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Karma Comes for a fight

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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:55 pm

Alstonia slides to a halt, sending sand spraying out in all directions. She laughed sounding like a filly as she trotted past Shamrock and lunged for the ocean. She tossed her head up, her red mane fluttering into the air and back down to rest along the surface of the water. She squealed and laughed as she bounded through the water.
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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guest Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:10 pm

Shamrock: Eyes sparkling with playfulness, I bound in after her. My muscled form plowing through the waves as I surged forward. Soon I had to start kicking to go forward and after her. I scrunch my nose as the salt water tingled on the sides of my mouth. Laughing though when I get to her side and I tug on her fiery red mane. I nicker joyfully and hold my tail up.


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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:11 pm

Alstonia tosses her head back laughing as she feels his gentle tug. She forces her way through the churned water, turning around and causing waves to breach over her back. She extends her neck and lifts her head up higher, trying to escape the rising water. Her legs were growing tired so she skipped to the side and raced back to shore. her legs pumpking powerfully through the ocean waves.
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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guest Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:17 pm

Shamrock: My ears prick forward even more at the happy tinkling sound of her laughter. Though when she bolts back to shore I lunge right after her. My powerful legs and hooves digging hard into the water and sand as I pull myself towards land. As I get closer to the beach, the easier it is for me to run. Pretty soon I was thundering right behind her, my hooves leaving deep impressions in the wet, dark sand. The soft pink lining of my nostrils show as I run along side her. The whites of my eyes show slightly as I hold my head high, which was unusual. Because most horses running at this speed would have to have their head lowered. I let out a loud piecing neigh and toss my head side to side as I burst with speed just ahead of her. My long, dark, wavy tail whipping out behind me and my mane flying out behind me also like a veil.


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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:39 pm

I gallop easily out of the salty water, bursting through the last wave with a audible crash and sending crystal clear sroplets into the air, then they drop around me and land along my red coat. I race ahead of Shamrock, swivling my ears behind to catch his thunderous hoof beats. I dig my hooves into the sand, pushing my legs hard to stay ahead. He passes me and whinny loudly, my nostrils large as my breathing becomes strain and my eyes wide with excitment. I ignore the burning in my chest from my over worked lungs, instead surging on after him. I chase after him, his tail blowing behind him near my head. I close my eyes and arch my neck, lowering it down and extending my gallop taking long strides. I catch up to him and struggle to remain by his side, my body beading with sweat that mingles with the sea water that flies from my mane as i whips out behind me in the speeding wind.
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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guest Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:20 pm

Shamrock: Turning my head around slightly, I notice her labored breathing. My eyes taking on concern in an instant. Slowly my huge feet come to a trot then a gentle walk and finally to a stop. "Whoa there, Hun. We don't want to over work you to much." I say with a huge smile. "Besides, we got to remember theres a little one to keep in mind of." I chuckle and turn to look out over the see. The salt from the sea filling my nostrils as the wind blows across my face and parting my black wavy forelock. Nickering a small greeting I prick my ears and stand tall. My feet in perfect stance, but I stay alert in case any predators lurked around, so I was always ready to bolt or defend. I look back to the beautiful red mare beside me. Love and joy instantly swelling my heart. I reach over and nuzzle her neck affectionately and assuringly. My black muzzle becoming damp from her wet/dry mane. The sparkling droplets of sea water that were left still on her mane, dazzle slightly in my eyes. I watch them hypnotized as the rainbow colors flash with everymovement she makes.


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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guardian Angel Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:26 pm

(I love the ending decscription!!)

