Call of the Wild
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Avamir Walks

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Avamir Walks Empty Avamir Walks

Post by • Echo Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:41 pm

Avamir~ My bare feet make no noise on the soft forest floor as my long, slender legs pull me in long, easy strides. I twist around trees and step over roots, my body moving with theabsolute grace, ease, and perfection of a dancer's. My blonde hair flows behind me in the wind as my lithe body moves faster, twisting in circles and figures in a sort of dance, increasing in tempo while I listened to the sounds of the forest around me, making no noise yet still progressing deeper into the woods. The trees around me got thicker, taller, and older, and when I placed my hands on their great skins, I knew every thought and memory the tree had in its entire life.
Every being, plant or animal, had an internal flame burning deep inside them. The flame increases and withers depending on the being's mood and health, and it can only be distinguished when the ice of death creeps into the body and fights the flame, smothering it forever. I could see the internal flames of all beings, and seeing the flames helped me know everything about that person.
Right now, my own fame was swelling, filling my whole bdy with warmth and energy, even though phisically the bitter wind was becoming rougher, with an dagger's edge of ice on it.
With a whirl, I suddenly stopped in a small clearing with a clear pool of water in the middle. I seemed to dance to the water's edge, and in one fluid motion I was sitting crosslegged by the pond. I gazed into the depths of the water, watching all the aquatic life move about its buisness. I trailed my fingers in the warm water and looked around.
The bitter wind had stopped, and the full moon was directly above the pond, casting its silvery reflection on the surface of the pond. The lush, soft grass looked like liquid silver moving in the slight, warm breeze that danced around the clearing. I pulled my hair into a braid, keeping it over my ears to hide the pointed tips. I placed one hand to my side, watching how the silver grass seemed to swallow it, trickling like water through my fingers and encasing them in a sea of pure silver. I realized that, for once in a long, long time, I felt completely at peace and, unbelieveably, lonely, whishing for a partner of my own breed who would love me no matter wo I was or what I had done.
• Echo
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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by Guest Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:20 pm


I watch a beautiful, young Elf maiden dance through the forest and press myself flat against a tree, seeming to become one with the tree and becoming invisiable. My untidy, black hair and piercing, golden eyes are the only parts of me that are alive, along with the even rise of my chest while I breathed. I watched her dance away and relaxed my body, my muscles loosening as I pushed away from the tree.
My lithe, muscled, compacted body slid silently across the needles of the forest, and my golden eyes scanned the forest floor before me. I stared after where the maiden had danced to and let my hand drop to my hip. My long fingers closed around the hilt of my golden sword, enclosed in fawn colored leather that blended with the forest. My yew bow was placed in its leather tube on my back, accompanied by my arrows. I watched after the maiden again, deliberating for a moment, before slowly walking after her.
My body made no noise as I walked smoothly through the forest, slowly following the maiden. My eyes swept the landscapes before me as I easily and skillfully made my way over roots and between trees.
After a few minutes, I stopped at the edge of a clearing, seeing the young, beautiful Elf maiden kneeling by a clear pool of water, the moon directly overhead, highlightly every curve and feature of her slim form. For a moment I was entranced in her beauty, and I shook my head slightly to clear my thoughts. I deliberated again for a few moments, then whistled long and low in a sort of greeting, taking a few steps forward into the clearing and waiting, watching her, admiring her beauty.


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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by • Echo Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:58 pm

Avamir~ I can tell I am being watched and look up abruptly, my head swinging around and I stand, my hand reaching for my sword. I twist around, my eyes holding surprise and a fierce, burning fire in them. I stop short when I see the Elf and let my hand relax, still keeping it on my sword.
"Hello," I call out,my soft, clear voice carrying far. I dance a few steps closer to him, the wind running through my hair, and my eyes turning a liquid silver as I studied him closely, admiring his lithe, muscled body. He was handsome. I cock my head to the side slightly.
"May I be so crude as to ask what is your name and why you have chosen to approach myself?" I ask, feeling a little embarrassed at first, and shocked at how my voice sounded. It had been so long since I had spoken to another Elf, and it felt weird on my lips to be talking again to my own kind instead of the friends I make out of the animals.
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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by Guest Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:04 pm


