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Those Who Play With Fire Get Their Fingers Burned (mature, experienced player needed)

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Those Who Play With Fire Get Their Fingers Burned (mature, experienced player needed) Empty Those Who Play With Fire Get Their Fingers Burned (mature, experienced player needed)

Post by Guardian Angel Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:43 am

Fire. Fire is the element that many fear and so many adore. The colorful, enticing flames that dance across the ground and light up the sky catch the eye with such intensity that you never want to look away. Fire draws you to it with its crackling lullaby that lulls you to sleep or its flirting colors that mezmorize you into a silly stupor. Yet, fire makes you shrink away it fear. Its boldness and strength in its heat hurts you, leaving nasty burns on your skin. A scar you hold dear forever. The pain it causes you can make you fear it for life; cause you jump at a spark, squeal at the light or run at the warmth.
Such a warm and welcome feeling it has. Such an overpowering hold it has on the everyday creature. Fire can promise life as much as it can create death. How can one element go both ways? How can it be to devestating yet so welcoming? All you want is a nice warm fire to rest by and warm up to, but you fear how it spreads and swallows you up whole, holding you hostage in its mezmorizing flaming glory and slowly killing you.
Ever played with fire? Some of us have and those who play with fire get their fingers burned....

"Do you see that?"
"I do."

In the middle of the night, nestled in the center of a lush valley surrounded by redwood trees, a small yet prosperous herd slept under a blanket of stars. A top one of the more milder hills, a mouse gray stud stood with his mate. The two looked down upon their family with loving and tender eyes knowing they created it together. The gray stud has his tail woven into his mate's and the two stood side by side beneath the moon, softly chattering to one another about their day. They reached an excited topic which caused the mare, Emmeline, to turn her head and nose her stomach. Heavy with foal, the mare still seemed plenty agile to keep up with her ever growing family.

Dull Star caught his mare's words softly in his ear as he turned to search for what she saw in the distance. Straining to see, he saw the soft glow of something brilliant flickering amongst the mighty trees that protected them. "I think i should go check it out.." he trailed off. "No." warned Emmeline, but he did not listen. Kissing her and their unborn child he said, "I love you and i will return."
Making his way to the trees, he did not glance back at his pregnant mare who was watching his backside retreat away from her. Slowly creeping through the tall trees. Star approached the glow with ease but he was well alert. A new smell was in the air and it was forgien. Taking another sniff, he dared to step even closer to the bright warm glow. He did not see that was stepping over large black masses lying in slumber upon the dirt. His eyes were trained upon the light that danced and flirted with him. He was in complete awe as he stood before it, his mug very close to it, feeling its welcoming warmth. He did not notice a figure move to his left. "Horse!" it cried which startled Star into ramming his nose into the flame and kocking it over. It began to spread quickly as he reared and screamed. "Fire!" another voice shouted.
"Fire.." echoed through Star's head as he raced through the forest to reach his family. "Run!" he cried as he reached them.
Every horse was awake and aware of the danger that loomed behind them. All of their heads were up and alert as they pranced around, unsure of which way to run. "Just go!" he screamed as he reached Emmeline, encouraging her to move quickly.
By now the fire had spread all around them and they lost in a sea of smoke that choked and blinded them. "Emmel...!" Star tried to shout but was cut off by a fit of coughs. He even tasted blood by the last cough. His eyes stung as he raced blindly around the trees insearch of an escape. He could only hope Emmeline had made it out safely.

A gentle breeze blew through the tall grasses and upset the creek sending small ripples across its surface. The breeze played hide and seek with the cherry tree that grew along its bank and swooped down to play in the black mane of a horse. The horse snorted and wheezed before lifting up its head and blinking rapidly around it. The horse appeared black as night as it struggled to stand. Failing, it stumbled into the shallow water causing black to fill it and change the surface color. Star! It was Star covered in all the ash from the nights fire.
"Emmeline!" he croaked as he once again atempted to get to his feet. Unaware of his surroundings, he turned and climbed up the steep bank taking notice of where he had slipped and fallen down the previous night. "Ouch.." he muttered. Once he reached the crest of the bank, he almost gaged at the sight. Laid out before him was a vast burnt forest, tall tree the color night with arms that reached out towards the sunny sky as if to pull it down with them. The most sickest sight of lay not before him, but below his eye level. All over the grassy field lay large and small black lumps that seemed sprawled out. Star's heart about melted as he realized each lump was a member of his family that had not survived the disaster. Knowing his mate was probably one of them, he let out a sad cry to the sky that echoed throughout the burnt forest and slowly turned to go. He had no choice but to go on ahead and atempt to start a new life...

