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Refuse~ (Tayssi)

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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:02 pm

It wasn't like Elohir had been fond of them anyway, of course not. He frowned slightly, his thought's racing a hundred miles an hour through his head, as he looked down at the thin creek that was before him. Crystal clear water flowed past, bubbling cheerfully and running smoothly over small pepples that lined the bottom of the small stream. Leaning down on the white, sandy bank, he thrust his calloused hands into the water, cupping them slightly and raising them up again, the clear water sifting between his fingers and falling back into the stream. Repeating the action again, he splashed the cool water onto his face, feeling it trickle down his neck andcooling him off slightly.The blazing hot sun overhead persisted on making him feel like he needed to drink gallons, in order to stay hydrated in the first place. His long golden hair fell down his back and around his shoulders, before he pulled it back and swiftly secured it in place with a thin leather tie.

Dipping the mouth of his canteen into the water, he waited untill it filled, before tilting the container to his lips, and gulping down the water, feeling it spilling down his slightly stubble covered chin and neck. Filling it one more time, he secured the lid and slung it over his shoulder. Standing, he stepped into the water, his skin gleaming with sweat and persperation, his bare feet falling onto the smooth pebbles that lined the bottom of the stream.

Sighing heavilly, he lifted a hand and wiped the moisture from his brow, shaking his head. The heat was terrible, absoulutly terrible. He hated days like this, where the hot summer caught up with him, making him feel faint with the heat. Wearing nothing more than a pair of black pants, he decided it could have been worse, his dark eyes glancing anxiously to the trees that grew tall ahead of him, their branches intertwining and reaching overhead, creating cooling shade that beckoned to Elohir.

Making his way into the forest, his bare feet landed softly on the ground, not making a single noise in the process. Reaching a large oak, he sat down in the grass, his back pressed against the trunk, and closed his eyes, his bare chest rising and falling with each deep breath he took. It would have appeared that he was sleeping, but he was aware of everything that went on around him. His hand was casually draped across the hilt of his sword, ready to pull it out of its scabbord at any given moment.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:14 am

A heavy sigh escape the young elf's lips. Her eyes closed as she carelessly walked through the forest. She held a small bag in her hand which contained a canteen of water, a few rations of food and most of her clothing. At the moment, Xami wore clothing which could be mistaken as undergarments and shoes. She had her her tied back with her usual hair pieces in. Taking a few steps forward, the young elf suddenly tripped over a tree root. She landed on the ground with a thud and a 'oof!'. Groaning, Xami opened her eyes to reveal a set of amythest purple eyes that held a spark of fierceness. Pushing herself to sit up, she looked around. It seemed like noone was around. Well, obviously, Xami had been here for days and hadn't come across even one other person.
"I am sick of this stupid forest!" Xami suddenly growled to herself, shifting to stand on her feet and brush the dirt from her body. This was stupid. What was she doing here, anyway? Groaning, she started walking again, muttering to herself as the dirt refused to budge from her skin and clothing. This wasn't what she had planned. She had originally planned to take a shortcut through the forest to get to the next place. But, as usual, that didn't work out and she got lost... again. Really now, Xami knew she should stick to paths, but the sweet temptation of going exploring in a forest and taking a shortcut at the same time was too much for her. She was rash and reckless, never thinking ahead to the possible consequences awaiting her. It always caused trouble for her.
Finding a semi deep pond, enough for her to bathe in, Xami smiled and clapped her hands happily. She noticed that the pond was connected to a creek. Stripping from her clothing, Xami placed her things neatly underneath a tree and then stepped into the pond. The water cooled her body and before it got too dirty, Xami cupped the water in her hands and had a drink before she did so again and splashed her face. She had let her hair down, so it was hanging down, mostly in the water. Ducking under the water the rinse her whole body off, Xami stayed under for a moment. She opened her eyes and looked inside the pond. A few small fish swam around and tickled her legs and few plants were on the ground. All in all, it was pretty bare.
Closing her eyes before coming up out of the water, Xami took a deep breath and then opened her eyes. The water rolled down her face and body and Xami glanced at her things. Only to see it being taken away by a young wolf who had obviously just left it's mother. Xami gasped and yelled, "hey! That's my stuff! Give it back!" but, obviously, a wolf wouldn't listen and ran off with her clothes and bag. Damn it. Xami scrambled from the pond and ran after it, not caring about being naked. Noone was out here anyway, except for the animals, of course.
Boy, was she wrong. Xami noticed a young man, only a couple years older then her sitting underneath the tree she was standing next to. Luckily for her, his eyes were closed. Yelping in surprise, Xami side stepped to hide on the other wide of the tree and rouched down to mostly cover herself up. "Um.. Excuse me?" she said, not knowing if she wanted an answer or not.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:07 pm