I smile slightly when I see her staring at me and walk farther into the small clearing.
"I am sorry, I have not properly introduced myself," I say, extending an arm out to her.
"My name is Rowan. As for the reason of my approacing yourself," I smile slightly again, "Well, let's just say that I am too much of a genteman to allow a young maiden like yourself go wandering around alone," I say, smiling a crooked smile.
"And your name is?" I ask, closing the little distance between us so my arm was only a few feet away, open and waiting if she chose to close the rest of the space between us.


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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by • Echo Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:12 pm

Avamir~ I see him walk forward and dance the rest of the way to him, quickly and silently closing the distance, placing my small hand in his for a fraction of a second before letting it drop to my side.
"Hello, Rowan. Interesting name... I am Avamir. I come from... aways away, and I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself," I say, raising an elegant eyebrow at him, not letting his beauty disturb me any longer. I was too proud to let someone believe I was weak.
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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by Guest Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:39 pm


"Of course you may! I have not doubted that for a moment," I say, glancing at her bow and sword, along with the quiver full of arrows.
"And my name has little... Uniqueness, if you may, compared to the beauty of your own," I say, smiling down at her.
"Ah, and of course, I could leave, if you wish for me to. And if you do so, then I will leave and you shall not be bothered by me again if you wish," I say, smiling warmly at her. The wind blew my already untidy black hair around, and my topaz eyes burned with a curiousity to learn more about her.


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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by • Echo Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:48 pm

Avamir~ I arch both eyebrows, looking at him quizically.
"If you have not doubted in this, then why did you say I can not travel alone?" I ask, suddenly curious.
"And no, you need not go. I do not mind you being here... It is actually kind of nice, to be with another Elf. It has been long since I have heard the voice of another, save for the animals'," I say, looking up at him. My eyes shifted colors again, to the deep blue of the ocean. I lower my gaze, blushing slightly as my mood changed again, showing in the color of my eyes.
"Sorry about that," I murmur, my voice as soft as a breeze running through the treetops.
"My eyes shift like that a lot," I say.
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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by Guest Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:55 pm


I watch her eyes shift color and smile slightly, even though she can't see it.
"I only said that because it was how I was raised, long ago," I say softly.
"So please forgive me, my training was short and crude. And if you do not wish for me to leave, then I will stay," I say.
"And there is no need to hide the fact that your eyes are different. They are beautiful, and you should not be ashamed that you have such a magnificent talent that you do," I say, even more softly than before, and I raise my hand to take her chin in my hand very gently, tilting her chin up to look at me.
"You should be proud, and should not care what others may think about anything about you," I say, my golden, piercing eyes holding her shifting eyes in a hard gaze.


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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by • Echo Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:31 pm

Avamir~ "Of course," I say with a soft, low sigh.
"Some do not have the chance to get proper training, as I have not," I say, and look up into his eyes and blush a deep red slightly.
"And thank you for the compliment. I find it... Nice, that someone does not run away screaming I am a devil," I say. I flinch slightly at his touch but raise my chin to look into his golden eyes. I know my eyes are now a liquid silver with a bit of tiny opaz and sapphire stones flecked throughout.
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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by Guest Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:23 pm


I smile.
"I did not spend enough time in my... Former, home, and therefore did not get proper training," I smirk when I see her blush.
"Of course you aren't the devil. The devil would not be able to have such a talent," I said, dropping my hand to my side when she flinched.
"You sai you were from far away? Where?" I ask, probing lightly.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," I say softly.


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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by • Echo Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:48 pm

Avamir~ I smile.
"Maybe I'll tell you where I came from one day," I say, walking a little ways away and sitting down again by the pond of water. I sit down and trail my left hand slightly in the water, staring down.
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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by Guest Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:10 pm


I smile.
"I'll keep you up on that raincheck," I said. My eyes followed her as she walked a little away and sat down, then followed.
"May I?" I ask, gesturing to the grass beside her, smilig kindly.


