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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:30 am

Fiona's eyes shot open,the wind blowing her blanket off her face as she traveled her eyes to the human-like figure. She stared for moments,then got to her feet. "I told you that first,but you still killed my family." her voice was dark,having a more chill in it as she lowered her flute from her lips.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by Faye Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:12 pm

" I did no such thing. They were already dead. "I hissed, my now reddened eyes burning angrily in her direction. My muscles tensed in the case that she would attack, as unlikely as it was.

(Does she have any other vampires around that she knows etc. Like are there more in the town?)
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:35 pm

(Yes there is actually,which is why she was playing her flute.. You will see xD)

Fiona took a step forward,her blue eyes burning with a intension on killing until a sudden flash and then a taller figure stood behind her,it's arm wrapped around her shoulders. "Don't listen to him,Fiona.. He's just wanting you to attack first." the figure said. It's cold red eyes stared deep into the werewolve's,showing a sort of relationship to Fiona by looks. <-- (Damon.)
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by Faye Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:49 pm

My heart lept into my throat seeing the suddenly surplus of vampires... there were more of them. I morphed into my massive wolf form, where I could more easily protect myself, I still stood on two legs my form looming over them. I snarled angrily daring them to try anything. Using the normal wolf telepathy I tried to call for help through Lukas, but he was drunkenly out and I got no help.. I tried my older cousin, but he wasn't within a distance to help. Finally I was able to get through to Kristen, Kris for short. She was a werewolf who lived in our home, she was also a far way off... but she was coming to my aid. I realized what a desperate situation I was in and waited for the attack, keeping my eyes on both vampires intently.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:54 pm

Fiona lifted her head,seeing Damon. She was suddenly over joyed. "Damon!" she shouted,a smile growing among her pale body. Damon let out a slight chuckle,petting Fiona's head while he kept his eyes on the werewolf. "Don't call out my name,not in front of these demons." he said,walking toward them as his hands slid off Fiona's shoulder. Fiona's eyes widened,grabbing his arm. "Don't go! There is more.." she said,her eyes now seen feline as she sees a wolf figure rushing through the woods. It looked so familiar to her.. She must've hurt it before.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by Faye Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:04 pm

"Demons?" I chuckled, my whole body wracked with laughter. "Demons kill innocent human being for sport.. demons are dead." I spat my eyes narrowing dangerously. Suddenly there was a flash and a brown she-wolf appeared at my side spitting and snarling with each breath. "So nice to see your lovely face.." I spoke to her using telepathy with a grin afterwards. I felt very secure with her at my side for she was a skilled fighter. Kris suddenly tilted her head back and howled loud and long.. rather shrill sounding. "You better run.. " She said to the vampires, her eyes dancing with the images of tearing them to shreds in the near future. An echo of howls answered her, proving her point moreso.

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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:09 pm

Damon looked at the she-wolf,taking another step forward. "You to. Your in our lands as well,the youth have no idea about our power." he said,taking out a shotgun from his side. He opened it,showing two silver bullets inside while he houses a pack filled with them. "I'll burn you and your pity family to the ground with just one shot." he grinned. Fiona stood back,not wanting to say anything. She was a bit scared from the howling,but her mind screamed at her to stand beside Damon. She lifted her flute toward her lips,taking a deep breath. "Shall I brother?" she asked.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by Faye Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:19 pm

"This has been our pack's land for centries you no good dead bastards. "I growled. A third wolf lurked in the side woods among many other unnoticed beasts. I myself only noticed him when he came darting from the forest, heading straight for Damon. The massive wolf tore the gun from the demon's hands and smashed it to pieces under it's large talons. At the same moment Kris darted forward, running to help the large wolf overtake the vampire, her large fangs tearing at his shoulder greedily. I stayed put for several moments before rushing forward, growling and snarling at the girl to drop the flute. If she didn't I would tear her to pieces on the spot.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:23 pm

With seconds Damon had token a silver bullet into his hand and drove it through one of the werewolves's heads,which was the one that took his gun. He suddenly felt Kris tear into his shoulder,screaming at the pain. Fiona stood there,looking at the male werewolf that stood before her. Her eyes narrowed,then she looked at Damon. The two knew body language well,and by reading Damon she knew his eyes were pleading for her to run at any chance she had. She turned around quickly,using her ultimate speed to run off. Damon reached to his shoulder,grabbing Kris by her scruff and sinking his fangs into her neck as he drew out her blood,taking every last drop from her.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by Faye Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:32 pm

