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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:56 am

[ What type of romance is this going to be? ]

Ayami snorted and flicked her tail, chewing on the meat of the deer in front of her. After the juicy, red meat was gone, she got up and let out a loud howl. Shaking herself off, Ayami trotted a ways off before setting down and licking her paws and muzzle, until the scent of a male wafted up her nose. Ayami’s lifted immediately and she growled in warning. She was constantly wary of males, due to the fact she was a daughter of force. Snorting, Ayami got to her feet and looked into the shadows. “Who’s there!?” she snapped angrily, pinning her tail.


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:07 am

[Hmmm idk what do you think?]

A handsome black wolf stepped out of shadows. He had a red underbelly and his head and paws where covered with the bones of a old alpha wolf of his pack. Which was a sign of power in his pack. His amber eyes stares at her. "I am Asylum the Necromacer. The real quesion is who are you,female?" He asked in a deep voice as he cirlced around her. Getting the scent of Ayami as he examed her body. Never has he seen a unrelated female or a living one at that fact. He wondered if she was a resdient or a loner.
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:17 am

[ Hm, idk. What kind of male is he? ]

Ayami growled angrily, pinning her ears and backing away from him. “I’m Ayami…” she snapped, eyeing him warily. Ayami snorted and loosened her tail a bit, turning her rump away from him in case he decided to try something stupid. “Necromancer? How is that possible? You’re a wolf! Aren’t necromancers those damn two-legs?” Ayami eyed him again, sitting down and wrapping her tail around her, pinning her ears tightly. Ayami looked at him and caught a whiff of his scent, frowning. “You smell… different…”


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:48 am

[hmm he's a dark,protective and stubborn wolf]
"It is possbile becuase I have the power to heal the dead half way and the living fully. The reason why I smell different is becuase im around the dead or dying all the time. So yes I do smell different." He told her as he looked around. "Are you here alone or do you anyone here with you,Ayami?" He asked her as he sat down next to her.
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:57 am

“I am alone, what do you think!?” Ayami said, then immediately regretted it. She looked him over and, once he sat next to her, she scooted away. “I don’t trust you,” she snapped angrily. “Spending all your time with dead wolves? Or people? What’s wrong with you!?” Ayami wagged her tail nervously, clawing at the ground. “What do you want with me…?”



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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:07 pm

[No chu didnt! D: Also I'll be afk soon,gotta pick up my little brother from school]
Alysum looked at her."I dont want anything fron you. I just came to see the wolf who is tresspassing in my territory." He told her. "So you tell me,did you know that this territory was marked?" He asked her as he swayed his tail. Alysum got up looked at the deer.
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:08 pm

“Trespasser, hmm?” Ayami snorted. “You think a measly fae is going to come and steal your land? Who would want this rundown deathtrap anyways? It reeks.” Ayami nervously edged away from him again. “Plus, brutes scare me. If I’d known a brute owned this land I would’ve hightailed it out of here a long while ago… Which I should probably do now.” Ayami got to her feet, nipped him harshly on the shoulder, flagged her tail, and began to trot off in a dignified manner.


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:20 pm

Alysum snorted then watched Ayami walk anyway. "Im not brute,Ayami. Also just to let you know if you leave my territory you'll risk being hunted by the two legs. If they didnt get you,hunger will so you are welcome in my territory anytime." He warned her. She'll come back ethier hungery or I find her dead body. It's alwas happens ethier one or the other. He thought to his slef.
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:27 pm

Ayami turned and stared at him. Why so bluntly polite about it? Isn’t trespassing considered dishonorable among wolves? Am I not doing the right thing by leaving the territory this male marked by himself? Or am I simply putting myself in more danger? The only thing that worries me is what type of male he is… what if he simply wants me to stay so he can have his way with me? Ayami shuddered and turned back to him, frowning. “Why so bent on offering me a place to stay here—in your territory? Isn’t it a good thing I’m leaving your territory without bloodshed…?”


