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The Horse Whisperer's Abode

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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:22 pm


I let out a soft groan as I heard the repeatingly annoying sound of my alarm clock as it went off at 5:30 A.M.. Rolling over onto my side away from it, I pulled one of the pillows out from under me, pressing it tightly over my head.


“Ugh, alright already!” I moaned, twisting over onto my other side and opening my eyes to glare angrily at the black box, its red light and golden yellow writing flashing with each obnoxious BEEP!. Standing up, I walked across the room, my tread slow and silent. Instead of merely turning off the alarm, I unplugged the whole system. Rubbing the sleep from one eye, I blinked quickly. Stifling a yawn with one hand covering my mouth, I stretched, closing my eyes again and swaying slightly. Opening the door to my room and flipping on the hall light that was right outside my door, I blinked at the sudden yellow light that blinded me momentarily. Running a hand through my hair, I allowed myself a small yawn, turning to my right and walking throughout my house, flipping on the lights as I went. Walking back into my room, I shut the door behind me again, walking over to the bathroom. Thankfully, my room was clean (or semi), otherwise, in my half-asleep state, I would have tripped over every little thing. As it was, I tripped on the smooth tile of my bathroom the moment I stepped onto it. Grabbing hold of the counter on my right, I steadied myself, shutting the sliding door of the bathroom. Placing my arms on the counter and leaning my weight against it, arching my back slightly, I looked in the mirror at myself.

My icy blue eyes stared strongly back at me, masked over with a slim layer of sleep, but still intense. A lot of people seemed to be pretty wary of me just because of the intensity of my eyes; I liked it that way. A lot. Made Life seem easier. My dirty blonde hair framed my tanned face, freckles spraying from cheek to cheek and across my forehead from spending so much time outside everyday. The crimson slip I was wearing clung slightly to my body, showing off my sleek features. I smiled small, brushing my hair out of my face. The sapphire crescent moon on my left temple gleamed slightly exotically with an almost magical glow from the illumination of the bathroom light. The black and silver cobweb stood out distinctly against my skin, turned a pale color in the transparent light. Walking over to the bathroom, I pushed the sliding glass door back a bit, turning on the water. Stripping down quickly, I stepped under the water.

Of course, it was cold. Ice cold. I always took freezing showers in the morning, at least at first. Warm water first made me feel even sleepier. Cold water wakes you up. Jumping slightly as I felt shivers run up and down my spine, wide awake now, I turned the heat up, trembling slightly as I waited for the water to heat up. It didn’t take long, which was one of the things I really loved about my shower. Standing there for a few moments, I tilt my head up, closing my eyes as I let the water just run in long streams over my warming body. After a moment, I shake my head slightly, opening my eyes. Quickly washing my hair and body, shaving quickly as well, I turn off the water and open the sliding door, grabbing the fluffy blue towel I kept hanging up outside of my shower and drying off. Wrapping the soft fabric around me, I step out, squeezing water out of my hair, and walk over to the counter. Last night I had already put my clothes for the next day on the counter: A pair of faded blue jeans that had a few small holes in them, a pair of socks, a bra, underwear, and a white T-shirt. My ebony colored riding boots and fawn colored work boots sat on the floor.

Pushing my now dark brown looking hair out of my face, I pulled on my under wear and socks before slipping the long shirt on over my head. It clung lightly to my features, not too tight, but not too loose. Pulling on the loose pants, I sit down on the floor, pulling on and lacing up my work boots. Standing up, I hand up my towel, then drag a brush over my scalp and pulling my hair back into a tight ponytail. Grabbing my hard core watch off the counter, I check the time. 6:00. Light was beginning to stream in through my opened bathroom window, and I unlocked the door and opened it. My room, the walls painted a deep gold, was now shining with light from the little bit of sunlight that streamed in through the opened bedroom window, catching in the colors of the walls, ceiling, and floor. Grabbing my cell phone off the charger, I open the door to my room again, hurrying through the house and out the door, now turning the lights off as I went.

Once outside, I sighed, breathing in deeply the crisp smell of sycamore trees and roses, wildflowers’ scents dancing on the gentle breeze. The few stable hands I had hired had just arrived, and I hurried over to them to help them with the horses.