Though he was tense and on guard, the song of the birds and the corress of the gentle breeze forced Elohir to relax, his breathing eventually growing deeper, his bare chest rising and falling, as he inhaled and exhaled. His fingers were lazilly spread over the hilt of his curved dagger, but he was no longer tense, resting peacefully in a light doze. The tree's overhead swayed gently in the soft breeze, the leaves rustling lightly, shadow's playing over his figure. Shading him from the hot sun overhead, he didn't hear or feel the presence of any one nearby, continuing to rest soundly. The creek bubbled nearby, washing over the smooth, small stones, the water cheerfully singing along. He didn't notice the sutbtle splashes, or the presence of someone nearby, untill a voice startled him, making him snap awake and sit up, swiftly drawing the curved, sharp blade out of its sheath, gripping it losely in his palm.

His sharp, dark eyes glanced around him, and he placed his left hand down onto the ground, fingers spread, hunched in a crouched position. His muscles were strong and whipcord tight, ready to lash out at the stranger, whoever it was. The warm breeze gently played with his long golden hair, tossing it about over his back and shoulders, before he pushed himself to a standing position. His knee's were braced, his hand loosely holding the blade's worn hilt, and he set his jaw, turning slightly as he craned to look behind him.

A figure was hunched down behind cover, a woman's head peeking out and watching him with bright, intelegant eyes. He frowned, his eyes softening a bit, but he didn't let his guard down. His jaw was set in place, lips pursed, and he narrowed his eyes, not quite understanding this whole scenario. Shaking his head, his long golden hair blew lightly around his face, slight elven ears peeking out from the cover. Not noticing she had no clothes on whatsoever, he kept his ground, and frowned. "Who are you?"
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:52 pm

Looking up at the young man as he stood and looked around, she met his gaze with strong eyes but dared not to move for he would see her naked body. As she noticed his eyes soften, Xami sighed in relief and she, too, relaxed, even if it was just a bit. What was she to do if he suddenly turned on her? She had no weapons right now and she didn't exactly want him to see her in the state she was in. It wouldn't be too flattering. Her amythest eyes studied the man, seeing his small elven ears poking out from his hair and she guessed he was half elf. Unlike Xami, who had long, sensitive elven ears, he had small ones. Okay, so she definately hadn't expected to meet another elf. Whether he was half or not.
He had long blonde hair, and dark eyes. Then she noticed he had a sword and Xami wavered slightly. Damn. She really would be in trouble if he decided he didn't like her. Looking around for a moment, she found to ways to escape if he decided to turn on her. Well, except run of course.
As the sun slowly moved, it peeked beyond the tree's leaves and hit Xami. Her skin and hair glistened due to being partially wet still. Then the man asked who she was and she blinked. "Umm... Me?" she asked, looking around quickly to see if someone else was there. The man had stayed quiet for so long, she figured he didn't care who she was. Nope. It was her. "Uh, my name's Xami," she replied. "A wolf kinda stole all my things, as you can probably see, my clothes were included. You wouldn't perhaps have any spare clothes I could use for a little while, would you? Cause this isn't exactly the best way to meet a person, now is it?" she said and gave a sheepish smile.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:16 pm

Elohir frowned, and shook his head, his brows slightly drawn together. He tapped his fingers on the hilt of the blade, his hair blowing around his face, eyes glinting slightly with guarded curiousity. The sun filtered through the treetops, then hit her full on, seeming to illuminate her elven features with more than just forced beauty. Her hair was wet, clinging to her shoulders, her eyes wide and sparkling slightly. The scene in front of him hit Elohir within a moment, and his eyes widened momentarily, a slight tinge of crimzen flushing his cheeks. Stepping back, he nearly stumbled over his own feet, his eyes glued to her face, before he pulled them away before they could see any more. He heard her speak again, and winced slightly. No, not a way to meet anyone at all... He deliberatly turned his back to her, and grimaced slightly, his dark eyes holding a rather mischevious hint of rash humor.