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:09 pm

"Yes but what happens after they leave is alwas the same. The wolves who tresspass 2 or 3 weeks ago I find them ethier dead or straving." He admited to her. "I'd just hate to see other wolves come back here suffering or just the thought of them suffering." He told her.
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:30 pm

Ayami stared at him. Perchance her first thoughts of him had been completely wrong…? His tone of voice and the way he spoke of hating to see others suffer spoke to her in a way she didn’t expect. “Maybe I’ll stay for the night…I really ought to leave, though. I don’t want to intrude. You probably have a family, right? Or are close to having one? I don’t want to get in the way of that, if that happens to be the case…” Ayami frowned and lowered her tail, turning around to face him squarely.


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:28 pm

Alysum shaked his head. "No,It's just me and my little sisters. I dont have a mate." He told her. Alysum looked at her. "So are you gonna stay for the night?" Alysum asked as her while he tail swayed.
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:33 pm

“Oh…” Ayami felt somewhat ridiculous now. “Well, I guess, then, there is no reason for me not to stay…” Ayami ten coughed and corrected herself, “But only for tonight. Speaking of mates, I ought to be finding my own.” Ayami looked around and trotted ahead of him a ways, looking around. “Hmm, not bad.” Ayami, much like a cat, leapt into one of the lower-hanging branches of a tree. “Quite nice up here, actually.”


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:43 pm

Alysum chuckled then looked up at her. "You should see the heart of my territory." He siad walking north to the heart of the territory.
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:49 pm

“Is it better?” Ayami asked curiously, dexterously jumping from the tree and trailing close behind him. The way he said it made it sound intriguing and it only made her antsier to see it. “Hmm, you’re slow.” Ayami commented and loped ahead of him, sniffing things here and there to get a feel of the place.


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:32 pm

Alysum chuckled then looked at her."You cant keep jumping from trees forever!" He siad as he ran north. Alysum surpringly ran faster then Ayami. Soon enough the trees began to clear and a large lake was seen. A small cave north of the lake was not to far. Four voices can be heared from the cave. "Brother!" Screamed the voices. Suddenly four black and red wolf pups ran out of the cave and tackled Alysum then pinned him down. Alysum luaghed and layed on his back.
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:47 pm

Staring at him, Ayami bounded beside him, skidding to a halt and hiding herself partially from the other she-wolf-pups as they tackled their elder brother. Ayami hadn’t meant to come this far with him, in all honesty. She would’ve much rather stayed in a tree and slept, leaving in the morning whenever she rose without having to worry about waking anyone with her departure. Staring at him laugh with his family made Ayami’s heart ache. She couldn’t even remember her family…Her mother and father had abandoned her and her other siblings due to a forest fire. If Ayami had been any younger and any more incapable, she would’ve surely died. Out of 12 wolf-pups, Ayami was the only one who survived. She’d managed to bring herself down to the river and stay submerged in the shallows for long enough to keep the deadly smoke fumes from entering her lungs and to keep her from catching fire… “I miss you guys,” Ayami whispered breathlessly as she remembered her little siblings. “So much…” Looking away, Ayami pretended to be interested in the scenery, though her heart was elsewhere… Miles and miles away…back to the place she’d first called home.

[ WOOO brain explosion! ]


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:16 pm

[Yeah! :O]
Alysum looked at Ayami. Her mind seemed to be else where. The runt of the litter,named Lina looked at Ayami and tilted her head. "Who's she brother?" Lina asked as Alysum got up. "That's Ayami,she's gonna stay with us for tonight." Alysum told his little sisters. "Lets get her!" siad Shara the oldest of the litter. After her command all four of the she-wolf-pups tackled Ayami on to the ground. Greeting her like they did thier older brother. "Hi!" They siad in a perfect union.
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:03 pm

Ayami stared off into the distance until she felt little paws all over her, knocking her to the ground. She looked up and snapped, “Hayley!” As soon as Ayami realized it wasn’t her little sister, she shook her head. “Oh, sorry.” She gently pulled the little pup’s ear, nudging them off. “So, Alysum, I assume these are your sisters?” Ayami got onto her feet and shook the dirt off of her pelt. “They seem rambunctious. It surprises me you don’t have a mate around to take care of them all.” Ayami lowered her nose and sniffed the pups gently, getting a feel for his family. “You guys are quite hyper, aren’t you? Does your brother take good care of you all by himself?”


