Call of the Wild
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Refuse~ (Tayssi)

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Refuse~ (Tayssi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:05 pm

One moment she was standing and fine, the next she was falling. The canopy of the forest soon came into Xami's vision and she waited to hit the ground. But it never came. She felt a strong pair of hands gripping her and gently lowering her to the ground. Blinking in confusion and to clear her vision, Xami's amythest eyes laid upon Elohir, his golden hair seemed to shine brightly under the sun which now barely shone through the trees. The young elf groaned softly and shifted slightly, about to sit up. But she couldn't seem to work up the energy to move at that moment. She knew it was dangerous to just stay here; she knew they had to move and she didn't care about her health right now. She'd rather get sick then deal with whatever it was.
When Elohir spoke, saying they couldn't stay here, Xami nodded slightly, "I know," she said, her voice quavering slightly. Jeez, she knew this dizzy spell wasn't just from exhaustion, this wasn't the only time she had this before. Mostly when she was exhausted, yes, but not the only time.
Suddenly Elohir leaned over her and Xami looked up at him, confused. Then she felt him wrap his arms around her and pick her up. Wait a minute. Was he seriously going to carry her? He should just leave her here and go by himself. The half-elf spoke again, saying that she was fine and to stay still. Xami stared up at him for a moment before she shifted to look behind them. "Just leave me here, Elohir. I won't be able to do anything for a few minutes, anyway, and I don't exactly feel comfortable with someone carrying me around," Xami muttered. Really, if he did decide to take her with him and they were out of this mess, she'd give him a mouthful about carrying her.
This wasn't what she had hoped for. Not at all. It had to happen at this moment, didn't it? Infront of him, too, hey? Xami groaned softly as her vision faded in and out, but she fought against it. Soon her vision came back and Xami looked away from Elohir. Why couldn't she just gain her strength back, now?

(>.> crap. Sorry but i'm over my friend's)
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:08 pm

Elohir rolled his eyes at Xami's words, but his grip on her body didn't slacken. He could feel his skin prickling with tension, a strong wave of electricity heavy on the air. His deep brown eyes were unsettling, and he glanced behind him once again. The female elf in his arms didn't weigh very much; infact, he was surprised at how little she really did weigh. Holding her gingerly, his long strides turned into a slight jog, as he exited the clearing and dove into the trees. Breaking into a sprint, his bare feet landed on the ground and pressed into the moss, before lifting up again and carrying both of them forward and deeper into the trees. His breathing was even, the woman clutched gently in his arms. "I'm not leaving you here;" He started, but shook his head. He wasn't going to tell her anything else, she would have to figure it out.
"Stop protesting." He grumbled, narrowing his dark eyes. The breeze was cold, making him shiver slightly as it whistled over his bare skin. "Come on-" Hoisting her up once again, he tried to make sure he didn't fall as he traveled through the trees.

(I am officially brain dead.)
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:19 pm

Xami felt his pace change to a job and then a sprint as they entered the trees. Turning her gaze slightly, she looked up at the blonde half-elf and sighed ever so softly. Then he spoke but seemed to cut himself off half way. What had he planned on saying? She pondered that for a short while before she decided to let it go for now and ask him later. She guessed he wouldn't tell her right now, anyway and she didn't want to push him too much. A few moments later, he told her to stop protesting and Xami gave a soft 'hmph' and looked away from him again. t felt so awkward, so unnatural to be carried around. Xami was the type to do everything by herself, usually refusing help. Yet, she couldn't seem to push Elohir away. Was it because she actually did have a heart and didn't want to refuse him because he had helped her? Heh. Yeah right. Xami had always put up a cold front that she now believed it was the real her. Not that she noticed.
Her eyes had been closed, so when Elohir hoisted her up she gasped in surprise. She looked at him for a moment before she gave into him and decided to stop protesting. She rested her head lightly against his chest, staring at nothing in particular as she said, "fine, but just don't drop me," if he wanted to carry her and help her so much, so be it, he can. That doesn't mean she had to like it.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:55 pm

