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Can you win her trust? (please reply)

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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:47 pm

Name: Burning Passion
Color: red/gold/chestnut/metallic
Eye's: rich/warm/brown
16 hands
Gender: mare
Her head has a triangular shape which diminishes rapidly to her small and fine muzzle, which is so small that it can be enclosed in the palm of the hand. Her lips are fine and thin. Her nostrils are long, thin, delicately curled, running upward, and projecting outward. Her eyes are set far apart and are large, lustrous. Her cheek bones spread wide apart at the throat, between five or six inches, enabling her muzzle drawn in without compressing the windpipe, and permitting her to breathe easily when running. Her ears are pointed, set evenly together in an upright position, and of great flexibility.
Generally speaking her head should be lean, somewhat well chiseled, and showing energy, intelligence, courage, and nobility. Her neck is long and arched, set on high, and run well back into her withers.
Her coat is thick, close, fine, soft, and silky. Her mane and tail are long, and very fine in texture.
Breed: Arabian
She is quiet, mysterius, swift. There's no telling where she might turn up. Or when she will turn up.

[img]Can you win her trust? (please reply) 8941_m10[/img]
[img]Can you win her trust? (please reply) 8943_m10[/img]
[img]Can you win her trust? (please reply) Ry2910[/img]

I stood in the wide open plains. I had walked many miles but stopped in the two leged land's. The wind picked up to toss my main and tail. I smelled no human's. I moved forward slowly not knowing I fI was beeing watched by any one. I did not know why or how I was hear. But I was glade I had gotten away from the human's. Thinking back.....

It had been dark and the headlight's on the dirt road beamed brightly. I was in the trailer sleeping when the truck had come to a stop. The human's hand climbed out of the cab and walked around the back of the trailer. When the human's opend the door's there flash light's stung my eye's, I had not seen light for a long time. They had lowerd the ramp and lead me out of the trailer. I had be taken from my stall at the show's where I would have made my aperance at a halter Arabian Horse show. I did not know why they had taken me but know they where leading me out into the dark. They argued and soon I heard yelling and the tight grip of the lead line was gone. They kicked in my direction and threw there arm's in the air shouting, scaring me off into the dark. I could not see where I was going as brush scratched my coat and rock's brused my hooves.

I had thought later maybe they were told to steal me and get ride of me but why I do not know? The sun know was beating upon by back as I walked slowly toured a thin but dry river bed. I groaned and fellt o my knees. Soon I was lying with my four leg's tucked under me in the dry dirt. I rolled over onto my side and nickerd quietly.

With my fine ear's pressed to the ground I heard the rumbled of hoof beat's. I look up and three horses with two legger's on there back's gallop toured me. One horse is a paint the other plain bay's. I get up quickly happy to see human's maybe they could help? But suddenly I see the ropes and turn and jump into full gallope. Could they not see I was no range pony? I was a show horse to flashy to be a wild mare. I ran as fast as I could go. The chas was on for more than five minutes before I could take it no more. I could not hide or fool theme there was no where to hide or go. I then saw a small the wire fence. It was rusted but I could make it out just enought to see it. I ran right toured it. I had never jumped before and it was barb wire. I slowed. Why not let theme ketch me and some one would recanize me someone must I had been missing more than four day's. My owner's must be looking for me. I turned but then somthing in my mind screamed run! But they would not hurt me would they?

I tourned to run toured them my action smooth and floty. They looked puzzled and surprised. I came to a sudden stop.......

(please reply you can be one of the rider's boy or girl or grown up or teen ager who lives on a ranch, you call, this is manley about how a human rides the mare or break's her. She was owned by well known halter showing human's and has never been broken but she is very well mannerd and only know's the show would. She has been missing for four day's. Please mature post atlest a paragraph long in reply or more. I dont want this to end in like five reply's later)

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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Harley Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:11 pm

The boy is a farm hand, he will come in later-


My black hair flowed behind me as I headed towards the barn. Brian greeted me at the door and I headed to SunKissed stall. He knickered in excitement to see me and I walked up to him as fast as I could manage. "Hey boy, did you miss me?" I ask and start filling his water bucket. My family ran a Arabian horse ranch for show and others for range. After grooming, feeding and watering, I tacked SunKissed up and headed out. "Brian, I'm going for ride!" I yelled and headed out. Really, what I was doing was checking fences but Brian would always say I was too young to be doing that. I was only a year younger!"

