll” she laughed.
“Methos, you look terrible, go sleep before you fall apart” she said generally concerned about him and Deadly yawned and also went to sleep “Come on, she doesn’t normally sleep usually so there will be someone on guard” said Deadly flicking her tail out.

Seclusion waited until the middle of the night came and sighed singing softly to herself, words that would help those not sleeping fall into a dream filled sleep, the soft gentle voice keeping itself restricted to within the house.
She looked outside watching the sky and letting her mind travel, always alert for anything, anyone that would disturb them. “So quiet” she whispered “So peaceful, I should return home soon, almost time for the lilies to bloom” she smiled to herself thinking about that time every year, she always looked forward to it and jerked looking over her shoulder “Damn, re-opened itself again, pushed myself too far” she muttered and nipped her fingers and the threads began to sew up a wound on her back, it was very old, but never did heal properly.
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