He cleared his throat, afraid his voice would fail on him from embarrasment, and shook his head again, trying to clear his thoughts and get back on the right path of thinking. "I should have...something you could borrow.." His voice sounded forced, even to his own ears, and he deliberatly stooped down, opening the leather satchel that carried his meager amount of things. As he leaned down, his leather neclace hung around his neck, intricatly beaded, white owl feathers hanging from the bound leather cord.

He dug his hands down into the bag, feeling extremley self concious, though he knew that she was the one who should be feeling that way. Not knowing what he was supposed to give a woman to wear, he just picked up the whole satchel, and made his way (rather tentetivley) back towards her, forcing himself to avert his eyes. He dropped it onto the ground near her, and stepped away. "Find whatever you want."
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:36 pm

Watching the young man as he seemed to force himself to only look at her face, Xami wondered what he was doing out here in the forest. As the man stepped back, nearly tripping over himself, Xami went to reach out to grab him, but thought better of it. She pulled her arm back into her body as the man looked at her for a moment before turning away. She chuckled ever so softly as he spoke, his voice forced. Wait. She shouldn't be so rude. It wasn't nice to laugh at people. Staying where she was, Xami watched he leaned down and searched in his satchel.
As the man decided to just give the whole thing to her, Xami sighed softly as she noticed he was walking tentively towards her. When he dropped the satchel infront of her, she looked up at him and saw he was forcing himself to look away from her. She smiled softly at that. Such a considerate man. When he stepped back and told he to find whatever she wanted, Xami leaned forward slightly to grab the satchel. Bringing it towards her, Xami searched inside it.
There wasn't much inside, but there was a few things. She pulled out a plain white shirt and long piece of leather. She stood up, instantly turning so her back was facing the man. She was, indeed a pretty young woman. She was small and slender, with pale skin but not sickly so. Without a blemish at all. She pulled the shirt over her ad tied the leather piece around her waist. The shirt was too big for her, but it did the job. It hung just above half way down her thighs. Proving just how much smaller she was the male.
Turning around, Xami picked up the satchel and handed it to the man. "thank you. I'm sorry about this, it must be rather embarrassing. I know it is for me," she said with a shy smile.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Wed Nov 16, 2011 3:26 pm

Elohir could hear distinct rustling as the woman looked through the satchel, and for some reason, he hoped that he hadn't had anything too disturbing hidden in its depths. It usually contained the usual assortment of bloody clothing, stale food, and a few weapons, though he wasn't concerned with her taking off with any of it. A few moments passed, and soon she spoke. Elven voices were seemingly like the ones of angels, and in fact her voice did remind him of such a thing. There was a certain air of grace and beauty amongst the creatures, and that fact alone shamed him that he had elven blood running through his very veins. Stiffening slightly, he turned and tentativley took a peek, and gave her a kind smile as soon as he had fully turned round. Taking the leather satchel out of her fingers, he tossed it back under the oak tree, where it fell into the grass with a soft thump.

Only when Elohir turned back around, did he realize the stunning beauty of the stranger. As if it was staged, the sunlight shone perfectly down on her, making her hair shimmer slightly, her pale smooth skin look soft, her eyes deep and...well, gorgeous. He had to force himself to look away, and lowered his eyes to the grass below, his bare feet standing upon it. Giving a shrug and clearing his throat, he took a deep breath and raised his eyes again.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:31 pm