After I entered the forest and headed onto the trail, I kicked SunKissed into a trot and followed the fence. His tail was held high in his Arabian pose as we trotted along the barb wire fence. His coat shone in the sunlight and I was able to stand in the stirrups and grab a apple or two. My rope was hanging off the saddle. "Such a nice day out ain't, boy?" I asked him and patted his neck. "Maybe we could find a wild horse!" I whispered with excitment. We pulled into a walk and I watched the beautiful scenery around me. "Dang!" I exclaimed. Sunkissed turned his head and he swivled his ear around. "We missed that Arabian horse show! I heard one of the horses escaped." He snorted and turned his head to watch the trail again.

After about a half hour later, we came to an old part in the fence, and I saw a beautiful Arabian mare standing there. SunKissed Neighed to her, a friendly and seductive greeting that got most mares attention. "Such a pretty little thing you are." I said in awe. "Want a apple?" I asked her and rolled it onto the ground. I did not dismount, because if she ran, I wanted to be able to catch her quick.


Can you win her trust? (please reply) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqJY7ZOrhxG25PRIk6nUEpOrYgqVc8v5dsGe5UHgJqlsMDF2XHmQ
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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:27 pm

The whinny of a stallion made my ear's prike. But when I watched the bay horse and girl aproach and get to close I wanted to run! In a quick leap I was off agian I did not trust this one the other's who had chased me broke what trust I had for stranger's. The red apple had made my mouth water and I relized now I had not eaten for day's. But I ran from the bay stallion who was the same breed as me and the girl with the black hair. The chass was shorter than I wanted it to be. I needed to get away. I jumped over a bent fence and into the next long never ending pasture of land. A fence? Ranches must be near by maybe a human would recanize me? I came to halt and turned with a curiouse glance maybe they could help me get back home? The wind blew my main and high set tail. I waited for what was to come next but I would be ready to run agian if they ment me harm.

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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Harley Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:37 pm

SunKissed easily cleared the fence, but not before picking the apple up in his mouth and tossing it to the mare. "You shouldn't run!" He neighs and holds his tail high. "Bliss won't hurt you. Neither will the rest of them." I slide off SunKissed and show her the rope, then throw it on the ground a couple feet away. "I will not force you to do things you don't want to." I say softly. "Gosh, you are a pretty one." I mutter and sit cross legged next to SunKissed. "If you want to come, I am not going to rope you, you have to follow me." I say and stroke Sun's legs. "I promise she won't hurt you." Sun neighs and nods towards the stroking.
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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:50 pm

I stop to look at theme my forlock that was now tangled coverd one of my eye's. I was to dirt and unhappy for theme to know it was me The Burning Passion. I looked at the stallion then at the gril. She dismounted and threw her rope on the ground. Next she got down on the ground and crossed her leg's to look at me. She spoke to me softly. I looked back up at the stallion then at her. Could I trsut theme? I pricked my ear's then looked at the apple on the ground. Keeping my eye's on theme I made my way slowly toured the apple. I started to gobal it down the sweet juce slid down my throat. When It was gone I looked back at theme. I took a step closer then another then another untill the tip of my muzzle barley touched the girl's face. The stallion had said to trust her and him, should I? I breathed in the girl's face and huffed. Then stamped my hoof and waited for her responce....

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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Harley Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:03 pm

"Girl, if you aren't happy where we take you, Sun will let me know and we will return you." I say gently and giggle a bit as her nose almost touches my face. I roll another apple off a bit and mount Sun again. "If you want to come, follow." Sun says and jumps the fence and heads off and a slow pace. "Thats her Sun!" I squeal and look back at her. "Burning Passion!" My black hair bounces around my shoulders as I watch her.
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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:11 pm

How did the human know my name? My ear's prick and at first I don't want to follow. But somthin told me to if they new my name maybe they could get me home! I leaped over the fence and walked up beasde theme. I nickerd as if to say "Are you going to give me that apple know?"

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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Harley Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:32 pm

Sun nudged the apple bag and I nodded. "Here girl," I say holding out a large red apple to her. Sun looked over at her with a sly grin, "Race?" He asked. "YOu have got to be good at it. Wanna?" My black hair went back and I smiled at Passion. "Why did you run off? The people miss you." I said and patted her neck.
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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:40 pm

I did not know how they new my name but as I gobled the apple down I told Sun about beeing kidnaped and my run from ranches to the end of how they captured me and the scared long never ending night after my kidnapper's let me go. "I can run but i have been doing it for a while, I'm a show horse or halter horse any way." I esplaine. "Who are you and where do you come from how do you know my name?"

