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The Moon-Colored Stallion

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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:38 am

Emreld Moon ~

-She hissed under her breath unusual for her as she read the darcy mares thought's -
~I new this would already be to good to be true - none of you ever will understand - walk off somewhere far away and just when i'm about to die some little pice of hope will cut me like a dager once more and keep me alive just so I can suffer a bit longer - He is all yours -I'm sorry I inturded -she said to darcy apoigeticly ~she looked over restlessly at the mare who had hoped for my surviel and I was quite fond of noded in goodbye - and walked off into the woods hiding were none of them would see her turning invisible and laying there freezing scolding herself for upseting Darcy - she had nothing left to fight with so she would'nt - that mare had probly won him and she knoew that she did not even have the strength to walk on any farther -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:54 pm


I watch her walk off, puzzled by her words. Just before she disappears into the woods I whinny adn trot after her, but can't find her. I stand there just under the shade of the trees, my eyes searching anywhere they could.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:35 pm

Emerld Moon ~

- I sudenly apear to his eyes - a small shimering speck in the moonlight -
~My cool breath was violet in the midnight air - My eyes are now bright pruple shineing like stars -
~I shigh - i'd never asked for this life - but I'd been given it - I must have some some purpose --


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Faye Sun Dec 20, 2009 6:17 pm

I reared up snorting with disapproval."Trinity,Darcy How dare you,how dare you be jealous of that mare,can`t you see she is in a lot of pain?We have all fallen for Gealach, but he will choose with his heart.And don`t interferer with that.I have had enough of this."My ears pinned against my skull meaning I was serious.Sure I wasn`t lead mare but I had common sense which Trinity and Darcy apparently didn`t have.
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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:34 pm

-She snorted and pinned her ears walking over to Serenity-
Shut your trap, your nothing to me, so dont try and act like my mother you insecure mare!
-She snorts as she snapped at her-
She may be in pain, but does reality ever hit you in the face? Were all in pain, not just her.
-She snapped,trotting off with only a tear rolling down her white face-


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:29 am

(sorry I've gone away for awhile...)

*I stand still like I was in the begining. Snorting softly I paw the ground restlessly as my icy eyes catch all that is happening below*


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:05 pm


My ears prick frward and I turn my head around, hearing the mares, but unable to make out their words. My gaze travels a little farther and stop on the other stallion watching us.

[lol, no problem, we all go away for awhile sometimes...]


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:11 pm

(lol yea so true..)

*I rest a back hoof and hang my head a little. I prick an ear when I see him glance my way. I dip my head in respect, I did not want to join, I simply wanted to hang on the extreme outer edges of this herd. They not knowing me, nor I them. I come to have the companionship of fellow horses, even if only for a few days. I sigh softly and lick my lips, I sneeze quietly, they did not hear for I was quite a ways away*


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:44 pm

-Darcy makes her way up the hill the other stallion stood on, she now stood only a few feet away from him, her ears half back, unsure, she snorted and then continued to walk.She stopped and started to graze-


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:55 pm

*I lift my head a little. My set my back hoof down, I turn one ear in her direction and swish my tail nonchalantly*


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:56 pm

(OMG we just learned the word nonchalant in meh school!!! xD sorry, kinda ironic)

-She snorts, lifting her head, ears partly pinned at him, she snorts, eyeing him for a few moments, the continues to graze-


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:59 pm

(lol that is ironic)

*I shake my head, the skull necklace hanging loosely around my neck rattles while I do. I sigh and toss my head, my ears go half way back unsuredly*


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:01 pm

( chu have a pic or ur horsey ur rp'in?)

-She snorts and flicks her tail around and flicks her ears.She lifts her head every once in a while to look at the stallion.She takes a few steps closer and snorts-
-She said with bravery in her voice-


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:05 pm

*Instantly my ear closest to her turns in her direction. I look at her for a second, then turn my eyes back towards the herd*



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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:10 pm

-She snorted and pinned her ears at you, she was going to demand attention, she nipped your shoulder gently-
The least thing you could do is say hello or something back!


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:16 pm

*I pin my ears in surprise, they disappear in my thick blond black rooted mane. I stomp a back hoof and turn my head towards her, my blue eyes focusing on her. First I look deeply into her eyes, then I look her over. My eyes return to hers and I lift my head high. And I simply nod...this was not odd for me cause I rarely spoke. So even a simple gesture like the one I had just made to her, was alot. And rarely did anyone get one. I keep looking at her, then I sigh and rub the area where she had bitten me*


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:19 pm


I watch Darcy walk over to the other stallion and snort softly, watching intently.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:21 pm

-She snorts and rolls her eyes, everything was hopeless.She eyed him for a moment.-
-The word slipped out of her mouth, she NEVER said sorry, she had shocked herself.She nudged him and barely smiled, she meant what she said, she walked a little ways away-


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:24 pm

*My eyes follow her. After she was out of hearing range I nicker lowly. I was thankful for the companionship, though I may not show it, I did appriciate it. I turn my gaze back to the other stallion then flick over to the mares. Would the ever stop arguing? Or was that just a mare thing? I take a few steps foreward and lower my white/brown muzzle into a patch of lush green grass, I swish my tail and my ears constantly moved taking in every sound*


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:27 pm

-She sorta admired the stallion, he was silent, but she was that way as well, unless she gets irritated..which she tried hard not to do.She walked back over to the stallion, not thinking she spoke-
Whats your name?
-She closed her mouth..and looked away-
Sorry, never mind.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:30 pm

*I look at the ground for a moment then raise my head and turn slowly to her * "Claud" *I nip at my shoulder irritably as a fly landed on it, I kick at my belly as a few land on me down there*


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:33 pm

-She smiled and looked at him with glee.He spoke..haha. she thought to herself-
I hate my Darcy.
-She said with a scoff.She smiled slightly and nudged him-
Nice too meet cha!


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:44 pm


What a lovely name. I thought to my self, I did not reply. I grinned a little and looked up at the evergreen trees shimmering in the sunlight. I watched as little brown birds flitted from tree to tree. Looking up into the sky I see a golden eagle flyling in lazy circle. I let out a proud whinnie and rear up as far as possible. Pawing the air I let the reign of freedom course through my veins. Landing, my hooves barely made a noise on the grassy knoll on which we stood. I look at her with a brightness in my eyes and I shake my head just for the sake of it. I grunt softly a few times before letting out a loud excited neigh again.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:46 pm

-She was a bit shocked at how he was so quiet and in himself before, but after she asked him his name he was..more noisy.She chuckled and giggled under her breath,when he reared she reared with him, quietly she didnt make a peep.She nickered low and deep.She smiled at him and looked down at her hooves, not knowing what to do next-


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:55 pm


Grinning I look at her and toss my muzzle upward, then I lower it and start grazing in the light green crisp grass. Pulling some out of the ground I munch on it quietly once more.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 4 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

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