Xami looked up at the young man standing infront of her, wondering just who he was. He seemed harmless enough for now. There was no need to be her usual snappy self with him, afterall, he had done nothing but be nice to her at the moment. He had helped her as well, even if that was only lending her some clothes. "Again, thank you, and I shall return them as soon as I get some new clothes, as I doubt I shall find the wolf which took my belongings," she said politely with a bright smile. He seemed like a good enough guy. Afterall, he had been enough of a gentleman to look away and not look at her naked body. Well, so she hoped. She blinked as she thought. She didn't actually know what this man's vision was like and if it was as good as an elf's then he had probably seen something. She hoped not. But he seemed like an honest man, so he would've gave it away if he had.
Looking up at him, Xami smiled. "Incase yu hadn't heard me before, my name is Xami. And i'm sorry to distrubing you, sir," she said lightly, hoping he wouldn't suddenly get angry at her for some unknown reason. A cold wind blew, hitting her wet skin and hair and the young elf shivered. Her ears suddenly twitched as she heard something and she her gaze changed. From friendly, curious and polite to stern, serious with a hidden power within. "Something's here," she said in a soft voice. She closed her eyes for a moment, her sensitive ears twitching softly as they tried to pinpoint the direction of the noise.
Growling. Low and dangerous. Obviously directed towards them. Not from one direction. They were basically surrounded, save the creek just a short way away. "Wolves.. They must've thought I was trying to harm someone from their pack... Damn it," she growled to herself. How could she be so foolish. The young wolf may have left its mother, but that didn't mean it hadn't found another pack to join to have protect it. She could be such an idiot sometimes.
Sure enough, more then 10 wolves came from the trees, closing in on them. the young wolf who had her things standing behind them, her belongings in its jaw. Damn wolf. Had to have a pack, didn't it? Xami glanced at the man, wondering what he would do. Though he had a rash and selfish side to her, Xami still followed the Elf law in her old coven from when she was 19 to not harm animals if it can be avoided. She just hoped he'd try to think of a way out of this. But she did need her stuff back.

(sorry at school)
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:23 pm

"Shit." Elohir swore under his breath, and closed his eyes breifly, shaking his head. His long golden hair was tossed slightly in the breeze, and he ran his hand through it, getting it out of his eyes. The figures of large, menacing wolves could easilly be seen in the shadows, their fur glistening, standing on end. He turned slightly, his sharp brown eyes scanning the edge of the trees, and clenched his jaw in exasperation as he realized that they were surrounded. His heart started to beat a bit faster in his chest, his pulse accelerating slightly. Turning back to the female, Xami, he gave her a hard look, though it wasn't unkind. "You're an elf, right? Cant you like... Send them away?" As the words left his mouth, Elohir inwardly punched himself for how stupid they sounded. He didn't know a crap about elves in the first place, and looked down and away, unsure of what to say. The silence seemed to hang in the air, before it was inturupted by a harsh snarl, a menacing bark, and he whirled around to see that the largest wolf had crept closer, its black glittering eyes trained on the pair.

(Sorry! It's a fail.)
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:25 pm

Xami looked at the young man as he spoke and sighed. "No. Most elves can communicate with animals, but I am an exception. I cannot. Sorry," she replied, looking at him, her gaze hard and fierce, but her voice soft. She looked at the large wolf which had crept closer and she growled at herself. She looked around, thinking of how to escape. She needed her things, she had a few things that could help. Looking up, Xami saw a branch overhead and she sighed in relief inwardly. Good, she could use that. She looked at the young man and said, "stay here. Try not to get yourself killed in the process," and then she crouched down slightly then sprung upwards, grabbing ahold of the branch which would be too tall for even the man to grab just standing there.
She was suddenly grateful for being an elf and having better abilities then humans. Pulling herself up onto the branch, Xami looked around for a route to take. She then disappeared into the scrub. Appearing again moments later on a branch overhead of the wolf who took her things. She ducked down and grabbed her things from its jaws. But in reply, the wolf snapped at her, gripping her arm.
Xami winced but grabbed the wolf's top lip, slipping her fingers under its teeth, ignoring as its canines dug into them, piercing skin and making them bleed. She pried it open, making the wolf let go of her, then before the wolves were able to touch her, she vanished back into the trees. Again appearing overhead of the young man. She kneeled down, so he couldn't see up the shirt she was wearing.
She knew better then that. Searching through her things, Xami found a rope. She unravelled it and threw one end down. "Grab hold of it. If we stay up here, they'll go soon enough," she said, wrapping the other end of the rope around the tree branch. She wouldn't be able to completely hold him up, but she could help pull him up. Even with a wounded arm ad hand, Xami knew she had to do something to help this man, nomatter how small it may be.

(fail Dx I couldn't think of anything)
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:37 pm

"Wait!" Zehon reached out after the woman as she skillfully started to climb the tree. Shaking his head, he placed a palm on his forhead and sighed inwardly. A few moments later, she emerged from the branches, holding the bag that must have contained all of her things. His eyes hardened as he saw blood trickling down her arm, and frowned as she skillfully uncoiled a rope, tossing it down and holding the other end. "Tie it to the branch, you're not going to be able to hold me!" He instructed, looking behind him as he heard another harsh snarl. The lowest branches of the tree were too high for him to reach without help, and he grabbed his satchel and canteen, swinging them both over his shoulder as he waited for her. "Just secure it around the branch, I'll climb up!" He said, his voice sounding slightly strained.

