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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

Post by Dark**Light Sun May 08, 2011 12:18 pm

(Point of veiw from Silver...the wolf)
I limped her way through the forest. After a large fight with another wolf I found her way to the safest place and curled up. Hoping that someone will come to my rescue. I knew that Alcha (the wolf that wounded me) would catch my scent and find me. I need to have someone there when Alcha finds me. If no one is there, it's likely that I would get killed. I looked into the forest to see a moving figure. It looked like a wolf. I curled up tightly holding in any yelps that would be caused from the pain in my leg after curling up so tightly. I shut my eyes hoping that I'd be able to fall asleep before Alcha comes to kill me.

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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty Re: All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

Post by Blueroanie Mon May 09, 2011 7:47 am

Name: Shadow (obviously...)
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Crush: none
Mate: Had 2, one died in childbirth and the other was taken away in the dead of night by another male.
Pup(s): None
Pelt Color: Pitch black
Eye Color: Pale blue
Physical Trait(s): Battle smart and strong, has good build in his upper body and legs.
Personal Trait(s): A very honorable wolf that will stick to code of conduct when in battle or meeting a stranger. He is very respectable and does not believe in sly tricks. Though dark he is and dark he shall be. Fights seem to be somehow connected to him, if not directly involve him.
History: Shadow was abandoned at birth when his mother saw the symbol upon his shoulder. It meant death and misfortune and they believed that he would bring death to them all if he lived. So they left him laying in the grass as a newborn and ran off. An old female wolf happened to hear his cries and came running. She had pups of her own in the past and the cry of one also seemed to break her heart in two. When she saw the small figure all alone she looked around for his mother and pack. But to no avail. So she took him to her cave and she and her mate took him in as one of their own. 3 years later they were attacked by a rival pack. In the heat of battle his stepfather yelled at him in anger, "You brought this upon us demon! You are the offspring of death!" And then he perished, the last to die in the whole pack. But the aggressors saw him in such a disheveled state that they left him to live forever in grief. The sad thing was, was that Shadow felt nothing. After all these years, even the sight of his dead stepmother did not even effect him. This is what troubled him most. So he fled. And he ran as far as his feet would carry him, and further. In later years he found two females and began his own pack, only for one to die with her pups in childbirth and the other to be stolen by another male. Now he has sworn not to care for another soul, lest they be taken from him like all the others.
Marking(s): A light blue crescent moon upon his left shoulder with a lightning marking through it.
Rank: Lone wolf, no pun intended.
Pack: None
Player: Blueroanie
All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Wolf_o10


There was a familiar scent in the air. One that would catch any predator's attention immediately. One that caused carnivore's to go thirsty for a kill. One that was Shadow's best friend. The smell of blood wafted in the air. I was just getting hungry for a meal. Great timing. Though when he crept under the brush to sneak up on the prey he noticed a female wolf injured, whimpering on the ground. Wanting to have some fun before taking his kill, Shadow confidently crept out into the tiny clearing and stood only 4 ft. from the female. "You don't look too good." He said and chuckled. "It's not smart to lay here vulnerable with predators so near." A twig snapped outside the clearing and his muscles tensed. Another male wolf must've smelt her as well. If the enemy were to pounce on him, Shadow would whip around and clamp down on his throat. It was inevitable.
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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty Re: All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

Post by Dark**Light Mon May 09, 2011 3:23 pm

I looked up to see it was only another wolf. I heard him say something then I said "Yeah I know. I was caught up in a fight with another wolf and, as you can see, I lost. So...LOOK BEHIND YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(I scream as I see Alcha behind the other wolf)" I curled up tightly and soon yelped loudly and watched as Alcha lunged at the other wolf. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.
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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty Re: All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

Post by Blueroanie Mon May 09, 2011 3:56 pm

Though the female wolf shouted out, Shadow already knew of the other wolf. As soon as the enemy lunged, Shadow whipped around and grabbed him right by the throat. The wolf struggled but what was to come was inevitable. Shadows held him pinned against the ground as he squirmed. Then when the wolf was about to die, Shadow let go and then took a bite out of the wolf's stomach, making him live through the pain of it. At that point the wolf died and Shadow began devouring his meal. After a few minutes there was nothing but bones and Shadow licked his muzzle of the blood. He then looked over at the female who was fast asleep. "Wake up so that you may see me eat from your flesh." He said in a needle-like voice as he pushed the female with his head. Then to make sure she woke up, Shadow growled and then barked sharply. He stood near her, only 3 ft. away, waiting for her to awake.
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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty the suprise

Post by Dark**Light Mon May 09, 2011 4:17 pm

I hadn't fallen asleep for too long. In the middle of him devouring the carcass of my enemy I had woken up. I heard that he was going to eat me and when he barked I stood up and snapped right back at him. My leg wound had closed up but still hurt if I put too much pressure on it. I growled and showed my sharp teeth and was ready to fight. I soon was right in his face and in a low menacing voice I said "You will NOT even try to kill me. So just get!" I started to bring my voice back up and said "Unless you'd rather stay here and help me get better." I started to circle him and talk at the same time. I looked at him with a sharp glare and stopped waiting for his reply.
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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty Re: All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

