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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:51 am

Seclusion hissed angrily at the other head before she twirled Deadly and cut its head of without hesitation, she didn’t like this one bit and would have preferred to be left alone. She snarled when another one grew back and used small threads to constrict its movements before she look around for where the heart would be. “Methos the heart try to find the heart” she shouted to him knowing that any creature couldn’t live without a heart, which was the only sure way to kill him. She tried to constrict the other head and looked to Methos “Find it, now!” she said to him hearing the hissing of the angrily snake heads. She kept her wings in tightly so it couldn’t grab hold fo them and rip them from her. She looked to taar briefly and then to Methos before she dived under the heads hoping that the threads would hold while she helped Methos to search.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:37 pm

"No heart, just magic." was all Methos could offer while countering another flashing fang, he had to figure this deamon out and fast. Usually he'd have information, or atleast a hint that will help him defeat the deamon he was fighting with, this time was different and that one was a Lord of Hell. Methos had a problem - keeping the two headed snake busy averted Umilus's attention from casting other spells, especially when cutting one of the snakes' heads, but fighting the snake he couldn't make a move at the deamon. Taar was fighting her fight with Umilus on a different level - the purple-pink orb of light Umilus held in his other hand, the one that wasn't controlling the snake was a seal he was constantly building. Taar used her own magic to counter the seal, canceling line by line only for Umilus to remake it by mirroring his seal - one a rune was created, its' shape opposite to the one Umilus held as in a mirror they canceled eachother. And then Umilus was directly trying to stop her interruption by forcing his will on her spell, she found that while he wasn't far more intelligent than other deamons his power of will was astounding and now she had to resist him from indaving her mind while also stopping him from finishing the seal, whatever it was. Taar got so concentrated in repelling Umilus and canceling his seal at the same time she didn't notice what was happening around her, but she did notice when the archdeamons' attention went off and she jumped on the opportunity, never allowing hersef to loose a momnet she began her assault...
At the next moment Methos had a moment to react yet he didn't have to - Seclusion, placing herself between the two heads and perfectly timing a sweeping horizontal slash that beheaded the head that was attacking Methos and ripping a part from the other one at the moment it was coming at her making it reciol and hiss and she hug a moment in the air, the scythe slowly stopping its' turn, her wings flowing with the slow rotational ascending move, graceful. Methos just flowted in the air for a moment, somehwhat confused with the break at the fighting and trying to figure what to do next when a maw of water swallowed the fire snake but before it could get back into the ground a beam of light went right through it, the water around it evaporating immidiately and leaving a long shaftlike hole. Umilus rawred and clenched his face, holding it with both his hands, and the snake, together with the water-maw disappeared into the ground 'go!' Taar said into both Methos's and Seclusions' minds and without looking Methos, his swords' flames so intence it was hard to see the blade dived till he got close to ground level, streightened himself so he flew about 2 meters above the ground and sped toward the deamon, another beam appearing to his right and blinding Umilus.

[ i was listening to this while writing XD ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:51 pm

Seclusion watched never letting her gaze leave it listening to what Methos said “Well then I have a good meal in for me today, just what I need” she said licking her lips. She looked to Methos and soon she swiftly moved into place. She had placed herself between the two heads and perfectly timing a sweeping horizontal slash that beheaded the head that was attacking Methos and ripping apart from the other one at the moment it was coming at her making it recoil with a hiss, smirking she looked to him remaining in the air for a moment as the scythe slowly stopped it’s turn, her wings followed in the rotation mostly to avoid getting sliced themselves, it was a surprisingly graceful movement coming from her.

She landed swiftly though and turn to Umilus hearing the voice she jerked and shot into the air with Deadly in her grasp, she was soon only metres away and could feel that new seal crumbling slowly on her neck, it was not the time but it refused to be sealed this time, a fight so soon after wasn’t helping either. Deadly had noticed this as well, she watched as Methos blinded him and searched quickly, she headed straight for where his soul was and missed, slashing at his gut instead and fell back landing crouched and lifting her head up “Aww, I missed” she frowned but that soon turned into a playful smirk.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:51 am

