Call of the Wild
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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:22 pm

L'ail was for all intents and purposes a force breeder. He found a mare who couldn't fight back and messed with them before having his fun. Brave mares- he wouldn't even bother with. He prey's on the weak like a vampire. If they have his foal- so be it. If they die in the process- one less whore on the plant. That was his way of thinking. He was right- the rest of the world was wrong.
His gray hide hid himself well throughout the forest- perfect camouflage.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:18 pm


I was walking quietly in the forest, my rich chestnut coat fairly noticable in all this green. I looked up. I saw very dark clouds coming in, but it was only a light drizzle so far. My hooves made a small clicking sound when I stepped in the moist grass. The quiet sound blended in with the rain perfectly. In the distance, I could smell a stallion, but a stallion was not the thing that I wanted to see right now. I stopped for a moment and looked down at a puddle. I pricked my extravegant ears up when I saw my relection. Never was I vain, but I had to admit that I looked rather.. 'cute' that day. My floppy forelock was covering my right eye and my mane was all parted to one side. I lifted my head a let out a small giggle before stepping over the puddle. The smell of the stallion was getting closer with each step I took. I figured that I should just keep going. Perhaps he would be quite friendly. If he was one of those forcers, it would be a big mess. I was pretty small, being a Welsh and all. What if the stallion was.. was.. a thoroughbred? I shook the thoughts from my mind and kept on walking. In the far distance, I could see the outline of the very stallion that I was smelling since I first entered the forest. I stopped and stared, and while I waited for him to do something, I snorted 'Hmmph'. I took a step closer, and then another step, and another, until I was quite a few yards away from him. But still.. I was still close enough for him to attack me. I doubt that a stallion would actually attack a mare though. Lowering my head to the grass, I still stare at him with my sweet brown eyes. I was basically helpless around this tall stallion. Well, tall to me anyway.

Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) 3690956971_1cfb3c03dd_o


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:28 pm

(Woot someone this late at night! Very Happy )
L'ail perked his ears as the rain started. It splashed cold water all over his body and he tried to stay as close to the tree line as possible. That was of course when he heard the crinkling of wet grass being crushed. He swung his head around slowly and watched the mare. For some strange reason- she was coming closer and closer to a strange stallion she had never met before that day. He snorted- mares were getting crazier and easier to play with.
She kept moving closer and closer- and he felt almost bad that she was stuck in the rain.
"Hello Mare." I spoke loud enough for her to hear me- but low enough that I sounded if at all harmless. "Don't stand in the rain- find a tree. Mine's got enough room for the both o' us."
I smiled at her and flicked my tail as the rain droplets hit my nose. I stayed close to the trees so I could predict her movements before she could predict mine. And if she actually came closer- well.... she was a very trusting mare.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:35 pm


I shook in fear as he greeted me. I clear my throat before speaking up. "Hello.." Is all I say. I was unsure of the stallion but I slowly step closer to him, looking up at him warily. My big brown eyes were glinting with wonder. I stop under his tree and continue to stare at him, lowering my head again. I flick my tail and stay silent. Finally lifting my head, I decided that I should introduce myself. "My name is.. is.. Charice." I say quietly. "Um.. What is... your name?" I ask in a slightly scared way. I eventually lift my head to it's full height, but I wasnt even close to his size. Letting out a small snort, I stomp my hoof, causing him to be splattered with mud. My brown eyes widen and I step back a bit, "I am.. so sorry" I whisper, now very frightened about what he would do.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:19 pm

I waited patiently as the mare came closer- obviously terrified of something. Maybe me. I grinned in my head- of course it would make sense. She was a pretty little thing- and I had no doubt that she would be easy to breed.
She finally found herself under the same tree as me- and introduced herself quite plainly terrified. I grinned in amusement.
"My name is L'ial, Charice." I couldn't help but smirk as she twisted her tail back and forth. My ears perked forward as she shuffled in place- kicking dirt onto my hooves. I didn't care much- because what I was going to do to her would be quite messy already. But the fear in her eyes as she stepped back. It was nice to know I caused that.
"It's not a big deal." I told her quite truthfully- watching the rain lessen to a nice drizzle. I didn't want to start the process only to get stopped by the storm that was headed our way. Then again- I'd never taken a mare in the rain- it might be an interesting experience.
"What is it that you are doing in these parts?" I asked- pretending that I cared. And in my mind- doing a good job with my acting.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:37 pm

(Also.... the title was supposed to be breed... not bread... Oh well!)


