Call of the Wild
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions

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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:55 am

Autumn Brooke~ I walk in quietly, my bare feet hardly making a sound as I ventured into the forest. The bracelets on my hands and ankles made no noise as they swayed in the breeze, and I kept my bow ready. I listened and waited as the wind whispered softly through the trees and other animals scurried about. Everything was peaceful and quiet... After a few minutes, I let out a low, soft yet long whistle and waited.

Dawns Freedom~ I came winging down from between the trees and landed softly on Brooke's shoulder, my sharp eyes scanning the forest.

Micah~ I wandered in after hearing her whistle and lay quietly at Brooke's feet, allowing my eyes to slip shut and I yawned, exposing long, sharp teeth before I rested my head on my paws, listening to the forest sounds.

Freed Spirit~ I walk in lithely after Micah, my body moving with absolute ease, presicion, and grace. I stopped by Micah and lay beside him, looking up at Brooke.

Autumn Brooke~ I sigh happily as my friends join me, and in one fluid motion of absolute ease and control I was sitting cross-legged on the soft forest floor, not even having ruffled Dawn's feathers as she sat quietly on my shoulder. My fingers traced lightly through the grasses and other plants of the forest floor as I gazed absently into space, allowing my mind to wander off...
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by Guest Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:59 pm

Sabrina: I walk in moving swiftly and gracefully without making a sound and smile slightly, then stop and wait for my sisters and the prince

Alexandra: I walk in standing beside my sister smiling gently because I was with my friends

Samantha: I walk in and look around calmly then pull my hood down

Lucinda: I appear in the middle of the clearing next to Sabrina grinning

Fiona: I come in as a mist then turn back into my origional form, with my firey red hair waving slightly in the wind

Diana: I fly in as an hawk then turn back into a human and look around

Rowyen: I walk in behind Diana and smile at my friends then walk over and bow to them "Hello, Mistresses"

Sierra: I stand next to Sabrina proudly with my head high

Victoria: I stand next to my master proudly

Alexa: I sit next to Sam

Amy: I walk in following Rowyen and sit next to diana

Alice: I sit on Lucinda's shoulder and fold my wings

Katlin: I run in behind Fiona and look around


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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:57 am

Autumn Brooke~ I look a little shocked as they all walk in, not remembering the last time I had been in the company of so many others. I stand up, resisting the urge to pull out the two daggers hidden against my side where only I knew where they were. "Hello," I say softly.

Dawns Freedom~ I look at them all from my perch on Brooke's shoulder with my large eyes, ruffling my wings slightly.

Micah~ I see them and stand with a soft, unthreatening growl, my black coat shining with health in the faint light that streamed between the trees branches.

Freed Spirit~ I watch them come in but stay laying by Brooke's feet, watching them all intently.
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:04 pm

yasmine- I sit atop my majestic mare who picks her way through the forest. It it quiet and peaceful as we walk to no where in particular. My silky auburn hair flows down to the middle of my back, swaying back and forth with the pattern of Leona's walk. A double bag is laid over her back carrying my simple needs such as a brush and a few other neccessities(sp). I look up at the tall redwood trees towering over me at great heights. i whistle once and wait for Talon to swoop onto my shoulder.

Leona-I walk along the crooked path that Yasmine has led me onto. I keep a collected walk up so i sont make her uncomfortable. My deep chestnut coat is shiney and glows everytime we pass through the filtered sunlight. I hear the low whistle that she lets out, calling for our companions.

Talon-I sit perched on a high branch of a redwood tree eating my afternoon meal of a rabbit. I am almost finished picking at it wheni catch the sond of yasmine's low whistle. I ditch my food and swoop down into the deep forest and land ever so gently on her shoulder. I nustle up against her face to say hello and then i stare forward with icey black eyes.

Yasmine-i dont even flinch when he lands on my bare shoulder, i simple pat his head. I place my hand on my thigh and stroke the dagger that sits strapped to my leg. the sharp blade feels cool against my finger tips and i think back to my last kill, a couger. I notice that my last friend did not appear at my commanding whistle so i try again, but more fierce this time.

Landslide-I lay sleeping in the sunny patch that i found escaping the tree tops. it is warm and comforting. I slip in and out of deep slumber. A low and forced whistle wavers over me in the breeze and i know that Yasmine is summoning me. I stand up and stretch out my body, hearing the joints pop. My reddish coat shines with healthy care from yasmine. I yawn once, showing off my white razor sharp jaws and lope off. I spot Leona, Talon and Yasmine on a crooked path. I come up beside them and let out a whine of hello.

Yasmine-I smile when i see Landslide lope up to us. I reach down and pat his head with one hand. we continue on until I hear other creatures ahead of us.
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:21 pm

Brooke~ I sense more animals and looked up, even more shocked.

Dawns Freedom~ I glance around, not knowing what group to look at. Finally, I take off into the air and circle overhead, letting out a call of greeting to all

Micah/Freed Spirit~ We watch the first group

[aw, I love your avatar!]
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:30 pm


Yasmine-I spot the bird flying over head and wonder if it is tame or wild. I veer Leona to the right and we enter a clearing filled with a bunch of people and animals. I stop Leona at the very edge of the clearing, not getting to close. I wave at them.

Talon-I take off into the sky from my perch on her shoulder. I come face to face with the other bird. I dont pose any threat i just simply call to it. I bat my wings alittle bit and once i become familiar with it, I dive back into the forest, still calling to the bird.

Landslide- I stay poised at Leona's side, a grin plastered to my face.
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:34 pm

[lol, no problem]

Brooke~ I see them emerge and my eyes widen, and I shake my head softly, a ittle confused around so many.