Post by Blueroanie Mon May 09, 2011 7:22 pm

Shadow pivoted so that he was always facing the female as she circled. It wasn't a smart move for her because it kept her side exposed. He snarled and lowered his head not in submission but in a menacing stance. "I'm not your father nor brother. I do not babysit little girls you can't even defend themselves." He then laughed and sat down, showing no fear at all in this act. If she were to try and attack he would immediately snap her leg bone and leave her permanently limp, no matter what angle she attacked from. "You have no idea how many battles I've been in. I have more knowledge of fighting than your father's father." The losses he had suffered had hardened his heart to stone. "Do not test me youngling."
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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty Re: All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

Post by Dark**Light Wed May 11, 2011 4:01 pm

"Well then if you're not going to help...GET!" I slightly leaped at him feeling my leg get better. I walked into the forest and rubbed tree sap onto my wound. Then I came sprinting back out and leaped over Shadow. I figured he might leap after me so after I landed I turned around and snarled again. "Don't under estimate me. I may have a leg wound but I'm known for my quickly healing wounds. This one is now good as new. I can fight too. I've practiced and accidentally killed my brother while practicing. I was left behind by my family after that. I've never cared for anyone else. And I'm NOT gonna start now!" I picked up one of my paws ready to claw and fight when needed.
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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty Re: All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

Post by Blueroanie Wed May 11, 2011 5:01 pm

Shadow didn't even flinch when she leaped over him, nor did he pursue her. He only sat there with an amused expression upon his face. "If you heal so quickly then why would you need my help in the first place?" He chuckled in amusement when he caught her little slip up of words. "A shame you haven't used your gift of love. I would take that ability from you if I could but sadly I cannot. You would not be so hasty to throw that away if you knew what life is like without it." For a moment Shadow's gaze fogged over and he seemed to be looking through the female, and for a moment he looked sad. But a second later and breathed deeply and brought his gaze back to the other wolf. "It's a pity about your brother and I would mourn for you, but that gift too has abandoned me." Not wishing her to banter him with questions, Kaiser cleared his throat and instead talked about the current situation. "I think some thanks are in order. If you are a civilized wolf that is. I saved your life from that other wolf, did I not?" Again an expression of amusement crossed his face. This whole time he had not moved a muscle and only sat there with no cringe of fear or anger.

((If you wish to understand more about him then take a look at this topic:
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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty Re: All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

Post by Dark**Light Wed May 11, 2011 5:09 pm

"Oh I almost forgot. Thanks. And it's not me that needs's you. You've been a loner for a very long time. And all one needs, in this case you, is a friend." I walked around him and gazed at the marking. I remembered it from somewhere. That's it! He was part of my pack! I was reluctant to leave him because all I needed was a friend and he was all I would've had! I stopped briefly then shook the thought. I quickly said "follow me." and bounded off into the forest. I ran to the place where the pack had born this wolf. I was ready to ask him a series of questions once he arrived at the place where I was located.
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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty Re: All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

Post by Blueroanie Wed May 11, 2011 5:24 pm

Shadow sighed and shook his head, she didn't understand no one ever did. "If it were so simple then I would not be in this mess. Their are greater powers at work here than you even realize." But she was already bounding off and he decided that he might as well follow her, for he had nothing else to do. Though she sped off he only walked and followed her excited scent to a small clearing. The landscape meant nothing to him for the memories of his youth were locked away in his mind to keep him from going mad. If the two truly were of the same kin, then she would have to understand that he would never go back to them. His true pack was with his adopted family, though they had been slaughtered by a rival pack. All that was brought before him was erased from existence, so he instead only looked forward to death when he would be taken from this loveless world.

Shadow walked into the clearing and stood there, enjoying the breeze as he waited to see why the female wished for him to follow. He tilted his head and looked over at her. "You know I never got your name. Must I call you her or the wolf or is there a title that I may address you with?"
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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty Re: All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

Post by Dark**Light Wed May 11, 2011 5:41 pm

" Do you remember this place? Do you remember this?" I curled in then jumped up and my wings appeared. I was a life wolf.( ) I told him "don't worry about me dying. It won't happen because of you." I lay down and lay my wings down on each side of me. I looked up at him and said " name is Silver."
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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty Re: All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

Post by Blueroanie Thu May 12, 2011 5:11 am

((How did she know what he was thinking?))

Shadow looked around and sighed. "I do not know what game you are playing Miss but I must be going." When she spoke about not dying his upper lip curled into a snarl. It took a moment for him to calm down enough to answer without aggression. "You may call me Shadow." He sat down and suddenly yawned, a quite large one. When he was finished he shook his head. "Pardon me, I didn't realize I was so tired." He then laid down and put his head on his paws.
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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty Re: All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

Post by Dark**Light Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:47 pm

"It's all good Shadow. I'm also tired." I took a short nap then took a short walk into a thick part of the forest. I found a log and limped into it. I looked at my wound. I had hidden it with my life abilities. It was still there but could only be seen and felt by me. I whimpered and soon fell to the ground into a deep deep sleep. My cut uncovered itself so it was able to be seen by anyone. Anybody who saw me would've thought I was dead. I was breathing lightly and my heart was beating faintly. I was in a dead sleep. I could only wake up when I felt safe and a friend was by my side...waiting, hoping for me to wake up.
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All one needs is a freind (blueroanie) Empty Re: All one needs is a freind (blueroanie)

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