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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:32 pm

(Yes I choose Lunaria. Oh and meet willz at the icy wasteland, she just created a water dragon and I think that she's eager for someone to rp with. If you're interested.)

Nightstar grunted and pulled away.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:55 pm

Tonniya got her feet loose and started working on her other hand. It was wrapped up really good and and she hissed at him again. She roared again but didn't know she woke something up. Lunaria woke up, her eyes meaning her mood was not a good one. Looking up, she saw a dragoness in trouble by a male."What....?" She said in a dazed tone. Standing up and stretching, she flapped her wings up to them and saw the situation. "What are you doing to her? The vines could cut the blood flow, causing everything to go limp and soon she would die! I best get you loose." Lunaria said softly to Tonniya and flicking her sharp talons, cut the vines one by one. Once finished, saw pulled back and saw the male breeding her by force. Lunaria was hardly strong enough to keep him away from them both but could help her. "Um...sir? Can you do me a favor? There is a boar stuck in a tree down there and i can't catch it, i'm too weak. Could you help me get it out so i can kill it? Its a quick and simple task." She growled to him as she helped Tonniya not fall.

The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Dragon_cave_by_isismasshiro-d4ganyr-1

((Choice made. Oh, and i can't find the role you said about.))


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:05 pm

Nightstar huffed and got off the female dragon. "So be it," he snorted before turning and getting to his task.

(Here's the link
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:28 pm

Smirking devilishly, Lunaria knew it would take a few hours for him to get her fake boar out. "Go, go, go!" She whispered to Tonniya as she grabbed her hand and flew off. Tonniya nodded and took her to her den. Once they were in, Tonniya blocked the Emergency escape-way and the main entrance with big rocks she carved from Bedrock, a rock she got from hardened volcano lava that was not easy for any dragon to get which took three months to even get one. Once good, she pushed Lunaria in her chamber, she her her glowing tail make trees in the way which means fire could get rid of it easily but she did it in four rows. Sighing, she carefully laid down in her den and coughed up her eggs and smiled, brushing grit off of them gently and snorted. "He'll be back. Your diversion won't keep him stalled forever." She said softly. Once she finished cleaning the eggs, she swallowed them again and looked at the dragoness. "Tonniya. That was Nightstar, but i warn you, he is a forcer. Your are?" She asked as she looked at the now sluggish dragoness. "Oh, lucky me! I'm a few hours away from being in heat! Oh, and the name is Luanria." She replied in a cranky tone as she shook a bit, giving a soft sigh and sitting on her haunches.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:02 pm

Nightstar still sniffed around through the vines of the trees. "Where is it?" he snapped.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:27 pm

Dummy Boar Log:
Sitting in the trees intertwined trunks, it was just sitting there as it did nothing. A little light glowed in the tree, letting its shadow show itself to the Dragon. Once the light got plenty more brighter in it, the light revealed it was a stuffed dummy! On the ground was talon-written note for anyone that fell for it reading: "Dear Dragon, You have fell for my trick for i probably did it to save someone from you! Once you get this, we will be miles and miles away or probably someplace you know very wisely as a place to escape too. Please do not go looking for us for it'll probably be night time by the time you find us and that is when your fate will come. By: The Trickster Dragoness~"


Tonniya laughed after Lunaria told her of the note, having a ball. Deciding to let Lunaria to live with her, she got the help of a Magi dragon. Digging a chamber and having desert sand and desert water transferred to Lunaria's new chamber that was next to Tonniya's, they put in the back a mount of sand that filled a chamber-like hole in case she ever has eggs of her own. Once finished and the dragon transports away, she yawns and lays down in her nest and sleeps. Lunaria smiled then walked to her chamber and laid down herself after digging a small hole for moonlight. Once they both were asleep, they weren't aware that the rocks that blocked the entrances were coming loose a lot quicker than needed, meaning he could just push it a bit or whack it in order to get it out of his path to get in.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:33 pm

Nightstar roared in frustration when he realized that he had been tricked. Angrily, he made his way back to the female's den. He saw that she had attempted to block the entrance, he smasked through the rocks and spotted the dragon that had tricked her. He took one leap and was unpon her. "You did a good job in trying to fool me. But now I must punish you with the same way that I did the other female," he hissed into her ear and mounted her. His thing was unsheathed as he inserted it into her.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:53 pm

"You haven't learned about what happens when you piss off a Moonstone dragon at daylight, have you?" She snarled as each hit with her tail make holes in the ground. The bulbous rock on her tail was as hard as stone, unbreakable. Flicking her tail in the air, she moved it to him and it when hard and heavy to his head, going down to smash it. Once the stone on her tail made contact with his head, she smirked with a small ground erupted from her throat. Flicking her talons, she slashed his face and roared, staring at him. "Punish me later on tonight, loser." She snapped as she pushed his tool out of her and covered her entrance with her tail, giving him no entrance.

((I have read about them. I think you picked the most dramatic and funniest choice.))


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:04 pm

(Geeez, I just chose her because she was the prettiest.)