(Sorry, I'm having issues with the computer, making me have shorter posts.)
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:56 pm

Hearing the man tell her to tie the other end around the tree branch, Xami looked at him for a moment before nodding in reply. She tied the end around the branch and skidded back, watching and waiting for him to climb up and get out of the danger of the wolves. Once he was just about up, Xami reached down and helped to pull him up onto the branch completely. Then she skidded back until she was leaning against the tree itself. Looking down, Xami watched as the wolves tried to jump into the tree, but failing.
They growled and snarled, even snapped their jaws at them despite not being able to get to them. Xami stayed tense the whole time they were there, watching them with sharp, bloodhungry eyes. She kept her eyes locked onto the alpha of the pack. Eventually, after who knows how long the alpha barked at the rest of the pack and they slinked away into the forest. Xami sighed in relief, finally managing to relax.
The adrenaline finally wore down and the pain from her wounds finally hit her. The young elven girl winced and lightly touched her wounded arm. How smart. She had a wounded left arm and wounded right hand. They were both sensitive and sparks of pain electrified her arm and hand, but she managed to suppress most of the pain from showing on her facial features. But there was still some that showed through.
Damn emotions. Damn pain.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:59 pm

Elohir shifted anxiously as he waited for the woman to secure the rope. He felt the hair on the back of his neck prickle, and whirled around to see the pack closing in on him, their sharp eyes glittering, maw's dripping with saliva. Glancing upwards, he grabbed ahold of the rope, swinging up and quickly clamboring out of reach, just as a mighty black wolf leaped upwards, snapping his jaws inches from Elohir's bare foot. It fell back to the ground, and Elohir felt the elven woman helping to pull him up, and pushed himself onto the branch. His rough hands fell onto the bark, and he reached down and pulled up the rope, just as a wolf made a lunge for it, catching it in his jaws. Hanging a few feet above the ground, he swung slightly, and Elohir let out a humored laugh. The beast fell to the ground once again, and taking the oportunity, he pulled up the rope, looping it slightly and placing it on the branch next to him.
Turning his head, he saw that his company was leaning up against the trunk, her hand bloodied and wounded. Narrowing his eyes, he shifted and slowly moved forward, not wanting to fall.
Reaching her, he gently took her hand and turned it, wincing at the wounds. "This isn't good." He said, raising his eyes to hers, and shaking his head slightly.
He felt foolish looking over an elf's wounds, and pulled back, her blood on his fingers. "Sorry, I know you can handle it." Minutes passed by slowly, and soon the wolves slunk into the forest, leaving the pair in the tree, coated in a heavy blanket of silence.
Making sure they were really gone, Elohir took the rope and dropped it downward. He then grabbed hold of it and lowered himself down slowly, dropping a few feet to the ground.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:25 pm

Xami looked down at the ground below, and she jumped as the male took ahold of her hand gently, turning it and inspecting her wounds. She sighed softly as he spoke, saying she could handle it. Not exactly. She may be an elf and have better knowledge then humans at treating wounds, but she didn't have much with her at the moment and this forest didn't supply much of use to her. As he dropped the rope to the ground and then lowered himself, Xami slid over and untied the rope, letting it fall to the ground. Then she dropped to the ground, landing in a kneeling position.
She straightened herself, brushing off the dirt with her good hand. Looking around, Xami put her things on the ground and grabbed out a few things. She walked over to the nearby creek and washed out her wounds, wincing as the water made them sting. She let the water rush over her wounded hand and gently splashed the water onto her arm. What a hassle. Getting hurt in a useless place like this.
Once they were clean enough, Xami made her way back over to her bag and grabbed something else out. a small container with some ointment. She opened it and applied a small amount onto her wounds, wincing as it made them sting slightly. But it wasn't a sting she couldn't handle. Sighing, Xami grabbed out two bandages but she already knew with her hand being injured she wouldn't be able to wrap them at all. She couldn't grip things properly right now.
She looked up at the man before she and gave a sheepish smile, "um... would you mind helping?" she asked softly, unsure of whether he would help or not. She expected to get rejected, but hey, it was worth a shot. She'd only get rejected, not like he'd kill her for asking.... right?
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:42 am

