Call of the Wild
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A Horse Whisperer? [mature, exsperianced, and please be a active member if you reply]

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A Horse Whisperer? [mature, exsperianced, and please be a active member if you reply] Empty A Horse Whisperer? [mature, exsperianced, and please be a active member if you reply]

Post by Man O' War Lover Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:28 pm

From my insperartion The Man Who Listend to Horsea:

I stood alone in the round pen (about the size of a small pond) with the unbroken horse-a powerful, potentially dangerous animal. When the horse enterd the pen, clearly nervus, I flicked a light cotton line at him-but never touched him with it-to send him around and around the perimeter. I spoke to him. The horse soon learn's to respect but not fear, the tossed line, which I he had first instincivley perceived as a threat. Still trotong the horse eventually lock's one ear in the direction of my voice. He lower's his head to the ground and makes chewing motion's. As if to say "I want to talk." A wild horse now a animal of solitary. His powerful instinct, the heard instinct, i to join another heard. Maybe my heard? When I face the horse and make eye contact, when to and not to, when to touch the horse first, when ever to move slow or fast: All this I know.
I stay where I am as he watches me. I let the lead rest over my shoulder and take a step closer. Very slow and easy toured him. He lift's his head and I stop. We keep each other's gaxe and he prick's his ear's. I know it is safe to step closer agian. I move toured him slowly my hand's out infront of me but not to close to him. "Easy." I say. He watches me and I can hear his steady breathing. he lowed his head and my finger's touch his muzzle. I let him know that I will do no harm to him. I slip the bridle off my shoulder and raise it up. I stand at his side rasing the bridle over his head and slip my index finger in the corner of his mouth and then slip the bite into it. He takes the bite and stand's waiting. I strocked his neck and wait for the right minute-

Back ground: Riley is 22 he shares a small ranch with his uncle and break's horses feel free to jump on in Very Happy

Man O' War Lover
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Age : 28

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Post by Guest Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:01 pm

Rihanna: I drive along the highway in my silver Chevy silverado 2500 with my four horse trailer in tow. My right hand was controlling the steering wheel and my left was supporting my head. I was on my way to meet a horse trainer, who I hope can help me with my gelding Coltergeist. Him, along with my two other Arabians, were currently in the horse trailer behind me, with him in the back in the stud divider. I turn off the highway and drive down the driveway until I reach the ranch. I put my truck in neutral then turn it off and hop out of the large truck. I close the door as I look around then see a man and a horse in a round pen, but patiently remain where I am so I don't spook or distract the horse. I climb up on my truck and sit with my legs dangling off the front and wait for him to finish with the horse.

Her Trailer:

Her Truck:


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A Horse Whisperer? [mature, exsperianced, and please be a active member if you reply] Empty Re: A Horse Whisperer? [mature, exsperianced, and please be a active member if you reply]

Post by Man O' War Lover Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:16 am

I could hear the truck coming down the roade and the trailer, but I watched as the horse took the bite. He was looking at me, and I looked back at him. I slid the chin starp through the small loop and buckled it. I then made sure the bite did not pinch the horses mouth. I lifted the rein's over his head and kept one hand on his shoulder. I spoke softly and let him chew on the bit. I held the rien's and lead him to the center of the round pen. Sitting there was a old stalk saddle, the horse lowerd his muzzle exsamning it. I grabed the saddle pad slowly and raised it. He watched but stayed where he was. I rubbed it agianst his side and he pawed the ground. I stopped moving and soon he did to. I rubbed the saddle pad against his shoulder then drabed it over his neck. His eye's grew large but he did not move. I was letting him feel the blancket and know it would mean no harm. He had figured that part out. I slowly lowed the blancket onto his back and straightend it out. He stayed still and I grabed the saddle horn to raise the saddle off the ground. He had a light sweat and his breathing was swifter. I let him smell it and feel it, as I strocked his neck. He clamed down and I raised the saddle above his back and let it rest on his spin. He stayed and I slowly reached under his belly to grab the saddle girth. I pulled the saddle girth over to the other side of his belly and started to tighten it. His nostril's flared and eye's where rimmed white. I backed up with the lunging line and started him in a circle. He started at a trot, I was getting him use the the stirup's as he went around and around the pen. I worked him and as I turned and saw her siting on her truck. "Hello." I kept my eye's on the horse as he lowerd his head. I kept him going.

Man O' War Lover
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