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The Children and the Wolves.

❥ Destiny Styles
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Spritz Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:12 pm

Amarth growled softly, his fur standing on end. He was larger than most wolves, and looked down at the pitiful sight below him. A small, grey wolf from the rockies was ready to play fight with him, and Amarth rolled his eyes, also something a regular wolf couldn't do. The small wolf looked up at him, all tough, then seeing the deadly glare in Amarth's eyes, he whimpered slightly, then turned, bounding away, his tail between his legs. The magnificent Sun wolf turned his bright eyes on the rest of his pack, looking at them softly, kindly.
"Do not hurt them."
His voice was deep, caring, and full of wisdom. His golden yellow fur gleamed in the sunlight that shone brightly upon the pack, and he smiled softly, looking at each of the members in his pack kindly, softly.

Ferras watched in intrest as a small, grey wolf tried to face down Amarth, and she lay down, disinterested. Her pure white fur blew slightly in the warm breeze, and her dark glittering eyes watched the other pack members, wondering what they were thinking. In all reality, she loved being a wolf much more than a regular human child, it had so much more life, exitment, and purpose to it. She knew that Amarth would take good care of them all, and whinned happily.

Adara's deep firey orange fur shone in the warm sunlight, and she rubbed herself against the bark of a large oak tree, then shook off her long fur and started towards the rest of the group, yipping slightly in laughter as she saw the pitiful male wolf. He raced away, and Adara watched Amarth with intrest, her large ears pricking delecatly as he told them not to hurt the wolves. She wagged her long tail, tiny licks of fire trailing off of the end.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:33 pm

Vines with thorns whipped around their bodies as she laid there, shot. She snarled and out of pure anger tightened them till they percide the two male humans bodies, instantly killing them. She got up and used her powers to get the bullet out and close the wound up, but blood all ready stained her coat. She snorted and shook herself and ran to the pack, seeing a male wolf run off. "Amarth, the humans are starting to hunt us, I think for are unusle coat." Sora said turning back to her normal wolf form and out of her element.

Blood stain walked behind the pack and watched the male scurry off, he scoffed. He was in his power mode so there was dead grass in the shape of his paw behind him. When Sora rushed passed him he snapped at her, he didn't like feas like her at all. He then turned into his normal form when she announced that.

(Snow and Ice)
Ice Burg watched the wolf with laughter in his eyes and listened to his leader, "Where we off to?" He said before a flash of green rushed by, it was Sora. He licked feas but Sora different, he didn't like her in the crush way as most but in the best friend way. He listened to her, ice breath flowing out and showing. He snorted and turned to his regular form...


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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:11 pm

Lunar bounded next to Amarth, his pale blue coat creating a cold look in his eyes, he gave a brief look at the moon which was only just visible, he closed his eyes tightly and pulled the waves in and out, having power of the moon meant he controled the time of the howling wolves "What are they Amarth?" he said, his lowish voice trembling deep in his throat, not in a bad way though.

Delight looked up at the sky, unless Amarth told him to, he could change the shade of the sky depending on his mood or command, the shade of the sky at the moment was almost a dusky blue, which meant he was happy, he stopped flicking his delicate tail up, down and side to side when he heard someone mention the words 'hunt us.' he ducked his tail inbetween his legs and the sky shaded into a light shade of grey "Hunt us? what-what do you mean 'Hunt u-us?!" he asked scared.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:28 pm


Can We Pretend That Airplains In The Night Skies Are Like Shooting Stars?
I Can Really Use a wish Right now Wish Right Now Wish RIght now

x_____________________________________________________ x
The female's small figure walked out of the shadows followed by her brother, Atlas. They watched the pack all the way from behind as they walked through the forest slowly. They had never stopped, maybe to eat but the female was never hungry for she fed on the stars. She wore jewls and crystals to show her elemental power to control the beautiful nightly stars and moon, the solar basics. As for Atlas; His power was scary, he hardly could control it and that made him kill everything in his path that he is either scared of, mad about or sad about starts to make his eyes go black along with the others, basicly killing them.