“Hey, Ami!” a voice called, and I smiled.
“Hey Jared, what’s up?”
“Well, there’s nothing like waking up at oh-dark-thirty to drive out to the Lord-knows-where to feed some beasts!” I laughed lightly, my voice like chiming bells. “You got that whole line from me!”
“Yeah, so?” I shook my head slightly, walking beside him as Ty came up to walk beside us to the barns. It was always fun working with them and Kristy, I never really had acted like a boss when it came to the breeding and training farm I ran.

For about half an hour we ran back and forth, bringing horses in from the pasture, letting others out, filling up the feed truck with hay, grabbing the buckets of grain we prepared the night before and putting them in as well in the feed truck. Ty drove while I rode in the back, going around the whole property to give the horses their breakfast, while Kristy and Jared helped out in the three barns. Then, after Ty and I had refilled the truck with hay, we headed into the grain room to put together the buckets of feed. Throughout the three barns, the dancing, sweet aromas of A&M, or Alfalfa Molasses, Vita Bran, and all the other supplements danced in my mind as we redid the buckets. After that, we headed out to the stalls to help muck out. First the outside stalls, then the barns. By the time we were done, it was approaching eight o-clock. I remembered how my mom had started this whole thing, before she had died in a car wreck trying to rescue an abused stallion who had been abandoned on a farm with no food and little water. I felt a knot in my stomach tighten slightly as I remembered that night when I was 14. After that, I’d had trouble keeping the farm together, but with the help of my three now best friends, I’d been able to pull through. Somehow I had finished school, but never even thought of college. I wouldn’t need it with my job anyway. I trained horses for a living, taking in horses from others as well as breeding my own Shagya Arabians. I had a license, and I sold yearlings and more experienced horses, entering them in shows as well. It was always hard saying goodbye to a horse, but I always made sure they went to a good home.

After the horses were done eating, which wasn’t a long wait after mucking out, Ty and I brought in my Mustang/Arabian stallion, Spartan, a pitch black with stockings on his fore legs, socks on his hind, and a snip and star on his face, and Ty’s stallion Red, a French Trotter/Thoroughbred cross clear bay. Joking lightly and laughing at each other, we groomed the two horses and tacked them up, riding around in the arena for a bit before heading out to the trails, waving goodbye to Kristy and Jared.

Kristy and Jared were both a year older than me, while Ty was two. He was a good friend, and I had never really imagined what Life would be like without him. For any of them, for that matter.

Spartan tossed his head up into the air, and I let out a light laugh as he tugged at the reins, arching his neck and stepping high, flagging his tail. We were on one of our favorite trails, and he was ready to run! I looked over at Ty with a mischievous look in my eyes.

“Ready to lose?” I asked with a grin. He smirked back.

“Last to the tree gets to do the other’s mucking out tomorrow!” I laughed again, and we both let the horses go at once. Spartan and Red raced side-by-side before Red started pulling ahead. Holding Spartan back purposefully, he tossed his head and snorted, ears back to keep the wind out of them. I whispered slowly into his ears, and he flicked his ears in response, slowing his stride slightly. I kept Spartan a few strides behind them, sticking perfectly to the English multipurpose saddle as we turned and moved with the land. After a bit, I gave him more rein, and we moved slowly up to them. Then Spartan and Red were neck-and-neck, then Spartan was a nose ahead, then a head, then a whole length. By the time we galloped past the massive sycamore tree, spilt in half long ago by lightning, Spartan had a 2 and ½ length lead. Collecting the reins and standing up in the saddle, I whispered words into his ear, and he slowed to a canter, then a trot, then a walk. I smiled, walking slowly back to Red and Ty with a grin on my face.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:54 pm

i walk down gravel road mumbling to myself, my dirty blond hair with green,pink and blue highlights and black undertone hair was pulling into a loose ponytail, my jeans were faded and ripped at the knees. i was wearing a old T that had Skillet on the front covered my tats. i looked around and grumbled, normally i was on the streets or in the library reading. but if i went into the city right now i would be screwed. sighing i look up at the sky "so first on the list it to find somewhere to sleep and some food" i say to myself then i stop seeing a barn and big house "huh" i mumbled then walk up the long driveway, maybe i could work for some food and a place to sleep. i walk slowly looking around my stormy gray eyes scan the yard and barn, for danger or anything. a old habit that kept my alive. "hello? anyone here?" i called out dropping my backpack to my feet
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:02 pm

