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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Nicoco177 Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:32 pm

Jason slammed the door behind him and locked it. He clenched his dog's lead tightly as he walked out his drive, his large german sheperd started to drool all over his trainers, he rubbed his dog's head and walked down the long street. he stopped one quater of the way down the street, he got out a green apple ipod and put on some music, he put on loud speaker so everyone could hear it. His dog still dribbled on the floor, it looked up at a street light above that lit up slowly, Jason always went out for a walk every night.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:39 pm

Leotie was walking to town for her shift at the bar and flicked her long brown ponytail over her shoulder. She sighed a little looking to the sky with electric blue eyes, the 21 years old wore a white shirt, black jeans and a silver key pendant one a silver chain around her neck. She looked ahead of her and saw the dog and looked to him “Can I pat you dog?” she asked. She had a special weakness for animals she had loved them since she was a kid and had an adopted hasky puppy at home who was most likely asleep at this time. She kneeled down and let the dog sniff her hands and smiled a little at it.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Nicoco177 Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:50 pm

Jason lifted his head and smiled at the girl "watch out, he drools alot" he said, his voice rumbling low in his throat, the dog sniffed at the hand and drooled over them, he licked them and rubbed his cheek against them, in a sign of acception and friendship, the dog sniffed the bottom of her trousers and ran over to a tree to do his business.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:53 pm

She raised her eyebrow "don't msot dogs?" she said "apart form the small ones that is, what's he called?" she asked looking up at him and burshed herself off as she stood up checking the time knowing she could run if she had to the weren't over;y fussy if you were late or not. "I just got a puppy recently, she doesn't drool. yet" she said and then re-tied her hair back hearing an alarm go on her watch. "See ya, I have work" she said and quickly got to the bar. "Leotie, your late""Oh giveme a brake already" she said and helped set the bar up for her shift that night.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Nicoco177 Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:21 pm

"He's called snoopy" he said as she ran off, he patted Snoopy and carried on walking down a alley. Soon, he reached his house and unlocked his door, he liked his security, he unclipped Snoopy's lead and let him run into the house, he turned on the lights to see Snoopy sat on his favourite chair, he laughed slightly and jumped as his phone beeped '1 new message' the screen flashed, he went into his inbox and opened a message from his friend Peter 'Meet me at the bar tonight' the message read, he quickly texted him back saying 'see ya there' he ran upstairs and spiked up his hair with some blue hair gel, he looked at the clour of the hair gel "Hmmm, the hair gel seems to be the same colour of the eyes the girl I saw earlier had. Electric blue." he mumbled to himself, he filled Snoopy's food and water dish and ran out the house, locking it behind him again, he ran to the bar and leaning against the outside wall, waiting for Peter.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:27 pm

She opened the bar with ehr only freind that was a girl named Kelly, they were always on the same shifts since they worked so well together, Kelly had dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes and usually wore jeans and a top. out of the two of the Leotie was a lot more playful if anything and she would say what she thought as well.Leotie's nickname was Leo made up by Kelly since it was conviently what her start sign was too.
"Leo, hurry up already" she shouted. "Comming, coming, shesh" she muttered and soon let the people in and they began serving drinks to people as they took their orders from the bar, they both shrugged off the drunk flirts easily used it since they'd both been working here for about a year now. "Leo, amke that two orders with oen over here!" shouted Kelly "got it!" she said back and made two drinks before she gave on to Kelly and gave it to their customers they took it in turns to pick the music and smiled as some of the people were dancing on the small stage they had and did find it rather funny sometimes with peopel giving in requests.
"Up here on our enxt break?" asked Kelly "Sure why not, drag the guys with su as well" she said sitcking her tongue out playfully as she closed one eye and jumepd back as one guy almsot collasped on the bar.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Nicoco177 Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:35 pm

Peter creeped up behind Jason and hit his shoulders "BOO!" he shouted as he hit him, Jason yelled annd fell backwards "Bloody hell Peter!" he said as he got up and brushed himself off, they both walked into the bar, getting carried back out by a big load of 'drunken idiots' they managed to push themselves back in and walked up to the bar "Please may I have a Vodka and Pete-" But Jason was interupted by Peter "A Vodka and coke please" he said, Jason sighed and rolled his eyes, he pulled out his wallet...
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:40 pm

Leotie turned around to listen to their order eharing him being interrupted "So vodaka and a coke?" she asked breifly getting confirmation ebfore she began serving up the drinks "Kelly, where'd you put the vodka" "Third, top left corner" she answered busy with orders herself. Reaching up she grabbed the dirnk and quickly served the dirnks handing them to them and telling them the price before she put the money in the till getting bombarded with several orders "Calm it down will ya drunkards" she said bluntly "Leo, tone it down a little we don't want-" "A reply of what happened last ime, I know" she said recalling all the orders before handing htem out tempted to chuck a few out already.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:07 am