Elohir turned slightly as he heard a thump in the grass, and caught the rope in his hands as it fell downwards. Shaking his head once, he coiled it in his caloused hands. Flipping it up around his shoulder, he heard another noise and turned to see the woman landing in a crouch, before standing and opening her pack. He turned away from her, hearing her splash into the water. A few moments later, he heard her voice and turned around. She was holding out her wounded arm, and needed help with the bandage. Giving her a light smile, he nodded and took it in his own hands. Elohir winced slightly as he saw her wound, and looked up at her face. "This is bad..." Shaking his head, he raised an eyebrow but started to wrap her wound, finishing within a few moments, and nodding once. The breeze around them rustled the leaves overhead, the sunlight filtering through the treetops. He wasn't sure what time it was, but glancing at the sun he figured it was late after noon, or something of the sort.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, his face dirty and smuged with streaks of ash from the nights campfire. Glancing around the woods warrily, he frowned and turned back to the woman. "Why... Why arent you with your village?"

(blugh sorry)
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:06 pm

Staying still as the man came over and wrapped the bandage around her wounded arm, Xami stared at the ground. Then he said it was bad and she looked at him and nodded slightly. She already knew that. But it wasn't as bad as it could've been if she had let it keep ahold of her. The rest of the pack would've turned around and eaten her alive if they had noticed in the beginning. She was thankful they had their attention on the man. Well, kind of.
Once he finished bandaging her arm, Xami looked up at him, "thank you," she said softly. as the breeze rustled the leaves, Xami looked at the sky. The forest seemed to be restless. But, for now, Xami put that note to the side of her mind. It might get her into trouble again, but she'd deal with that later.
As the man ran a hand through his hair, Xami looked at him for a moment, before looking away. Then he asked why she wasn't with her village and Xami paused for a minute. Then she looked at him and smiled. "I don't have a village, I am but a wanderer," she said with a light chuckle.
Indeed, it was unusal for an elf not to live in a village, but it was almost unheard of for one to go travelling from place to place. Elves usually preferred staying in one forest so they knew everything about it. Not go from place to place and not know a single thing about it.
Xami remembered she had her own clothing now and she grabing the clothes(just the clothes) she wore earlier and went behind a tree. There she stripped from the shirt that the man lent her and got into her own. Stepping out from behind the tree, she looked at the man then at the leather piece and shirt, "do you want me to wash them for you?" she asked him, looking up at the man, awaiting an answer.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:34 pm

Elohir smiled gently as she thanked him, but something was wrong. He felt as the forest was hiding something, hiding a secret. Shaking his head, he narrowed his eyes once and tried to listen, but didn’t hear anything out of the ordinary. He pursed his lips and looked closely at the shadows. Nothing revealed itself. The soft, gentle voice of the woman called him back into reality, and he started out of his concentrated trance, turning his dark eyes back onto hers. The sun shone down, gently cascading on her fine features and enhancing her natural elven beauty. His eyes were seemingly drawn to her, and he blinked once and turned away, not wanting her to see him looking at her. He frowned slightly as she said that she had no village, and tilted his head to one side. “Really? I havn’t heard of a traveling elf before, no offence.” His voice was warry, and he winced as it cracked suddenly. Clearing his throat in embarrassment, he pursed his lips. “I never stay in one place for long.” He crossed his arms over his chest, his necklace draped around his neck, and loosly hanging there. The breeze gently ruffled the feathers, and he looked back up, to see that she had made her way away from him, and was stepping back behind a tree. He looked too long however, and the glow of bare skin made him wince and look away, down at his bare feet in the grass. She made him feel self conscious and rather embarrassed, and he wasn’t sure if he liked it all that much. Shaking his head to himself, he looked up as he heard her voice once again, and gave her a quick smile. Holding out the satchel, he shook his head. “No, its alright.”
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:26 pm

