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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by BayMickey Sun May 08, 2011 8:22 pm

"And Step To The Beat Of My Heart takes the Crown!" I lead my horse to the center of the ring. The people presented me with a big trophy and my horse with a ring of flowers around her neck. "That's my good girl." That day was the overall best day of my life. Nothing could beat, except if I got married or something like that. But that wasn't going to happen soon. i was something the ladies called an asshole. yep, I was the town's one and only. Bryce Smith, the asshole. Charming isn't it? Well, my horse, Step To The Beat Of My Heart, was the closest thing I had to a woman right now. I owned and breeding/horse ranch. Smith's Ranch & Breeding And we were gonna get a new horse today.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by Blueroanie Mon May 09, 2011 7:34 am

Elizabeth leaned against the rail as she watched the proceedings. There were a few faults but all the horses looked gorgeous. Her event wasn't till later that day so she walked to see her competition before starting. A young man won the competition in this particular event. She didn't notice the rider though, only the horse. Horses were her everything, for anything else seemed to leave her. The mare was very pretty and seemed to adore the attention she was getting. Even the flowers seemed to match her coat.

Good thing Eclipse wasn't here. He'd fawn all over her. A smile appeared on her face as she took one last look at rider and horse before turning away. Just then on the speaker she heard her division being called. Shoot, I better hurry! Thank goodness I'm only 3rd in line. Elizabeth dashed past people and through crowds to get to Eclipse. Within 2 minutes she spotted the trailer and ran faster to get there. Eclipse was tied to a hitching post right outside and was grazing peacefully on the grass. "Come on handsome man, we're up." The stallion nickered when he saw his rider and sniffed her hand in greeting. Elizabeth kissed him on the forehead and then untied his reins from the post. In one swift movement, Elizabeth mounted Eclipse and started towards the XC track. She patted the black stallion's neck and then sent him into a trot when they were almost there to warmup his legs. By the time they reached the starting area, Eclipse was all stretched and ready to start.

The 2nd contestant was just finishing. "We got here right on time.[i] Eclipse nickered in response and pawed the ground with his right hoof in anxiety.

2 minutes later...

"That was an excellent run for Sam and Charmed I'm Sure." The booming voice said over the speakers. A man came over and signaled for Elizabeth to start heading out. "Our next contestant is a rider from Kingsly Acres Riding Facility. Elizabeth Carson and The Dark Side of the Moon." There was applause and then a few moments later all got quiet. Elizabeth sat ready in her saddle and Eclipse shaking in excitement as he waited for the signal. 3 seconds later the bell rang and Eclipse shot forward at a gallop. They cleared the first jump with ease and slowed to a canter as the jumps started to get closer together. For the next 3 minutes they rode and cleared every jump. They could not make any faults if they were to beat the previous rider. At the last half of the course it started to stretch out the jumps to test the horse's stamina. And so for the next 2 minutes they galloped through the rest of the course.

As they galloped past the finish line, the crowd erupted into applause as they had done for the other contestants. Eclipse was glistening with sweat and Elizabeth's cheeks were bright red. A middle-aged man came over and helped Elizabeth down from the saddle. Then he embraced her in a hug. "That was outstanding Lizzie!" The young woman smiled and then pulled out of the hug. "Thanks dad. But Eclipse did all the work, I just guided him." As if he understood what was said, Eclipse turned his head and nickered at the two people. "Of course Eclipse. I didn't forget you." The man stroked the stallion's cheek before turning back to his daughter. "Well I couldn't stay long, but I wanted to see you ride before heading to the auctions. Jack says there's some good studs being sold." Elizabeth laughed. "Go on I know your dying to see them. Just make sure to be here when they announce the winners." The man laughed as well and then started heading off. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. See ya later kiddo!" He called back and then soon was swallowed by the crowd.

10 minutes later, Elizabeth was at the horse trailer with Eclipse after cooling him down with a towel. "You did good." She said quietly as she scratched him between the ears, his favorite spot.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by BayMickey Mon May 09, 2011 3:53 pm

I guided my beautiful white horse into her own, personal stable at the arena. "Good girl, you did great." I patted her neck and slipped into the stable with her. I took a horse-brush of its handle and began brushing her coat. "Oh, I'm sorry, I have to go lead my studs for sale. Gotta go, girl." I put the brush back and pratically ran towards the auction ring. I took a stallion's black leading rope and entered the arena.