Alstonia smiled small as she slowed to a easy canter, gentle trot, brisk walk and finally a dead halt. She lowered her head, her sweaty mane dangling in thick strands past her neck and her forlock swaying over her clouds green eyes. Alstonia shook and winced at the pain it caused in her stomach, the feeling shooting through her. She took a few small steps towards shamrock and pressed her forhead into his sweaty side. "Your right..." she said as she concentraited on the sand below, glad he couldn't see her eyes, to know that they held uncertainty. She breathed in a hurtful breath, sighing at how her Lu gs hurt with a single In take of air. She was confused. She loved running and it never once tired her out like this. She's from the desert! An Arabian! What could be the matter?! She only hoped it was the foal...
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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guest Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:02 pm

(thanks Smile )


I finally snap out of my trance upon feeling her muscles tightening. Backing up and swinging my head over her, nickering the whole time, I go to stand directly infront of her. "Alstonia?..." My voice had a tinge of concern in it and my eyes were worried. I stomp a front hoof quietly in antisipation of her answer. I sure did not want to go through again with what happened last time. I toss my head up, sending my mane and forelock flying in every direction before landing on my head and muscular neck in a ray of mess.


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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:14 pm

Alstonia looked at him, her emerald eyes holding a hint of happiness and amusment as she answered cooly, "I believe it's just the foal." she smiled up a Shamrock hoping to lightening his sudden mood swing. "Im alright love." she assured him, stepping forward and wrapping her neck around his again nibbling his back softly and breathing in his sweet scent.
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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guest Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:38 am


I grin with relief and nod. I rest a back hoof to acomodate my height to hers. Licking my lips I lower my head slightly and close my eyes partially. Letting the soothing feeling of the salt water wind wash over me. The feeling of her touch calms me instantly. The feeling of her breathe on me and the wind blowing through my mane and gently taking out the tangles in it, the whispering of the ocean crashing on the shore. All this slowly lulled me to a light sleep.


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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:36 am

Alstonia knew he had fallen gently asleep by the way his large black body sagged. She smiled to herself but that quickly turned to curiosity as she wondered how she could sneak off with him hearing her. She really needed some time alone. Closing her eyes and barely moving, she concentraited her mind on his, sending a message that whispered Sleep my love..sleep deeply.. and pulled away quietly seeing if it worked. She didn't want to wander off and he wake instantly so she waited, the sea breeze tugging her firery mane around her face, her tail fluttering easily around her legs. Her green eyes fixed on his face, wonder and love swirling in their pits.
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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guest Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:45 am

Shamrock: Slowly after hearing her voice speak sweetly in my thoughts my deep breathing went into a deeper slumber. My heart beat slowed and slowly I drifted away, all noises and movements completely gone from my mind. A thick fog clouded my mind then gently turned to dreams of her, me, and our soon foal.


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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guardian Angel Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:35 pm

I smiled as he fell into an even deeper sleep, my magick working. I stepped away from all the way and began walking slowly in the opposite direction towards the treeline, leaving the ocean behind me. As if I was connected to it, it surged forward like it was trying to follow me and the gentle breeze picking up in a wind that carried the salty air to me. I smile before entering the trees, moving slowly as my firey red body dissappears into the trees. I walk along a well padded path my hooves making dull thumps as I go and the small sun drifting in and out of hidding find ways to shine rays upon me. I come to a small clearing and lie down, resting my sore swollen body on the mossy forest floor. At first I just listened, listening to the birds chirp, bugs buzz and the sounded of emptyness. A few other animals scurried past me, but I kept my eyes closed reluctant to open them to the sight of sameness. My mind began to drift off thinking about Shamrock I. Back when we first met and he swore he would have me killed. His snooty sister who wonder had gone too. But Noe we were madly in love and depended upon one another to live. I wasn't away of the two yellow eyes glaring out from the trees across from me.
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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guest Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:56 pm

