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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by Harley's Rainbow Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:49 pm

The young ice dragon sniffed the melting snow. His power was weakening. Avalanche lapped up the weak trickle of water in the stream. It would soon be flooding in this area, the melted snow power it along. Then his powers would be useless.

Avalanche sunk his white claws into a tree, pulling himself up and sat on a low branch. His handsome blue scales glinted in the sun light, and the unique thing on his head looked like a blue peacock feather with a oval around it. He let out a pitiful cry, wanting his mother.

She would never come back, of course. She was killed by a fire dragon. Now, the baby ice dragon was all alone.

Avalanche panted in the heat, and stretched his wings. If he had learned how to fly, he would be in the ice lands by now. But he was stuck in the heat. The baby dragon slid down the tree, stumbling into the stream and lay down.

A roar filled his ears, and he looked up stream. A great rush of water was flooding towards him. Avalanche squealed, and tried to get out of the path of the flood. To late. He was swept away, head being held under by the strong current. He had enough strength to keep his head up for short periods of time.


He blinked his eyes open, the hot rays of the sun warming his shivering body. The flood has finally subsided just enough for him to paddle to shore, and he collapsed in exhaustion. His icy blue eyes were dull and weak.

His smooth tail was still in the strong flow of water. Avalanche didn't even have the strength to pull it out. He felt sick, and weak.

Finally, after about an hour, he stood, and hoisted himself into a tree. The view from the top of it was amazing, and the wind was cooling. He could see other dragons, roaming around.

A bird startled him, and he plummeted, the only thing that stopped him was being killed was the branches slowing him.

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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty Re: *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by JayzPF Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:09 pm

i need to go to bed will post first thing tomorrow
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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty Re: *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by JayzPF Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:48 pm

(Oops sorry for taking so long I thought I already posted.)

The small lave dragon(do I need to change it to fire?) flapped her wings weakly, trying to practice for when she could fly. But right now, she had to settle for running. Eruption glanced back, surveying the countryside for other dragons. She teetered a bit and staightened herself, saving herself plummeting backwards down the volcano side.

Eruption steadied her body and turned around, facing the vast land. She flipped onto her belly and slid down the volcano, using her wings as rudders and steering around small rocks and shrubs. The treeline flew towards her with blinding speed and she jammed her feet into the ground when she was a hundred feet away from the bottem to avoid crashing. The baby skidded to a stop next to a large ficus. A small puff of her breath sent it ablaze.

She trudged along a steam, staying away from the swirling water. Eruption had to learn the hard way the Lava and water don't mix. She remembered her mother's tender touch when she applied hot lava rocks to her wounds. She stopped, missing her mother. Of course, all the other lava dragons felt no sympathy when her mama was doused by the cruel water dragons. Lava dragons were supposed to be tough and unforgiving, but after her traumatizing experience, Eruption couldn't help being thoughtful to others. The other dragons shunned her for her soft heart, so finally, she ran away from the bitter clan.

The lava infant moved on, a puddle of salty tears left on the ground behind her. She pumped her wings hard when she felt a breeze, lifting her up in to the air and Eruption glided a few yards before landing with a light thud. She heard someone cry out, and she crawled along to the source. She stopped under neath a tree and looked up, only to see an Ice dragon about her age plummet towards her. The branches slowed his fall, but he still landed on her hard. "OOF." Eruption groaned, rolling out from underneath the other baby.

(Ignore that part if their not supposed to talk. SSS SSB)

Last edited by JayzPF on Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty Re: *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by Harley's Rainbow Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:58 pm

Avalanche squealed, digging his claws in to escape from the dragon. He slid into the bank of the stream, his tail touching the water. "Get away!" He growled, backing up until his back feet were in the water.

"Don't hurt me." Avalanche snarled, flexing his claws. he focused, trying to summon the ice in the pit of his stomach. It didn't come. the baby dragon had no choice. he turned, and stretched his wings. His small back legs hurtled him over, thin wings keeping him up long enough for him to clear it.

his icy blue scales disappeared into the branches of a tall redwood. Ice dragons likjed to climb trees. He didn't go to the top, he just sat half way up in a large knoll.
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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty Re: *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by JayzPF Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:18 pm

Eruption frowned at the small ice dragon. "What's wrong? Is someone after you?" she asked, eyes wide. She gazed at him curiously. "I'm Eruption." She backed away from him until she reached the bank, showing him that she meant no harm.

She slipped and fell, almost into the water. Eruption screeched and scrambled away from the roaring waves and hid behind a clump of Ivy. Another squeal set the plant on fire, but the water quickly put it out. The young lava dragon peered at the other dragon from behind the substandered protection of the vegetation.