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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Harley Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:11 pm

Sun nodded. "Your a famous showhorse! How could we not!" He exclaimed. "I am SunKissed and my rider is Bliss. Brian the farm hand is quite nice too," His tail flicked as the ranch came into view. "Welcome to your temperarey stayying place." He says as I kick him into a trot. "It isnt much girl, but you should be comy."
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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:21 pm

I smile at SunKissed and run beaside theme as the ranch came into veiw. "Oh I will be it's been a while sence I have seen a stall." I laugh alittle my eye's light up and main blown by the wind. I wonderd what it would be like to stay with theme for a while?

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Post by Harley Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:29 pm

I sneak her into the barn and put her in the birthing stall, the best and most luxurious stall. There was plenty of hay, clean water and a little bit of grain. A small window let plenty of sunlight in and it was a huge stall. And it wasn't breeding season yet so she was safe. I jumped of Sun and opened the door. "All for you." I said. The clean straw on the bottom was in a inch thick layer.
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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:26 pm

I walked solowly into the stall injoying the straw and I went to the water bucket first-I let the cool water slid slowly down my throat. I went to eat the grain next and finished it all very quickly. I could get use to this it was better than running all the time but I wonderd if I would ever see my human's agian would they give me up?

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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Harley Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:44 pm

Such a pretty girl." I say and gaze at her. I might never know why, but Suns Stall was right next to the birthing stall. After I cleaned them both up, Jakes voice rang down the isle. "Hey! Where have you been!" He yells and strides down the isle. "Like it takes that long to che- oh no." He goes. "Oh no what?" I ask and try to block Burning Passion from his view and look casual. "You went to look for her!" Jake yells and runs off to tell my dad. "Shoot." I sigh and pet her nose.
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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:13 pm

At first I did not know what they where talking about but as she reached out to strock my muzzle I started to fell my eye lid's go down and I stood silent and still, the new human was loud and I lookied forward to seeing the other's I could not wait to go home but first a little vacation could be nice-

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Post by Harley Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:18 pm

My dad came storming in yelling "NO! NO! We cannot keep her!" "Dad, We aren't going to keep her! We are going to return her to the show!" I yelled back at him. "Don't back talk me!" He yells. "I will back talk you all I want!" I reply. He slaps me in the face and it sends me to the ground. He walks off muttering and Jake runs to my side.
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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:31 pm

I run at the stall door and lung at the mad who struck the girl with the black main. My ear's pined back and teeth bare, my scream was sharp as a eagles and my eye's afire. It was a warning that said do not touch. My hind leg's kicked up straw and my main flared around my neck and my tail hitched up high.

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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Harley Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:41 pm

I rose to my feet and rubbed my face. "Whoa girl, whoa girl, He is gone now." I say and pet her neck and try to calm her down. "Its ok, its ok." Jake says and holds a pear out for her.
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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:44 pm

I walk about my stall angrly ingnoring the frut held out to me. I would show, I would show him! I stopped and went to the groom to take the food and eat it silently. I wonderd if the man would be back and why was he so made?

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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Harley Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:46 pm

I pet her and pat some dust out of her coat. "Wanna go for a real ride?" I ask and give a sly grin to Sun, who was busy eating. "Do ya? Get away from showlife?" I ask again and show her our best saddle.
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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:50 pm

I look at the saddle remembering the mean ranch human's and that I was never fully broken just halter shown and that was about it. I had stable manner's and all but beyond the saddle and bridle I new nothing. I eyed the saddle and grunted moving to the back of my stall. I was not so sure about this.

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Post by Harley Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:53 pm

I took Sun out to the grassy paddock and tied him with the saddle not secure on his back. Then I lead her out and put the reins on. "That ok?" I ask and adjust them so they were comfortable.
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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:18 pm

When she reached to put the bridle up over my head I threw my head and backed pawing the ground. I was not ready for such thing's. I snorted and waited for her next move-I backed agian when she tried some more but I would not breake!

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Post by Harley Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:23 pm

"Woah woah," I said and put the bridle away. I put the saddle blanket on and waited for her reaction.
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Can you win her trust? (please reply) Empty Re: Can you win her trust? (please reply)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:24 pm

OK a saddle blancket I can work with that I thought.

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