Seeing the deamon fold over his new wound Methos bared his teeth and began to swing his blade, aiming it at Umilus's the upper arm When the deamon snapped back, his jaw dropping with a wicked smile, wings outspread and head thrusted forward. Methos knew this move - a huge fireball that hurt like hell itself and the defenseless way Methos was flying toward him, he'd get the full of the hit, there weren't to many things capable of surviving the heat. Methos quickly brought his sword to stand between him and the deamon, holding the sword by handle and the upper part of the blade, trying to block whatever he could with the blades' flat, maybe even stuffing the deamons' mouth with it, making him choke on his own fire but at the short distance he had, the momentum and the speed Umilus unleashed his fireball he just didn't make it. The fireball got larger with every inch it passed even after it hit the angel. It took him to the ground and exploded with blinding light, digging him a meter deep, the flame burning like a fiery orb around him. Methos tried to shadow his eyes with his hand, making sure he had the sword in the other hand, the next moment the flame were gone and he saw an octagonal, light pink thick shield around him that was pinned to the ground, not letting the fire get to him. He looked at Taar and she whirled in the air, she was happy she could save him and she let him get out of the shield but that moment of distraction allowed Umilus to complete his seal and it appeared around Methos, pinning him to the ground. Umilus lifted a hand and a two headed fire snake began to emerge "Now, one less obstacle in the way" he said as the snake a preparing to strike...

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:39 am

Seclusion took that opportunity of the two of them fighting to move herself into position herself keeping out of his line of sight at all times, by the time he had finished the seal, hers had completely crumbled and she was behind him with Methos pinned down she rested the crescent blade around the demons throat. “Never take your eyes off a target, I prefer to get this over and done with strike him and you’ll lose your head” she said to him “plus never underestimate someone” she said sending a blue flame straight down the blades, the flapped lapped at the demons neck burning the flesh and also agitating his soul as well as if he had swallowed acid. She soon moved avoiding a blow from the screaming demon, she moved over to where Methos was and found the seal pulling it apart with her own magic “hurry and get up before he decides to strike again, I can’t take as much damage” she said to him moving her position once more and sat on Deadly a smirk on her lips as she looked to the snake “too much of a coward to fight on your own how pathetic” she chuckled.

He growled looking to her, she had clearly wound up this demon far too much as she insulted him, lunging at ehr she moved out of the way and flapped her wings looking down to him landing the blades rested once more at his throat "strike two, one more and I'll slice your throat open" she said.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:58 am

The secound time Seclusion put Deadly to Umilus's throat he was ready for it and now the two headed snake that was still coming out of his hand aimed at her so either she backed off or she'd get bitten but just as it lunged at Seclusion Umilus recoiled and both the heads missed and somewhat faded. Umilus looked down at his chest to find a purple crest imbued with a seal. He streightened his glare to find Taar looking back at him from a distance, mocking him with her slanted eyes, her hands making flowing circles in the air as she prepared her next spell. Umilus poped his eyes, it took a moment but now he felt what the seal Taar had planted on him did - the crest peirced his natura chest plate and tagged into his life energy, making itself a part of it, and the sea held explosive qualities, that Nexus has made him a... bomb! And as he was watching she was creting the trigger, and the explosion won't distroy only his body, it'll use his soul as a fuel! This was outragous! Mad as any idea could be! He had to move, to do something that'll prevent him from this non-existence. The moment Taar shot the complermenting spell Umilus opened his hand and aimed it at the floor under him, creating a seal that teleported him to behind Taar. Taar turned around to find two snake fiery head lashing her way and she brough forth a wall of water the snake recoiled from without toutching it, and she flew away toward Methos and Seclusion, her hands getting the blue aura that helped her before to tear the seal Umilus manifested to paralize them. She was going to help Methos out of his cage even when she knew the water wall will be only a minor setback to Umilus, she let out a low shriek to pull Seclusions' attention to her hand, imlpying at what she's going to do and telepathicly asking for a backup, as Umilus appeared to be able to teleport, he'll probably come right infront of Taar at the last moment, before she could reach Methos.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:19 pm

Backing up a little at the hands she hissed angrily at him and hit him at the back of the head with a rock “Oi, Umilus, I’m your opponent here, not her” she said ternly when he turned away his gaze and looked to Taar from which she was able to figure out from a simple look what she was doing. He was making him a bomb, she smirked a little, she needed to keep him from attacking her. However, first concern was Methos stopping that attack she focused once more. She jerked turning her gaze to Tar hearing her shriek and looking at her hand and nodded letting Taar take her hand. She felt power surging through her but did not react much to it before she kept her focus on the demon, she did not wish for him to suddenly attack while they were trying to free Methos.