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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by • Echo Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:16 pm

Avamir~ I smile.
"You do that," I say. I look up as he walked towards me.
"Of course you may," I say to him. I pull out a sketching pad and a piece of charcoal from my pack and start sketching a water lily in the small pond.
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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by Guest Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:28 pm


I smile ad sit down beside her. I look over her shoulder slightly and watch her as she sketched the lily.
"Beautiful," I say with a smile, angling my body so we were only an inch apart, my golden eyes tracing every detail of the flower over in my mind.
"Excellent artsmanship. You draw very good," I say, smiling again as I lift my gaze to smile sincerely at her, my eye catching her and gazing into her eyes. We were so close I could smell her sweet breath, hear the pulse of her beating heart, and see every line and detail in her face. And I was sure she could see the same of me as I could of her.


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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by • Echo Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:33 pm


"Thank you," I say with a small smile, studying my own artwork. I blush slightly and look up to see him staring intently at me, his face only inches from my own. I could smell and feel his breath on my face. I watched the wind gently blow his black, untidy hair around his face, and I could see every detail of his magnificent, liquid gold eyes. For a second I couldn't speak, then quickly looked down, ashamed of myself. I was letting myself get all droopy eyed over a boy, something I had sworn to myself I would never do. I was suddenly aware of every part of Rowan, too aware of him. I felt like I wanted to escape, to jump up and run away, not looking back ever again. But at the same time I wanted to stay right here, stay forever with this man I had never known before this day. I scowled at myself, still looking down and refusing to meet Rowan's gaze.
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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by Guest Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:40 pm


I frown slightly and angle my body a lttle away from her again.
"What is it?" I ask, my eyes studying her face, frowning still when I noticed her scowl.
"Did I do something wrong?" I ask, puzzled.


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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by • Echo Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:46 pm


I scowl again.
"No. Yes! I don't know!" I said, throwing my hands up in mock defeat. I study the aquatic life in the pond, frowning slightly, still refusing to meet Rowan's gaze, afraid of what I would find or, worse, what I would feel.
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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by Guest Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:48 pm


I frown slightly, then a smirk spreads across my face.
"Ahh, I see now," I said, still smiling, but now kindly. I watch the sun's ryas bounce off her hair and skin, my eyes tracing over the details of her face.


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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by • Echo Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:51 pm


I still avoid his gaze.
"And you?" I ask, very quietly.
"What do you feel?" I ask, still afraid to meet his gaze.
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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by Guest Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:54 pm


I frown slightly and look away from her, scooting a little away.
"I, am still waiting for the raincheck," I said, gazing over the clearing around us, studying the details of the trees, grass, pond, sky, and anything else.


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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by • Echo Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:55 pm


I scowl slightly at him in response.
"Of course," I murmured under my breath.
"Well, there isn't any rain yet," I said.
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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by Guest Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:02 pm


I scowl back at her and stand up in one smooth, fluid motion.
"Well, if there's no reason for me to stay, I'll just go," I say.


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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by • Echo Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:18 pm


I arch my eyebrows and alos stand.
"No! I mean, you don't have to," I said, then pointed to the horizon.
"Black clouds are coming," I said, then blush, embarrassed and furious at myself for wanting him to stay.
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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by Guest Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:41 pm


I smirk.
"Ah, so you would be willing to tell me," I say, smiling as I walk back to her.
"But if I am to stay, and even if I don't, we might want to find some shelter away from the rain. It looks like it could be a bad storm," I say, eyeing the blak clouds looming over the mountains.


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Avamir Walks Empty Re: Avamir Walks

Post by • Echo Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:50 pm


I grimace slightly, looking from Rowan to the clouds.
"You're right, we should," I said, then bent down and picked up my sketching pad and charcoal, putting them in my pack and slinging itover my shoulder.
"Where to?" I ask him.
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