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:16 pm


I gulp in fear, but step closer to him anyway. "N-Nice to Meet you." I say quietly. I let out a sigh of relief when he didnt attack me, because of the mud thing. "What am I doing in these parts?" I repeat. I think for a moment and then snort "Well... Im lost. I don't even know where I am." I whisper, feeling a bit calmer. I stretch out my neck to sniff him, and then I pull my head back quickly. [Sorry, short post.]


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:20 pm

I snorted and shook my head- wringing droplets out of my short fur. She was a polite little horse- it really was a shame I was going to be ruining her image of me so soon.
"You are lost?" I asked- quite surprised. My head cocked and then I smiled. Lost people generally didn't know the area well. Meaning I could lead them to my 'corner' so to speak.
"Would you like some help getting out of here?" I asked her. She sniffed me and I just had to return the favor. She smelled musty and distinctly feminine.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:27 pm


"Yes, I have no idea where I am." I admitted, looking around. My eyes were no longer full of fear. I listen to him and a smile spreads across my face "You would help me get out of this place? Oh, please do, this place actually frightens me..." I said quietly, glancing around at the trees with the long arm-like branches. I shiver at the sight and snort loudly. [Another short post D: I promise.. I'll do better next time. Lol]


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:36 pm

(I'm holding you to it! >Very Happy)
I shivered in excitement- but on the outside it might as well have been the cold. She was very easy to lie to- most other horses at least questioned. This was going to be over fast.
The rain died down almost immediately after she asked me to help her out. Like a sign from some twisted god telling me it was all right. I smirked.
"Looks like the rain is done for now- Lets get going." I said stepping out from under the tree and walking towards the middle of the large forest- the perfect place for no one to hear you scream. I turned back to her once outside of the trees protection.
"The exit is this way." I told her- turning and walking- smirking all the while.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:44 pm


I watched him shiver and I nudged his neck gently, thinking that he was cold. It was pretty cold from the rain. As the rain stopped, I looked up and watched the clouds pass by. I snort and prick up my ears as he speaks. "Thanks so much." I say in my naturally quiet voice. I walk next to him, glancing from him to the trees multiple times. I tilted my head, it looked like we were going into darker woods. I shook it off and continued to walk beside him. I nicker happily, excited that I was getting out of this creepy place.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:49 pm

She thanked me- and I almost felt bad. Almost being the key word. She was starting to be very friendly to me- and I liked that. It was almost like she didn't even know she was prey. The forest was getting darker and for once as I entered my 'corner' I didn't hear any of the other forcers breeding mares. That just helped with the idea that I was a good stallion looking to help out a poor helpless mare. She nickered and I smirked.
We walked for a good minute before entering a spot of light. One of the biggest trees had died and fallen giving birth to this beautiful place I liked to take unsuspecting mares.
"We are here." I said, waiting until she was all of the way in before turning to her and speaking.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:54 pm


I look at him in a confused way. "But, we're still in the forest.." I say, looking around. "Why did you take me here?" I ask, starting to get nervous again. I back up toward the treeline and then stop. I stare at him, my ears flickering to distant sounds. "Are you sure you know how to get out of here? It is this way?" I ask, flicking my tail to the left, unknowingly releasing a heat scent. "Or.. is it that way?" I ask, flooding him with questions.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:58 pm

The tree line was still a ways off, and she was only delaying the inevitable. I turned around and walked toward her as she threw questions at me.
"Oh, we are here." I smiled, watching her confused face with pure enjoyment. "This is my place."
With that I started to circle her- moving her increasingly toward the center of the circle of trees. As I turned around behind her- the wind picked up. Just my lucky day. She was in heat. She was literally going to be his bitch for how ever long he wanted.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:06 pm


