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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:16 pm

Far star of the west-
She grazed along the bank of the creak she was the only Element horse in her herd and the others were your every day horses.Her yellow orange firey color shined in the sun as her fire main and tail blew wildly in the wind.She then took a careful drink from the water till SPLASH!She fell in and nickered loudly and struggled to get out as her flame quickly went out."HELP!"She shouted and her mom helped her a shore,"You must be more careful......Are you ok?""I was and yes mom."I said and nuzzled her before running around slowly drying my self as my flame grew bigger till the way it belong.I ran across the creak and my herd kept a eye on my for a moment then they all counted to graze.

Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) FireStorm


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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Blueroanie Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:13 pm

It was a strange day for the elemental lord. He had already rustled down a few all too eager bachelors, freed a frightened filly from danger from a group of stallions, and he had also been called old man. No need to name names but the horse that mocked him never spoke another word, or breathed again for that matter. He was tall and the build of a Clydesdale, speed of the Thoroughbred, stamina of the Arabian, and jumping ability of the Hanoverian. Though he was immortal and looked extremely horrifying he had the personality of an, though he may deny it, old man. In all his years he had gained extreme wisdom and knew of things that would blow the minds of others. But they never had the chance to hear them for Primordial almost never spoke. It's not that it was extremely rare, but the fact that he could have a conversation with using only facial expressions and body language. He could tell what you felt emotionally just by looking at you and how you held yourself. It was true that this horse was the tool of destruction of Darkness but what the dark lord did not understand that with all the elements came a light. A light that held the ability to do good and to bring life. So, as you could say, he had an epiphany. He turned from his ways of death and began doing good. He had no herd and claimed no lands, but he went where he pleased and helped all who needed it whether they knew it themselves or not. Primordial did not have a mate nor could really say he wanted one. He would only out live the mare and his offspring and live forever in the darkness of sorrow and grief. Love did not mean anything to him, the one thing he did NOT understand. The rumors of him and Epona made him chuckle, a strange thing to hear indeed, and he spoke not a word to confirm or deny it. He let it be, it hurt no one and allowed the equines to use their imagination.

So what brought him to this land was not anything in particular, just his continuous journey through the various territories leaving his mark where he went.

And it just so happened that he came upon a herd of equines grazing in the field near a stream. It was one particular horse however that caught his attention. This mare was an elemental. A fire one. He had seen many elementals before and had helped them gain control of their elements. This one seemed young and still slightly naive of her gift. But he wasn't one to just jump in and become Sensei within a few moments. Primordial took his time and made his way to the stream. As he did he bowed respectfully to the Alpha Male, a sign showing that he did not come to steal his herd only to rest and then be on his way. And, without a word, he drank quietly. When he finished he raised his head and only stood there not a thought passing through his mind, only standing.

((Sorry for the gigantic picture. I'm gonna edit the size in a little while.))

Name: Primordial
Breed: Elemental horse
Gender: Stallion
Age: Immortal
Height: 18 hh
Coat Color: bay
Tail and Mane Color: Fire
Markings: N/A
Personality: Primordial is not one for words. When he speaks you better listen. If it's a possibility that his words will not effect anyone, he doesn't speak. So most horses that see him have never heard his voice, he speaks only to the pure of heart. Legend says that Primordial once had a mate, Epona, Lord of the Horses, but it has never been affirmed and she died many, many centuries ago.
Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Elemental_by_vagabondqad-d34m1uc
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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:38 pm

I herd the sound of a stud and stopped to watch.My dad's head came shooting up and he looked at him realising he meant no harm he bowed back,"Hello."He said in a deep tone and I came trotting up and could not help it but to gasp for I didn't know there were other odd horses like me.He seamed to be something with life while I was fire.I smiled,"Hello sir."I was a fine young immortal.I slowly walked down the ditch and leaped across the water and looked at him in ceryosdid my dad snorted and beaconed me,"Who are you?Your different like ".My dad caught me off,"Now!"I went back to his side.It was easy to tell he did not like the fact I was like this but loved me soo much and felt bad about his daughter looking like this.I stood by him looking down at the stranger with a smile while my dad trued and walked back to the herd.