The announcer was practically screaming over this bay mustang stallion. First off, he told aout my ranch, which this horse was raised, and me. Hearing my name put in front of 'the town's proffesional horse breeder' was akward. "I hear two-thousand, two-thousand fifty! Do I hear three?" I led the the stud into the middle of the ring and winked towards a couple of little girls hanging over the fence. They giggled and ran back to the stables. Laughing, i turned my attention back to the bidding audience.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by Blueroanie Mon May 09, 2011 4:14 pm

Elizabeth's father, Derek, raised his number. The announce called out. "We have three! Three-thousand! Do we have three-fifty?" Derek waited anxiously for any sign of another bidder. The stallion had great conformation and a wonderful, spirited nature. With a few years of training he would be rearing great foals.

As the bidding went on, Elizabeth had finished un-tacking Eclipse and set him in the trailer to rest for a while. She left his blanket on so that he didn't get sick and then locked it up. Eclipse nickered to. "Oh don't worry Eclipse. I'll be back after we finish at the auctions. I have to make sure dad doesn't bid too much. You remembered what happened last time." Elizabeth patted her stallion on the neck and then ran off to the auction house.

Once there, she went up to the fence to see the current stud. She didn't bother looking for her dad, the price was only up to three-thousand. A few girls ran by giggling to themselves like young children do when they eat too much candy. She shook her head at their giddiness and then leaned on the fence. The current stud was a handsome mustang. He had good legs and neck and would make a good stud. He's really ansy though. I know I could gentle him but he may be a tough one. She always loved horses, especially stallions. This one appealed to her.

The man holding her was rather tall and was smiling as he showed his horse off. The typical breeder. Elizabeth chuckled but then stopped when she noticed something. The man looked vaguely familiar. It felt as if she had seen him just recently but she didn't know where. For a few minutes she stood there trying to figure where she saw him before. Finally giving up, Elizabeth pushed the thought out of her mind and waited patiently for the bidding to end, while also listening for the results of her XC competition.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by BayMickey Mon May 09, 2011 4:32 pm

As a local man called out three thousand, Bryce sighed. He had over fifteen more horses to show off. Bryce scuffed his boot on the red dirt. He hated this part of shows. The only part actually. Bryce tipped his hat at a couple of blondes and looked around the audience. He spotted a pretty woman in the middle tipping his hat to her too. After the bidding was over, the horse went to the man who had bid three thousand, such a little price for such a pretty horse.

The next horse up didn't take that long, and Bryce got to take a break. He jogged out the auction and to the stables. He Hlocated Dancer and petted her long head. "Hey pretty girl." Dancer snorted and nuzzled Bryce's shoulder. he brushed Dancer's mane with his fingers. "I have to go back soon, but I'll let you go visit with the other horses." He smiled and let her out the stable and into the arena's pasture. He slapped her rump and she galloped to the middle. "Be good." Bryce walked away and back to the arena.

Dancer made it to the middle of the small pasture. She reared and let her heat scent out for a slight second to attract a couple of stallions. Dancer was in a flitry mood, and it showed. She trotted around with her tail flagged. Obviously, she was showing off. There was only stallions in the little area, so no mares would get in her way. Dancer smiled and shook out her mane. I love shows....
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by Blueroanie Mon May 09, 2011 7:46 pm

Elizabeth rolled her eyes when the man in the ring tipped his hat to her. She nodded a greeting back but nothing more. Then she realized that he father had won the stallion and ran over to him. "Can I name him?" Derek laughed and received the lead rope from the man. He pulled out a check and wrote down 3 grand. Then he handed it to the man. "Thank you sir. He is a fine horse." With a smile he then turned to his daughter. "I like the name Bruce." He said sarcastically and glanced at Elizabeth, who in response shook her head. "Your not naming any horse Bruce. I don't know why you like that name so much. Make him sound like a buff idiot." Derek laughed and handed the lead rope to Elizabeth. "His stall is the one to the right of Eclipse's." Elizabeth kissed her father on the right cheek, took the lead rope, and then lead the mustang to his new stall. He tugged on the rope a few times but didn't seem too unruly for her. "It's alright, there's no need to be frightened. You'll soon get to know me, and I you." She lead him into his stall and unhooked the lead rope from the halter. Then she turned around, left the stall, and locked the stall door behind her. She leaned on the door for a little while, admiring their new horse. "Your really handsome."