I sleep silently for awhile, but then her powers quickly evaperated and left me sleeping fitfully. When I finally wake, the waves crashed about me in a fit of rage and the sky was filling with pitch black clouds that thundered and shook the whole valley. I scramble to my feet and jump back a few steps from the raging and threating weather, and it was at that moment I realized Alstonia was gone. "No...NO!" I screamed as I whipped around and looked about me with white rimmed eyes. Turning I race up the beach, my hooves pounding the sand and leaving huge marks where they had been. As I get to the end of the beach were a cliff rose up, I slowed. My hooves digging deep into the sand trying to accomedate (sp) my weight as I spun around and raced back the way I had come. My black ash mane flying behind me, my tail lashing in the wind. Never had I run this fast, well not in awhile, as I turned into a blurring form. Upon getting to where I originally was I stop suddenly and send sand everywhere, thats when I finally saw her sunk in tracks in the sand. My ears fly forward as I look where she had disappeared into, the forest that boarded the horrored land that kept villians and evil mosters alike well hidden. Sure at first it was beautiful and such, but that was a cover up of what it truely was. Shaking my head in a horror I scream her name and plunge foreward into the forest...


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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guardian Angel Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:22 pm

I had my head craddled over my back andy legs tucked in tightly as I fell into a light sleep. I woke up to a prickly feeling along my spine and an eerie silence. I didn't want to open my eyes yet but I could see the fading color through my lids and I knew I must have slept longer then I thought! I pick up my head slowly and urge my eyes open but when they do, my blood runs ice cold as I stare into the pits of two yellow eyes. I freeze, caught between getting up and backing away. The eyes blinked and narrowed as I quickly struggled to my feet and backed away from them but they grew bigger like they were coming closer. Shivers trailed up my spine like cold fingers running along my skin. My ear twitches and I hear Shamrocks faint cry and I answer back which a high pitched shrill, my ears ringing when the cry was done. A hiss escapes from the trees where the eyes had dissappeared and I circled around the clearing, moving towards the center and looking franticaly about for the creature, my nostrils dilated with pure fear. I wanted to call out forhelp through my mind but I was to scared and I doubted my sister, Leona, would even answer me. *Oh where are you Shamrock?!* I cried in my head as the yellow eyes appeared before me again this time rimmed with red
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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guest Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:07 pm

Shamrock: I hear her cry of despair and I come crashing through the brush as fast as I can. My sharp hooves tearing up the shrubs that encountered them. As I come towards the clearing I see her...then I see the eyes. A cry of pure rage squeals through my lips as I jump over the last of the tall shrub that rimmed the clearing. My ears pinned flat against my skull, I land beside her then infront of her. Rearing up I shake my head with teeth bared and hooves lashing out infront of me. As I come down I slam my front hooves hard into the ground as my body shudders with hate at something that would dare harm her. "Are you okay?" I ask her softly, but my voice still kind've hateful directed at the thing infront of me. As it hisses, I snap and squeal. My muscles ripple under my pitch black hair as the tense erie feeling reaches me. I push it aside and snarl at the thing infront of me. "Leave now, or pay dearly." I growl lowly at the thing infront of me. I lunge forward a few feet with a snorting squeal before backing up to where I once was.


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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guardian Angel Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:19 pm

I knew Shamock was close by how near his call was back to me. I cry out again and prance around in place nervously as the eyes continue to blaze and bore into me. I was growing and ansty and debating whether or not to run knowing this thing would most likely catch me. Suddenly, Shamrock bursts through the shrubs and lands infront of me snorting and squealing. "I think so." I whisper back, panic raising in my voice. I step back a few steps from his angry build, keeping a distance to where I could see but wouldn't be hurt. The eyes narrow even more and they turn orange as they appear to grow bigger right before us. I squealed loudly and throw my head up as the creature emerges from the thick forest. It was a huge reptile like creature with rows after rows of sharp teeth that jutted out like daggers. his body was thick with muscles that bulgded out under armor like skin. It's head was almost triangular and it's orange eyes glared down at us with such hate and disgust. It stood on four legs, it's front legs with fingers that hunched over like he was an ape and his back legs bent like he was ready to spring forward. It's deadly long tail whipped fericly from side to side like a thick whip. It hissed, a long red slender tongue slipping from it's mouth and tasting the air.

Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Cloverfieldmonsterart02
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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guest Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:03 pm

Shamrock: I toss my head in surprise. It was the ugliest looking creature I had ever seen, but no the less, it was threatning everything I loved and cared for. Squealing I thrash out with a front hoof. "Take another step, if you dare, and I shall kill you. Spreading every single part of your body in all four corners of this world." I snarl savagely as my teeth sharpen and 10 inch fangs slide out. My eyes burned darkly as another half of me suddenly started to transform and make me appear like a savage. My mane and tail burned, much like that of my sister, my tail whipped back and forth as I shake my head and hiss. My nose crinkles back to expose the sharp needle point teeth. Red green eyes glowed darkly and only brightened if I was pissed off even more than I was. Nothing was going to hurt Alstonia, not over my dead body.


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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guardian Angel Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:41 pm

Seeing the creature scared the living hell outta me! It reared up and cried out loudly, it's jaws opening and saliva connecting the rows of razors. I shrilled and spun on my heels, dashing into the unknown forest with lightening speed. Pride did swell in my heart at the sight of Shamrock protecing me and I felt less alone as I watched him transform into a killer such as myself. Only once have I ever morphed and I hoped I never had to again. The woods were thick with gangly vines like snakes trying to choke me. Loose roots that tripped me with every sloppy foot fall and boulders blocking every possible path. My eyes burned from the stagnant air and my lungs ached for me to stop and take a real breath but no way was I stopping! The trees began to thicken and no light from the lost sun could penitrait this darkness so I was forced to slow my pace. Keeping ears alert and allowing some of my "other" powers to slip in such as night vision as I wandered dumbfoundedly through the unknown.
The beast hissed, "Try and kill me you demon horsssse! Sssssee what becomessss of your preciousss mate." his every "s" slurring. He scraped the ground with it's long fingers fixed with nasty sharp nails and whipped it's tail towards Shamrock, barely missing his head. It's orange eyes blinked light red as they narrowed, taking in every aspect of the stallion. He noticed the mare had gone but he knew she would never survive the forest so the stallion was his top priority now.
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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guest Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:54 pm

Shamrock: I was glad Alstonia was gone, but then it worried me that she wasn't with me. I close my eyes for a second and call the Protector to come. Hearing a hideous screech in the sky I open my eyes with a deathly roar and shake my head as my body completes the transformation. "Come on you ugly bastard!" I snarl savagely. "I'll rip you to pieces and anything else that dare hurt her!" I strike the ground leaving a deep gorge that was burned. Red hot rocks glowed white from the heat that radiated from me. My tail whipped back and forth as a rumbling sound came out of my nose with every breath I took.

Protector: As I fly to the sky I see the fleeting image of the mare fleeing below me. Screaming loudly I tuck my wings and dive closer to the ground, now only feet above the tree tops. My flying form forms a dark shadow above her and stays with her with every second. My sharply clawed feet stay tucked close to my belly, my long razor like beak gleams in the hot rays of the sun for a second before I dive in through the trees and behind the mare.

(I don't know if you have seen Avatar. But if you have heard what the animals on there sound like when they breath, thats what it sounds like lol)


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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:36 pm

(iv never seen it lol)
My vision becomes clearer as the nightvision sets in and allows me to see where I'm going. A loud screetch echoes above my head and I dare not look for it. I keep going like I never heard but then I hear wings behind me and I speed up a little bit, laying my ears flat. I knew it was some sort of bird by the flapping of wings but was it good or evil? I continued cantering, manuvering through tight trees and logs as i try escape the creature but couldn't, it was quick. Growing annoyed, I slide to a stop and whip around and bare my fangs at the bird. "Stay back!" I hiss out, my eyes azing a emerald hate.
The ugly thing watched Shamrock with glowing eyes. "You transssform well ssstallion." he hisses and moves closer, baring his nasty chompers. "Try me!" he growls whipping his spiked tail around and striking Shamrock in the flanks. He pulls back and spreads his weight evenly so he could keep his guard up. He growled low in his throat and spat at the ground, the deadly poision inches from Shamrock's hoof and leaving a black singed mark.
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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guest Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:58 pm