Smiling up at the man as he said it was fine, she asked, "you sure?" but before she could say or think much more, the man took the shirt adn leather and put them back in his satchel. Xami took a small step back, unsure of whether to stay or just leave this man be. He seemed like a nice enough guy, but didn't seem to like company all too much. Then she realised something. She didn't know what this man's name was. Should she ask? It looked like he didn't want to reveal too much about himself, but Xami was suddenly curious as to who this half elf was. He travelled around, though thaat wasn't too uncommong for half elves. Afterall, they may fit in with towns but Xami found out they often didn't feel like they belonged.
Glancing away for a moment, Xami wondered if she had been like that when she was younger. She didn't know where she lived when she was younger nor what had happened to her. Looking back up at the man, Xami studied him for a moment longer. "Ummm... May I ask what your name is? Oh! But you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, it's up to you," she said and looked away, feeling suddenly stupid.
If he rejected telling his name to her and told her to leave, she would suddenly feel like an absolute idiot. But oh well, it was up him what he did.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:42 pm

Xami took a step back, before casting her eyes away from him. Elohir narrowed his eyes slightly, hating the silence that was bearing heavily down onto the pair. Setting his jaw to one side, he raised his eyes and looked at her once again. She was slender and tall, as most elves were. She was beautiful too, though he had noticed that from the time he had first laid eyes on her.
Perhaps he shouldn't be here, not anymore. He raised the leather satchel and hung it over his shoulder, around his torso along with his canteen. Giving her a close lipped smile, he was about to turn away when her voice called to him, making him turn around once again and face her.
She asked for his name, and rightfully, he was to give it to her. He didn't remember the last time he had told anyone his name. No one cared in the first place. As soon as she asked, she seemed embarrased, and Elohir gave a slight smile, looking rather tired and weary.
"It's Elohir."
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:01 pm

Xami watched the man's reaction, noticing the slight smile which showed just how tired adn weary he felt. Then he spoke his name. Elohir. Xami smiled. "That's a nice name," she said before pausing, "Elohir.." she gave a soft smile and looked at up at man. "It's great to know your name," she said softly. She glanced around, sensing the restlesness of the forest. "I think, maybe we should try to get away from here. I can feel the forest is restless, and that usually means something bad is coming our way," she said after a few moments of silence.
The wind blew, blowing her half dry hair across her face and Xami graoned softly. She tied it back, putting the usual hair pins in her hair and then she dropped her ahnds to her side. She wondered just how long She and Elohir had been standing here for. It seemed like ages, but she couldn't be sure. She had nearly lost track of time today in this forest. She was completely exhausted after travelling across a desert only yesterday, then coming to this forest. She hadn't had much sleep, but she was used to that by now.
It wouldn't make much difference but if she didn't get any sleep soon, she'd collapse. But right now, she didn't want to just leave Elohir here, nor did she want to stay in this forest if she could avoid it.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:44 pm

Elohir smiled once again as she pronounced his name. Giving a nod of aproval, he brushed his golden hair out of his chocolate eyes. His carved jaw was set into place, though he wasn't upset. Even as Xami spoke, he could feel the forest stirring, shrinking back and moving slightly. He couldn't help but turn, glancing behind him once. Not seeing anything, his gaze returned back to Xami's face, and he gave her a solom nod.
"I can also sense it. Something's wrong. The forest isn't usually like this you know."
The woman in front of him looked tired and weary, and he knew that they both needed rest. But he couldn't sleep, not unless he found out what was wrong, and until they got away from this place.
Disquises were one of evil's best show's, and the half-elf looked behind him once again. He felt like he was a insult to her kind, and looked away slightly.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:05 pm

Xami gave a soft nod and she looked around. She didn't feel like staying to find out what was wrong, but she had a feeling it'd follow them, whatever it was. She noticed Elohir glance behind himself several times and Xami couldn't help but smile. Half elves didn't have the same senses as a full blooded elf such as herself but they did have keen senses. "We should leave," she said and without even thinking she grabbed his hand and started walking. After a few long moments of silence, Xami glanced back at him, where she noticed she held his hand. Sure, hers were alot smaller then his own, but she let go quickly, pulling her hand to her side and glancing away, slightly embarrassed, "uh, sorry bout that," she said.
Continuing to walk, Xami could sense that whatever had this forest restless, it was following them. Slowly. It was far behind them and she could barely sense it herself anymore. Maybe it had decided to back off and follow from afar hoping she couldn't sense it anymore. Well then, if that was the case, it either had good instincts or it was smart. Intelligents wasn't something in a possible enemy that Xami wanted.
She looked back at Elohir for a moment before she asked, "Elohir, do you know a way out of this forest? A quick route, I think it'd be in our best nature to get out of here as soon as possible," for both their safety and her health. But she wouldn't admit that.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:29 am