Eclipse snorted in the stall next to the mustang and stuck his head out over the door. Elizabeth laughed and walked over. "Don't worry, I didn't forget about you." She stroked his forehead and laughed when she saw his expression. "I see someone is jealous."

((Just realized I never had her get her ribbon, so I'm just gonna say she already received it before going to the auction. Forgot completely about it. Rolling Eyes ))

Eclipse's new blue ribbon hung next to the door on a hook. Elizabeth smiled when she saw it and kissed Eclipse on the forehead. "Your my champion." For a while she stood there just hanging out with her companion, waiting for her father to finish with the auction, though she didn't think he would buy anymore stallions. While standing there she tried to think of a name for their new horse.

"How about Honky Tonk." The mustang snorted and shook his mane. Elizabeth grimaced at the name as well. "No I'm sorry that was a horrible name. Let's see..." For a few minutes she tried to think of names. "Gun 'er Down? it doesn't suit you. You look like a good reining horse or roping. Maybe...Quick Draw Mcgraw? Mcgraw for short. Or Freedom's Call." She liked both names and didn't know which one to choose. A few minutes past and she decided on Quick Draw Mcgraw. "It's fit for western and it makes you sound like a speed demon." The mustang showed no sign of reaction other than a toss of his head and a quiet snort.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by BayMickey Mon May 09, 2011 8:02 pm

A couple of hours later, the auction was over. Bryce walked back to the arena's pasture and retrieved Dancer. "Let's get ready to go home, but I want to talk to people first." He began a whole conversation with his horse as he lead her back to the stall. As he put her in, he noticed that down the isle there was the woman he saw at the auction. He closed the stall door and made his was to the womaa. bryce went and stood beside her. "Those are some nice horses, one of 'em used to be mine." I smiled and stuck out my hand. "Bryce Smith. Owner of Smith Breeding & Horse Ranch. it's nice to meet you."

Dancer was led back to her stall happily with Bryce. She listened to his talking and replied with a few whinnies and snorts. When she was in her stall, she watched Bryce walk down the isle. She saw a handsome black stallion's head poking out of one stall. She whinnied to get his attention. Dancer hadn't talked to another horse in about five hourse, so she was going to talk to one now.

Here's Dancer~
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Here's Bryce~
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by Blueroanie Tue May 10, 2011 5:23 am

Elizabeth watched as a man entered the barn and, while talking to his horse, led his white mare into her stall. The mare he held was the same one she saw win the competition. That's when she realized where she had seen the man, he was the rider. She accepted his hand shake and smiled. "Elizabeth Carson, daught of Derek Carson owner of Kingsly Acres Riding Facility." She chuckled for a moment as she tried to act all official as Bryce. When he mentioned the mustang, Elizabeth nodded and moved aside so that she could look at the two stallions. "That's Quick Draw Mcgraw." She announced and smiled when the stallion turned it's head towards her and snorted again. "Oh hush, it's a good name. If it's that bad I can think of another if I must."

Then she motioned at the black stallion. "And that is my one-of-a-kind champion and companion, The Dark Side of the Moon, though we all call him Eclipse." The stallion, seeing the attention he was getting, stood tall and proud and nickered in greeting. In a hushed voice Elizabeth said to Bryce. "He's also a show off." But then she noticed that Eclipse wasn't just showing off for them, there was the white mare across the hall looking over at Eclipse. "Oh your not showing off for us, you've got your eye on a pretty lady." She laughed for a few moments and then when she quieted turned to Bryce. "I saw you two at a competition about an hour ago. What's your mare's name? She's very pretty."