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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Blueroanie Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:44 pm

((Sorry about not posting, I was finishing my wolves.))

Primordial nodded a greeting to the Alpha and showed no sign of threat. He couldn't help but chuckle at the young child (to him she's young, even her father, I mean he is nearly 500 or so years old) as her curiosity shown brightly. It was obvious that she had seen no other elemental before and no doubt thought she was the only one. He again bowed his, not as low this time, in a farewell to the Alpha as he went back to his herd. With greetings aside he turned to the young filly and tried to smile as best he could without frightening the poor thing. It was probably shocking to see a horse with not only one element but all of them put together. Even death and life were, relatively speaking, on his side. Wanting to amuse this young filly, Primordial lowered his head and blew into the water. Then he raised his head and watched the filly's reaction for what was happening to the water where he blew. The water began swirling in a circle, creating a small whirlpool, with a diameter of only a 3 inches. Then when the bottom of the whirlpool touched the floor of the river it shot out a spray of water. The light shone through the water droplets and created a rainbow that arched down to the ground. Then after a few seconds the water calmed again and the rainbow disappeared. Primordial loved to entertain other horses, especially fillies for they were the only ones that truly appreciated them. The young colts only wanted to stomp in his little whirlpools or touch his tails and earn their burn. Older horses looked at him like a freak and turned their backs on him. But fillies, fillies actually found his tricks mysterious and amusing almost always getting excited and laughing. He wondered if this filly was the same.
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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:25 am

I watched with amasment and started as it did it's stuff and trued into a rambow,"It's beautiful."I said before it started to fall aging."How did you do it?"I asked.I was a very young inmortel about 3 old.I had big smile on and was amazed by him.

(Lets stop and wait for man o war....sorry so short.....and your fine Very Happy)


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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Blueroanie Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:39 am

Primordial was delighted that she too enjoyed his little tricks. He stood for a moment and then began walking around. The young mare's question was held to the side for the moment as he walked into the river. The water seemed to part around his legs so that he never touched the water. After a few seconds he was on the side that the mare was on. "Time." His voice was like it came from every direction but was concentrated around him. It was deep and layered many times that really could not tell mood within it. The answer to her question was simple but complex all at once, he wondered if she understood or not.

((Alright last post until Man O' War posts.))
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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:26 am

(Sorry I had to take care of my site today I'm on now)

Flame- I snorted and galloped with furius long stride's to the two horses. The mare of fire was mine not that peace of crystal. My flame would never go out. I splashed throw the water with ease. The flame's danced on the surface of the water as I troted onto land. I throw my head and reared latting out a long and loud cry. I was warnin gthe other stallion to back off. I pawed the ground. "Your little trick's don't please me, I have power to control the elament of fire far better than any one." My voice had a fading edge to it and my beauty was stunning to all who whitnessed the site of me. I walked slowly up to them, in my aproch of many I could strik fear into many's eye's. "I'm Flame and this-I turned my head toured the mare "Is my mare for the taking, no foolish stallion shall have her in a heard but me." I had a un know amount of time of fighting stallion's imortal and demon or fantisy and regular. I was the stead of Hades! I waited for the stallion and mare's reply's-

Man O' War Lover
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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Blueroanie Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:44 am

((No problem. Smile ))

Primordial immediately stepped between the stallion and the mare. "Guess again." He had mastered all the elements many centuries ago and this stallion had only mastered one. "Water is all that is needed to quench your fire." Fights were the only times he truly talked openly. These times everything needed to be spoken. "M'lady, go back to the safety of your herd." He then reared himself and showed off all the muscles that he had underneath his coat. "I do not wish you harm. Go find a mare elsewhere. There are many others like her."

The Elemental lord stood square and steadfast between the herd and this stallion. They were eye to eye and very similar if Primordial was not covered in vines and the elements were not clinging to his very being. One might mistake them for brothers. "You know that I can control all elements, including water. Plus there is a river right beside you. Do not cause anyone harm." He flicked his head and pawed the ground with his front right hoof in defense.
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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:35 pm

"Time?"I asked before he came running in and spoked me and cased me to rear at the same time he did him in most likely anger or donitments and me in fear.I hit the ground hard and my flames toughed the earth causing fire to spread which I hated to case for I love life not death and was still mastering this element.I listened to him and trued back to to my herd and walked some what there but more like in beat-win them and my herd.My fathers ears pricked up and he came racing over and snorted in the fire horse's face and had a not so friendly look,"Dad!" I Hollered in fear thinking he would get hurt.