Shamrock: A deadly snarl roars out of my throat as he comes forward to strike me. As his tail slams into my flank I sink my long fangs into its shoulder just behind the head. Growling I watch it, its blood dribbling from my fangs. Stomping a hoof I paw the ground savagely before rearing up just a tad and shaking my head, teeth fully bared. My eyes glowed brighter with rage, I flatten my ears even more as the creature speaks. Its loud scratchy voice annoying me slightly.

Protector: Before she could do anything more I snatch her up as she whips around. My 35 foot wing span taking us up into the sky with grace. As we come back into the light it became very clear to her that I was a Giant Griffon. My feathers shone in the sun light and I had not one battle scar. Though for awhile she struggled to get out of my grasp it was to no use. I wasn't going to let her go, and I wasn't going to hurt her. It might've taken her a few moments to realize it at first.


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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guardian Angel Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:21 pm

The nasty beast cried out in outrage and pain as Shamrock's long fangs dug into it's shoulder. He reared up and scratched at the air with yellow talons. It whipped around and snapped it's jaws just inches from the stallion's stomach and it bounced back on scalely hindlegs to try and dodge another attack from Shamrock but failed and it tripped. A savage snarl erupted from the ugly beast's throat as his equalibreum(sp?) was thrown off.

Alstonia screamed loudly as she felt her pursuer's talons wrap around her mid-section and lifted her from the ground. She tried to wriggle out of his grip as she watched the dark forest grow smaller the farther up it took her. She twisted her graceful neck around to look at what was holding her for the first time. A huge griffin had been the thing following her and which was holding her now. Her emerald eyes flashed as she struggled on last time then realized she had no way out. Giving up and retracting her fangs, Alstonia allowed her petite frame to go limp in the huge griffin's claws.
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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guest Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:47 am

Shamrock: A nasty smile crosses my face as it trips, before it even hits the ground I was upon it. My hooves flailed (sp) mercilessly and left devastating gashes all over its body. Growling I bite the savage creature till I finally found its throat. Though its throat was well armored with the scales, they were no match to my fangs, which at first had trouble going through the first layer of scales but sunk fast after that. I rip my head back powerfully and leap away from the creature who started getting its balance back. Hissing terribly I lower my head and paw the ground again, nostrils flared I toss my head up and narrow my eyes. "Don't ever bother my mare or I again! Or I shall see that ever single piece of you is torn limb by limb and spread through out this entire kingdom." My voice hisses angrily. With a sigh I slowly let go of my rage but do not change form. This creature was still dangerous, and I did not know if it had learned its lesson yet.

Protector: Finally spotting Shamrock below in a very small clearing, I circle him and the beast from far above slowly decending. Looking down at Shamrock's love I raise a questioning eyebrow. "I'm sorry love, but I did not catch your name?" From the sound of a lovely soft voice it was evident (sp) that I was a female.


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Karma Comes for a fight - Page 6 Empty Re: Karma Comes for a fight

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:32 pm

The hideous monster screamed a horrid cry as the stallion tore at his build with razor like hooves. as it struggled to fight back, he was suddenly grabbed at his throat, the nerves snapping by the horse's sharp fangs but not enough to kill him yet. Blood trails weaved through his scale patterns down his long neck and thick chest. He growled, " it wasss your mare whom tresspassed upon my territory..." its "s" sliding out of its mouth with spit. he lowered his self to the forest floor and lunged forward at Shamrock, nipping at his thick flank with the outer row of teeth, then bouncing back and hissing.

Alstonia looked down and tried to fight back a loud and worried screech as she she stared below her, the clearing where she was once at was filled with hisses and snarls from her lover and the nasty beast. the griffin holding her a feminine voive which lead her to the realization, she was female. with a shaky voice she answered, "Alstonia."
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