Her beautifle amber eyes scanned the scene, and, assured that the liquid couldn't reach her from there, she sat down and watched the ice dragon intently, wondering if it will come down. The sunlight glinted off her deep ruby scales, giving her the appearence of being on fire.

(sss and ssb gotta go)

Last edited by JayzPF on Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty Re: *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by Harley's Rainbow Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:46 pm

"Avalanche." He said, watching her nervously. "Probably the last ice dragon in this forest." Avalanche growled, jumping from branch to branch until he was next to her. "IF it hadn't been for your kin, I would of been happy right about now." He snapped, licking his claws, which were turning black from the heat. "No, no no! Not my claws!" He said, looking at the tip of his tail. "Its brown. The color of mud." He sighed.

"Already changing." He sighed, panting in the heat.

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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty Re: *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by JayzPF Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:55 pm

Eruption glowered at Avalanche. "Well, just so you know, I haven't done anything! You think I'm happy? My mom was murdered, just like yours, so that should make us even." She snarled at him.

She directed her gaze towards his claws and his tail, wich were turning dark. "What's happening to you? Why are you all dark?" Eruption wondered aloud. She peered up at him, he was next to her now, confused. "Shouldn't Ice Dragons be pale blue?" The female stood up and stretched, basking in the comfortable, well, to her, warm sunlight. She crept up to him and flapped her scaly wings, hovering next to him. Eruption craned her neck to see the growing patches of muddy brown, staying far enough so that her hot breath wouldn't cook the obviously uncomfortable Ice baby.

(I'm back)

Last edited by JayzPF on Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty Re: *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by Harley's Rainbow Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:35 pm

"If a ice dragon is left in the ice, they're powers disappear and they turn into a muddy brown to defend themselves until winter comes again." He said, making his way over to the stream and wading into a calm part. His claws went white, and the dark spots disappeared.

"I need to get North." He said, still panting. "Really bad." Avalalanche sighed, dunking his head under water. "The water will get warmer, and I won't be able do to this."
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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty Re: *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by JayzPF Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:06 am

Eruption frowned. "Don't you know how to fly?" She pumped her wings, showing Avalanche it was easy. The cool breeze created from her flying wafted over him, making all the brown disappear. She landed behind him, staying away from the water. "And don't you know how to breath Ice?"

She cocked her head at the ice dragon curiously. "I can teach you if you don't," the lava dragon offered.

(sss ssb)
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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty Re: *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by Harley's Rainbow Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:42 pm

"Not as easy as ice dragons. You guys rely on the warm winds to lift you. We have a completely different system." He said, sighing in relief at the cool air. "I can. But not in the summer like this." Avalanche said, laying in the water to let it run over him. "And it is waaaay to late to start walking."

The baby ice dragon sucked up more cool water, digging his crystal white claws into the thawing dirt. "Ice dragons rely on will power. We need cold drafts being lifted by the warm drafts, and those are hard to find. But if we try hard enough, we can will the warm wind to lift the cold." He explained. "And I was never taught how."

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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty Re: *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by JayzPF Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:01 pm

Eruption frowned. "So you're just going to stay here? With all of us hot dragons flying around?" She got up and paced back and forth worriedly, pouncing on a small rat that got in her way. The rodent squealed hideously when she sank her burning fangs into it, dying almost instantly. The lava dragon swallowed it whole, forgetting the other dragon's predicament for a moment.

"Willpower, huh?" Eruption mused after a refreshing drink from a nearby hot spring(Hot dragons can only drink hot water, I was going to make it lava). "Well, can't you just go 'I can fly to the north!' and it will make you able to?" She listened to him speak, cocking her head. "Ohh... I get it now!" she replied thoughtfully. "Hmmm... there has to be some other way for you to travel quickly!"
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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty Re: *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by Harley's Rainbow Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:50 pm

"Nope. No other way." He sneezed, ice shards blowing out of his mouth and slamming into a tree above her head. "Will power is a lot harder than that." He smile, gnawing on a stick. Its brown surface turned white with frost.

"I'll be brown soon. They won't be able to find me."

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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty Re: *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by JayzPF Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:08 am

"Are you sure? Anything is possible!" Eruption said optimistically. She stepped away from the ice shards and giggled."You can sneeze ice?" The lava baby tried to sneeze, but she just made a sound like a raspberry(I never understood that term).

"I don't know...we have a very good sense of smell!" Eruption grinned. "You would have to be a invisible for dragons not to find you!"
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*Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!) Empty Re: *Burned For Life* (For Jay, but others may join!)

Post by JayzPF Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:20 am

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