She flew up gripping hold of Taar just a second before Umilus and soon landed where Methos was, “do what you must, I have to keep him at bay and get out of here as well, both of you” she snapped fiercely before she lunged at Umilus pinning him when he didn’t notice she was there and smirked “Coward, how about you scram” she smirked and threatened his throat with her teeth.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:44 am

Umilus took a bit breath and smacked Seclusion with an open palm so hard it made her roll on the ground, his claw like nails leaving three small trails of blood on her cheek "You worm! You think you can beat me?! You're nothing but a twig, and the next time I’ll snap you in half!" The deamon roared at her and swinging his hands he lashed a fire whip coming out of each hand at her, whirling around him to gain momentum the whips became havoc of fire lines that seemed to launch a firy edge at Seclusion at random.
Methos was just about to charge in when Umilus began whipping around and he stopped, looking at the deamon with a hateful glare, Umilus didn't know he was there, out of the seal, that or he didn't care. Either way Methos couldn't approach with the violent barrage going on without being hit even with Umilus focusing at Seclusion and with his back to the angle. Methos took flight thinking he might get his chance from above and looking for a hole in the surprisingly complete tactic the whips gave Umilus - both offensive and defensive. He could see it - the whips were very powerful and the deamon never swung them over his head but it was dangerous and the action took Seclusion to the defensive, Methos was trying to signal her but with no success when Taar tagged into his and Seclusions' thoughts, allowing Methos to send the message 'Tempt him to attack and distract him, i need an opening.' While he sent his mesage Taar sent a mental image of her part of the plan - the ground lifting from under Umilus will unbalance him, hopefull make him fall.

[ my brain refused to help me and it is now somewhere out there dancing the macarena -.- ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:48 am

Seclusion who had taken up the defensive when the whips of fire started to try and hit her randomly blocking with Deadly as best as she could and snarled angrily. “I might not be able to beat you myself, I know my tutor could but you see I have a few friends to help” she smirked at him and suddenly felt Taar tap in and nodded a little hearing Methos’ message to her and thought of her part of the plan, she never did like to plan and soon put it into action after the ground lifted up provoking him with simple insults.
Smirking she began to block his attacks keeping him focused on her but acting herself as she taunted and ducked a few “aww your so pitiful, the angels gave up a better fight than you” she smirked and licked her lips she managed to get through and pinned him down smirking "still think I can't take you on ymself", getting hit back just before an opening for Methos was created.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:09 am

Methos saw Seclusion going into the defensiveans trying to lure Umilus in, she manages to catch one of his whips with her scythe and pulled it [ if that's ok? ] makingthe deamon stop his onslaught for a moment. Methos dived like a hawk, sword first onto Umilus but the seamons' warrior sense called and the deamon moved aside and made Methos miss, but not by much - the angel took Umilus's horn in the dive and made a large, deep and bleeding gash in his shoulder, if it wasn't for the horn he'd probably take his arm off. Methos, his weight on the sword shifted his body and pu his leg on the writhing deamons' neck, wrenched it off the Umilus's collarbone and jumped back to land on the ground and see what he could do from there. Umilus dropped his whip and clung to his badly injured shoulder and made a sound that was partly a roar and partly a whimper, he tried to fly off but that clearly cost him large ammounts of effort and pain. Methos didn't want to start a persuite, it had to end there. He went to the fire-whip, still lying on the ground and wondered if he'll still get the divine protection he needed to take hold of it. Deciding not to risk it he picked it with his blade and turned it a couple of times so the whipe was tied to his blade, then took a swing at the deamon, the whip catching one of his wings. Methos pulled hard and the deamon fell, dust rising from the ground and filling the air, the angel made an eye contact with Seclusion, his eyes telling her what his mouth didn't, then he needlessly shouted "Now!" as he broke off in a charge.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:25 pm

