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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:58 pm

Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Tumblr_lx1vsil3lc1qe4nyno1_500
Zach ran his fingers through his smooth brown hair, ruffling it abit. He gripped the cool refleshing water bottle beside the weights he was lifting and pressed the tip of the water bottle to his lips and took a long drink. Sweat glands running down the side of his broad-face, he lifted his shift up and threw it to the side. His muscles rippled, as well as his eight pack, the large V line below his abs showed clearly. He groaned as he picked the weights back up, leaning back in the black leather seat, slowly he lifted the 100 pounds, his veins on his neck beginning to pop out. He took in a deep breath, his face turning bright red. Then he let out his breath as soon as he put the weights down. He sat back up, standing up straight to stretch out his arms; sweat drizzled down his body only slightly. Zach leaned down to pick up the water bottle and gulp down the last drops. He sighed, grabing a rag to wipe his face away from sweat glands. He walked up to his locker, opening it to grab his things. He put a black strap over his broad-shoulder, walking out of 'Cross Gates' doors and into the sunlight. He drew in hsi breath, starting to walk to his car. Slipping his glasses over his eyes, and glancing around his surrounding. Once he reached his Escalade Truck, he clicked a button and the car drivers door open. He reached out a hand to gras the door handle, and slung it open. Zach hopped into his car; turning the key to the right. The cars engine roaring to life, he pulled the stick back into drive; Zach drove off. Stopping at a red light, then turning left into Subway. He parked his car in the parking lot, getting out. He walked into the cool air of the fast food resturant. Walking up to the lady and ordering him a sub.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:09 pm

Claire's thin fingers gripped the tube of lipstick firmly as she ran it across her full lips.
They split and she drew in a long breath. Her mind lost in a world of lyrics that she ran through repeatedly. She had done this several times before, but could never erase that apprehension that burned in her knotted stomach. The dress she wore was low and sleeveless, cut into a V-neck that accented her larger bust. The breath she released was shaky, but after she felt much better and she did a check on her makeup. Afterwards, she stood and slipped her small feet into her heels. The black dress touched the floor and she had to lift it up in order to locate the heels. Footfalls echoed down the wooden floor hallway and Mason walked into her room, not knocking or anything. She smiled brightly with her lips but her eyes showed no emotion. They were close and trusting friends, and they needn't knock. They had seen each others bodies several times but not in a sexual manner. He smiled back, and she could see the love in his eyes. Claire didn't want him in a relationship, but he seemed to need her. It sometimes made her feel guilty but she didn't have time for that tonight. Eagerly, she gripped his tie and straightened it for him. "Ready?" He asked, and she nodded. The big curtains pulled back and she stepped into the now silent hall. Her heels echoing against the hard wood floor. They began the show just as any other, and everyone loved it. Some even joined in on the dancing.

[[ She is the playing the black dressed girl and he is playing the grey suited one from the video I showed you Smile ]]
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:22 pm

Zach dipped his head as the women handed him his sub, he smiled at her and payed her for the sub. He turned, walking out of the double doors. He took a quick bite of his sandwich, then glanced up to hear people cheering out to a girl named 'Clarie'. He heard about her before, he quickly ate his sub. Throwing half of it away in a trash can, before turning to walk over to the place she was at. He walked in, everything was black but soon light replaced the darkness but only slightly. He gently pushed through the crowd, putting his sunglasses on his shirt. He smiled, listening carefully to the women on stage. He tapped his foot, looking around him to see people dancing with her. He chuckled, grinning abit. Someone grabbed his hand and he was jerked to the stage, a women smiled down at him then went back to dancing. She motioned for him to dance as well, Zach was a dancer once as well as a singer. But never made it big, he chuckled. Shaking his head, he turned to walk away.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:35 pm

Claire's lipped curled into a sexy smile when the man was jerked onto the stage.
He was very good looking, she thought to herself. Just as she turned to dance with him, she was pulled by the wrist by Mason, and their bodies were slammed against each other in a seemingly passionate manner. Her eyes flashed slightly in angst but she sung the next line and he dipped her low. She saw the man dancing with another woman, and he managed rather well. She turned her gaze back to meet Mason's adorable features, and he pulled her back up. Claire ran a finger down Mason's chest, and whispered something into his ear before singing the chorus. She grinned, and when a break in the song came she pulled the man she had her eye on from the other woman. Anger glowed in the woman's eyes but she wasted no time snatching up a rather disgruntled Mason. "Hey" Claire said, her voice out of breath as she placed his hands on her hips and returned hers to his shoulders.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:43 pm

