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The Moon-Colored Stallion

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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:36 pm

~Emreld Moon

-I snort and rise to my feet - Bareing the pain that surged through my body constantly like a deadly flame that never seemed to burn out -She pawed at the ground and trotted along a path alined around him in a circle -
~Mares , she thought - always so campetitive all they are about is how they look and how many stalloins they can get to like them and only a few arent like that - Emreld would never be like that nor that other mare who she had heard protecting her back there - They all obvously wanted him she would leave if she wanted to that way maybe she would find a compaoin faster -
~She danced down on her shimmering hooves and stood berfore the now pissed of Gealach -
If you want me to leave I will , I dont need all of this competitve crap - I dont even have the strength to fight for you anymore - and I wont they should have more dignity then that - oh and remember one thing if I leave and all thses mares are still after you if you werent already aware of that , do not pick the one who fights the hardest , maybe somday they will understand that only one of them does now . I dont know if I am leaveing you can decide that I geuss -She said to him bravley but still frightend her voice chiming like milloins of bells stunning him with its beauty , her mane dancing around her refelcting the sun off of it makeing it sparkle -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:46 pm


I snort and paw at the ground again.
It will never be up to me who leaves or who stays, nor do I want any to compete over me. If they feel it is so important for me to choose, then they can just wait for me to, not get mad at each other to the point of blowing up! I think angrily to myself, throwing my head up.
"You don't have to leave, nor do you have to stay. The choice is your own, and I will not take it from you," I say to her, then turn to the others.
"Stop fighting! If you are so desperate for me to choose, then let me do it o my own!" I say, relaxing my ears forward halfway. I turn to the other stallion and Darcy.
"I suggest you leave now, and if you want Darcy, go with him. As I said before, it is not up to me to decide who stays and who leaves," I say, lowering my head slightly, the fire dimming in my eyes, but not leaving completely.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:55 pm

~Emreld Moon
-She flutters her lashes feeling faint again wondering if she would ever find another way to cure her pain and suffering -
~She swished her tail - Well done -She wispered to him
She would not leave now she was to tired to go anywhere else
-Stupid mares always bickering like two old ladies in the grocrey store over the last box of fiber one - she chuckled in her head at her thoughts -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:03 pm


I toss my head, waiting for the others' answers. I switch my tail and raise my head as I study them all, my dark blue eyes alive and full of emotions as I gazed at everyone near me.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:11 pm

~Emreld Moon

She pawed at the ground her mane twirling and dancing around her legs -
~Her bright emreld eyes shined pain shurged through her body though it was barley noticable on the outside only a slight shiver -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:24 pm

-She looked up and whinnied she looked at Serenity and snorted pinning ears. Claude did not take me,i chose to go with him, noting that no one down there seemed to give a rats ass about me.I wanted to come up here She snorted and trotted over to Claude with a whinny-


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:12 pm

Emreld Moon

~She winnies to Darcey who she was pretty fond of - She took a step towards Darcey and Calude -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:42 pm

-She looked at the mare for a moment then nickered-


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:46 pm

~She smiled at her for a minute then turned away -


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:12 pm

-Darcy simply shrugged and continued to graze-


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:26 pm


My head shoots up and focus's on the other stallion. My ears forward, my eyes wide. My whole body tensed alertly. My eyes clearly relaying the message to leave me be. I rear up my full length, screaming loudly with ears pinned, I thrash out in the air. I come down with a grunt. Shaking my head my ears go half way forward. I turn to Darcy and whicker to her. "You can come if you want." Hearing the other mare I turn and face her. Instantly I saw the hurt and pain behind her eyes. My eyes soften. It was not right for a mare to hurt like that. Whether or not the other stallion knew it I did not konw...I doubted he did though. I nicker to her sensing that Darcy and her were close to each other, I did not wish to seperate there friendly bond.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:51 pm

-She looked over to Claude and happily trotted to his side with a low whinny-
Do you know that mare?
-She said, not knowing his response, because he acted as though he knew her, which i did not-
I do not know her, but we should ask her to come.
-She smiled at him-


