Call of the Wild
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Flames Back Empty Flames Back

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:58 am


I hardly ventured from Arabian Meadow, I could not leave my herd behind without watchful eyes but now with Masked Mystery back on the job I could find a small group of fillies or mares to return with me. I did not just let anyone join my herd, you needed to be of pure Arabian blood- strong, swift, brave, and loyal. And above all trusting to me and the heard. Being an older and more experienced stallion helped me pick the finest quality of horses to improve the blood and pass on the traditional confirmation and ways of the Spanish Arabian. Letting young horses into my herd was like bringing in fresh blood. I needed to keep my herd growing if I wanted to keep the Meadow. I held my small nobel head high as I walked into a clearing my red coat glistened in the sun like liquid fire I was proud of my coat and sleek but well formed built. I came to a stop to tug at the lush green grass my heavy silky thick main fell over my high crested neck as I lowered my muzzle to the ground. I pricked my small fine ear's still on alert of everything around me. Young stallion's could challenge me and I needed to be on my toes. I could wait for a group of fillies or mares or just one horse and maybe recruit a few new warriors or guardians for the heard? Raising my head I observe the open space waiting-

Flames Back Island10

Last edited by Man O' War Lover on Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Tayssi Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:25 pm

Trotting into the garden, the unique coloured mare looked around. Her hooves beat softly on the ground, her legs covered in flecks of silver grey colouring and unusual coloured socks and stockings on her legs. Her coat was a rusty caramel colour which seemed to shimmer and shine in the sunlight. Gold and Bronze coloured mane carressed her neck and shoulders and it fluttered gently in the wind like the calming waves of the ocean. Her black forelock covered her midnight blue eyes, and yet showed most of her lightning patterned marking upon her face. Her copper muzzle lifted into the air as she stared at the endless blue of the sky. This mare was a mystery to most; a phantom; a ghost. Not many wild horses had seen her as she was usually around tormenting the wranglers of ranches. In this area, the gorgeous mare hadn't come into contact with many horses, so nobody knew her name. Zelda's Only Exception. That be her name.
Watching the birds and the rest of the life which lived in these parts, Zelda nickered happily. She slowed to a halt and her ears came forward as she looked for something fun to do. Flicking her raven black forelock from her eyes, she spotted a stallion just ahead. Lowering her head to her chest height, she shook her coat out, freeing the dirt from it. Staying where she was, Zelda wondered what the stallion would be doing here.
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Post by Man O' War Lover Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:40 pm

My ear's pricked forward once I heard the sound of a soft nickered, a mare was near by and she had just trotted into the garden. Raising my slender head I let my long forelock rest off to the side of my broad forehead shaped more like a small shield a unique peace of confirmation we called the "Jibbah" so I could get a better look at her. My eye's light up just slightly as I made eye contact but I remained still as a statue and stayed as quite as much as possible. She was a tuff caramel, and decorating he hunches where flecks of silver and grey spots. He main was between a soft gold and a light bronze as the wind played in her main it looked like dancing golden waves crowning her neck. She had a lightning strike gracing her pretty face and it was hard to think I would not be able to remember her if I had meet her before. She nickered once again and then came to a halt observing her surroundings. I then realized her forelock was different from the rest of her main it was pitch black more like shining mink. I then take a step forward my long leg's create the well lengthened strides as I walk but come to a stop at least six or seven yards away. As she shakes her coat riding it of the dirt and dust I say in my deep accent "Hello, I am Flame leader of Arabian Meadow." I bow my head to her in a charming and respectful manner then look back up at her waiting for her reply.

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Flames Back Empty Re: Flames Back

Post by Tayssi Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:11 pm

Watching as the stallion came towards her, Zelda flicked her gold and bronze tail, ridding flies which came to bother her. Up close, his coat was stunning and shone brightly under the bright sun above. Her midnight blue eyes watched him with interest and then as he spoke, she raised her head, ears twitching slightly. She was unsure of this stallion. Yes, he tweaked her interest, but he was still a mere stranger. She didn't know anything about him or his background. She couldn't be too cautious. Flame. That was what he had said his name was. Flame, leader of Arabian Meadow. So, he had a herd. A herd that she wouldn't be able to approach, for she was no arabian. She was but an andalusian X thoroughbred. From what she knew, she had no arabian background. Though that was not something she cared about. A herd was not something she had even considered living with. She was a loner. She prefered to stay away and remain a phantom to the horses.
But, he had been polite enough to introduce himself, she had to do the same. Just to be polite. Zelda nodded her head, lowering it slightly in a form of respect, her raven forelock falling over her eyes. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Flame, my name is Zelda's Only Exception. But, Zelda is just fine," she replied, her voice soft and sweet like honey, yet refined and gorgeous, like expensive silk. She looked at Flame, studying the stallion's movements and her ears twitched in anticipation. For what, she didn't know. Just anticipation.
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Post by Man O' War Lover Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:58 am

