Call of the Wild
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:08 pm

All four pups nod. "Ok!" They all siad as they began to hide. Hailiey and Lina on the left. Shara and Suize on the right. When Alysum came back he looked at Ayami confused. Alysum layed the foal down infront of Ayami. "Ayami wheres the girls?" He asked her. Suzie managed to get qiuetly to Shara but Lina tripped on a rock. Alysum turned around and saw Lina. "Lina what are doing?" He asked her as he helpped her up then he saw Hailiey. "Hailiey?" Alysum asked her. Suzie nuged Shara and they tackled Alysum. Pinning him down to the ground. "We win!" Shara and Suize yelled at Ayami. Alysum was really confused.
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:13 pm

Ayami watched with an obvious glint of amusement in her eyes, “They’re not gone, I promise. We’re playing a little…game.” Ayami chuckled as little Lina tripped and fell, distracting Alysum from the other two pups—the older ones, nonetheless—tackled their brother. Laughing, Ayami got to her feet and walked over to Hailiey and Lina, nuzzling them both. “You two did you best, and I congratulate you! You two did very well.” Ayami turned to the other two pups and laughed again, “All right, off your brother! I can’t show you your prize until you’ve gotten off of your brother and eaten your dinner. So, who’s ready to eat?” Ayami chuckled softly to herself as she saw Alysum’s confused look. It didn’t get much better than that… Ayami was just glad she got a chance to reuse her motherly instincts she’d used on her other siblings, on these girls. It felt nice. She wanted to stay, but something inside Ayami told her she should leave, and the dawning realization of something deeper was about to occur to her.


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:57 pm

Suize and Shara noded. "Ok." Suize and Shara told Ayami as they got off her brother. Lina and Hailiey went to the kill and began to eat. So did Suize and Shara. Alysum smiled watched his sisters eat.
(brain fart again^^')
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:18 pm

Ayami smiled and walked over to Alysum. “Hmm, I hope you don’t mind, but I taught them to play a new game, so it might be going on for a while.” Ayami chuckled, then her smile faded. “I’ll be right back…” Ayami trodded off and sat underneath a few trees, looking around. And then something clicked in the back of her mind. Could it be…? Is this…? Ayami shook her head and blinked a few times.


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:58 pm

"Hurry back." He told her as she walked away. While the little pups eat. Alysum yawned. He was tired but he had to wait until Ayami came back to go sleep. He got up shaked his fur. Shara finshed eating and stood next to Alysum. "Brother you look sleepy. Why dont go to sleep?" Shara asked him. Alysum shooked his head. "I will Shara but not now. I have to make sure that you girls are safe until Ayami comes back. After that I can sleep in peace." He told her as he nuzzled her. Shara nuzzled back,enjoying the warmth of her elder brother.
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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by Guest Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:25 pm

Ayami ignored his words and continued walking until she reached a stream. 6 blackberry bushes were nestled off to one side, just like she remembered. A vision flashed before her eyes, and she whimpered slightly, moving away from the stream. Lifting her head, Ayami began to ponder how Alysum and his sisters had come across this place. It’d been such a long time since she’d been here. She couldn’t stay here know this place was…this place was where her siblings had died in the fire. The place where her parents had left even her to die, the one they’d always called “their pride and joy.” Shaking her head, Ayami loped back to the others and stared at Alysum, “I can’t stay here, I’m sorry,” Ayami said in a hurried tone before quickly trotting in the other direction. Can’t stay…can’t stay… Ayami didn’t stop once to think about whether he would be curious as to her sudden decision or not. All she knew was that she had to get out of there, and fast… Ayami whimpered and kept tears from her eyes as she remembered the searing heat and the awful cries of her siblings as the fire roared around them all. She’d tried to save Hayley… she’d tried. It hadn’t worked… Sighing, Ayami picked up the pace and started at a cantering jog to get away from the place that held such wretched memories for her.


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Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Love Takes Chances [ BubblesLegacy ]

Post by BubblesLegacy Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:26 pm

((Sorry I left for so long^^' I had some problems in rl but I fixed them now.So i'm back! :3 ))
Alysum was surprised by what he heared of her. So was the four little ones. "Why is she leaving?" Suzie asked her older brother. Alysum shaked his head. "I do not know,but i'm going to find out. Girls get in the den and wait for me there." He stated as he lowered his nose to the ground and took in her scent. "I'll be right back.If she leaves our territory then there is nothing I left I can do." He said as she ran after Ayami...
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