"Yes thanks, have I seen you before?" he said, handing her the money, he handed the drink to peter "I'm gonna go and sit on a table over there, I'm meeting someone else here too" Peter said, going over to a table and sitting at it, Peter pulled out his phone and started texting someone. Jason gently pressed his arms on the side of the bar, acting as a support to keep him up.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:59 am

"Don't know, now if you quit flirting have your drink and go sit with your freind, I've got others to serve" she said looking at him breifly without saying a word. Kelly looked to Leo "No snapping at customers, your terrible Leo..."" I get i already Kelly" she said both of them owrking together to get the drinks ready before it died down a little while after..."Opening hour, the rush hour" said Kelly as Leotie controled the music with one headphone over her ear to listen to the music checking it didn't glitch.
Putting the headphones down the both talked behind the bar.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:33 pm

Jason was taken back by her words "Flirting? whatever." he sighed as he sat down at the table where Peter sat "right, who are we waiting for, I need to have enough time to go home, have a rest get ready for work and actually get ready for work." he said, taking a sip of his Coke, Peter looked over Jason's shoulder and saw his friend come "Hey, Lee, long time no see!" he said as Lee came and sat next to Jason "hey bud, how have you been?" Jason "good good, anyway don't you have a shift at the stables as the man who takes kids out for a night ride on horses at the stables?" Lee said, looking at the clock "yes, but not yet... It starts at 7:45 pm" Jason said, Lee pointed to the clock, Jason slowly turned his head and looked at the clock that hung up on the wall behind him, it was 7:30pm already! "thanks Lee! thanks for pointing that out, see you guys tommorrow!" he said, gathering all his stuff together and bursting out the door and sprinting down the street, noticing that his watch was a hour early.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:40 pm

Leotie was busy all night "I need a lie in for tomorrow" she muttered and Kelly nodded "Ok, but get to the beach o time, we're surfing remember" "yeah yeah..." she siad closing one eyes and looked to her laughing a little. "Leo, didn't you have to be somewhere in abotu 15 mintues" "Huh?" she said pointing to the clock..."I cancelled, didn't have enoguh time plus I have rent at the end of this month" she said simply "They might need your help you know. mobile on?" "Yes mother" she said in an annoyed tone. Her mobile in her pocket on encase she was needed to help out at the stables since she had a harse there given to her by her father a black mustang mare named Thorn was there.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:07 pm

he arrived at his house and entered, he got changed and pulled out his hat, he got his whip and his horse equipment. He burst out the door and managed to get on his bike, he sped down the street whilst putting on his hat, he turned a few more corners and arrived at the gate, there was a speaker at the gate, he pressed a button "Hey, its me Jason, sorry i'm late, it wont happen again!" he said through the speaker, the gates opened from a electric bar "Make sure it doesn't happen again..." a voice said from the speaker, Jason rested his bike outside the reception "Jason! your late! Again!" the manager shouted from inside the reception "I know! It wont happen again!" he said his head turned to the manager whilst running to his horse called 'North star', he called him North star beacause he got the Stallion for christmas as a gift from the stables, he arrived at North Star's stall, he turned his head to the right side of the isle to see atleast 10 kids waiting there with their horses reins in hand "oh, oh your here already *clears throat* Sorry kidies, just let me tack up good ole' North Star them we can get going..." he said, he picked up a leather saddle and leather reins and easily, quickly and professionly tacked up North star "right, if you could just tie your horses up to this post here and I'll show you our route and get you some Flouresent vests" he said, walking to the route board with all the kids at his heels following him.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:18 pm

Kelly had asked the manager to watch the bar while she gave Leotie a lifted ot the stable ending up getting there before him and was tacking up Thorn who bucked playfully and snorted. turning she looked rather ticked. "We had to call in leo to take over again and they didn't sound at all happy since it was their work shift today" he said to Jason. She then checked the saddles for the kids and smiled a little at least she got a break from the drunks tht was all she was thinking. She pulled her hat on and Jumped onto Throns back and did a head count before she saw him coming up and talking and just let Thorn take the rear instead making sure noneof the kids wondered off the path. Her horse snorted not liking being at the back at all.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:36 pm

Noticing Thorn getting agitated he decided to hurry it along abit "Right, today's night ride, we will be going down the lane, which WILL be lit, then at the end of the lane, there is a little pathway, in single file, we will walk down the path, then there is a field, we are going to cross that field, then at the end of the field, there is a stream, its only small, but the water will be up to your pony's fetlock, so the bottom of the legs of your pants might get a tad bit wet, then, there is another path which in SINGLE FILE we shall cross, we then end up back at the lane again, we then go back to the stables, then I will take a register, you may untack your ponys AND MAKE SURE THERE IS A ADULT TO TAKE YOU HOME AS IT WILL BE PITCH BLACK, now go and mount your ponys and I will take the register." he said, handing each of them a vest and watching the kids walk to their horses and mounting them, he mounted North star and got the register out the saddle bag which contained, a pen, the register, a first aid kit for humans and a kit for horses and his mobile.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:43 pm