It was growing closer.
Elohir could sense that the evil, the shadow was starting towards him. The animals of the forest knew it also, as the birds no longer chirped, the creatures hiding in their dens and homes. The silence was heavy, obvious that the looming presence of evil was cast over the forest. A small shiver worked its way over Elohir's flesh, as the sun sank behind the cover of murkey grey clouds.
"It's coming."
His voice was soft and low, barley a whisper in the breeze. Almost at the same time, Xami spoke, and Elohir looked at her with deep brown eyes. The breeze had started to pick up a bit, and now carried the sharp shard of chilling ice in it. It nipped at his skin, tossing his golden hair over his forhead and into his deep brown eyes. Xami suddenly reached forward, grabbing Elohir's hand in hers. Pulling him away from the clearing, he followed her into the woods. He was slightly surprised by her action, but didn't think much of it. In the silence, the male couldn't help but marvel at the silence and speed she was able to travel in. Her bare feet landed on the soft ground, not making a single sound. Almost feeling like he was out of place, Xami dropped his hand soon after and mumbled an apology. He gave her a slight smile, before glancing behind them, rewarded with a slight shiver.
"I know a route-"
He broke off, turning back to Xami. "But it's not the safest one."
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:40 pm

Xami looked up at Elohir, awaiting an answer. The presense of whatever it was was faint but still there and even Xami occasionally glanced behind Elohir just incase she could see it in the distance through the trees. It was a faroff chance, afterall, if she could see it, its aura wouldn't be so faint. Her amythest eyes looked back at Elohir, the wind making her shiver under its icy temperature. She suspected a large storm in the forest tonight, what with all this wind and the clouds that were basically black slowly making their way in the forest's direction.
When the half elf finally spoke, Xami watched him carefully as he said he knew a route. As he looked back at her, Xami tensed slightly as he mentioned it wasn't the safest one. But it lasted only a moment before she looked away quickly, averting his watchful gaze. "It's either that or whatever it is that's following us. Your choice," she said, glancing at him for a quick moment before looking around cautiously.
At that moment a strong wind blew and a dizzy spell came over Xami. A hand came up to her head and she groaned softly as her surroundings spun. After not standing evenly on both feet, the young elf lost her balance and started to fall to the ground.
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Refuse~ (Tayssi) Empty Re: Refuse~ (Tayssi)

Post by Spritz Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:01 pm

Elohir stiffened for a moment, hearing Xami speak. Unlike most elves, she had a sense of adventure that he couldn't help but find admirable. She didn't seem afraid of the danger behind them, but was very cautious and thoughtful when it came right down to it. The breeze played in the strands of Elohir's long golden hair, his dark chocolate eyes seeming to search hers. The way out of the forest was sometimes dangerous; but the half-elf had a feeling that the presence behind them was far worse, overbearing the path that would have to be taken. The forest itself had seemed to quiet, growing still and waiting. For what, Elohir wasn't certain of. At any rate, he wasn't ready to sit around and find out.
Xami watched him, before pointing out that it was one, or the other. It was true, what she had said. The half-elf opened his mouth to speak, when the woman raised a hand to her temples, blinking suddenly as if trying to clear her vision. Suddenly, her legs gave out benieth her, and she started to fall to the ground. Elohir's reflexes kicked in, only sharpened by his consistancy and elven blood. Before she could hit the dirt, he thrust his hands forward, his strong arms catching up around her slender body. He gripped under her arms, gently lowering her down to the grass.
The man cautiously turned, looking behind him then turning, so he was looking at the woman once again.
"Xami, are you alrght?" He looked worridly into her eyes, his lips pursed tightly together. There wasn't time for sitting here, he could tell that the presence of evil that was starting to grow closer. "There's no time, we have to get moving." Desperation was clean in Elohir's tone of voice, his gaze staring intently at her. She was probably going to hate him for what he did next, but there wasn't a choice in the matter. Leaning down over her body, he picked her up, trying to be as cautious and gentle as possible. He rose from the ground, Xami securley draped in his arms. Elohir had no idea what had happened to her, but her face was pale, eyes looking slightly wearried and tired. Elohir anxiously looked behind him, the breeze picking up into a wind. His long, deep golden hair whipped around his head, his eyes looking desperate. "Stay still, you're fine."
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