The female stopped to see the scence with Earth and was releaved to see the female heal herself and ran to catch up, hearing the data collected. She grunted and she felt something collide with her, almost knocking her over. She turned to see her brother. "Watch it!" she growled
x_____________________________________________________ x

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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:38 pm

Lunar shook his head at the two wolves, he pulled the waves in closer, making them clash on the sandy beach, leaving a horrible banging and clashing sound.
Delight wasn't helping the waves as he was making the sky go greyer at the second, being scared of the words 'hunt us' "Why-Why Hunt us?" he stuttered.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Harley Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:38 pm


The wolf traveled at the back of the pack, snapping and snarling at those her got in her way. Now and then a claw would liight on fire, and she would gently shake it out. Red eyes glared at the world, silky red and white coat nearly burning to the touch. Her paws were silent, and she calmed a bit. I am destruction...
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Nicoco177 Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:06 am

"If you don't mind Amarth, i'm going down to the beach to do something...." Lunar said, running down to the beach, he sat down right infront of the waves If I am in control of the waves, would that allow me to combine The moon element and the water element? he kept on asking him self, he sat down on the bright coloured sand, he preffered it when it was dark, he planned to make a full moon, a large portion of the wolves would be howling tonight, he calmed the waves down a tad bit, he saw a whale being pulled in by the strong current, as it was pulled onto the sand he ran up to it and sniffed it, he ran back to his original spot, he rose up on his hind legs, closed his eyes, he started to glow a pale blue, he let out a scream as the blue glow on him was growing powerful and a HUGE wave toppled over him and the whale, this made him exausted, besides him being wet, he had saved the whale, he saw it swim back into the ocean, he panted and floped onto his side, watching the sky.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:46 am

Ombre had followed Lunar for most of the time before he walked to the beach, she had emerged from his shadow to sit near Amarth. Ombre growled beneath her breath as a tiny portion of sunlight found its way to her forepaws. With a quick shuffle backwards, Ombre was out of the ray's path. She mumbled something beneath her slightly exhausted breath, she was cursing her exhaustion from using a simple technique and that the sun had drained little more of her energy. Ombre leapt into a tree after that, using her two dew claws on each paw, to reach the branch. She laid her head down and flicked her large ears back as she watched Amarth and the occasional wolf that passed on by.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Nicoco177 Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:47 am

Lunar remained panting heavily on the beach, he shook his head as the foamy water soaked the tip of his paws, he looked up at Ombre, he smiled at her and slowly ambled into the water, his chest going in and out deeply, he had known Ombre for the majority of his life, he often breathed in water as he paddled, he didn't know why he was swimming as he was so exausted, him swalloing water didn't help his breathing, It was like Torture to him.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:17 pm

Ursalana smiled at Luar. Wow, saving a whale's life that was a big deal. Lunar was very talented with his power, in fact she was inspired by it. His was the moon. Which inspired her even more because she controled the stars, and the solar system, sometimes the moon but not much of it. She couldn't help but feel something inside for him, watching him by the waves. He was a big part of the pack, and a big feeling of her life. The moon and stars belonged together... right? So maybe they could. Running towards the water, she splashed in, swimming at his side. "Hey there." she said.

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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Spritz Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:30 pm

Amarth cleared his throat. "Yes, hunted. They know were special, and they know that if taken, would be worth very much money."
His lovley gold coat blew in the cool breeze, his handsom face taught, bright yellow eyes looking into those of his packs. He noticed a few were missing, but paid no mind, knowing they knew how to take care of themself.
Calling them back, he lifted his head into the air, coat flashing, and opened his mightly jaws, letting out a long, deep howl that actually seemed to sway the tree's around them. His brilliant white fangs flashed in the sunlight, and at that moment, the wolf looked like somthing from a dream. A nightmare or a pleasent one, no one could tell.

Ferra watched the other wolves closley, noting that they all seemed to be thinking a million things at once. She was picking up signals from all of them, and couldnt help but tap into the thought stream of Lunar and Ursalena. She knew that they seemed to like eachother, but wondered about Amarth. He was single, yes, but didn't act like he needed someone. But picking up on his thoughs, she saw that he was lonley, and wished there was someone for him. Ferras knew she wasn't the one, as she was best friends with him, and nothing more, but hoped and prayed for Amarth's sake that someone was good enough for him. He deserved the very best. Amarth could controll the sun, meaning he could controll almost everything.