Seclusion had flown into the sky she had found her targets weak point and licked her lips, She dived folding her wings in and lowered her scythe towards the head slicing at the back of the neck swiftly and backed up quickly “Shallow” she whispered and looked to Deadly. “We need to hit deeper the bone is blocking it, demons bones are strong” she said and Seclusion nodded. Umilus had escaped the grasp of the whip and turned to Seclusion, that had weakened him a lot moving towards her she hissed angrily, that power hiding inside her showing now in her eyes a distinct white glow in her pupils appeared in her eyes. She growled and moved away hissing fiercely at him. Her wings flicked open as well and screeching that destructive power that had broken the seal appeared and unearth the ground around Umilus the ground rotting beneath his feet as though Death himself had stepped there and sucked the life out of the earth. She did not know what she had done but could feel her own mind returning back to the way it was during the war, brief flash backs appearing before her.
She snarled and pushed him down he was weak so she could take him and waited a little before her teeth rested at his throat…”Any Last words?” she hissed.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:44 pm

Umilus turned his head t olook Seclusion in the eye, his face twisted with pain and half crazed glee and his eyes sparkling with the essense of his magical being. He opened his mouth to speak but as he did Methos drove his sword to the deamons' heart, the hit somewhat shaking the body, letting Seclusions' limmited sight understand the angels' attack. Umilus gawked and died, his eyes still staring at Seclusion "Better dead than whispering, if you ask me." said Methos, he breathed deep to let the fights' adrenaline subside "Atleast you're free now" he said to Taar, turning to look at her. She was coming closer but stopped at some distance from the corpse, still afraid and frankly she didn't know where to go - she didn't know where she was and where Umilus had taken her from her home, she didn't have a way back and she remained floating in midair, looking at them in silence. "We'd better get out of here, if he was a lord of hell everyone would know of this fight" said Methos and after a short pause he added "But i don't have any ideas, i do have friends around who will help, but is there a way to stop this?" he motions to the dead deamon as he spoke, showing he doesn't mean only the fighting, but the madness that possesed both sides, the damnable situatlion. He bagan searching his memory, to see if there was anything wrong right before he left, so many years ago, but he couldn't spot it, not at that moment. Taar took it as an invitation, and now she drew nearer, to join their company.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:19 pm

Seclusion jerked back avoiding the strike and looked to Methos, letting the demon fall to the ground, dead, licking her lip she ripped the soul from the body “How exquisite” she smirked looking to the soul after perching herself on the top blade of Deadly. She nodded at what he said afterwards, at least Taar was free now but now they needed to head elsewhere, or move the body. Tearing into the soul that she ate quite happily thinking about where they should go and what they should do. “If we remain in the caves then they will not find us, they do not like to place foot here normally, I know that because… well who would when the dead haunts this place and kills all that they do not consider them a friend?” she smirked. Giving a light chuckle jumping off of Deadly’s blades and headed back into the underground caves, she knew of a few that head beds in them and felt like having a nice long sleep now. “Come on you two, we all need to rest” she said to them, guiding them to the small collection of caves that were a little like bedrooms she soon went to the one she used and curled up under her wings on the bed in order to sleep, she really did love her sleep and found herself slowly beginning to sleep more and more over time, she knew this though, but there was nothing that could be done about it.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat May 05, 2012 1:57 pm

Methos walked to Seclusions' footbed and linger for a moment, hesitating. He reached to Seclusion and gently, without putting nearly any pressure he let his hand rest on her shoulder and stayed there for a moment, not knowing if he would be straining her nerves when she tried to sleep or welcomed with the understanding of this share of compassion and friendship he was trying to pass. The angel let go of the shoulder, the chill of her skill lingering in his palm and he wondered if all Utopians were so cold to the toutch or was it only her, the last of them... She was technically an undead - resurrected, yet he felt otherwise, undead didn't have a heart while she surely did, infact other than teh cold skin she didn't have any other resemblance to undead, and Methos decided to ask her about this later. He began walking alongside the cave wall, starting from the entrance and thinking to himself then he stopped, he get to the entrance again and just started a new round. 'There's no point in making a patrol' he thought to himself and he settlsed down on a cushion his swords' tip between his legs and the hild resting on the wall above his shoulder, he didn't really need sleep and now he didn't want it. All he wanted to do for now was to stay on this safe place and think till dawn if events will premit it.

[ sorry for taking so long soul, it's busy for me over here... do you have any ideas for the plot? i *might* have one, but that's not a great one, so if you're leading this somewhere just let me know that you do ok? ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat May 05, 2012 3:20 pm

She noticed the slight warmth suddenly and Deadly had raised her head a little to look at him wondering what he was doing, no one usually disturbed Seclusion when she was sleeping, or ever tried to. In fact no one usually went near her. Her heart would stop, every now and then when she slept, sometimes when she was hiding to keep herself alive, her whole body was struggling to survive now and she was resurrected once, by her own mother, this time if she died no one possessed the correct magic to perform such an act again. She slept in silence without a soul noticing her tears; she really did miss her family… so much, it had been so long now but every time it would hit her.