Eclipse heard the whinny and turned to see who it was. There was a white mare a few stalls down. He stood in a most handsome stance and looked over in her direction. Then he whinnied back to her in greeting.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by BayMickey Tue May 10, 2011 3:20 pm

Bryce chuckled. "Thank you. Her name is Step To The Beat Of My Heart, but we call her Dancer." He pointed ot the black stallion. "He's a handsome stud." Bryce smiled. he liked the fact that she acted like a small child around her horses, just like him. He approached the bay stallion and rubbed his muzzle. "Hey boy."

Dancer snorted. "I'm Dancer." She flicked her tail at the flies. It was gross there, and she hated it. It had other animals' fecies and things. She cringed and shifted her weight. This is really gross.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by Blueroanie Tue May 10, 2011 4:21 pm

Eclipse nickered and tossed his head. "I'm Eclipse, it's a pleasure meeting you Dancer." He noticed her reaction and chuckled. "Not used to the fair ground's stables? I've been here so often, I got kinda used to it."

Elizabeth looked over at Dancer and then glanced at Eclipse before turning her attention to her new stallion. "He is a very fine mustang. I'm looking forward to training with him after the fair. I work with all the new horses with gentling them and teaching the basics. My father is a wonderful trainer so he teaches all of the more experienced things, though I've been helping more recently. She motioned at Eclipse. "I taught him everything he knows. I raised him from a foal." A wide smile spread across her face. "What about you? Is Dancer your only show horse or do you have others?"

Mcgraw shied away from the hand and laid his ears flat against his skull. He didn't like all the noise and still wasn't used to people. (I hope this behavior is okay, I didn't know exactly how the stallion acted.)
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by BayMickey Tue May 10, 2011 5:24 pm

(It's fine)

Bryce nodded. "I raised Dancer too. Cute little thing, she was." he smiled and walkled back to the middle of the isle. "And I have plenty of other horses, I just show her." I motioned to Dancer.

She snorted and gave Bryce a look. He had interrupted her conversation. "No, I come here often, too. It's just especially disgusting today." Dancer shifted her weight again.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by Blueroanie Wed May 11, 2011 5:32 am

Elizabeth nodded and smiled at Dancer. "She really is pretty." She listened to the auctions going on outside and smiled. "Good dad didn't buy anymore." She muttered to herself. Remembering Bryce was there, she smiled and explained, "He sometimes buys too many horses or pays too much for them. I'm usually with him but I was tired and wanted to make sure Mcgraw was comfortable."

Eclipse kept his gaze on Dancer, holding his head high but he snorted at the smell that coated his nostrils. "It is rather unpleasant isn't it?" He smiled when he noticed his blue ribbon was in sight, hoping that maybe she would see it as well.

Elizabeth put her cowboy hat back on and, with her left hand, tapped her left hip in rhythm to an unspoken song. "Would you mind if we stood outside? I wanna make sure dad doesn't bid on a horse we don't need." She chuckled. "Sometimes I feel liked the parent."
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by BayMickey Sun May 15, 2011 5:22 pm

Bryce laugh. "I don't mind." He walked to where the stalls ended and you could see the auction. Bryce turned to Elizabeth. "Thank you for complemented on my horse." He scuffed at the red dirt with his boot again.

Dancer laughed. "Yes." She looked down and noticed him showing off. She giggled silently and snacked on some grain.

(Sorry I replied so late. And it's short.)

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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by Blueroanie Mon May 16, 2011 5:24 am

Elizabeth looked over at Bryce and smiled. "She deserves it. A beautiful beast like that should be complimented." She watched the auctions for a moment but they were already coming to a close. "Well it seems dad hasn't bought any other stallions. Maybe Jerry will have some we can look at." The last part she muttered as a note to herself.

She turned to Bryce and smiled. "Well, dad will be looking for me. It was a pleasure meeting you Bryce, thanks for bearing through my meaningless rambling."
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by BayMickey Mon May 16, 2011 3:11 pm

Bryce smiled and held out his hand for another shake. "It was a pleasure meeting you." He looked at the auction. Not many horses stood left. He chuckled. All of his horses were gone.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by Blueroanie Tue May 17, 2011 9:15 pm

Elizabeth took the hand shake firmly and smiled. "You too Bryce." She turned to leave but then looked back. "If you want I can contact you after Mcgraw gets settled in at our ranch and let you know how he's doing." It was a business question but what she didn't realize was that she was also hoping to see him again.

