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Autumn Brooke and her three companions

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Autumn Brooke and her three companions Empty Autumn Brooke and her three companions

Post by • Echo Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:46 am

Name~ Autumn Brooke (Brooke or Autumn)

Age~ 16

Gender~ Female

Breed~ Mist Elf __ Shapeshifter: Black and/or White Jaguar

Eye Color~ Blue

Hair Color~ Blue

Markings~ Strange silvery designs on shoulder blades, A silvery circle like a whirlpool on left shoulder

Personality~ Autumn Brooke loves all animals but keeps to herself to other Elves. She is quiet and shy but isn't afraid to speak up about something. She is clearheaded with sharp eyesight and wits, able to get out of almost any situation.

Other~ Autumn Brooke is descended from a long line of royality. Her parents tried to force her into marriage, but she did not like the man and ran away with her two Jaguars and Gryfalcon. She was born a warrior, and is able to communicate and get along well with any animal. She keeps to herself in front of other Elves, but given time and trust she will open up a little more and enjoy the company of her own kind. She hides the fact that she is royality from all but animals, wishing that she could've been a normal Elf.

Name~ Micah

Gender~ Male

Breed~ Black Jaguar

Eye Color~ Topaz

Color(s)~ Black with darker rosettes in a pattern on him

Markings~ Black rosettes covering his body

Personality~ Micah hates strangers and will defend Auntumn Brooke and his mate Freed Spirit with is life.

Pic~ Autumn Brooke and her three companions Frace%20-%20black%20jaguar

Autumn Brooke and her three companions Black_jaguar

Name~ Freed Spirit

Gender~ Female

Breed~ Black Jaguar

Eye Color~ Topaz

Color(s)~ White with gold and black

Pic~ Autumn Brooke and her three companions Jaguar-3

Autumn Brooke and her three companions 3724832-3-jaguar-black-and-white

Name~ Dawns Freedom

Gender~ Female

Breed~ Gyrfalcon

Eye Color~

Pic~ Autumn Brooke and her three companions Gyrfalcon2

Autumn Brooke and her three companions 1Gyrfalcon1Flight

Autumn Brooke and her three companions Biamlosamiec
• Echo
• Echo
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Join date : 2009-08-05
Location : The art studio

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