When the morning arose she awakened and stood up stretching out her wings, Deadly stood up telling her what had happened but simply shrugged it off not all that bothered by it. Finding Taar and then Methos she woke them both up “wake up you two, we should move from the ruins but before then, I have something important to do…” she said and returned to the chamber of the heart. Touching it lightly the now dead seal was useless and the power resonated with her heart before it vanished. She felt heavy and weak, having absorbed the heart she would know it was safe as would her home be.

“Anyway we have to get moving, I don’t want to risk losing my home again” she said to them before she folded her wings in and whistled to Deadly who grew in size, not feeling very well after absorbing the other half of the heart she picked a form of travelling that would be less of a burden on her body. Gripping the fur she rode Deadly’s back like a horse.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Sat May 12, 2012 3:23 pm

Methos and Taar followed the other two, Methos walking a determind step and Taar floating by his side, looking curiously at their surroundings. As the sun went down they advanced into the woods and away from the city. That's where Methos hastened his pace to catch up with Deadly and stopped her "That's enough, we should rest for today." It was the middle of the forest, no road or clearing was in sight, the large, fleashy leafed planes and voiced of exotic animals filled the air where the forest was allowed to grow, away from the decay of ruined Utopia. "I think it's best if we sleep in the trees, there are very wide branches with leafbeds some way up and we'll still be hard to detect." He neared Seclusion, his eyes hinting he had something of importance on him mind "But before we do, there's something i want to know..." His voice faded, as he wasn't sure of what he was about to ask "Seclusion, what are we going to do? We can't run away forever, even if they won't catch us, we can't live like that. There must be something to do about this. God isn't corrupted, it's the angels. Perhaps, if we could show god this corruption in his ranks he could fix it, and there's something we should be able to do about hell too, though i have no idea what that could be." Methos paused for a moment, taing a step back from his thought and the subject that occupied him most of the way, there was no reason to rush it, they had time "Uhh, maybe we should get up there first, get ourselves settled..." And looking at Seclusion again he somewhat hesitantly asked "How are you doing so far, how are you feeling? Do you need help?" as he offered his hand, he carried her once from heaven, he could do it again to get her to the tree. Meanwhile Taar was flying around close to ground level changing colors to whatever exciting she saw and morphing into various animals while trying to immitate their voices with her original vocal cords. She was coming and going through the trees untill the saw wolfish legs, looked up and saw Deadly standing only few inches from her. She turned her head into a wolfs' head, as large as Deadlys' but the attempt of barking made her sneeze and with a small 'poof' she turned back into herself, a dizzy and confused Nexus. She heard enough of what Methos said and was already on her way up the trees to find herself a wide branch that she'll like, a complicated mission for someone who never saw branches before.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat May 12, 2012 3:43 pm

Seclusion listened to him and chuckled a little “Really think that he’ll listen? He is the one that declared war on my race, I’m not going to expose his ranks he can figure that out himself, let him be ashamed for it” she snarled “as for what we are going to do, I have no idea” she said giving a light sigh She did not fly, her body did not have the energy as it struggled to adjust to containing the other half of the heart inside her. She gripping Deadly’s fur every now and then when she felt the painful beatings of her heart. “She absorbed the other half of the heart; it yearned to be together once more so she let it. However, she needs time to adjust so that plan of yours will need to wait until her mind and body are in a better condition” said Deadly nodding her head a little, Seclusion took his hand to help her up into the tree. She looked to Taar “maybe we should hide in the forest for a few days, give myself some time to rest, you some peace and Taar can explore a little without worry” she said. She really was struggling to carry on during the long hour days and soon she wondered off to go bathe and calm herself in the evening needing to calm herself and stop the painful heart beats.
Still covered in scar she sighed slipping into the water in order to rest and looked to the reflection of the moon on the clear water’s surface. Deadly even stayed at the camp in order to ensure none of them would go near the area while Seclusion was there. When she did return water dripped from the wet ends of her short black hair. “Anyone else want to have a wash, frankly you are all beginning to wreak” she said honestly to them but also bluntly. “Plus we might get a few days of peace so take it while you can” she said and settled down by the small fire feeling better than she had the night before and certainly had more of an appetite.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Tue May 15, 2012 2:36 pm