Zach gasped lightly when he was pulled back on stage, the women danced with him. He shrugged, grabbing her waist and dipping her down then back up quickly. Then suddenly was jerked away from her, he sighed. Then seen a beautiful women grab him, placing his hands on her hips. He smiled down at her, quickly he dipped her. Gazing into her eyes before bringing her up. Their chests slamming agaisnt eachother, locking eyes with her, he whispered; " Hey." With a wink, he threw her outward, makign her twirl then bringing her back into hsi arms again. The guy she was dancing with, sneered over at him. Zach rolled his eyes, adn kept on dancing with the lvoely women.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:56 pm

Claire twirled rapidly when he cast her outward, and then pushed herself close to him.
She purposely made Mason jealous as he danced with the blond girl. She leaned close to the attractive man and whispered to him "Claire, pleasure to meet you" She said seductively before dipping low, her hands gliding down his chest and then back to his shoulders. She stepped to the left with the group and him, her blue grey eyes locking with his. He had soft but manly features, and his hair was gorgeous. Suddenly, a hand caught her wrist and she had to twirl to look like it was a planned occurrence. Mason's fury was spoken through his eyes. "What are you doing?" He snarled, and she ignored him. She crept back to the microphone and sang seductively to the crowd, her voice cracking purposely in unison with the lyrics. She challenged herself and played with the notes, hitting difficult octives with ease.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:05 pm

Zach smirked donw at her, watching her as she went down low on him then striking herself back up to his chest. He grinned, hearing her speak out soft words. " Zach, beautiful name Claire." He said and before he coudl say anything more, she threw hereslf outward; as did everyone else ont he stage. He grinned then chuckled when the guy before when grabbed Claire; pulling her tightly into hsi arms. Zach chuckled,r olling hsi eyes. He walked to the edge of the stage and kneeled down to leap off gently landing on his feet. He smirked up at Claire as she started to sing. Her angel coated song ringing off the walls and vibrating into his ear drums. He smiled softly, then his gaze traveled past her at the guy who had got angry; narrowing his eyes at Zach. He chuckled at the guy, shaking his head in shame. Zach turned to look up at Claire.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:11 pm

Mason's face contorted when she slinked over to the microphone.
He was screwing up everything! He glared down at the man before turning and taking the blond from before into his arms. She was wearing blue jeans and a v-neck top, which contrasted wildly with the professional dancers on the stage. He spun her quickly before letting her land in another man's arms. Claire was just finishing her part of the song when she was whirled into Mason's arms. Her nose twitched in disgust and she slid her hand across his chest as she crept around him. When she came back to his front, he lifted her by the waist in a move that was, in fact, choreographed. She landed and spun around once before he caught her and dipped her low. The dress she wore slide enticingly down, but not too far. She was lifted back up and it slid back into place. The song ended with different woman singing and she stood there a moment as did everyone else. Her chest heaving from the labors of the dance. Once people began leaping down from the stage she thrusted her hands hard against Mason's chest and stormed effectively from the stage. Mason stood there a moment before jogging after her.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:24 pm

Zach smirked as she began to dance once more, she watched; amazed with her grace as she was being lifted up into the air by the same guy who looked at him with pure anger. He shook his head and clapped when the show was over, he squinted his eyes to watch Claire push the guy away roughly and storm off. Zach chuckled as the guy just stood there, he pushed through the crowd of people and soon ended up in the back stage. He watched as the girls that were dancing back up raced around quickly. His attention suddenly drew towards the guy and Claire talking in the corner. He shealthed himself in the shadows, and quietly got close enough to where he could hear the conversation.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:32 pm

Claire's soft skin reddened as her heart raced. She turned and out of routine, Mason helped her from her dress. She slid from it and into her bra. She wasn't rushed to dress, since it was only the girls and them in the room- or so she thought. "Hey, that punk was screwing up the show" Mason said in an attempt to right himself in her mind. She shook her head as she jumped into her skinny jeans. The denim stretched to accent her curves but he was unfazed. He, too, was undressing and then pulled into ripped designer jeans. "No, you and your idiotic jealously ruined it!" She said, her voice raising. She pulled herself into her shirt angrily and he did too. They stood there a moment, staring deep into each others souls. She held her ground, but he broke. "Look- I'm sorry I guess I just got a little worked up with the crowd and everything" He apologized, and she nodded curtly. "Damn right you were" She sneered and whirled around. She sat before her vanity and removed her makeup like the other girls were. She applied a small bit of foundation and some mascara after removing the lipstick and other heavy makeup.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:57 pm

Zach rolled his eyes hearing what the jealous guy had said. He shook his head, listening before someone past him. Not even seeing him, he saw the back door to the room open. He instantly shot out of the dressing room like a bullet. He walked down the ally way, and out onto the streets. Sihging, he shoved his hands into his baggy jeans. Looking left and right across the busy rode. After it was clear, he jogged to the other side. He seen on the board-walk people were singing and dancing. He smirked, he took in a deep breath. Starting to sing, his handsome voice reflecting. He walked down the board-walk.

" Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?

His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs,
but he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down,
the whole crowd goes so loud
He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out
He's choking how, everybody's joking now
The clock's run out, time's up over, bloah!
Snap back to reality, Oh there goes gravity
Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked
He's so mad, but he won't give up that
Easy, no
He won't have it , he knows his whole back's to these ropes
It don't matter, he's dope
He knows that, but he's broke
He's so stagnant he knows
When he goes back to his mobile home, that's when it's
Back to the lab again, yo
This whole rhapsody
He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him

You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
(You better)

The soul's escaping, through this hole that is gaping
This world is mine for the taking
Make me king, as we move toward a new world order
A normal life is boring, but superstardom's close to post mortem
It only grows harder, only grows hotter
He blows us all over these hoes is all on him
Coast to coast shows, he's known as the globetrotter
Lonely roads, God only knows
He's grown farther from home, he's no father
He goes home and barely knows his own daughter
But hold your nose 'cause here goes the cold water
His hoes don't want him no more, he's cold product
They moved on to the next schmoe who flows
He nose dove and sold nada
So the soap opera is told and unfolds
I suppose it's old partner but the beat goes on
Da da dum da dum da da


No more games, I'ma change what you call rage
Tear this motherfucking roof off like 2 dogs caged
I was playing in the beginning, the mood all changed
I've been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage
But I kept rhyming and stepped right into the next cypher
Best believe somebody's paying the pied piper
All the pain inside amplified by the fact
That I can't get by with my 9 to 5
And I can't provide the right type of life for my family
Cause man, these goddamn food stamps don't buy diapers
And it's no movie, there's no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life
And these times are so hard, and it's getting even harder
Trying to feed and water my seed, plus
Teeter totter caught up between being a father and a prima donna
Baby mama drama's screaming on and
Too much for me to wanna
Stay in one spot, another day of monotony
Has gotten me to the point, I'm like a snail
I've got to formulate a plot or I end up in jail or shot
Success is my only motherfucking option, failure's not
Mom, I love you, but this trailer's got to go
I cannot grow old in Salem's lot
So here I go it's my shot.
Feet fail me not, this may be the only opportunity that I got


You can do anything you set your mind to, man

Zach started to dance towards the end of the song, but soon stopped and held his head high. walking silently through the board-walk. Humming a new song; but not singing it outloud.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:09 pm

[[ Eminem~! Haha ]]

Mason knelt beside her and sighed heavily. "Forgive me?" He begged, and she shrugged. "Fine whatever" She said and walked towards the exit, almost forgetting her shoes. Just as she looked up, she saw someone dart from the room. "Hey!" She shouted, but it was in vain. She sighed and moved towards the exit. "I'm not yours, I can do whatever I want" She snapped before leaving the building. Claire's hair was bounced by the wind but settled after the door shut. Her glossed lips moved as she recited lyrics, but she didn't sing them. Claire's eyes settled on the man from the room as his voice sang out lyrics to a song she didn't know. She listened for a moment, then stepped out into the crowd. Her smile faded after she turned away from the man. Her voice started out slow and quiet, then grew louder. It stayed soft, though.

I feel the 4 become 5

And I'm waiting, waiting, waiting

For you to walk down the boulevard
to take me, take me, take me

but the moment you appear

you wake me, wake me, wake me

out of the slumbers of my head

from the slums of loneliness.

and there's no conspiracy

behind the way to heist me

when love is a two way street
(love is a two way street).

and i think i'm ready

to let you get under my skin

I can't make you fall for me

(love is a two way street).

We're coming close to our fate

they'll put a star beside our names

and I couldn't care for the history

when i've got you in front of me

the cars could all collide

the shards of glass
won't catch my eye

cause you're almost by my side

we're counting down at the green light.

and there's no conspiracy

behind the way to heist me

when love is a two way street
(love is a two way street).


.and i think i'm ready

to let you get under my skin

I can't make you fall for me

(love is a two way street).

Her voice faded gradually until it was barely a whisper at the end of it, and she let out a small chuckle. She had the lyrics down straight with the melody. She slowed her breathing and turned to look for the man from the show. Claire's stepped back into the crowd, still looking for him but failing. She tried not to appear like she was searching.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:19 pm

Zach stopped to hear the saem women from the stage singing. He smiled, listening to her beautiul voice until she stopped. Zach sighed, turning away to walk off. He seen out of the corner of his eye, the women; she was searching for him, he knew. Zach smirked, going around the crowd, gently pushing through the people and coming up from behind her. Tapping her shoulder, " Hey. You looking for me?" He asked in his charming, handsome voice.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:24 pm

Claire jumped when someone touched her shoulder and she whirled around, only to trip on her sneakers and run right into him. She braced herself on his shoulders and lifted herself up. She stepped back, and sighed. "I can run a marathon in heels, but put me in some sneakers and I damn near break and ankle" Claire said, shaking her head before meeting his eyes. He seemed even more attractive than before. She laughed quickly "Sure" Claire said before pulling a dark curl from her cheek.

