Call of the Wild
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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:25 pm

"O-okay." Chrisy said moving forward, when she first stepped in she ran back behind him and waited till he entered the water and fallowed. After a few steps she saw that the water was neat. She bucked spraying water then started running in it and playing. She slowed down and moved through the water fall. The cave's wondrous heat warmed her quickly as she moved to what looked like a bed of grass and moss or something. She laid down closing her eyes. Instantly she sailed off into a deep slumber dreaming of playing with butterflies with her mother, brother, and Charlie. The meadow had yellow grass and the tree's leaves were yellow, orange, red, brown, and green.


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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:30 pm

Prince walked into the waterfall slowly,letting it wash him off of any dirt particles that might've stuck to his coat. He was slowly dried off by the heat that emitted inside the cave,his coat shining once again with cleanliness and pride in his looks. He watched Chrisy fall right asleep against his own mossy bed. "That's right.." he mumbled,remembering he had another creature to care for. He then laid down beside the entrance,his ears pricked up and eyes gazing. If anyone came to take her,he would rip off they're ears and tear them limb by limb.
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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:38 pm

Chrisy awoke some time in the middle of the night because of a bad dream and stood. She walked to Charlie and laid down agents his belly trembling. She hated nightmares, of course mostly everyone did, and especially ones with wolves such as the one she had just had. Ave laid there fully awake wishing her mother was singing her a lullaby.


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Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:45 pm

Prince was passed out at the time,his body curled near the edge as the rushing water created a sort of calming noise. Owls hooted to the swoosh and frogs croaked along. Fireflies made a night light in the corners of the cave as they flashed in different patterns,everything of nature seemed to be coming together at this time only to bring joy to this young filly.
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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:49 pm

Chrisy watched the fireflies and listened to the owls and frogs as they sang a lullaby to her, well at least that's what she thought they were doing. Either way it helped her fall asleep again. When morning came she laid still sleeping agents Prince Charles. Her little ribs raising and falling slowly and shallowly.


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Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:54 pm

Prince woke up quite early,his appetite making his stomach roar with hunger. He rose to his feet slowly,seeing Chrisy slept with him last night. His eyes focused on the hammering waterfall as he walked steadily out of it. He knew he should wake up Chrisy before leaving,to let her know what he was searching for. "Chrisy!" he shouted to her,his voice echoing in the cave.
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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:01 pm

Chrisy jumped to her feet wide awake at the loud call, "Yes moma?" Was her secant reaction before her mind gathered her memories from the other day. "Oh, good morning Charlie!" She shouted cheerfully trotting to his side and rubbing affectionately agents him then yawning quietly.


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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:05 pm

Prince snorted at being called moma. He then looked away as he backed away from Chrisy. "I'm going to get some food. Stay here! No excuses or else!" he shouted at her,as if being a totally new person.
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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:32 pm

Chrisy winced, frightened and nodded. She trotted to the back of the cave scard of him and coward into a shadow laying down. She watched him leave and grew Lonely quickly but rested her heand sized off. She awoke to the sound of paws moving in water, "Charlie?" She peeped out quitley with a sleepy tone. She watched a figure move in, it wasn't Prince. She watched curiously as the funny animal moved about in a funny way, swaying it's prickly tail and shedding a few spikes on the hard ground. She stood and approached it with excitement and tried to play with it but was met with a nasty surprise. A loud high piercing squeal of pain left her echoing about the cave and rushing out to fill the land outside. She started to wail in pain how a horse did, winning mournfully with pain woven through the cries. She looked at her leg and the needles sticking out, "Bully!" She yelled at the porcupine obviously nieve about them. She went away from it and watched it stay for awhile then leave. She kept crieing in pain wanting her mommy badly. Eventually she was wailing over and over, "Mommy!"


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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:42 pm

Prince was far away. He didn't care about his appetite as he only searched for a helpless mare who was in heat or,had a foal by her swollen stomach. He trotted past trees,his head high in the air and his hooves pawing the ground with his hooves as his Arabian tail held high. His nose soon picked up a scent,and a faint noise of a wailing cry but,he ignored it. His eyes narrowed down the way of the scent of a filly that was indeed done with pregnancy,and having a newborn foal to. He galloped off toward the direction. "Perfect." he whispered.

(Want me to play the mare and foal?)
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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:03 pm

(I'll play Lillian, the mare.)

Lillian finished drying her newborn son/daughter proudly and backed up waiting for it to stand. "Come on, you can do it. Come on." She said cheerfully to encourage the small precious foal. She nudge it gently on the butt in attempt to get it to put out it's hind legs and stand. As she did this she wondered how long it would be till he could stand and walk so they could return to their small hers of now eleven. She watched happily as the foal started to try.

(I'll pick a picture for her after you place the could've one up)


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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:10 pm

( I was thinking of that for them xD)

Prince slowed down as he neared them. He was well hidden behind the trees and in the shade. He smelled the foal,and the mare to. It was what he needed,a mare that had given birth. He was thinking of a plan,his ears going up and down as he whispered to himself. He looked around him to make sure no one was threatening his territory,walking casually out of the floral and padding to the mare. He quickly said "What a gorgeous foal!" as he neared her and the foal.
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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:19 pm

(Perfect but a Arabian stallion controlling a Frisian mare sounds a but unrealistic but ok...oh and I meant that your playing the foal.)