Dawns Freedom~ I see them come and wing down, landing softly on Brooke's shoulder.

Micah~ I growl softly

Freed Spirit~ I back up a couple steps so I was a little behind Brooke
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:43 pm

Yasmine-I lightly tap Leona on the flank and she takes uneasy steps into the clearing, closer to the other girl(girl right?) I glance at Landslide still wearing that silly smile. I know he tries hard. I look back again at the company of the others and i come up to the girl sitting on the ground. "hi!" I say with my hand on my dagger.

Leona- i am nervous as she urges me forward, closer to the activity.

Talon- i stay on her shoulder, watching the other bird with with a keen gaze, my icy eyes never leaving it. I rustled my copper feathers.

Landslide-I moved along side Leona, i couldnt hold the smile up anymore so i just scowled. I let out a low growl back at the other wolf.
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:49 pm

[yeah, Autumn Brooke is a girl, Dawns Freedom is a female Gryfalcon, Micah is a boy black jaguar, and Freed Spirit is a female white jaguar]

Brooke~ I look uneasily at her, with her hand on her dagger, and back up a little.

Micah~ I growl at her as she goes closer to Brooke and Freed Spirit

Freed Spirit~ I back up a little.

Dawns Freedom~ I watch the other bird with my large eyes
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by Guest Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:02 pm

Roywen: I tense and put my hand on my sword, then look at Mistress Sabrina

Sabrina: I look at the two girls and smile gently "Hello, I am Sabrina, the lead witch of light"

Alexandra: When I see the others my face become unemotional and look them, my voice cold "I am Alexandra the witch of darkness"

Samantha: I look at them calmly "Hello, I am Samantha the witch of water"

Diana: I lean against the tree behind me "I am Diana, the witch of earth"

Lucinda: I look at them smiling "Hi, I'm Lucinda, the witch of air"

Fiona: I yawn and look at the girls "Fiona, the witch of fire"

Sierra: I look at the other animals calmly with my head high proudly

Victoria: I growl at the other creatures

Alexa: I snarl back at the other wolf baring my teeth

Amy: I stay behind Diana and growl quietly

Alice: I look at the other bird calmly

Katlin: I sit beside Fiona and snort


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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:09 pm

Brooke~ I back up even more, glancing behind me to see how far away the woods were. "I am Autumn Brooke, this is Dawns Freedom," I point to the Gyrfalcon, "And Micah and Freed Spirit," I point to the Jaguars. I draw my bow and nock an arrow, but keep the bow pointing down as a sign of peace, showing I didn't ant to fight but would if I had to.

Dawns Freedom~ I watch the two other birds

Micah/Freed Spirit~ We back up with Brooke silently, ready to defend her at all costs as we watch them.
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by Guest Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:19 pm

Rowyen: I see the girl draw her bow and take out my sword getting in fighting stance

Sabrina: I smile gently "Do not worry young on, we will not hurt you" I look at Rowyen and shake my head slightly "There will be no fighting your higness, put the sword away" I smile knowing he hated when he was called highness

Rowyen: I scowl but bow to her and put it away "Yes, mistress"

Lucinda: I smile at her


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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:23 pm

Brooke~ I take adeep breath but put my ow away, my body still tensed

Micah/Freed Spirit~ We lay down

Dawns Freedom~ I call out softly
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by Guest Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:37 pm

Rowyen: I sit down by diana

Alice: I scream and flap my wings

Lucy: I giggle quietly when Alice's wings mess up my hair

Sabrina: I look at the girl and smile "Excuse prince rowyen, he can be a little over protective"

Diana: I look at some vines on the ground and they move around, twisting and weaving through each other, and form a throne. I smile and sit down in the vine thrown calmly.

Amy: I jump into Diana's lap and lay down

Sierra: I lay down beside Sabrina

Victoria: i walk over to sierra and lay down

Sam: I walk over to the river and make a ice throne then sit in it calmly

Alexa: I follow sam and lay down at her feet


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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:20 am

Brooke~ I hesitate a moment, then walk slowly towards them.

Micah/Freed Spirit~ We walk beside her.

Dawns Freedom~ I rise up into the sky to go hunt
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by Guest Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:45 pm

Sierra/Victoria: We watch the jaguars

Sabrina: I smile at her then look around'

Alex: I look at the girl


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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:47 pm

Brooke~ I smile a little nervously back at Sabrina. "What are you guys doing out here?" I ask slowly
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by Guest Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:12 pm

Sabrina: I smile at her "It is our job to maintain the balance of nature, so we have been traveling around to make sure everything is as it should be"


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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:15 pm

Brooke~ I nod slightly. "Sounds like a... interseting job," I say
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by Guest Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:21 pm

Sabrina: I smile and giggle quietly "Yes it is, but someone has to do it. It is hard sometimes, for we have to kill many people and creatures who are looking to take over the world"


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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:26 pm

Brooke I sigh softly. "I would never be able to sleep well if I had to go into a battle, I'd just see the faces of those I've killed over and over..." My voice trails off
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by Guest Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:33 pm

Sabrina: I sigh and nod "Yes, we only kill when necessary, and we always give them the choice to give up and leave"


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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:36 pm

Brooke~ I remain silent for a few moments

Dawns Freedom~ I fly back down between the trees and land on Brooke's fist, looking up into her eyes, now full after hunting.

Brooke~ I stroke her softly, admirng her beautiful feathers
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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by Guest Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:39 pm

Sabrina: I smile then yawn quietly and lay down


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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Re: Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:59 pm

Micah/Freed Spirit~ We yawn and fall asleep.

Brooke~ I watch them both sleep
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