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:29 pm

All four of the pups nod. "Yeah! He takes great care of us!" Lina siad happily while the rest of them nod in argeement. Alysum smiled then sniffed the air. He lowered his head to his little sisters and nuzzled them. "Are you girls hungery?" He asked his little sisters. All of them noded. "Alright,you girls make sure that Ayami feels at home while I go and get you girls something to eat." Alysum told them. He went south to a small medow where a small hered of karbo would be. Alysum can be quite motherly to his little sisters. After all,they are the only family he has left in this world. He would do anything to make sure that they are safe.
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:30 pm

“Hmm, that’s great news, little ones,” Ayami murmured, nuzzling the smallest pup. “So, are you all going to introduce yourselves to me? You already know my name, but I’d like to know yours.” Ayami looked up and watched Alysum leave to go hunting for “his girls.” Sighing, Ayami turned back. If only Hayley were alive… She’d love these guys, Ayami thought quietly to herself. Oh, and Pepper, Skunk, and Rio. They’d all love it here… Ayami looked away for a moment, scanning the horizon. The place seemed somewhat familiar to her…But where’d she seen it before? She couldn’t have, right? It seemed impossible.

[ xD I’m going to add an epic twist, lol! I bet you can probably guess it, though ]


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:06 pm

[Lol Nope! I dont know! XD What is it? :O]
"Im Shara!" Siad Shara the frist born. "Suzie." Told the second born. "My name is Hailiey." Siad the third born. "Im Lina!" yelled the runt told her with her tail wagging. Shara nipped Ayami's feet. "What you thinking about?!" She squeled at Ayami. Well they were talking,Alysum was hunting for Krabo. He didnt need a large one,just a weak one. Alysum saw a foal,lost without his mother. It would be a good meal for his little sisters. So he charged for it,the foal began to run. Calling out for his mother or anyone for help. Alysum leaped for the foal and landed on it's back. He bit it's neck down hard. Killing it insisntly. Alysum began to drag the foal back to his little sisters.
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:21 pm

Ayami nodded and smiled at the little ones, “Shara, Suzie…” Ayami stopped suddenly. Hailiey…? So close to Hayley. I miss her so much… “Hailiey, and Lina. You all have beautiful names.” Ayami smiled then looked down at Lina. “I—I’d rather not talk about it, little one. It’s just a memory of mine; a fond one but better left unsaid. So, let’s play a game while we wait for your dinner! What would you guys like to play?”

[ xD oh, okay. You’ll see then! -excited- ]


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:01 pm

(OK! :3)
All the little ones noded. "Yeah!" They all yelled. "What game are we gonna play Ayami?" Lina asked her. Shara,Suzie and Haliley tilited her heads. Alysum still dragged the kill to his little sisters.
(brian fart...... >W<)
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:45 pm

Ayami paused, “How about ‘Shadow?’ It’s very fun. Now, before your brother returns, all of you hide in one of the shadows. You can’t move until he passes. And once he does, you go and find one of your litter-mates and nudge them. As soon as Alysum passes you both, you move on. Two pups on this side,” Ayami nodded to her left, “And two on my right. Lina and Hailiey, why don’t you two go to the left?” Ayami shrugged, “I’ll wait up ahead…Oh, and to win! The first two pups that are undetected by their brother and manage to tackle him win! I’ll have a prize for those two.” Ayami smiled and trotted ahead. “Go on, now! Hide!”


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