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The Moon-Colored Stallion

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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:52 pm

I can tell someone is watching and stop, my head hih, neck arched, my ears pricked forward, my tail raised. I froze, my nostrils dilated as I took in a new scent. I hear someone's hoofbeats and spin around, ears forward when I see the new mare. I whinny, inviting her to come closer.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:56 pm

-Darcy whirled around in a small whisp, she eyed the mare, standing ever so close to Gealach's side brushing against his side.She nicker letting out misty whirls of breath, she stuck her nose out to sniff the new comer-


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:58 pm

~Emreld Moon

She froze in place - completly terified of him but she could not move -she was to scared
~Her elegent body let out a slight tremble as she saw his size - her emreld eyes glowed in fear as she stared at him -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 1:03 pm


I prick my ears and take a few steps forward, nickering gently to the mare. The wind blows my mane and tail around me, and my feet make almost no noise on the thick, lush green grass beneath me as I went.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 1:11 pm

Emreald Moon

I stare back him completly terified - a small icey tear sparkled down her cheek - I hate this part - she wispred but new he had heard it ~
~Her voice was so beautiful it chimed like milloins of bells - but it was so incredibly sad , weak , pained and longing that it panged her heart - or what was left of it -all who heard it would be heart broken -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 1:15 pm


I stop and look at her.
"Hello," I say softly, my voice gentle, carrying on the wind to her.
"I won't hurt you," I say, watching her, lowering my head slightly.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:18 pm

Emreald Moon

~She feels lightheaded still frightend - her lashes begin to flutter
-I know - she answered
~She fell forward passing out in the snow out of complet exuxtoin and fear of what might happen shed been on the run for so long she just could not bare it any longer -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:26 pm


I watch her in shock and canter over, my hoofbeats nearly silent. I reach her and bend down, nuzzling her white neck gently with my muzzle.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:33 pm

Emreald Moon

~I lay In the Snow not even wanting to try anymore she'd been through so much - now nobody would ever understand -
-She new eventually she would die of this - exuatoin and broken heart all she did was run from her own fate -
~But she new she must try - she was probly one of the most powerful spirt-wise horse secend to Caotic , but shed been through so much and they would never break Emreald's Spirit -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:40 pm


I nuzzle her again, a little harder.
"Please get up," I say in a firm, gentle voice.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:13 pm

Emreld Moon

~Her lashes fluttered her eyes were now streaked with voilit and red - bloodshot
-She slowly lifted her slender neck her beautful mane sprwled around her -
~She looked up at him still laying down - I dont think I can do it anymore -
~she said in a pained but so beautiful and heart braeking voice - knowing he would not know what she was talking about -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:43 pm


"Can't do what?" I ask, a little confused.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:47 pm

Emerld Moon

She looks back at him , I need love she thought to herself -
~Never mind - she said sadly her hypnotic body shivering - she was freezing and scared she new he could tell -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:52 pm


I look down at her, my head by her's.
"Please get up, you can die if you don't get somewhere warmer soon," I say, my voice full of concern as I look at her.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:00 pm

Emreald Moon

~She sighed knowing what his rectoin to her would be - she slowly rose to her feet -
-Her slender neck arched her shimering white body ellegently slender and stunning her eyes glowed brightly - her long mane huged her body sparkling in the moonlight - a cresent tatooing her right leg - she was the most unque beautiful extravagent mare he had ever seen and she new it -
~I dont need to be somwhere warmer -
-I need to be loved and i'll live she thought ~


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Faye Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:27 pm

I saw Gealach run over to a white mare.I saw the mare was in pain and I felt deep sorrow for her.I finally decided to go over there.I walked over there my nostrils flaring back and fourth.Softly I said "Hello' to the mare with a low,gentle nicker.

I rolled my sky colored eyes with jealousy,and sighed.
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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:32 pm


I look at her.
"And why not?" I ask, a little confused.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Faye Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:37 pm

Lucky for me though,because I had my sky colored eyes no one could ever tell what I was thinking.I silently dissappered into the forest.I leaned up against a gigantic tree and cried silently,hoping nobody would notice I was missing.That mare was just so,so perfect.My tears dried but I stood there still thinking.
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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:44 pm

Emreald Moon

~Because - she wispered in his ear timidly -all I need is to be - she cut off her scentence he would think it was dum -

-She looked up at the other mare her sad eyes glazing over -
She was beautiful but - she would never be perfect she was so troubled - she was so not perfect - she did not need them all to feel bad for her she probly would die of a broken heart that the last pecie of was hanging on sush a breakale thread - So many were jelous of her neauty when really all who wished they were her would take it back the second they were in her -she sent a silgent message to the hiding mare saying Beauty is never worth the price of Death -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Faye Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:50 pm

I paused and thought about that.Then I sent back her silent message For me,it is.

I smiled weakly at the mare hoping she would make it though the night.But it was not realistic.
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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:59 pm

Emreld Moon ~

She returned the message intantly ending it , never was all it said -
~She looked up at him weakly and begain to slowly walk down the slope were they stood - she leaned aginst him wanting to colapse in exastoin - she finaley found a bare spot on the ground and with a gracefull thud dropped to the ground hopeing that maybe she would sleep tonight but she was so cold and unloved she probly would'nt survive without any love but now there was no chance that she could carrey on any farhter and there was only one stalloin here she liked him but he was probly taken -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Faye Sat Dec 19, 2009 7:09 pm

I slowly walked back to the herd dragging my hooves.There was nothing for me to do.I couldn`t run because I wasn`t happy.I couldn`t graze because I no longer was hungry.I sighed as I looked down at that mare.
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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sat Dec 19, 2009 7:36 pm


I look at the mare.
"What is your name?" I ask softly. I notice Trinity is missing and whicker softly, wondering where she went.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sun Dec 20, 2009 12:45 am

-Darcy eyed the new mare with suspicion.She didnt like how she was trying to steal him up, she had fallen for Gealach the moment she layed her eyes on him and she didnt want this time to be like the other times, were she would let a mare walk in, impress him and take him away, she would fight this time.She trotted over to Gealach with a sharp smile-


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:31 am


I whickered softly to Darcy when she trotted up, then waited for the new mare's response.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 3 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

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