"But.. I dont want to be here.. I want to go home!" I cry out, looking around franticly. [or.. franticaly.. whatever x3] "What are you doing?" I ask, literally scared for my life as he begins to circle me. I still didnt get what he was doing.. I pinn my tail to my rump, staring at him with my big brown eyes. They were filled with pure fear and confusion again.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:14 pm

"Don't worry, love. Well actually, you should worry... Because your in heat and I'm a stallion looking for a good time." I smirked as she looked at me.
"What I want from you isn't much- and afterward... I promise to lead your out of here safely. If you leave now though- I can't promise much in the safety. You may never actually get out of this accursed place. So what do you say darling?"
I was mocking and circling her, making sure to keep just out of her reach until she either accepted my terms or I had to get physical.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:20 pm


I shivered in fear as I listened to him. I continue to stare at him as I try to think of an excuse. "W-Well.. Im.. Im so small.." I said in a whisper. From what he was saying, it seemed that he didnt care. I watch him circle me and glance from him to the treeline. [Sorry about the short post.. Im doing like 100 things at once.]


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:28 pm

(That's fine, lol- Do you mind graphic breeding?)
"I've had smaller." I replied- waiting for her next excuse. Circling closer and closer every time. I saw her glance toward the tree line. I couldn't help but smirk.
"If you run, Some other Stallion won't be as considerate as I am. He'd mount you the moment he saw your hide. Now come. It won't be bad."
Of course- I was lying out of my teeth. Well except the part of the forcers- They would literally screw anything they saw.
One of my buddies had, actually, dry humped a human. Human was scared shitless.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:38 pm


[Nope, RolePlay is supposed to be realistic.]I snort and kick out in disgust. I sidestep a bit, my tail still pinned to my rump. I didnt know what to do.. I couldnt run, and there was nothing that I could say to change his mind. Letting out a small wimpering sound, I lift my tail, giving in. I couldnt take the pressure. I look back at him and snort in his face.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:43 pm

I smirked and as soon as the tail was up I was on her. No sooner had the tail risen than my front hooves rose to her barrel- grasping her and positioning myself. She was small and my hooves gripped her barrel easily. I smirked as she had to shift for my weight. Tail already to the side I let my tool hang out- only now starting to get hard. I nipped her back as my pride and joy poked her hole. Not going in yet.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:47 pm


I grunt as he mounts. I spread my legs alot so that I could hold his weight. I almost fell but I caught myself and stood as still as possible. I snort as his tool poked my hole. Snorting again, I try to pull away but his hooves were gripping me tightly.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:50 pm

I smirk as I feel her try and move away from me. Without even stopping from preparing my tool for the entrance I pull her closer with my legs- which wasn't hard to do seeing as she was small. My tool was now stiff as a board and I proceeded to shove it into her roughly. She was tight and I was huge- a nice combination for making a mare scream in both pleasure and pain.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:04 pm


I let out a shrill scream as he shoves into me. "Why are you doing this to me?" I cry out, trying desperately to escape from his tight grip. Eventually, I stop and stand still, accepting that I was being used as a toy. I narrow my eyes and begin to push back into him, my ears perked up contently.

Last edited by horselover1006 on Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Grammar)


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:08 pm

I heard her, I did, but I was too focused on ramming her into next mating season. My ears perked and my cock pulsed as it was crushed by an overly tight pussy. The pleasure was indescribable. She was tight, small, and obediently standing as I rammed her. I felt the need to show her my appreciation.
With a grin I moved closer with every thrust until my balls were hitting her repeatedly every time I went in for a thrust. I moaned low and long with every ram and thrust.


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:27 pm

[Sorry! Freaking retarded laptop went dead..]

Last edited by horselover1006 on Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:27 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Grammer :/)


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Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER) Empty Re: Garlic is a whole new bread of cowards (FORCE BREEDER)

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