Angrily I screamed, throwing myself at the male vampire, I dug my teeth into his skull clamping my maw tightly over it and squeezing until it was shattered to small pieces as if he was breaking a thick glass bowl. I was full of rage mixed with despair and I continued to tear the now limp vampire limb to limb tearing off and body part longer than 5 inches until he was nothing was random scattered body parts. I changed back to human and raced to Kris, she was limp and dead. I lifted up her limp body into my arms while a nearby werewolf also changed back and set fire to the remains of Damon. I closed her staring, scared eyes and ran a hand over her cheek. Slowly I carried her limp body in my arms walking back towards the cabin a procession of other werewolves following me. We would hunt that she-vampire for days.. months.. years after this until Kris's life & death were avenged.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:37 pm

Fiona rushed up into a tree,holding her flute close to heart as she watched from far,far away. She watched him,tear apart her blood-brother limb from limb,then burn him as if he wasn't even a soul! Her eyes had teared up,her head resting on her knees as she rocked back and forth,repeating "I will kill,I will kill." over and over again. She knew now,that she wasn't safe. After all,it was only her and her brother left in this small town. Now she would be hunted down easily. She had to move somewhere where there was a place open 24/7,and having lots of people all the time. She sighed,remembering the bar. She leaped off her tree,walking silently back into town.. Hopefully unnoticed.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by Faye Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:11 pm

The moon shone brightly, nearly outshining the vibrant stars. Everything was black to me, Kris was one of my best friend I even loved her some. We kissed once.. but never spoke about it again because we didn't want to ruin our friendship. We were 14 or 15 then. I brought her into the large cabin and laid her down carefully on the couch, covering her up with a white sheet. The women of the house would prepare her for a funeral. A single tear dribbled down my cheek at her loss and no longer would I allow myself to remember her. I strode outside the house and sat on the grass, biting my lip and squeezing my knees to contain my anger.

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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:20 pm

Her eyes traveled to where the lone werewolf stood,seeing his anger without even asking. She walked closer,hiding in the trees. Her eyes examined this werewolf,biting her lip at his build but,reminding herself often that he is the one who killed her only blood-brother. She relaxed on the branch,her weight adjusting on it as she lifted her flute to her lips. Was she dare going to play a tune?
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by Faye Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:28 pm

The muscles in my face tightened as I held back tears. It was always a major impact on everyone in our pack when a member was killed. Kris was no exception. Wolves are extremely loyal it's always like this. I sighed softly before pushing myself up and wiping the dirt off on my jeans from the ground. I turned on my heel and walked into the house to my shared bedroom with Lukas. I grabbed a flannel shirt; button up for I was going into town. I flipped it loosely over my shoulder to rest there for the time being. I strode out into the dark woods and walked,my mind set on going to the bar maybe hooking up with a girl, getting drunk as fuck. I just wanted to forget this day.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:33 pm

Fiona blew into her flute,playing her sweet tune. It matched the forest once again,the stars above her twinkled along her clothes. She closed her eyes to savor this living moment. The tune went as far as to the town,but only there it echoed lightly. Her leg dangled from the branch she laid on,a dark aura seeming to swirl around her. She was using her Black Magic,the deathly arts from down under.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by Faye Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:43 pm

The hairs on the back of my neck pricked hearing the tune, but soon I was able to block it from my mind as I made extra noise crunching down on dry twigs and leaves.Soon I saw the street lights of the town and slipped my shirt on, buttoning it carefully over my chest and abs. I made my way out into the blinding street lights. It was about 1:30 AM now. Soon I found myself entering the bar's swinging doors and sat at a bar stool. " I'll take two beers and a shot." I said to the bartender slipping him some money without counting. I downed the shot quickly, already starting to feel a tingling sensation of alcohol run through my body. The brunette that was there earlier was still there and she smiled at me, I smiled lightly back.