Methos was surprised and concerned about Seclusions' answer - he didn't think god himself could be corrupted and if he was, what could they do about it? Everyone could change something and Methos wasn't planning to sit around in a den all his remaining eternity, it's not that he didn't loved the company, but he didn't want to spend all his life running and hiding, and fighting to kill or train felt much better than fighting for survival. Sitting around the campfire something else came to his mind - he got a sudden feeling that this wasn't only about Seclusions' ability to lead the souls, but now she had this heart, this ancient power source. The one to hold Seclusion will be the one to harvest this power. He was looking at her, unknowingly, over the fire, thinking how valuable she was to everyone, and even though her mood seemed to miraculously improve, he thought she also looked vulnerable, and he, as an angel, couldn't resist that, he'll stay, forever if need be.
The need to change was different to the angel. Its was new and wasn't like the need to improve his sword fighting which felt more like being at a perfect harmony or ringing a clearer note, this felt like the need to make truths untruths, and this sort of change came violently, without the purity of growth and improvement and thus came through destruction, ending one to begin another. A mortal aspect, one that isn't implemented with anyone else he knew unless he was a mortal. He didn't know a single angel or deamon who thought this way, everyone seemed to either accept how things were or change with the nature of their enviroment, things were different now though - God claimed the Utopians a useless tool and the sides of light and darkness used this to make war with that race and that's when things got off track, that's when someone, somewhere seeked to destroy something. This thought encouraged - he wasn't the first to have that thought, but was forced to go this way, however. He got up and walked around the camp fire to sit near Seclusion, their wings crossing as he sat "Why won't you tell me about the heart? Umilus didn't just came to us then, he knew they heart was going to be complete, what makes them want it so much? Fear it so much? What is it they don't want you to do?" He thought her better mood might help her talk about it, and he knew he'll need time to think things through, she was right - they were all beginning to smell and for some reason in all his immortal life Methos never liked to smell or get dirty, so the shower will be a good time for him to digest.

[so i have bad wording and some other bad stuff, this is as it came out... whatever. hope to make better ones ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Tue May 15, 2012 3:28 pm

She looked to him breifly before shaking her head a little, eventaully after a tired sigh she spoke "The less you know the better it is for you" she said to him. The heart was made of raw power, both healing and destructive... good and evil... but it was raw power once used to protect the now dead city she once called home. However, it had grown weak but being replaed inside a utopain body with strong blood, the power became extracted turned into a life force but also became far stronger... If she chose she could destroy heaven and hell with a click of her figners now without the seal. But she felt it there was no point to it. "As for why they fear it.. well it's forgotten and anceint power, so raw that well it doesn't really exsist anymore... so they both fear and want it and because I have it... well angels and demon want to destroy each other. I could destroy both if I chose to but my hatred does not run that deep and I would only be sinking to their level,it would destroy the last honor my race even has anymore" she said before tossing more wood on the fire and lay back humming softly to herself, painful beats echoed through her mind which did not help when she wished to sleep. Getting up in the middle of the night and walked off sighing as she tried to calm down singing softly to herslef something was unsteady and the racing ehart was bothering her like mad, she knew it would take days for it to settle, but she did not exactly plan to stick around in a den for that long only to rest for the night if she could.

Deadly looked to her, it had only taken mere seconds for the tired young utopian to fall asleep covered in her wings knowing well that she would awaken in the middle of the night to a damp fire and to wonder off in order to be alone for a bit.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Fri May 18, 2012 11:23 am