((Same here. Wink ))
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by BayMickey Wed May 18, 2011 11:52 am

Bryce nodded. "Of course." He handed her a card. "It has my number on it." He smiled and walked off to the auction.

(I'm trying to get a kittem to sleep. Sorry.)

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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by Blueroanie Thu May 19, 2011 7:00 am

She took the card and glanced at both sides before walking to where her father stood talking with another man near the auctions. As she approached her father saw her and smiled as he motioned her over. "Elizabeth this is Jimmy Cart. He trains top of the line stallions." Worried that he may throw Bryce aside for this new guy, she gave her father slight glare then smiled as she turned to Jimmy. "That sounds wonderful. I bet they are beautiful." The man seemed to be in his late 20s and he winked at Elizabeth. "Were a great bunch of studs." Shocked by his action, she tugged on her father's sleeve. "Come on dad we need to get going." He looked at her and protested. "But Lizzie I was about to---" "By Mr. Cart it was a pleasure speaking with you." Elizabeth said politely though he hated the grin on Jimmy's face as she said it. Her father relented and they walked into the barn to start packing their things. An hour later they were all set and the two stallions were in the trailer.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by BayMickey Fri May 20, 2011 11:38 am

Bryce went back to the stables and loaded Dancer up in the trailer. He climbed in his truck and headed back to his ranch. It wasn't a long drive, but the road it was on was quite rough and bumby. He finally arrived at the ranch and got hios horse situated.

Later that day, Bryce remembered that he had given Elizabeth his card. he would be awaiting her call. he pulled out his phone and placed it beside the office's phone, at which sat on his desk in which he was sitting at.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by Blueroanie Mon May 23, 2011 7:47 am

An hour later Elizabeth and her father arrived home at their 55 acre ranch. Their was a state-of-the-art stable to the left of their farm house and more than 70% of their land was pastures. At first they had grown crops to get some extra income but after they aquired a handful of handsome and fine studs they became independent of the small crop money they were receiving. Many horse breeders from all around the country came to have one of their mares covered. The only stallion that was not open for public coverings was Eclipse, Elizabeth's pride and joy.

"Go get Mcgraw settled in and then come in for some dinner." Her father said as he slammed shut the driver seat door and headed towards the house. Elizabeth nodded and walked back to the trailer. "Come on you handsome boys." She said, smiling as she unlocked the trailer door and first led out Eclipse after hooking on his lead rope. She closed the door and then headed to the stables. 15 minutes past when she exited the stable and then led out Mcgraw. Eclipse was all bedded down and was already asleep. Elizabeth crossed right through the barn and into a small cut off pasture. "I'll let you get used to the land first." The wild stallion was finicky around all the other horses peering at him from over their stable doors. Down the west aisle were the brooding mares and young fillies, east aisle pregnant mares and mares with their foals, and down the main aisle were the stallions and young colts.

As soon as she unclipped the lead rope, Mcgraw bolted off at a sudden gallop into the pasture. Elizabeth had to step back quickly to avoid being trampled. She quickly shut the pasture gate and wiped some sweat off her forehead. "You are a wild one." She said smiling. For a few minutes she stood there leaning against the fence and watched him gallop around with great stride and amazing speed. "He'll be a great barrel racing." Said a man from behind her. Elizabeth turned around and groaned inside. It was Samuel, one of the farm hands. He had been flirting with Elizabeth ever since he arrived at Kingsly Acres. She hadn't told her father because he was always so stressed out by the finances anyway, she didn't want to bother him. But this past week Samuel had been more forward than she thought comfortable, 2 days ago he had "accidentally" brushed against her chest when he was leading a young colt past her. Yesterday, he had tripped her as she was walking into the stable and then caught her, apologizing the whole time. But after helping her up, he didn't let go and held her so close to him that she felt his breathe on her face. She struggled to get free of him and when he wouldn't let go she began calling out. This made him panic and he let go and walked off abruptly, leaving her on the ground where she had dropped. Now he was walking towards her with a smile upon his face. "Samuel stop." Elizabeth said sternly. "I don't like you and I never will. If you keep trying to seduce me then I will speak to father, who will in turn fire you. Go find another girl." She then walked past. As she did the farmhand grabbed her wrist and yanked her towards him. "If you get me fired I will find you when you are alone and satisfy my desires." Elizabeth opened her mouth her shock. He had never spoken so openly about sex with her before. She tried to pull away and surprisingly he let go. She rubbed her wrist where he had grabbed her. "Leave me alone." Samuel grinned and didn't move. "Not until I get what I want." He then turned and walked back into the stables. Elizabeth shook her head and began walking back to the farmhouse. She went around the stable and avoided going anywhere near it in fear that Samuel would grab her again.

