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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Nicoco177 Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:29 am

Chirin's past~
Chirin was a cute young lamb, bounding happily along the grass, the little bell around his neck ringing as he galloped across the grass playfully. That was, until he came to a fence with a broken panel in it. Being the curious young lamb he was, he was about to step under the gate "Chirin? what are you doing?" his mother bleated as she charged towards him "You have got to promise me you will never go under, over or through any fence unless the farmer allows you, do you understand Chirin?" she said, Chirin took no notice of her words, he sniffed some clovers and started to chew the clover leaves "Chirin?" his mother said sternly, Chirin breifly looked at her "Do you promise me?" she bleated softly, Chirin looked at her, a blank look on his face "Yep!" he laughed, bolting of into the meadow with the other lambs. Later that evening, the Herding dogs were herding the sheep back into the shed, but Chirin's mother was heading in the oppisite direction, Chirin was no where to be seen "Chirin?!?! Chirin?!?! CHIRIN?!?!?!?!" she yelled as she searched all of the meadows, a tear rolled down her cheek 'ting ting ting...." went the soft ringing of Chirin's bell, and over the rock, Chirin bounded over "Chirin!!! you had me worried sick!!!" she cried, Chirin gave a sad look like he did nothing wrong "sorry mother...." Chirin said quietly, His mother sighed and smiled, and the two walked back to the shed. A black wolf with red eyes and a flesh red scar on his eye watched that barn and creeped down to it. Chirin was in the centre of the barn, quietly dosing. The wolf burst through the doors of the shed and groiwled, all the other sheep and lambs all ran for saftey behind big wooden beams. Chirin quickly woke up and saw the wolf before him, he didn't know what it was, but he stood infront of it, gasping in horror, Chirin's mother ran through the crowd of sheep "Chirin!!!" she cried, running up to him and craddling him in her arms. The wolf Bared his teeth and killed his mother in a flash and darted off to the mountains, with Chirin in his mouth, noticing what would happen if he left him, he would grow up into a strong ram and more or less kill him. The wolf raised him as his own and trained him to grow VERY strong and to hate all sheep.

Stood there in the pitch black of night, a flash of lightening lighting up the shed, he rain poured down onto Chirin's wooly muscly back, the wolf stood next to him "are you ready to put your training skills to the test?" the wolf said, both of them watching the shed "why wouldn't I be? Wolf. You have been like a father to me. I would never forget the things you taught me..." he said, his large eyes showing a piercing glance "the wind is starting to change direction. GO. NOW" he said. Chirin reared, thrashing out his long legs. He garged down the hill, lowering his head and pointing his sharp, bent horns to face the door, And with that, he picked up speed and strength. He rammed into the door, sending bits of wood flying everywhere, all the sheep stood still, staring at the bell around his neck, one sheep whispered so quietly to herself that she could barley hear herself "is that....Chirin?" She was staring at the bell around his neck in confusion, The young Ram stood completley still giving a evil, horrific look to all the lambs.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by BubblesLegacy Wed Nov 23, 2011 3:06 pm

Before Chirin came into the picture,2 young rams that were born before Chirin.Were fighting for Luna.The olny young Ewe in the group that doesnt have a mate.Luna heared the doors break and ran to the front of the corwd she looked at him."Hello there." She told Chirin in clam voice,not afraid of him.The 2 rams looked at Luna then stopped fighting.They disied that since didnt want ethier of them might as well be with one of the older Ewes.

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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Harley's Rainbow Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:14 pm

The young ewe rolled her eyes, laughing as the rams. Why were they fighting over Luna? This little lamb was quite cocky, and usually only liked odler uewes that didn't flaunt. Although she loved Luna, she saw no special reason to figth over her.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Nicoco177 Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:34 am

Chirin looked at the Luna, he gave a breif look at her, and a evil look appeared in her eye. He bared his teeth and reared, kicking his front legs out violently, letting out a call of anger, he fell back on all fours again, snorting and shaking his large head, his sharp pointed horns waving around harshly in the air "Where is your mother??" he bleated harshly to the lamb, hoping she wasn't around. A evil look still glinted mildly in his eye. His tall legs standing firm in there position. A huge bolt of lightning crashed on top of the hill, lighting up the figure of the wolf, the red scar matched the colour of his eyes "Go on Chirin, Resume your Duties!" the wolf whispered to himself.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by BubblesLegacy Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:40 am

Luna looked at Chirin.Wondering why he did that call of anger to her.Luna walked back alittle."What's wrong with you?" Luna asked Chirin.Since Luna is in heat also her heat scent trvaled among the air.