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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:19 pm

I laughed loudly "My fire is born from hell, you can't kill it even with water, I'm a demon and Stead of Hades." I snorted. "Compared to me your a yearling." I snorted and looked at the fire mare. "Come along and I want harm anyone." I said (so short Embarassed )

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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:40 pm

I walked past the other two studs and walked strati to him and pressed me face agents his ears back eyes looking strati into his with rage,"So you think I'm your slave?!"I shouted.


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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:47 pm

I stepped back "No but I'm not going to take order's from another stallion!" I shouted angrly, my flames light brighted and grew higher. I felt my hoof's grow hot and my eye's light up. "Step back mare your in my space!" I yell at her-

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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:06 pm

(Last post till Blueroanie is back on. Very Happy )
I snorted in his face and backed up and walked past him and across the creak,"No mom."I said as she started to run towards me she stopped and gave me a puzzled look,"B-bu"I caught her off,"I don't want any one getting hurt and no buts."She looked proud of me saying 'no buts' She most of thought it sounded grown up but she also looked sad.


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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Blueroanie Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:50 pm

Primordial was about to step in front of the mare when she went against him. He knew it was a foolish move but she was young and he knew she must be in fear. He stepped forward and again reared, landing deathly close to the stallion. "You think you are Hades creature? You have not seen Hades wraith until you have seen my rage." His eyes now burned with a true hate, his death element was coming into play now. "Hades too created me. He used me as the Alpha and started of all the other elemental horses. You are only a part of me. A small fraction of what I can truly accomplish." His words were like daggers and he stepped forward, again between the aggressor and the others. "A colt takes order from his parents, a soldier from his commanding officer, and an intruder from an upper handed senior." He slammed his hoof down and deep crack was made, out of the crack shot vines. "I have lived way past your time, longer than you can even imagine." The vines grew out and then slowly died as the dark fog around him, symbolizing death, crept over them. Primordial stood there standing his ground, his pit like eyes scouring into the stallion.
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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:53 am

Half of the posts in some of my topics are missing... so it's not just you and my replies aren't changeing but they are vanishing sometimes and being very slow...
I think the site may have caught a glitch or something.. I have told an admin as well...

Man O' War Lover
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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:06 pm

(Yea some times it will do weird stuff to me.)


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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:56 pm

I think some one just used found out my password! I did not post that post what's going on?

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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:33 pm

(What?.....chang the password then.....are you really are man o war lover or some pertending to be her per son who posted:Half of the posts in some of my topics are missing... so it's not just you and my replies aren't changeing but they are vanishing sometimes and being very slow...
I think the site may have caught a glitch or something.. I have told an admin as well...? Evil or Very Mad )


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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Blueroanie Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:29 pm

((Actually it's not just this site. It's all of They explained that something happened with their system that caused all websites created through them to run through this error. On Monday they fixed it and no one should be running into this glitch anymore. If it is still messing up then I would go directly to the top and post it on the forum on the Forumotion main website. On other news should we continue with this thread?))
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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:50 pm

(I'm the real man o' war lover, I tried to change it but the conputer wont let me any way I think my user acount is safe now look's like nothing has been posted that is not mine agian. Thank's for letting us know Blueronnie) Very Happy

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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Guest Thu May 05, 2011 4:55 pm

(Ok....alls good....lets get back to rpging?)


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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Blueroanie Fri May 06, 2011 8:55 am

((Agreed. It's Man O' War's post so I'm just waiting for him to respond. Primordial had a big post a few posts back so read that before replying. And no problem Man O' War, glad I could help. Smile ))
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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

Post by Guest Wed May 18, 2011 5:16 pm

(I miss Man O' War Lover.I wish she would come back soon. Sad )


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Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie) Empty Re: Watch out here he comes(Man o war and Blueroanie)

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