Lillian nearly jumped out of her skin, she whorled around ears pinned and teeth bared. As his words reached her she calmed but staid defensive over her foal, "Oh yes, thank you." She said looking like she'd blush if human. She moved a little to show off her baby proudly. Lowering her head she nudged the foal. "But it won't get up." She said in a deeply disappointed tone nudging it's rump again before returning her eyes to the stranger stallion. She watched him with caution even if he was kind spoken.


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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:25 pm

(Ah,true. We could keep the colors,maybe make it a thorough bred? I lost my touch with horses lately and oh! My bad >.<')

The foal let out a little whine,his legs lifting behind him as he tried his best to get out his front legs.

Prince laughed at the foal,seeing the mare still on her defensive side. No trust yet.. he thought to himself. He stayed where he was,close enough to see the foal,but far enough not to be a threat to either. He kept his eyes on the foal and spoke calmly. "Well,maybe if it would try to get it's fore legs up first?" he suggested.
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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:30 pm

(Lol it's fine and ok that breed sounds good)

Lillian nodded at his suggestion, this was her first ever foal. She pushed gently on it's chest lifting up a bit. The foal was light weight and she had no struggle. "Come on, you can do it, stand up." She said patiently as her heart bested with great excitement. As she watched her foal both ears were on the stallion protectively.


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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:37 pm

(Lol ok ^^ and good,we have a idea xD)

The foal felt his front getting lifted,his hind legs bucking him off the ground as he stood weakly on his fours. His ears laid back and his fuzzy tail patted his sides.

Prince smiled softly,letting out a gentle neigh as a sort of congratulations to the mare. He had to think fast,he knew that Chrisy might be in dire need of some milk,and he didn't know how long they could go without it. He then decided to pop the bubble. "Hey,I came in search for a mare who could produce milk. I have a foal in dire need of it,her name is Chrisy. Her mother was taken by a forcer so,I need some mare to help give her milk. Would you be so kind to as to feed her,ma'am?" he asked,his head stretching out as he awaited a response eagerly.
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Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:51 pm

Lillian quickly guides the foal's head to her tits so it could nurse. She turned her head and listened curiously to the stallion. She snorted in disgust at him, "And you didn't try to save the pore mare?" She said angrily towards him, "of course I will but I need to get back to my hers right after...." She said then a idea crossed her mind, "You know, I could take her off your hooves for you and raise her. I'm guessing your related some how, so when she's weaned I could return her for you?" She questioned him her eyes excited and hopeful.


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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:15 pm

Prince lifted his head as he heard her words. After she's weaned? That might be a good thing. "Yeah,that'd be great!" he smiled softly. "Just,can I visit her often maybe?" he tried to sound like a more brother ish,but his real intensions were to see how many other 'friends' this mare had. He grinned in his mind.
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Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:25 pm

Lillian smiled, "Awesome, let's get to her quickly. A foal shouldn't have milk from her too long." She said nudging her foal attempt to make it walk. "Well I'd have to ask the alpha pair but I'm sure it'd be fine. Our hers is different then most, we have multiple studs and a stud can have for mates if high ranked, two if medium, and only one if low." She explained causally.


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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:57 am

Prince nodded to the mare. Damn,more stallions. And all he wanted in the first place was a young mare,not a foal or pregnant mare. But,oh well. Beggers can't be choosers. He turned around and swished his tail as he awaited the mare to follow. "Come on! By the way,my name is Prince Charles." he said,adding that royal touch at the end.

The foal neighed at the touch,his legs wobbling as he took a few steps forward.
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Post by Guest Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:10 pm

"Nice, I'm Lillian....I bet being royal is fun?" She asked gently nudging the foal along and walking with him, "How far? I don't think my foal should go too far. Maybe you should bring the filly here?" She suggested gently nudging the foal along still.


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You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted) - Page 2 Empty Re: You may run but you can't hide (M, forcer or forcers wanted)

Post by ZeldaWolfy Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:18 pm

Prince had a neat plan going in his mind. Maybe if she followed him to his cave,he could keep her there? Genius! He snickered in his mind,then shook his head. "She's to weak to come here. I'm sure the new born would need a good practice with those long legs of his!" he smiled at the mare,watching closely.

The foal kept on going,his legs wobbling under him as he seemed to get better with every few inches.
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Post by Guest Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:30 pm

"Well ok but only half way for him, we got a decent walk home." Lillian replied then stopped, "Hold on, some one is coming." She said turning her head to see her best friend coming with her two day old foal, "Hey." The pinto mare greeted. As they went she and Lillian talked getting all the gaps filled in. In the end she told Prince, "I'm White Rose by the way."


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Post by ZeldaWolfy Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:33 pm

Prince started to get aggrivated as he saw another mare come into play. He only wanted one! Gosh! He snorted and then shuffled his hooves. "Come on! I don't know if she's ok!" he called to the mare,sounding concerned. He was too,he didn't know if she would still be there or was killed.
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Post by Guest Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:37 pm

White Rose left Lillian behind them trotting with her foal. Doesn't foal tried to fallow it's Mon but the speed was to much for it and it staid by Lillian as she nudged her foal along. Rose passed Prince, she bickered to him, "Which way?" As she began to gallop ahead of him.


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