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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Nicoco177 Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:49 am

Chirin started to grow angry "It;s who I am..." he said through his teeth, he lowered his horns and chased a sheep to the corner of the shed, but he decided not to kill it "I am no sheep. I am a wolf. I hunt my prey..." he thought to himself as he eyed the wolf "Why can't someone help me!?!? Even if I tried to be the young lamb I knew I was, Well... The wolf would kill me, and the other sheep wouldn't let a monster like me in here!!!" he thought desperatly to himself a desperate look in his eye "Where. Is. Your. Mother.?" he said sharply but not at all harshly.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by BubblesLegacy Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:00 pm

Luna began to follow him."Your not a wolf your a sheep like us! Who ever rasied you has been lieing to you!" Luna looked at Chirin."If you dont beileve me look at water and see yourslef."
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Nicoco177 Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:29 pm

Chirin glared at the floor for a miniute "You know.... I think I'm actually going to listen to you..." he said, he looked at the door and ran out, the wolf pounced on his back "Where are you going??!!" he growled, Chirin struggled from his grip "To belive..." Chirin said walking forwards, the wolf tring to ccut up his legs, he barked and pounced on him, his claws digging into his skin "You aren't making sense!!!" the wolf growled, sinking his claws into the delicate flesh of Chirin's, he squealed and chucked him off, the wolf struggled to his feet and leapt into the air. A lightning bolt struck along the sky, the world almost stood still, the wolf had landed on Chirin's horns, they had torn into his insides "I'm proud of you, Chirin. Well done. This is how every wolf wants to die. They want to die knowing they have done their job. I have done mine and I'm ready to start a new one. Well done Chirin. Well done." said the wolf, he closed his eyes and slid off the Horns of Chirin. A bolt of lightning struck the sky with a low rumble of thunder. Chirin shook his head, the bell ringing slightly. He walked back up to the shed, hoping the sheep would let him back in. But a ewe didn't think that he was safe, she remembered him well, but didn't trust him. So she shut the broken door. Most the sheep looking out, Chirin's hopefull eyes soon turned back into the sad, lonely look. He started to walk away, out of the barn area and back up to the pond where the wolf first found him. He stared at the water, looking at himself "Outcast.....Outlander......Nobody....,." went a voice around in his mind. He shook his wind and looked up to the night sky "Wolf, I'm sorry.... please...forgive me. I wasn't ready. Please. What should I do??? I'm a Outcast......A Outlander.........A nobody...." he said, lowering his head, a huge rumble of thunder occured and it started to rain, visions started to appear, he saw his mum lieing there, lifeless, Chirin crying by her side, a tear rolled down his cheek as he stomped on the vision. It cleared. He looked up to the stars above "WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled, his voice echoing through the valley, through the sheep shed and further onto the horizon.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by BubblesLegacy Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:43 pm

Luna heared his voice.Looking at the other Ewes."I can beileve all of you!" She snarled at the ewes."Thats it,im leaving this place." He ran over to the gates and manged to jump over.Her mother looked at Luna."Luna you can back this instint young lady!" Luna's mother told her.Luna alwas listened to what her mother siad,was surpised when she told her."No mother." She ran out to Chirin and stood by his side."Looks like were both out of the fence now." Luna told Chirin.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Nicoco177 Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:54 pm

"Why" he said sielently "Why. Whhy do they not like me anymore." he said, looking over to Luna "maybe they don't know it's me... I've got proof it was me from the past... you really shouldn't be out here! It's very dangourous you know." he said, slowly walking back to the barn "Come on, you won't last out here on your own." he said, walking down to the fence.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by BubblesLegacy Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:02 pm

Luna pouted and sat down."No! Im not going back!" She huffed to Chirin."If you cant go back then they can say goodbye to THIS ewe!" She told Chrin.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Nicoco177 Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:27 pm

"Suit yourself, but You wont see me again.." he said as he ran down to the barn, he pawed at the door "please, it's me! Chirin!!!" He bleated, The ewe came up to the door "how do we know??" she bleated back. Chirin stretched up his neck and shook his head, the small bell tingling. A small but strong looking ram burst out the doors "even if it is you Chirin, Why would we want you round here when you tried to kill us???!" the ram bleated, Chirin snorted and the Ram let out a challenging call "was that a challenge???" Chirin spat in the rams face "you bet..." the ram said, rising his eye brows, Chirin reared up and thrashed his legs at the ram but it doged around to his rear end and bucked his backside, Chirin made a growl type noise and turned around rearing up and bringing his legs down onttop of the rams head, it squealed in pain. Chirin moved his legs from the rams head and chased it to a cliff. The ram smiled and said "push me." with a sly smile on his face, Chirin reared up and was about to bring his legs down until the ram speedily doged and ran behind him, headbutting him, making Chirin scramble over the edge, his front hooves were the only thing keeping him on the edge, the ram chuckled and got one of his curled horns and sharply stuck it in his chest and pulled it upwards, leaving a large bloody gash on his chest, he bleated loudly in pain as lots of hot sticky blood poured down his chest, he weakly looked up at the ram as he knew what he was going to do "No...." he bleated quietly and weakly ans the blood ran down his chest and dripped into the tall, rocky bottomed creek.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by BubblesLegacy Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:41 pm