Upon reaching home, she was calmed down and her breathing was back to normal. Whatever was for dinner smelled delicious. Her father peeked around the doorframe of the kitchen which connected to the living room. "Oh Lizzie your back, dinner will be ready in a few minutes..." He paused and looked concerned at his daughter. "Are you alright?" Elizabeth forced a smile and nodded. "Just tired from today." He smiled and nodded in understanding. "Go get in some clean clothes and I'll call you when supper is ready." She did what he suggested and went upstairs to her room. After changing she laid down on her bed and hugged her pillow. She thought about the day and just then remembered Bryce. She was supposed to call him! Quickly, she snatched her cell phone out of her pocket along with his work card. Holding the card in her right hand, she dialed his number and waited.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by BayMickey Mon May 23, 2011 3:16 pm

Bryce heard, 'I can tkae you on a ride on my big green tractor. We can go slow, but maybe go faster. Down through the woods and out to the pasture-'. He picked up the phone before it rang anymore. He looked at the number and knew it had to be Elizabeth. "Hello?" He put the iPhone on speaker.

Then, Bryce's woman-friend walked in office. Obviously, she didn't know he was on the phone. "Bryce!" Rebecca, the woman, hugged bryce from over his desk. "Rebecca, not now. I'm on the phone." Rebacca nodded in okay and hushed herself, sitting down. Rebecca had a huge 'crush' on Bryce since high school, and she showed it. She sat in the chair with her legs crossed and played with a little wooden horse from Bryce's desk. Bryce shurgged and paid attention to the phone again.

Rebacca had sandy, blonde hair that went down to her waist in a ponytail and green eyes the color of this typing. She had a Hooter's style plaid shirt on that cut off just under her breasts. Daisy-duke shorts complemented them.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by Blueroanie Mon May 23, 2011 8:58 pm

Elizabeth smiled when she heard the familiar man's voice. "Hey Bryce it's Elizabeth." But her smile faded when she heard Rebecca. With the way she called Bryce's name she thought immediately they were a couple. "Umm, I was just calling about Mcgraw." Her once cheery, friendly voice was replaced by a formal, stale tone. "He seems to be getting along well with the other horses. He has a lot of spirit." Again she realized how more reliable horses were than humans. First Samuel and now Bryce has a girlfriend. What next, dad marries another woman? That thought appalled her and she quickly pushed it out of her mind. For the next moment she was silent, unsure of what to say and unsure of Rebecca's presence.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by BayMickey Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:39 pm

"Oh, okay. That's great! Do you have any training hands for him? I could train him if you wanted..." He looked at Rebbeca and shooed her off. She snorted and arose, storming away. Bryce turned in his chair, towards the far wall. He smiled and rubbed his forehead.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by Blueroanie Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:56 pm

"Well I train most of my horses myself but you can definitely come and watch if you wish. I may need another person's point of view. She sighed at the thought of knowing, at least thinking, Bryce wasn't single. ~Serves me right for not guarding my heart.~ For a moment she was silent and then clear her throat before continuing in her formal tone. "I should get going soon, my dad is finished with dinner. Tomorrow I'm free if you wish to come. Around 2 o'clock?
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

Post by BayMickey Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:45 pm


Nodding to himself, Bryce thought for a second. Rebecca knocked on the door.

"Sure, I'll come. 2 o'clock's great. I'll be there."

He smiled and ran his fingers through his hair. This would be fun. Bryce could probably win Elizabeth over tomorrow.
The young man looked at the window to his left, watching the horses in the pasture prant around. One mare and stallion
were going at it, but he didn't care. It was late, and he knew it wasn't Dancer.
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He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!) Empty Re: He's Probably Not Your Kind Of Guy (Blueroanie!)

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