Methos watched Seclusion get up and start walking around, one way and back, and then the other "Hey, come here." He saw her feathers shudder with waves of pain and her face frowning as she tried to shove it off, Methos stood up and put his hand over her shoulder, he had to place his face infront of hers' to distract her from the pain "Look at me." he said as he placed his other hand above her heart, looking her deep in the eyes. He could see and feel it, the unstable synchronizing heart that pressed all her body. He stopped it from spreading from the heart, leaving it at its' natural place but now allowing it to flow through the body. He let her go as she stopped shaking "it won't make the mending of the heart faster, but it won't hurt, not outside of the heart." For the first time in what seemed like more than a millenia he could be proud of himself - a chance for act of pure good didn't appear as willingly as everyone believed and it's been longer since he filled his duty, he was an angel after all. He back away and let her rest, hoping she won't go away in the middle of the night as she used to do, she needed a lot of rest to save the power required to sustain the unstable heart and he was thinking of sleep himself - it has been a while since he slept and though it wasn't a necessity for him it always made him feel better.
Methos woke to the sound of singing birds and the warmth of the moss and leaves he slept in, high up on a wide branch of a tree, but what made him wake up was a curious squirrel biting the angels' thumb. The first bite felt dim, like things looked behind a curtain of mist, but the secound one brought him to full consciousness and he jumped to his feet in a moment, looking the squirrel in the eyes. For a moment he fought back the urge to burst with laughter at the animals' shocked face looking at what all of a sudden was a large, imposing angel and when he came together he let out a small but sharp 'Boo' and the squirrel sprang off, disappearing into the vegetation. Methos never figured why animals love him so much, it wasn't the same with all the angels, it rarely bothered him anyways, he liked it. He waited untill the adrenaline from his sudden awakening will fade and took off from his bed to Seclusion "I just got an idea but im not sure it's a good one - we could go to the Nether..." His voice faded for a moment, his doubts raising, then he pushed it away and kept with his plan "My teacher, the archangel who was my mentor been there once and took me there, just to see the way there, we never got in. Im not sure completely, but i think i saw a structure far into this land, no one will bother us there and im pretty sure we could manage, what do you say?" Methos stood there, looking very carefully at Seclusions' expression, etching to know her opinion.

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Fri May 18, 2012 12:04 pm

She woke quite groggy and snarled a little at first opening her eyes the misty sky was the first thing she saw and sitting up she no longer felt that pain, however, the occasional sharp pain in the heart bothered her at times. Deadly stood up and shook off yawning a little before she noticed Seclusion standing and rising to her feet slowly as if to steady herself. Lifting her head a little she looked to Methos as he spoke “Hmm, the Nether, Death took me there a few times, quite a strange place if you ask me” she said “He has a key for the gates, luckily I pickpocketed him a few years back and got the copy…. Bet he knows though” she said and stretching her wings and arms out “let’s get going I know I won’t be able to awake very long for the next few days” she said knowing It was a far safer place than here at least. Her tired mind waited for him to lead the way as she picked up Deadly and laid her on her back waiting. When he led the way she followed still quite tired but would rest when they got there. She hissed a little annoyed with it but knew it would pass and after a few days it did when the heart had stabilized enough and the pure and raw power ran through her veins.

(Sorry so short)
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Mon May 21, 2012 2:38 pm

Methos lifted his eyebrows with surprise "I didn't know Hell had a path into The Nether but we won't need the key if we're going there from earth - it's just a forsaken land here. It's a long journey and you're not ready to fly yet which is a good thing - it will give you time to heal and i think we'll need to fly when we get there." Methos, lost in his thoughts kept leading the way through the thick vegitation, sometimes changing route due to obstacles and sometimes making small animals flee when he interrupted their rest, trying to find the easiest path for Seclusion to walk in. The dense forest made a cool and shading companion, always showing new views, some huge trees and some tiny insects, it also hid the group from prying eyes and allowed them to cover most of the distance from Utopia to the dry land before the Nether, and gave Seclusion the time she needed to heal from the merge. After few days of travel the air became dryer and the plants weren't as thick as they were up toll that point and a short time later they got to the last trees of the forest. A land of cracked, dry, brown earth faced them - the drylands seperating most of the world from The Nether, Methos turned to looks at Seclusion, making sure he kept Taar in his sight and that she knew it, he didn't want her to run off or pull something like she could do when they were in the forest "Think you can fly all the way to the Nether? I don't like these drylands, for some odd reason they're making me less comfortable than the Nether itself, even if there's nothing here."

[ It's ok, and im sorry too, i wrote this with a very low level of consciousness -.- ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Tue May 22, 2012 5:08 am

She raised an eyebrow when he mentioned Death lived in hell “What on earth are you talking about he lived in the city with the utopians, far from one himself but he lived there.” She said bluntly. “Well most times he was in his dimension, not my favourite place at all.” When they got to the dry lands she nodded “I’m well enough to fly a bit, but not too far” she said to him stretching her wings out she floated into the air flying after him and tried to glide a lot to help her wings adjust to flying once more as well as constantly checking she was breathing as well, it was still getting used to being back in a living body one that needed to be supplied with oxygen half of it still working as usual the other half adjusting catching up. At least if one half went suddenly the more experienced half could attempt to spark it up again. It had also need to change its density, weight and even its shape and size to adjust to the light boned body of the utopians.