[[ sss ]]
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:28 pm

Zach smiled, looking down at her; meeting her gaze. He frooze to notice how truely beautiful she was without all the make-up on her. " You know I'm gonn abe honest, you look even more beautiful without all that crappy make-up on you." He said with a gentle smile. He bit him lip, hoping she didn't take that as an insult. But he sighed heavily, shoving both his hands into his pockets.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:36 pm

Claire flushed when he looked at her, but quickly got herself under control. She could sell herself when she was just 16 and she couldn't handle herself in front of him? She rolled her eyes at herself and was caught off guard by her comment. "Oh... Well.. Thank you.. I think" She said with a small giggle. Claire looked up as the sun ducked behind a cloud, and the day darkened. A storm was on its way, but that wasn't very unusual. She wiped her hands against her denim jeans and flashed a bright smile behind her full lips. "What did you think of the show?" She asked him, flirting a little.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:54 pm

Zach chuckled, looking down at her. He reached out to stroke her cheek, glinding his hand the sdie of her face and pulling her chin up. He looked at her, his dark brown eyes gleaming into hers. Zach nodded, " Yes, it was an absolutely amazing show. I liked the part where we danced." He said in a flirty tone, smirking down at her. He ran his hand through his messed up casual hair style, ruffling it up a smudge.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:57 pm

Claire turned her head into his hand as he stroked her cheek. His hand felt so right against her skin. She sighed silently, and closed her eyes. He answered her question, and she grinned. Claire opened her eyes and put her hands on his shoulders. "You did?" She said with a grin, and pushed her chest against his like when they were dancing. Her eyes looked deep into his, and she smirked sexily.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:06 pm

Zach smirked when she pressed her chest onto his. " Yes, I did." He admited, with a grin. He slid his hands down her slender body, and stopped at her hips; not going any further, for he wasn't that type. Zach leaned in just abit, but jerked away when someone pulled him away from her sharply. Zach narrowed his eyes, seeing the guy from the show. " Hey, man what's your problem!" He said, eyes raging in fury. His fists clentched tightly, and he waited for an answer.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:15 pm

Claire's heart skipped when he slid his hands down her body, and she took a deep breath. Just then, she was pulled from him harshly, and she tripped over her sneakers. She gripped at Mason's arm, and barely stopped before she crashed against the ground. She pulled herself up and glared at him. Abruptly, she slapped his face, hard. He stumbled and she could see the surprise in his eyes. Claire's eyes softened immediately, and she stopped him from falling. "I'm sorry, oh my gosh, are you okay?" She said, her eyes suddenly filled with concern. Mason frowned down at her, and he straightened before glaring at the man who had messed up the dance.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:25 pm

Zach glared at the man, then seen Claire slap him. He chuckled once, but stopped when the man stood and glared at with again. With narrowed eyes, he snapped harshly; " What are you looking at?!" He stepped towards him, ready to swing if need be.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:28 pm

Claire shook her head. "Okay, knock it off" She told them both, and ran a slender finger along Mason's chin where it was reddening. "Sorry" She whispered, then turned back to Zach. "Mason, this is Zach. Zach, Mason" She said, introducing them. "Now chill"

[[ erg sorry ]]
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:34 pm

Zach rolled him eyes at the guy, he stepped back. But still held his ground, he said hello to him. trying to be nice and not immature like he was. Zach looked at Claire, with narrowed eyes than curled his leg over at this so called 'Mason' guy. He calmed, thrusting his hands into his pockets. He decided to go, " I should leave now." He said, exiting the area. Shoving his way past people, until he vanished within the dence shadows on an ally way; heading towards his truck.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:43 pm

Mason murmured a hey back to the guy, and Claire frowned. "You don't have to-" She started, but gave up. "Great" She said, and turned around. Mason caught her in his arms, and their lips met. She went weak in his arms and returned the kiss, unsure of why. She broke free of him and pushed the back of her hand to her lips. Claire's eyes darted across Mason's face, but all she saw was curiosity. She dipped her slender eyebrows before turning around and running away from the scene. Great. Now he would think she liked him. She sighed, and slammed the door of her apartment building behind her. "Everything okay?" Josh asked from the desk. Claire nodded and walked briskly to the elevator.
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Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?) Empty Re: Burning Flames Through The Tips Of my Fingers..(Saviour..Rated R?)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:53 pm

Zach slammed his car door, and turned his key to make the engine roar to life. He put the car in drive, and rode out. Once he reached his house, he got out. Locking the car door behind him. He sighed, slwoly opening the screen door of his house. Laying down on the coach, he turned on the T.V.
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