She listened to the path they were taking since she had to take up the rear and help with thsoe who straddled behind or got lost. She had saddled bags on her horse which had pretty much the samethings and even a flash light encase she had to go search for one of them, which had happened before when a pony bolted off with a kid on it's back. She listened to him speaking and thought a little Ah, that's right he was at the bar and with the german sheperd earlier she said and shook her head a little. She mounted Thorn and waited as they all went ahead of her and took up the rear checking htey were all keeping to the path.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:53 pm

Jason Walked North Star over to the kids, he called out the names "Ahhhh, little Harry Rowe, have you got your pony undercontrol? I don't want a repeat of last tme..." Jason said looking him in the eye. Harry Nodded and patted the little Overo pony who had the scary look in his eye, all the children were here, he called out the order of the horses and they soon had 10 ponies and horses lined up, he had put the mares at the back because he didn't want the Stallions teasing and winding them up "right, are we ready?" all of the children nodded, he took his place as lead file at the front "Are we ready?" he said to Leo, putting on his orange fluresont vest.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:05 pm

"Yeah, all ready at the back "she said to him tying her hair back eyes pericing through the comming darkness. "Why are you eyes so bright?" asked the youngest "I don't know, my mother had very lgiht eyes ghostly blue.. mine just turned out to glow in the dark" she joked and smiled a little looking at them laughing a little "now come on Amy, back in line and make sure your pony doesn't start munching on the grass" "Yes Leo" she said smiling.
Leotie looked to them all and waited until everyone was ready pulling on her flurcent vest her horse having bits of floresnces material on her bridle and saddle and also on her legs. She snorted and followed at the rear obdeinatly
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:17 pm

Jason Urged North star forward, North star had floresont boots on which helped the boy behind Jason follow North Star's boots "Hey Jason, don't forget about the gate." the boy behind him said, Jason just had time to halt and the gate already opened, Jason trusted North Star with all his heart, so he let go of the reins and tied a torch to North Star's head piece with a piece of string, yes, the horse looked stupid, but it was the saftey that mattered.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:21 pm

Leotie closed the gate behind them and then got Thorn up to a trot in order to catch up to them and slowed her horse down to walked behind them her horse giving a playful buck beneath her and she smiled "no bucking Thorn... kids and ponies around" she whispered and looked ahead into the night time and rustled her hair a little and got Thorn to urge a pony back in line gently and then pulled back trusting her boyish mare knowing she was also a good horse to go search in the night. She heard one of them screaming as their pony bolted off.." Again" she said and turned her horse to go chase after the pony and Thorn galloped after the pony catching up soon enough adn leaning down she let go of her reins and her horse went into an easy stride keeping up and quickly stopped the pony.. giving a isgh. "Sehsh, we need to find what spooks this pony " she muttered and jumped off "come on, we'll get you back" she said "get back on and I'll lead you"
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Nicoco177 Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:56 am

Jason halted North Star quickly, causing the line of ponys to clash into each other "everyone just halt a minute until we retrive the pony and rider, until then..." his horse startled by a awfully large bat that flew beneath the horse's feet. the horse reared making Jason fall off onto his back, a little girl right at the back started to giggle, so did Jason. He quickly got up and ran after the startled horse, he managed to grab the horses reins and calm North Star down, he walked back to the line "Anyway, lets all do a quick Girth check, you dont want to roll underneath the horse do we?!" he said. He tied his horse to a fence and went down the line, checking all of the girths.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:41 am

Leotie got back leading the boy on the runaway pony and clambered back up the hill to the others"We really need to find out what's spooking this pony" she said "I'll lead them for a little while until they've both calmed down" she said. She had attached a lead rope to the pony which she had tied to a horn on her saddlee. Unlike the other she used western tack sicne she found it more comfortable. "Lead on, I'll catch up" she said jumped down and checking both of their girths and checked the pony's reins. Giving a light sigh she soon brought Thorn and the pony to a trot and caught up with them.
The boy name Taylor had calmed down and walked ahead of her with THorn nickering a little and giving the pony a nip warning it not to do that again.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Nicoco177 Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:25 am

"everybody Halt!" he said as he dismounted, he walked up to the gate and opened it, he mounted North Star again and walked into the field, making sure everyone behind him was following. North star's dished face turned to face Jason's, giving a sad look in his eye. Jason rubbed his nose and kicked his sides telling him to go forward.
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:33 am

Thorn looked ahead and gave a playful buck once more "Easy, we have to stay back" she said and jumped down once they were all in closeing the gate and tugging her hroses forlock who nipped her nickering a little as she mounted again and looked ahead. "Something doesn't feel right?" she muttered to herself but shook it off and urged Thorn forward keeping an eye on the five at the back. "How's everything up front?" she asked....

(brain fart)
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Grand Night Out ( soul hunter) Empty Re: Grand Night Out ( soul hunter)

Post by Nicoco177 Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:06 am

"good I think..." he said, looking at the kids at the front, his horses hooves making a rythmic sound at they parted the grass beneath them as the mustang moved quietly along the ground, his horse tripped, but didn't fall, that was a signthat it was getting dark, the stream could only just be sighted at the end of the field.
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