"Zelda?" I say cocking my head to one side, "What a unique name." I add. She had been listening to me very well, her ear's where pricked and eyes set on me. I gazed back at her with my dark eyes flashing- knowing she was no outsider but loner. They had this presence about them and a sense of belonging but they never joined a group of others. Loners in some ways fascinated me and then some stured up trouble. Those who met them made stories to fantastic for even me to believe. My eye's seemed to take on a new tone of brightens, more soft and trusting. she was no threat and I meet her no harm. If I wished to learn anything further I must be calmed, trusting, and polite. I must give a gentle nudge not demand her entire background or any information about her. I had come a to a stop creating only a couple of yards of space between us as I got a better look at this mare. She was slim and fighting, not beaten and weathered down like most wild horses and strong looking. She showed no deep characteristics of that of a pure Arabian. I recognized marks of other breeds or just some that made her what she was. Usually I turned my head the other way and ingnored outsiders who where not Arabians, they didn't pose as much of a threat to my heard like pure breed Arabian did. And I was not on my land also she was being very welcoming for an outsider at the moment there was no real reason why I should run her off. That would be utterly childish. As the wind played in my main I said "Do plan to stay long?" I asked curiously. She was a roamer no doubt she would move on eventually.

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Flames Back Empty Re: Flames Back

Post by Tayssi Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:46 am

The mare's eyes watched as he cocked his head, commenting that her name was unique. Indeed it was, but Zelda liked her name. It was not common and made her different from the rest. Yet, she herself was different; never had she come across another horse which resembled herself. Her raven forelock blew slightly in the wind, moving to the side and showing off the full extent of her lightning marking. She watched the stallion closely. Even if he didn't look like an Arabian, his movements alone gave him away that he was apart of the proud and noble race of the Arabians. His chestnut coat was gorgeous and Zelda slightly envied the stallion for such a colouring. It was like blazing fire under the sun, almost too stunning for her midnight eyes. Flame. The name suited him perfectly, she could see why his sire and dam must've given him that name.
Zelda shook the thought away and flicked her tail lightly, ridding a couple of flies. Then as the stallion asked if she was staying long and for a moment, Zelda's gaze drifted from the stallion. She looked over the land for a moment, studying the scenery before she turned her full atention back onto Flame. "I am not sure. So far, it seems nice, so I will probably stay for a few days before I head off again. What about yourself?" she replied lightly, watching for the stallion's reaction. At the moment, he seemed harmless and polite. Yet, Zelda knew all too well the horrors a stallion could bring should they decide to turn on a mare. But now, shall a stallion try to harm her in any way, she would be ready.

(Sorry for the short reply. v.v mind blank for this post)
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Post by Man O' War Lover Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:26 pm

I realized how gentle the breeze was being at the moment, out in the open space I could see just about anything that moved or crawled. The unusual lightning mark on her forehead apeared once the wind wiped her black forelock aside. I could hear her flick her tail and my ear's twitched from the soft sound. I could see her expression of thoughtfulness as she mesured her words for the answer she would give me. I nod as she explains she might stay for a while then move on to other lands. "Well I come hear to recruit members for my heard." I said carefully. "And then leave after a day or two, it depends on how successful I am." I said. I tried to take it slow with her. Most mares didn't trust stallion's who recruited worriers, mares, and young guards. I only wanted my heard to be able to grow and remain safe. Their security came first as did their existence. "It's very nice here, I'm sure you will enjoy your stay." I said "I was born here and raised here and will more than likely die here." Looking over at her I asked "If you choose to stay then you have made a very wise decision. Many horses that live here are so very kind and have great hospitality." I paused for a moment "Even though I live near the heard lands I come here often, but this is a first for me to met your acutance."

(Nope it's great! Cool

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Post by Guest Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:50 pm

A pure blood arabian mare appears. She is Coal black and quite young, about 4.She sniffed the air smelling a stallion and i walk towards him i stop at the tree line peering at his reddish coat.She stands in awe. She thinks he is very handsome but yet she is shy and stays at the end of the treeline.(sorry its kinda short :/)


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