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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:12 pm

Ombre made a grumble-like sound and flicked her ears back, eyes glowing briefly before fading into a dull indigo colour," Hush now, little bird, I'll keep you safe. Hush now, little bird, I won't harm." She sung gently as she looked up, almost missing her previous life, she could do almost anything she wanted now, yes, but it just felt empty-like to her now. Why live a life that is void? It would have no truth or true purpose.

(Ombre is like the downer-ish wolf, she sees all the bad things and bring wolves down by sharing the negative knowledge.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Harley Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:29 pm

Harmonia growled, paws leaving charred marks where she stepped. She looked up at the leader. "Why do I destroy?" She growled.

Changing her power a bit: I nstead of having her light afire, she can kinda summon lava, but she cannot stop it.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Spritz Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:36 pm

Amarth sighed heavily, turning kind, tired eyes on Harmonia. "I can destroy. Each one of us can destroy. It's up to you to figure that up by yourself." He kindly licked her under the chin, his long bright golden coat shimmering and mixing with her dark red one. He felt this way about all of the wolves, a sense to protect them, a sense of love towards each one of them in turn, alike.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by BayMickey Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:11 pm


Cuore ducked under a rotten log, pressing his wings to his back. He was on the outskirts of the pack's lands, and was soon to be out of them. Cuore kept walking, now standing up to two feet. He came upon a familiar cave, which was still in the pack lands, and went into the darkness, sending a growl to warn anything that he wasn't going to play. He trotted in, wings aching, and turning the oxygen levels down around him, making it impossible for anything to survive when they came close to him.


Sempre suddered, waking up in a cold chill, he trotted out, making the flowers pop out to set the mood. "Good mourning everyone!" He didn't care if anyone heard him, it was just his personality. Once outside of his den, he started hunting, wooden paws pounding hard on the ground as he chased down a elk. He caught the beast, eating some, then dragging back for the rest of the pack.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Guest Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:54 am

(Death )
Blood stain laughed rudely and looked to the whale saviour, "We could have ate that you know, it would have of been good for the pack. Plenty of food." He said then made his way back to the others, "Nice catch Sempre, better then that Lunar wolf. He'd want to save it." He said loudly so Lunar would here.

(Let me know if I go to far, he has a rude personality at times.)

Sora let a low snarl out at Stain then stopped herself from doing something wrong. The black wolf then headed to Amarth, "So how are you today other then the hunting thing." She said trying to be kind and hide her feelings. She
then stopped and sat licking the dried blood from her wound that ached. The female could do so much to help herself but only could close wounds. She was great with others wound though, she could heal them and every thing but pain, she could do nothing with pain. She then got up, cleaner. "I'll be right back." She said and ran off to the beach and entered, blood getting wet and letting lose of her, "Nasty scar." She said knowing there'd be one. She then got out and shooked herself. She let a long mighty howl out and turned into her spirit form and raced back to the pack. She turned back into her regular and moved back to Amarth's side.

(She secretly likes him but no one knows, well Ferra finds out if you want Spritz. Smile )

(Water & Ice)
He fallowed the pack in his normal form, a blue grey wolf.


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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Nicoco177 Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:39 am

Lunar looked at the star wolf swimmi9ng next to hin "Hey, what star constellation are you planning to night?" he said, he turned back to Blood stain "True, but to much blubber." he howled.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:41 am

Weathera looked up and heard the howling. She came back and went to Ferris's side, sighing when she saw that Amarth's side's were taken. She looked longigly at him, then blinked back to the present. She looked at Ferris and kinda got embarssed. The pink wolf flicked her tail, and moved forward and up and around the other wolves, at the left side of him.

Urslana heard him and got angry. She rolled her eyes and got out, she wasn't going to say anything, she never did. She'd rather keep things at peace.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Nicoco177 Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:46 am

Lunar headed to a blue rock and climbed onto it, his coat turned into a bright pale blue with yellow moons on it(Aka His spirit form!) he sat down and made the moon appear, he hoped that Urslana would join him with the stars.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Spritz Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:39 pm

(No offence you guys, but lets try to have a bit longer posts, like 4-7 lines at least??)