When they were there she had no problems walking through the gate and looking to the complete nothingness that lay before then, At least it would peaceful and fairly safe. Deadly changed into her wolf form before she grew in size and shook herself off yawning before lying down in the nothingness.
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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by themagus Wed May 23, 2012 8:44 am

Taar and Methos went through the gate that didn't hold much of a wall around it by Seclusion and Deadly, pausing near the two "Well, that's the Nether for you, dust, dirt and rock, and never welcoming." was what Methos offered, Taar made a low purr and began a slow backwards flip but she stopped, head down and body curving upwards with her belly to the sun, she turned her head left slowly as though she had a hard time believing her hunch or fearing what she'll find and after she did she let out a sharp, high shriek - there, at the shadows near the gate in a corner that was just out of their sight when they walked through the gate sat on a rock an impressive figure - snow white hood that didn't shade his face covered his head witha a fitting snow white shirt that didn't seemed to be affected by the desert-like inviroment, high soft boots of white adorned with golden lines decorated with tiny symbols cme along with complimenting gloved and white long pants. On his back rested the most unique and powerful angelic sword heaven had to offer, his wings were hundreds lines of light coming out of his back and his hand held another greatsword, grey and covered with celestial markings. "Good to see you again Methos, i thought i might find you here." He obviously meant it, he got up from the rock he was waiting on and walked toward Methos who in return was happy to see his mentor "Tyr! Been too long." The angels embraced and Methos turned to inreduce his friends, pointing at each in his turn "This is Taar, Deadly Score, and i guess you know who this is" he finished, pointing at Seclusion. The archangel burst with laughter "Heavens Methos! You got a Nexus and the last Utopian by your side, i can imagine you were as busy as me." Methos laughed, but his laughter died quickly "I sepose you heard about my... dishonored discharge?" he asked. "Yes." replied Tyrael "They want me to get you back there, your friends too." Methos simply nodded with acceptence, it was only to be expected, then he walked over to Seclusion and Taar, stood between the two so he felt the intense power of the nexus from one side and the softly bitting waves that Seclusion radiated. He turned to face the archangel and spread his wings wide, showing him that they were his team now, he protected them, and that they were his friends. A sly smile crept into the archangels' face as he witnessed Methos act.

[ i based tyrael on the angel character from the Diablo series (also Tyrael) < for example ]

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Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)  - Page 5 Empty Re: Do I look like I care? (Mature, fairly long posts, pargraph atleast per post please, experienced)

Post by Soul Hunter Wed May 23, 2012 10:47 am

While Methos was talking to his mentor a darkening figure appeared behind Seclusion, she sighed “Honestly no rest for the wicked huh?” she said and spun around on her heel to look at her own mentor the dark hood hiding the face and the deathly aura he gave off, chuckling “My you have not change one bit, Seclusion Ash Alma, to think you are even still alive in such harsh times” he chuckled and she raised an eyebrow. “I don’t plan to let myself die that easily. Like her, her mentor could read through souls… well he was the one known as Death after all. He chuckled and looked to her and Deadly “How is my young scythe as well?” he asked, he was the one that had originally forged Deadly Score.

“I am doing well, seems you found the perfect companion for me, unlike someone who wanted to take her mentor’s original scythe” she said “Oi, you two” she said and smirked looking to her mentor “I’ll bite and I’ll pull your hood back” she threatened knowing he hated it, she could not match up to the thousands of years of experience he had but… she could survive a full on attack from him with a lot of injuries at the end.

She looked to Methos when he did come over “I suppose you know who this is, like Tyr is your mentor this is mine… although I think he prefers to drive me mad” she said and a chuckled escaped from his throat before he watched the angels actions, “Interesting…” was all he said before vanishing. Leaving warning words to the archangel’s ears “warn them, a storm is coming…” he had figured out about the unsealed complete heart…Once recovered completely she would have to learn to control them by herself. “Anyway we should find a place to rest and I need to teach myself a few things” she said to him bluntly taking the lead.
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