Call of the Wild
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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:55 pm

He came in lefting his legs up hight then smalming them on the ground.He hold his head high.He had forced a mare once before and was looking for his next vittiom.His main and tail blew wildly in the wind as he ran.He stoopped and stood tall mucels bardging out.He pawled the ground and winned.The wind blew his main and tail towrds his head.He stood there and waited.

He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Gypsy-vanner-stallions

Last edited by wild one on Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:01 pm; edited 1 time in total


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:58 pm

Kyara snorted as the smell of a stallion wafted up her nose. She trotted carefully into the field, seeing the strong stud. She smiled. Maybe this was her chance at love finally. She walked over to him slowly and smiled shyly. "Hey..." She said quietly, reaching out with her muzzle and nuzzling his chest a second before lifting her head again. "I'm Kyara."

He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Fyre-2010Sep-75


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:17 pm

He smiled."Hello beautiful."He listened to her,"Gorges matches your beauty."When she nuzzled him he crocked his head then scanned her.*Nice catch*I looked into her eyes smiling kindly,"O and by the way Mrs.gorgeous I'm Jake."He rubbed up agensted her and then stood by her."Beautiful morning huh."He looked down at her smiling his eyes showing a hint of sudtiveness.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:21 pm

She blushed when he complimented her name. Maybe he was a bit robust for her...? She shook the thought off. "Thanks.." she said shyly. "Nice to meet you, Jake..." she said softly. His touch against her sent shivers down her spine. She smiled. "It is, isn't it....?" She smiled slightly, flicking her tail, completely oblivious to the fact 1. that she was in heat, and 2. that he could possibly be a forcer.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:31 pm

He smiled and smelt her heat sent but he knew she was different then the 1st*Maybe she thinks I'm a forcer....better acted different.*He then put his head down and grazed for a moment before answering her,"Very nice to meet you two Kyara."He said in a sweet kind voice.He smiled at her before conteing to graze eyes on her.He kept walking strati while grazing eyes on her till bam!He bumped his head on a tree and laughed and trued his head to look at her with a bright smile.*Something different about this one......perhaps I really love her?*He shook the thought off his mind.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:38 pm

She laughed when he hit his head, and walked over to him and nuzzled his head, pulling on the mane above his forelock gently. "Silly boy," she replied and nuzzled his shoulder gently. "Very smooth." she teased.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:43 pm

He laughted,"Me no way I did't just bump into a tree."He said and laugted but was haveing a hard time contaning himself.He started to cricel her but stopped infront of her and nuzzled her.He then walked behind her,"Sorry".He said as he lost controll and mounted griping on to his main and scooted closer his tool finding her hole and entering.His legs wrapped tigtly around her barrel as he started to thrust fast but soft.He moaned loudly.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:46 pm

Kyara neighed loudly when he mounted her. She pinned her ears down and tried to pull out from underneath him. "!" She said in between breaths. It kinda hurt....but in a way, it felt kinda good... she let out a small moan. When she caught herself, she raised her head higher and tried to get him off again.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:49 pm

He kept going but softer.He went in and out and moaned.He wanted to get off her because he sorta atcaly loved her but he couldn't resist.He kept going and scooted closer.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:52 pm

"O--Ouch..." she said softly and pulled her head out from in his mouth, keeping it lower to the ground. She spread out her back legs to brace herself. She decided if she was gonna be raped, by a quite handsome stallion, she might as well try and enjoy it. She moaned slightly.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:56 pm

When she spreted her legs out he scooted closer and went a little bit harder and faster but kept himself a little under controll.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:59 pm

Kyara clenched her teeth as he pushed himself closer. She snorted, beginning to wonder if this was such a good idea. She breathed heavily, mostly from working to try and keep him up, for his weight was greater than her own.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:15 pm

He broke her wall and went hard and fast for a good 10 minets then dismonted,he had got the thought of likeing her out of his mined.He started to graze next to her his tool slowly going back into his sleath.He kept a eye on her.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:34 pm

Rather angry, although she had enjoyed it somewhat, she bucked immediately after he dismounted, kicking him lightly under the stomach. She looked away and trotted away from him a bit, laying down in the grass.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:19 am

He snorted and trotted after her then stopped,"Your mine now mare."He said in a deep,creepy,mean,hatefully,forcer tone.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:25 am

Kyara snorted and looked angrily at him. "Says who? Just because you bred me doesn't mean that I can't get up and walk away. What are you gonna do about it?" She snorted and got to her feet, walking away from him.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:33 am

I sneared and grapped her main caseing her to hult.I got in front of her and got in her way,"Says me and if you try that aging a'll do something to you that my father did."


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:36 am

"I don't see how anything you've already done could be worse," she snorted angrily and cantered away from him, flicking her head in disgust. Why? Why was he trying to keep her with him? He had forced her. He didn't really love her. She looked down, sadly.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:38 am

He ran after her and pushed her down and put his hofe on her air pipe."I'll kill you if I have to."He snarled and pressed harder.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:41 am

Kyara iht the ground hard, the air knocked out of her. She tried to suck in a breath but his hoof pressed down against her wind pipe. She struggled, and since his hoof was only on her neck, she managed to wriggle free. "You wouldn't dare!" She said, catching her breath.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:51 am

He snarled before talking,"I would....unless you come with me."He said putting his hofe back on her wind pipe and pressing hard.Pressing so hard it drawled alittle blood.He then backed up,"Get up and come with me or else."


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Sun May 01, 2011 9:37 am

Kyara felt a small trickle of blood run down the length of her neck. "You bastard," She snapped, and when he moved his hoof off her wind pipe, she didn't even stop to catch her breath. Instead she bit down hard on his ankle, jerking her head away and causing him to fall. She got to her feet and snorted angrily, rearing up. She was too afraid of him to leave, though.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Thu May 05, 2011 4:30 pm

He snorted and stood up,"Lets go....theres plonty of more mares to cacht for are herd."He trund and troted away looking back at her,"Come or else mare."He snarled.


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Thu May 05, 2011 4:38 pm

"Or what?" She snorted indignantly. "You'll rape me again?" She pinned her ears and turned away from him, stomping her hoof angrily and not following him. "I'd rather die than have to follow you and watch you rape more innocent mares."


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He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER] Empty Re: He may be new to this but hes learning fast [WARNING FORCER]

Post by Guest Thu May 05, 2011 4:47 pm

He snorted and truned charging her.He hit her hard nocking her down then reared landing on her motible times.When he thought she was dead her trund and galloped off not noticing that she was still breathing but barly.He troted over a montain then out of view forever gone to that mare.......or would they meet aging?


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