Amarth sighed heavilly, lowering his head slightly. His eyes were kind and tired, but he still looked strong and confident as he did so. His large, soft ears pricked backwards as he heard someone nearing, and he lifted his head, turning. His tail wagged slightly as he saw who it was. Sora trotted towards him, and he licked her softly under the chin as she stopped next to his side. He greeted all of his females this way, and a happy whine emitted from his throat. He yipped a 'good catch' at Sempre as he dragged in a deer, and noticed that Weathera seemed to be watching him, though only slightly. Turning back to Sora, he snapped his jaws slightly, his brilliant white fangs catching the sunlight and flashing temporarilly. "Everything's alright." He said softly. Frowning at Ferra, who was watching him with a distinct expression on her face.
Ferras grinned softly, then placed her nose to the ground, following Cuore's scent untill she found a large cave. Sensing the air was weirdly hard to breath if she got any closer, she cleared her throat and yipped slightly, asking to come in. The large tree's overhead blew in the soft breeze, casting shadows upon her pure white coat.
Adara eyed Sempre with curiousity, yipping her greetings as he announced his. Where he walked, small blossoms flowered, and Adara wished she could do that. But no, she was fire, thus meaning that she had to destroy, not create. Her toenails were bright orange, paws jet black, that eventually turned into a deep firey orange all over her body. Her muzzle and tail were also black. She had longer fur on her stomach, and it blew gently in the breeze as she stepped forward to say hello.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Nicoco177 Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:57 pm

Lunar gave up and dived in the water, swimming down he saw a Shoal of lots of pinky red Salmon, and they were swimming his way. He tried out his hunting skills in the water, what seemed to be the head of the fish slowly guided his fish through the water, Lunar sunndenly lashed out at the big salmon but he missed, he chased it to the shore were the sun soaked the life out of it, when the fish was only just still alive and twiching its tail, he grabbed its fins gently and carried it back to Amarth, he dropped it lightly "Well, ummm I was just swimming along when I saw these fish so I chased the biggest one to the shore and then it dried up so I picked it up and thought you might like it so I bought it back to you because I thought you would like to taste red Salmon." Lunar said, gasping for air.
Delight looked at the sky "Umm, Amarth, sir, what colour should the sky be?" he said, looking at the confusing colours of grey, blue, orange, pink, red/pink and purple all mixed together, his eyes were rolling in his head as the sky started to swirl around him, he shook his head and turned back to face Amarth, a slight wonkey smile appearing on his mouth.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Harley Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:35 pm

Harmonia turned to Amarath.
"Am I invisible?!" She barked, tip of her tail lighting on fire just a bit. "I asked a question that I want answered, but no one seems to care." She whispered, voice sizzling. A burning paw left a black mark on a rock, and the wolf leaned against a tree. The heat from her fur was enough to catch it on fire, and it blazed around her. The heat calmed her, but soon it died down and her temper flared again. "Why couldn't I be fire? At least she does something!"
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Spritz Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:43 pm

He did answer her. Not in this last post, but in the one before.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by BayMickey Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:58 pm

Cuore heard a small sound, and he stood up, going to see who it was. "Hello?" His voice was deep, a sign of his puberty from his human childhood. The sound echoed through the cave, making his voice haunting. Cuore let go of his grasp of the air, making it breathable. He stopped at the edge of the cave, right before the darkness stopped. "Ferras?" Cuore stood on two feet, towering above the female wolf.

Sempre heard greeted Adara after her greeting again. "Good mourning, how are you today?" He smiled warmly, the wind blowing softly every now and then, signalling Cuore was talking, and his green fur flowed with it. His coat resembled grass, and his ears and legs were those of wood. He had random spurts of leaves and branches throught his body, making him look like a walking bush.
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The Children and the Wolves. Empty Re: The Children and the Wolves.

Post by Spritz Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:04 pm

Ferras large ears pricked as she heard a low voice, and she delecatly stepped forward, her paw landing on the soft ground without making a sound. Her long white fur blew in the breeze, deep eyes looking into the cave. Sensing the air grow more breathable, she whinned slightly and she saw his shadow, and she stepped into the darkness, her bright, inteligent eyes looking upward to see his face. "Are you alright?"

Adara glanced upwards, then smiled at him. "I'm good. Are you ok?" She licked him softly under his chin, raising a paw slightly, sighing as she realized the ground under it was burnt.
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