Nightstar laid stunned on the ground. His mouth was gaping and his thing still hung unseathed. 'This female is going to be harder to seduce,' he thought and groaned.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:17 pm

"Next time remember this when you try to force me you perverted jerk!" She snarled, her left eye twitching. Yawning and laying down, she curled up again and she rested her head to where she faced him. Slowly closing her eyes, she fell asleep lightly, ready for the moon to rise. Tonniya groaned as she got up abruptly, hearing the whole commotion. Walking into Lunaria's chamber, she saw what happened to Nightstar and giggled, stifling a laugh. Climbing out the main entrance, she laid down on a branch and laughed, loving what she saw. Her tail was out of the way, revealing her entrance and she watched the clouds, closing her eyes and slowly falling into a nap.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:18 pm

Nightstar's head was spinning until he finally passed out.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:29 pm

Asleep, Tonniya drifted off into her own world till she isn't needed in it anymore. As time passed, Tonniya woke up to see the moon at the horizon as it was slowly rising. Jumping inside the hole once she stood up, she walked in to see he was still knocked out. Lunaria woke up and looked at him, her eyes innocent. Walking around him to Tonniya, the moon's rays that were leaking in the whole den was giving her energy. "Did something happen to him? Oh, i guess he woke me up at daylight! Everyone knows not to do that and not to touch our eggs! The stone on my tail can never break because its part of our body and it is hard like stone, easy to kill someone." She said softly and Tonniya nodded, making Lunaria sighed gently.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:34 pm

Nightstar graoned and lifted his head before letting flopped back down to the ground again. His head was throbbing and sore from where the stronger female a hit him.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:44 pm

Lunaria walked to him and sniffed a bit as her scent blew around. She went into heat at dusk and sniffed his head, poking him a bit with her talon. She wondered if he was dead for it would be a problem. "Are you alive? Please be alive." She said politely, not wanting to be bad for it wasn't her.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:07 pm

Nightstar lifted his head. He caught the scent of a female in heat. He looked up at the she-dragon who had knocked him out the night before and to his dismay, the scent was coming from her. He slowly got to his feet. "What do you want?" he growled and walked past her.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:15 pm

"Hey! Shut your mouth, ya jerk! She was making sure you were okay!" Tonniya hissed and walked over to Lunaria who covered her head with her wings in fear. Trying to comfort Lunaria, she shushed her a bit and glared at him with a growl. Walking out of Lunaria's chamber to give her some alone time, she scoffed at him. "The nerve of some people, especially you." She hissed at him and slapped him in the face with her tail. Walking into her chamber, she started to dig, making something different.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:19 pm

Nightstar huffed and followed the pregnant female. "I could care less about the dragon who knocked me out. She sure didn't seem afraid of me yesterday, I wonder why she is today?"
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:32 pm

"You are an idiot, aren't you? You've only been out for several hours! Every dragon knows not to wake up a Moonstone dragon for they become the most cranky, aggressive, and spiteful dragons you can ever know of! Their just like Hellfire dragons at daytime! But when the moon is out, they gain energy from the rays and that is when they are awake. That is also the time they are followers, listeners, sweet, kind, generous, and are really good at being fun. So she is right; next time gather facts before doing something stupid. And from me, you just learned about her species." She replied as she began getting deeper as she was digging. "Also, what element are you?" She asked, wanting to know what to put in her little hole.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:07 pm

Nightstar growled. "I do not have an element. I'm just a regular fire-breathing dragon," he said to her and eyed her hole suspiciously. "What is that?"
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:22 pm

"None of your business." She hissed as she started to go deeper till there was nothing but a tail to see. By the time she was seven feet deep, she started curving to a turn. One she was four feet away from it, she went upwards to two feet and made a chamber. Going back through the curve, she when a couple feet deeper. She put vines all through the curve to keep it contained. Crawling back out to look at Nightstar, she snorted. "I'm making a well for water, okay? But, your not getting any." She growled and started to dig a tunnel for water to flow the the well. Once she made a hole to the surface for the water to pour into, she looked back to him. "The eggs are hatching in a few more weeks. I suggest you let me get to work if i'm going to help them survive until they get their wings. Once they have their wings, they'll be gone and the secret hideaway will be ready for more." She growled and she walked to Lunaria to see she was bathing under the moon's rays.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:25 pm

Nightstar snorted. "They won't live to see that," he retorted.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:31 pm

"Yes, they will!" She called out back at him, frowning. Sense he was to much of a threat, she would have to have a Magi dragon guard them and help them. Lunaria whined as she heard them, knowing her nature will become vile once she has eggs. As her scent got stronger, she groaned as she picked it up herself. "Please wait outside, Tonniya. Its uncontrollable." She whimpered and Tonniya nodded as she walked out and sat at the entrance. Growling, she leaped onto Nightstar and snarled. "You may have claimed me but you won't claim her. I'll make sure of that, you pervert." She snarled and swatted him with her hand before climbing off and going back to the entrance of Lunaria's chamber and guarding it.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:46 pm

Nightstar snorted. "I have no interest in mating with the dragon that knocked me out," he snarled.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 3 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:57 pm

"Then don't even try it with me. And for a selfish pervert, your a jerk. You took her at the wrong time and she is sorry, just your a mistake that breathes." She snorts and looks away from him, feeling her second stomach roll around. Seeing the Magi dragon that helped her, he called him over and talked to him to help with more construction. Pointing to her well, he started transporting water to it till it was full. Giving her some nesting items, he teleported off for fire charge rocks. She dived into the well and went through the curve, through the vines with ease, and submerged to the mini chamber and laid it around. Going through the vines again, she submerged out of the well in her room and shook herself. Taking the Magi dragon that returned to the chamber, he teleported the fire charge rocks to her and she smiled. She planted them carefully around the nest litter he brought her and she put some in the vined curve for protection. Once she came out of the well in her chamber again with the Magi dragon, she turned to him. "Make sure to check back daily. I may need your help again and especially need you when the time comes, ya know what i mean?" She said and he nodded then left for the night. She placed thorned twigs and bramble vines around it for outer protection. "Complete!" She exclaimed then laid down in her nest. She spread herself out on her back as she started getting sleepy, her mind dozing off.


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Post by Stormsong Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:01 pm

Nightstar rolled his eyes at her and flew up to the eagle's nest. "Stupid she-dragon," he muttered and went to sleep.
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