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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:54 pm

Frost eyed the hatchling curiously. "Angel?" he said and sniffed the baby.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:27 am

"Yes! Her name is Angel! The other ones will be...." She replies and starts to think as her other hatchlings come closer to her. One was black, one was silver and had dark grey horse that were almost black while it glowed a bit, lighting up her cave. The third one was silver/white but foggy a bit which was weird. "Shadow, Glow, and Soul along with Angel!" She exclaimed and they started crawling all over her and she laughed as she watch her children play. Shadow and Soul were boys and Glow with Angel were girls. She wished their father was happy about having children and she could present them to him.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:37 pm

Frost took a step into the mother dragon's chamber and eyed the babies curiously. He had never witnessed the hatching of eggs before so everything was new to him.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:47 pm

She watched Soul stick to the shadows and sometimes disappearing. Shadow kept himself in the nest, sleeping. She giggled but watched her daughter, Angel. The girl was like the clumsy others but she never was hurt.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:50 pm

"What are they doing?" Frost asked after a moment of observing them.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:04 pm

"Being themselves." She said and she trilled but gave a light screech and they crawled into the nest. Grabbing some meat then making a ripe berry bush, she gathered the berries and offered it to her children. Most of her hatchlings ate the meat but Angel took to the berries with her mother. Tonniya tried to offer her baby meat but she just pushed away and chuckled and held close to her, signifying she is her baby for sure.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:37 pm

(What do I say now?)
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:38 pm

((do whatever you want to spice it up))


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:45 pm

Frost now entered the chamber and nudged Glow. He snorted when she fell over and quickly gave her a comforting lick. He didn't want the baby to cry.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:06 pm

She scooped up Glow and snuggled her, making her giggle. Setting her back in the nest, she laid down in her homemade hammock and sighed, knowing in a few days she'll be in heat like Lunaria. Lunaria giggled as she sat outside, basking in the light of the moon. Her scent was powerful but didn't pick it up, making her vulnerable.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:37 pm

Frost turned his head when he caught the other female's heat scent. "Do you want some too?" he asked hoping she would understand what he meant.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:44 pm

Lunaria turned to see Frost and blushed turning away. "I do, just i'm not sure. Its my f-first...." She replied lightly and glanced at him, grabbing her tail and hanging her head low.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:47 pm

"here," he nudged gently outside. "Let's go so that we don't disturb the mother." When they got outside he nuzzled her. "It's alright if it's your first, I promise that I'll be gentle," he whispered in her ear.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:08 pm

She looked back to Tonniya and sighed, looking to Frost. "Alright but know this: I'm a Moonstone dragoness, meaning at daytime i sleep. If i get woken up at daytime, i might hurt you like i accidentally did me and Tonniya's captor. I just hope you know before we begin." She replied as she stood there on her hind feet, her feathered wings resting on her sides.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:36 pm

"Do you wish to wait until the moonrises?" Frost asked patiently.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:55 pm

Lunaria pointed up to the sky, showing the moon. It was already high up so she was going to be energized once finished. "I may be easy to find but catch me if you can!" She exclaimed to him and she took off into the sky, her scent trailing off behind her. She was high up in the sky and slowed when she was pointed directly to the moon. Making a few twirls and flips, she dived, not opening her wings, like she was falling but at the last minute near the ground she opened her wings and flew back up to where she was. She looked down at him and waited to see if he would come up. Lunaria wanted to know if he was sure about doing it with her, if he wanted in her that badly.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:33 pm

Frost smiled and flapped his grand white wings. He lifted himself from the ground and pursued after her. The trill of flying always made him feel wild and free as he did a few flips and twirls of his own.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:53 pm

"Lets see how bad you want me. If you catch me before we reach the den by dawn, then you can breed me. If not, then try again tomorrow night." She said to him and with a small dive, flew upwards till she was as high as the clouds, gliding gently. She dived down again, going like a falling jet with its nose pointing down. Pulling up, she sighed as she about crashed into a tree. Going back up higher, she stayed put as her scent permeated. As it got stronger, it was also hurting her a bit, and she felt it for sure.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:57 pm

Frost smirked. "I like a challenge," he said before he dove and flew after her. His nostirls flared as her strong heat scent permiated the air around him. His bulky body slowed him down slightly.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:04 pm

Seeing him get closer and closer, she chuckled but winced, knowing it hurt. She saw him get closer so she dove down and flew under him but the pain caused her to slow down, making her the easy catch.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:18 pm

Frost dove down after her. Seeing that she was slowing down he opened his arms and caught her in mid-dive. He craddled her gently and flew her to the ground. He laid her down and stood up, breathing heavily. "Caught you," he spoke and puffed out his chest in triumph.

(See? I like him better.)
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:45 pm

She gasped when he grabbed her and pulled her close to him. She held onto him when he dove down to the ground. She looked at him and giggled, watching him as she laid on her stomach. "You did. Now go ahead, claim your reward for being victorious. I meant what i said when the chase began." She replied as she staid still, waiting.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:00 pm

Frost hesitated a moment before he mounted her. He inserted into her, letting out a moan of pleasure as he did so. His thrusts started slow, not wanting to hurt her.
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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Tonniya and Lunaria

Post by Guest Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:07 pm

Lunaria grunted a bit, blushing as he mounted her. Feeling some pain, she just froze, shuddering. It may have been pain but she was happy and moaned a bit. She looked at him, meaning he can continue.


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The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M] - Page 5 Empty Re: The Migration to Trouble, oh my! [FORCERS ALLOWED TO CAPTURE HER][M]

Post by Stormsong Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:13 pm

Frost picked up his speed. He laid his head across her back and licked the back of her neck. "If I'm hurting you too much, then let me know," he whispered and thrusted harder and harder.
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