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:42 pm


I drop my head and sniff at the ground then paw it. Flinging my head up I shake my mane. "Yes, yes she can come if she wants." I swing my head towards Emerald Moon. "Do you wish to come, Emerald Moon?" My multicolored mane dances in the wind and blows gently over my face, my tail billows out behind me like a flag. My muscles ripple under my shimmering clean coat, which starts to feather slightly just under my knees. I paw the ground again this time a little harder. Dilating my nose to catch all scents in the small valley, I blow softly creating a gentle snort. Blue aqua eyes focus on her and wait for answer.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:00 am


I snort, pinning my ears again. My nostrils dialte and I bare my teeth at the stallion when he screamed at me. I snort adn paw at the earth, my black leg striking out powerfully and leaving deep scrapes in the grass. I snake my head through the air again and snort, rolling my eyes in irritation. I did not want to fight, but my instincts were starting to kick in, and I wanted this stallion gone. With or without mares, I didn't care as it was their choice. I continue pawing at the earth, arching my neck, my mane rising and falling with each pound into the grassy surface. My dark eyes never leave the stallion before me, my teeth bared as I watched him. I snort, tossing my mane, flinging it into a smooth mess that glided and fell over my eyes. The wind rustled the leaves and grasses, blowing my tail adn mane slightly to the side, looking like black smoke. My muscles ripple under my tensed body, the sun shining on my silver body.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:16 am

~Emreld Moon

-Her ears pricked up suprised she turns swiftly to gealach bowing her head -This is where I leave you now , you will probly never see my face again , someday you will understand all of this and why my sprit lead me to you but not today -
She trotted off with one last nod to him then I glanced over to serenity and back to him she was the one for him she knew that -She stopped before the stalloin - I'll come , but where is it that you areplaning to go - she asks


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:27 am

-Darcy nodded to the others with a mighty rear and a whinny.They would probably never see me again either.She nickered and focused on Claude, standing next to him, her build was ever so much smaller than his, she felt tiny.She laughed small like and looked at the mare-
Hello,im Darcy.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:56 pm


I toss my hea and wait for Serentiy and Trinity to respond, holding my body tall and proud, ignoring Claude and the others for now. The wind blew my mane and tail to the side, ruffling the treetops and grass around me. I snort once and wait.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Faye Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:15 pm

My heart dropped seeing the other mares were leaving.I was enjoying the company even though we weren`t much of friends.I whinny softly saying "Farewell".I sighed and looked over at Gealach.

I dipped my head several times.When I stopped my mane was in a tangled mess,my foreleock had parted into two pieces.I had mixed feelings at the moment.It just happened so fast.
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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:19 pm


I watch them silently, then toss my head at the others, baring my teeth slightly


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Faye Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:36 pm

I finally found out how I felt.Furious!I was furious!My ears were pinned down instantly against my skull.My lips parted revealing my fangs.I reared lashing out my hooves then spoke as I landed."You are no longer welcome here,leave.Or else"She challenged.I wasn`t the least bit scared of these,these wimps!She knew why they were tratiors.They were afraid.Afraid they wouldn`t win Gealach.Then they would run away with that thing you call a stallion.

My mouth hung open,I was speechless.I backed up a little bit.I did not want to be part of this.
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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:43 pm

I snort and walk over to Trinity, nuzzling her softly to try and calm her down. I whicker gently to her, ignoring Claude and his new mares.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Faye Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:01 am

I roll my eyes at Gealach and walk right up to Claude.I raised my head,sizing him up.Then I reared and smacked him in the jaw with my hoof.I heard a crack and it echoed off the canyons.He was really pissing me off.I pranced back to Gealach quickly to see his reaction.
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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:05 am


I snort and look at her in shock, then look over at Claude, waiting for his reaction. I stand a little infront of Trinity to keep her hopefully from doing something more.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Faye Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:15 am

I stood silently.But still I was ready still pumped at the thought of what his reaction would be.


I walked up to Trinity.I shook my head and whispered."He could hurt you badly."
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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

Post by Guest Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:18 am


I toss my head and paw at the gorund in te direction of Claude, waiting.


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The Moon-Colored Stallion - Page 6 Empty Re: The Moon-Colored Stallion

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