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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:55 pm

Fiona soon heard a response,not to far but from the village allies. She tilted her head,then heard a voice from under her saying "Hello." her eyes darted down as she then moaned in disgust. "Hi Mary." The girl under her lifted her head to see Fiona. "Come on! Let's lighten up dem spirits and get a couple of drinks!" Mary said in her old fashioned tone. Fiona giggled,her tone was very funny to her as she nodded. "Alright,alright." Fiona put her flute away and jumped down from the tree,landing beside Mary. They started to chit chat,walking down a long path to the town. They opened the doors silently,walking in as Mary was already dancing toward the floor. Fiona watched from a distance,laughing at her deranged vampire blood sibling.,girl,beauty,female,beautiful,woman,black,hair-a0b8f206e7ac182b622abf00e6ffcfc6_h.jpg - Mary
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by Faye Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:11 pm

I took a small sip of my beer and none other than that vampire had just had to walk in. I frowned deeply and then cursed under my breath before taking another swig of my beverage. There was a friend with her too.. undoubtedly another vampire. My eyes traveled to watch her friend dancing along the floors. "Sl-ut." I said to myself rolling my eyes. But then again, who the fuck was I to judge since I was thinking about hooking up with someone like her... but actually living and breathing.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:18 pm

My eyes turned to see the werewolf. I was suddenly filled with rage,ready to charge at him until Mary grabbed my arm and dragged me with her. I dropped my flute along the ground,reaching out but watching as it rolled toward the bar. I was now hidden within the crowd,Mary dancing and getting low to the ground as I frowned. "I don't want to dance.." I mumbled. Mary didn't hear me,she was way to busy dancing and rocking beside a few men.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by Faye Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:26 pm

A small metal object made a thunking sound against my stool's leg. I bent down to examine it.. it was that girl's flute. My eyes clouded over in rage seeing it as it mde the scene of Kris's painful death flash before my eyes. If it were any other time I would have broken it over my knee.. but tonight seeing we were both suffering from loss I decided to return it. I rose, a bit tipsy from my stool and approached her warily. I held it out to her.. " I think you dropped this.." I said over the music, my face emotionless.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:30 pm

Fioan turned around to the voice,her eyes traveling to the flute someone held in they're hands. She moved her head skyward,until she saw him.. The werewolf. Her body stood frozen,reaching out slowly to grab the flute. Just then,her friend Mary accidentally knocked her over into his arms. Fiona stood against his chest,wide eyed and completely frozen. She could only wait until his reaction.. She'll be dead in no time.. It was what she wanted anyway. The bringing of her soul to be gone from this world.. It would bring her down to the hells.. With her family.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by Faye Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:42 pm

I tensed as it seemed she had thrown herself at me. I looked down at her lightly colored hair, her hands pressed against my abs as she had tried to catch herself. I managed to remain calm.. and felt bad for her. Almost. "Uh..Umm. "I stuttered quite awkwardly, before placing my hands on her shoulders and righting her. Once she was standing upright I walked back to my drinks at the bar.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:47 pm

Fiona blushed dearly,then looking to Mary. She gripped her friend fiercely and dragged her out of the crowd. As soon as they were out of the crowd,she smacked her upside the head. "Why did you trip me! He could've killed me! I was already frozen solid when he found my flute!" she said,her eyes wide with fear. Mary looked at Fiona,then rubbed her head. "Eheh,sorry?" Fiona dropped her head,then motioned Mary to go on. "Go,dance. I'll just.. stay here. I don't want my skin peeled off.. He wants me badly." she said,Mary ignoring the last comment as she was already off dancing. Fiona leaned her back against a wall,lifting her hood up to hide her face,tears coming down her cheeks. They were equal. Her brother killed the wolf,and he killed her brother. Why would they have to be like this?
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by Faye Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:56 pm

I noticed that the vampire left and sighed, relaxing at last. I continued pounding the booze, having some whiskey after the beer. I was unable to drink her memory away though. Stumbling, I walked over to the brunette's booth, my looking doing more for me than anything else. Before I knew it I was seated next to her, she putting her hands under my shirt to trace my abs and kiss me in the middle of it. I wasn't into it was she though.. I kept on pulling away looking obviously uncomfortable and not sure how to leave.
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Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Is Our True Destiny (ZeldaWolfy) ((Mature))

Post by ZeldaWolfy Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:59 pm

Fiona watched from afar,her eyes watching the girl's hands go up his shirt and kiss him. She even let out a laugh as she watched him pull back,seeing the girl doesn't even know how to handle a drunk. She rolled her eyes,knowing she could do way better. Her hands wiped her tears away as that sudden scene made her a bit more joyful.
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