Luna watched the fight."Chirin!" She ran torwords Chirin then helped him up."You ok?" She asked Chirin.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:59 am

Chirin got up and nodded, he then picked up the lamb and put her on his nose, he ran over to a boulder and placed her there "stay here, your gonna get hurt like me if your not careful!" he bleated as he ran back over, the warm, sticky blood welling up on his chest, he reared up and struck the ram down, he carried on striking down until the ram was upon his last breathes "next time, I just wouldn't bother." Chirin said as he kicked the almost lifeless body. Chirin snorted and weakly sat down, trying to stop the blood from pouring out.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by BubblesLegacy Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:58 am

Luna looked at Chirin.She began to wonder what will happen.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Nicoco177 Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:10 am

Chirin's hooves trembled and slid across the ground in sharp movements, he laid down and started to pant, the blood creating a puddle around him and staining his wool with sticky red, the gash across his chest revealed pink flesh and loads of red blood, his eyes staring at nothing.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Harley's Rainbow Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:42 pm

I think I am gonna drop this topic, since I have been left behind. I was hoping I could enjoy this..... Sad
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Nicoco177 Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:37 am

please don't go! not much has happened! just a fioghty sort thing! pweasies......... Sad
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Harley's Rainbow Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:28 pm

Well, my lamb has no place here anyway, those two will just fall in love or something and mine will be left out. May I, play a wolf?
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Nicoco177 Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:58 am

( yeah, well Chirin is kinda injured, so maybe the wolf trys to get him because he is injured? I dunno, I'm making no sense! But Chirin is actually injured,)

Chirin whimpered softly, then gazed down t his chest, the puddle of blood growing bigger and bigger, he licked the large, open wound, but he flinched back when it started to sting, his head greew light and he started to feel dizzy.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Harley's Rainbow Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:03 pm

(How about chirin and her find my wolf pup when he recovers and teaches him sheep ways? lol)

Here is my little.... Scout-
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Nicoco177 Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:44 pm

yeppy sure!
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Harley's Rainbow Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:56 pm

Scout looked around, gnawing on the piece of scrap meat he had found. It was a piece of rat, and it tasted rancid. but it was all the motherless wolf pup could find. Scout licked his paws, and raced up the hill. His small ribs stuck out, along with his thin shoulder blades.

He smelled blood, rich, fresh blood. He slipped, but kept running. He saw the sheep, and lowered himself instinctively. He stalked forward. With a yip, he sprung out. He miscalculated, and slammed head first into a rock. He blinked, and fell over. The silver streak on his back shone in the sunlight, as the pup lay unconscious.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Nicoco177 Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:15 pm

Amoung his own blood, he could sniff the musty smell of a......"a wolf......." Chirin said, lifting his nose to the air, he struggled weakly to his feet. He nudged Luna "come if you wish...." he bleated quietly, he dizzily stumbled to the scent, he gasped at the pup "o-oh-oh, it looks like wolf........ I'm seeing things...." he said, shaking his head, he clenched his teeth as more blood spilled from his chest, he should have killed the ram whilst he could. he poked it with his hoof, but turned, he saw its sides heaving, so it must be alive, he sighed and shovelled it onto his horns, arrrying it to the stream where Chirin had found Wolf. He cocked his head and stared at it, using a leaf, he scooped up some water and laid it on a rock, he lifted his nose to the air and carefully sniffed, a deer was passing. He slowly stalked the scent, leaving a bloody trail. He pounced on the deer, shoving its horns into it "sorry my friend..." he sighed, realizing it was a fawn, he dragged the carcus to the pup and groaned as a twig swiped across his chest, sctratching the flesh that was beneath it, ignoring the blood on his chest, he sucked some water into his mouth and softly squirted it onto his head, he reared up whilst bleating as the water ran down his chest aswell.
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Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog) Empty Re: Bad pasts, mean bad future... (Bubbleslegacy and harley's rainbow/ Harley dog)

Post by Nicoco177 Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:17 pm

are you guys alright if I bring in another wild sheep?
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