Though it was obvious that the maiden wasn't thrilled about being carried, the half-elf knew that he wouldn't have been able to leave her in the first place; it was against his beliefs and any common sense he posessed. When she started to protest however, Elohir stiffened slightly, shifting her in his arms so he would be able to run better.
His bare feet pounded onto the ground, pressing momentarrily into the soft black dirt that lie underfoot. He didn't respond for a few moments however, before his dark gaze momentarrily cast down so he was looking intently at Xami's face.
He shifted her again, his breathing starting to become slightly ragged, catching in his throat.
"You may not like, but I'm not-"
He paused to suck in yet another breath, his lungs starting to ache and burn.
"Leaving you!"
He finished the sentance with a slight pain to his voice. Something was wrong, very wrong. His heart was pounding wildly in his chest, his breathing forced and haggered. Elohir didn't understand what was tiring him so much, as he hadn't traveled over a few hundred yards. On regular days, the male didn't have a problem and was able to spring for long periods of time, without growing tired. Suddenly, a ferice pain exploded inside of his head, making him stumble in blind agony. Nearly tripping over the thick, gnarled root of a tree, Xami was almost tossed out of his strong arms. His grip around her body tightened, before another round of the searing pain burst and bit through his very being, his steps slowing until he eventually stopped and leaned back against a large trunk for support. The rough brown bark pressed into his back, the male tilting his head and trying to gain focus once again. His long hair fell over his shoulders, escaping the knot of leather and flying freely over his forhead. Moaning softly, the half-elf closed his eyes, before his knees gave out from underneith his body. He fell to the ground, hitting it harshly with his head thumping to the side. His face was pale, lips slightly parted and Xami clenched tightly in his arms. The young man's vision blackened, falling into unconciousness within a matter of seconds, the heavy spell settling over his body, deeping his breathing and numbing his senses.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:31 am

Glancing up at Elohir as he looked down at her, Xami could instantly tell something was not right. Even being a half-elf, running over this short distance should be an easy feight. It wasn't like she weighed much. When he spoke, Xami's thoughts proved to be true. His breathing was out. Way out. Ragged and rough, chest heaving with the effort, gasping for air. Sweat beaded his brow and she could feel him trembling, trying to keep ahold of her. Something was wrong. Very wrong. Suddenly, the male tripped and Xami yelped in surprise, unknowingly clinging to the half-elf so she didn't go flying. She felt his grasp tighten around her. So much it started to hurt.
Xami could see the pain clear as day upon his face and she had no idea what was happening. Completely out of the loop, the young elf felt lost and confused. Like a fawn without its mother. When Elohir stopped, however, she could feel her strength returning to her body. As he slid to the ground and lost consciousness, Xami tried to escape his grasp. Even in his current state, none of the strength left his grip on her.
Tumbling from his arms, nearly falling face first into the ground, Xami hissed at herself for looking lke a fool. Standing up, she brushed herself off with a hmph and pushed her face from her face. Looking down at Elohir, she knelt beside him and touched his forehead to his. It was burning up. Whatever had happened to him, he earned a fever along with it.
Poison? No. Poison wouldn't take that long to take affect. Then what? Think, think, think... Think, Xami, Think! her brain went into overload. But came up blank. Wait. Something airborn? no, she would've been affected, aswell. Unless it only affected humans or half elves? That must be it!
Xami glanced behind herself for a moment, though satisfied the beast presense, or whatever it was, was too far behind to catch up any time soon. Looking back down at Elohir, she grunted to herself and then patted him a few times on the cheek, trying to get him to wake, or even stir. Nothing. A slap? Nope. Nothing. Nada. Nil.
Growling at herself and Elohir, both, she glared at the man for a moment. He wouldn't wake and didn't know what was wrong so she couldn't help. She had to get him away somehow, though. Groaning, Xami decided to try and move him. Grabbing his arms, Xami started to drag him along. Literally.
But the process was too long and took up too much strength on her behalf. So she could only do one thing. Granted, she'd look like a chihuahua carrying a chow, but anyway... Okay, carrying a beagle. She had to give him some credit. Crouching down, Xami pulled his arms over her shoulders and rested his head in the nook of her shoulder, she pulled his legs underneath her.
Grabbing under his legs, Xami slowly stood. Given, she wobbled and, again, nearly fell over herself, she managed to catch herself. Falling with a man nearly twice your size, would not be a good idea. Hoisting him up, Xami got moving. Yes, she was much, much slower then usual, but oh well. She couldn't dump him. Yet.
Until she completely regained her balance and strength, Xami kept to a walk. When she was used to Elohir on her back, she started to run. Steady at first, making sure he stayed where he was. Then she started to sprint.
Eventually, after what felt like forever, her lungs burning with effort and needing air, they came to a large clearing where a few animals were. The darkness had disapated for now. But they still needed to get out. Looking around, Xami took another step, but decided to move Elohir. Twisting slightly, making to bring him so she could carry him and lessen the burden on her back, Xami lost her blance. And went to the ground.
Her breath hitched in her throat as she stared up at the unconscious Elohir. She was unable to move at all. He was heavy like this. And she was afraid if she did, she'd somehow harm him. But his mouth was upon hers. She was frozen in place. Was it fear, nervousness or embarrassment she was feeling? she did not know. She did know a few things though.
She was sprawled on the ground.
Unable to move.
With Elohir ontop of her.
What an awkward position he was going to be in when he woke up.
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