Those who play with fire get their fingers burned...

(i need someone to play a mare who he finds along his tavels. possibly someone he is willing to start over with. just one person plz. and PLZ PLZ PLZ INBOX ME if you wish to reply to this ok? i DO NOT want any unecessary posts on the first page. Thanks)Those Who Play With Fire Get Their Fingers Burned (mature, experienced player needed) Incredible-amazing-pictures-photos-images-horse-bonfire-san-bartolome-de-pinares-spain-saint-anthony-02
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Those Who Play With Fire Get Their Fingers Burned (mature, experienced player needed) Empty Re: Those Who Play With Fire Get Their Fingers Burned (mature, experienced player needed)

Post by Tayssi Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:37 pm

This was the day. Leaving the confines of her herd as a foal, Beau stepped out from their protection into the wide open world as a mare. Tossing her head with glee, the young arabian bolted off without so much as a glance behind her. Leaving her childhood behind and becoming a mature young mare. Or one would think. Kicking out behind her, the wind playing in her short mane, the unusual coloured arab made her way through the trees. No destination in mind, no one to turn to. She was finally free of the rules of a herd. Her short tail bannered out behind her and her ears pricked forward, dark eyes bright with excitement and the need for adventure and fun.
Freedom at last. Beau slowed to a walk after who knows how long and she looked around. All she saw were trees. All around her; with the occasional sing-song voices of the birds that surrounded her but hid from her. Kicking out behind her again, Beau saw a rabbit bound by and she trotted after it for a little while before she lost interest. A butterfly flew overhead and she watched it before she snorted, bored again. She walked forward, not knowing where she was and she didn't really care. It was so exciting and fun. New.
Hours passed of just wandering before Beau smelt something strange. She couldn't pinpoint what the smell was, though. Some sort of sooty black stuff dotted the area she was standing and she lowered her head, sniffed at it then flung her head back up, coughing. Not good stuff. Snorting, Beau took off, looking around. She hadn't come to the actual area of the fire, just the outskirts where embers had burnt a few things, leaving ash behind. Turning a corner, Beau came to a hill. She climbed it and stopped at the top, but she couldn't see much with the trees covering the wreck in which Star had come from.
Beau hesitated a moment before flicking her ears forward and letting a whinny escape her maw to see if there was any company around. Soon enough she saw a black stallion coming from the trees and she cocked her head to the side. Something didn't seem right.

(will be better next time, jsut didn't know what to post)
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Those Who Play With Fire Get Their Fingers Burned (mature, experienced player needed) Empty Re: Those Who Play With Fire Get Their Fingers Burned (mature, experienced player needed)

Post by Guardian Angel Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:36 pm

( i had typed out an amazing response to this and the internet "conveniently" lost connection just as i submitted it! I was sooo pissed!! lol)

The gentle breeze swarmed the mostly deserted plains as Star made his way across it. He was advancing as far as he could from the dead forest behind him blackened with ash and the lives he bred. How could so much of his life had been swept from right under his feet? How could his world come crashing down all around within the blink of an eye?

Star often coughed and sneezed as he wobbled across the field upon ashen, weak legs. Soot clogged his nose and made him wheeze as it filtered through his lungs every time he drew an exasperated breath. His ears sagged and his tail drug along behind him. His once excited, blue eyes were blood shot and half open; not bothering to really watch where he was going. All he knew what that he was going away. He was so zoned out, his ears just barely picked up a mare's whinny in the distance.

Star attempted to get the images of his family out of his mind, but they continued to filter through like a movie that never stopped. He kept seeing the fear in his Emmeline's eyes as he told her to run. He saw the horrible scene of his family lying motionless and in black heaps all across the little valley. With a sudden jolt, Star threw his weight forwards, his hooves sliding across the hard, dry ground and stirring up ash. His black mane flew stiffly forwards and fluttered back as he tossed his body backwards onto his hind legs. Star drew himself up and pounded the air as if to punch away the images he suddenly saw before him. He squeezed his eyes shut and snaked his head high into the air and let out an agonizing, pain-fllled scream that echoed off the silent trees that stretched their dead limbs up to the sky as if to embrace the sun, so full life, and take back what they had.
Guardian Angel
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