Siyah Iblis~
I lifted my elegant Arabian head up into the air, my black coat gleaming in the sunlight. The two other stallions in my pasture were also black, just a few white markings distinguising us from each other. Diablo had a white star. Shetan had a white sock. I had nothing. Tossing my head, I cantered down the fence, ears pricked forward, muscles rolling beneath my taut hide as I scented a Human coming up the gravel driveway, someone I didn't know, none the less. Snorting, I ran flawlessly over the grassy ground, neck arched, tail flagged, and nostrils flagged. I may look big and scary, but I wasn't all that dangerous, unlike what my name told. The three of us in my pasture all had the same name in different languages: Black Demon. Mine was in Turkish, Shetan's in Arabic, and Diablo's in Spanish. Sliding to a stop by the white fence, I see the girl stop. Putting my head over the fence, I prick my ears forward, my silky black mane falling over my dark eyes. Tossing my head up, I whinnied loudly, flicking my tail and stomping a hoof.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:08 pm

i looked around listening for a voice or something, but no all i get was a horse, i sighed then turn my head to look at the horse and my jaw drops "whoa" i say this was one beautiful stallion, i knew a little about horses and worked at a stable over the lst summer but that was it, i slowly walk to him leaving my backpack on the ground.i offer my hand for him to smell as i looked him over "hi there pretty boy" i say softly to him and slowly reach up and run my hand over his nose with a little girl smile as my foster om called it. my gray eyes got a little brighter at i looked him over "you are a pretty boy" i cooed out at him
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:13 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Iblis
I snorted softly, flicking my ears slightly as I looked at her with large, intelligent Arabian eyes. Tossing my head slightly, I rubbed my head on the fence, scratching behind my ears. Whickering softly, I lift my head to see Kristy coming over here. Tossing my head, I back away from the fence and buck, prancing down the fenceline with my head over the fence, ears forward and neck arched. Sliding to a stop, she came over to the fencerubbing my neck while looking at the other girl. "Hello," she said, her voice soft yet strong at the same time as she walked over to her. I followed her on the other side of the fence.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:23 pm

i watch him with a soft smile, then i hear foot steps, it was a girl but the lightness of them. i looked at her over my shoulder and quickly scan her over, then decided she wasnt a threat. i relax and watch him. then i looked over at her, i kept my gray eyes dull "hi, i was looking for work?" i asked then brush off some dirt from my shirt then looked back at her then the stallion "whats his name?"

(sorry its short but not much for me to go on right now)
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:28 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Kristy
I smile small, walking over to her. She looked like a druggie with such dull eyes, but Iblis would never let anyone near him unless he liked them. I shrugged. "I'm sorry, that's not up to me, I'm only a stable hand here. The owner is out riding; She should be back soon," I said, looking at her as I paused, rubbing his cheek. He leaned into my touch. "His name is Siyah Iblis, it means Black Demon in Turkish, but don't let his name fool you. He acts more like a lovestruck puppy than a demon!" I said with a laugh. "My name's Kristen, by the way. And your's?" I ask.

{no problem}
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:40 pm

i listen to her still watching the stallion then nodded "oh ok, can i wait here tho?" i asked most people took one look at me and dismissed me as a druggie or something like that, but i may have lived on the streets for a bit but i was no druggie, i wanted to keep my brain cell's alive, i think them laughed hearing his name "really, yea he looks more like a big puppy more then a demon" i say then gently reach out and rub his nose softly then looked at her "oh im Payton, but most people call me P" i say and offer her my hand
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:47 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Kristy
I hesitate for a moment before taking her hand. "I don't see why not. But I've gotta go finish grooming, I just came out here to grab a few things," I say, walking over to the storage shed. Opening it, I pick up a can of saddle soap, a bucket of clean rags, and a new thing of purple liquid that you put on the frog of a horse to get rid of the thrush in around 12 hours, even the worst case. Putting the saddle soap and bottle in the bucket with the rags, I grab a spray bottle of flyspray, setting them on the ground and shutting the shed door, locking it. Picking them back up, I turn around to face her. "Wanna come?" I ask, starting to walk over to the nearest barn. "You know, I think Iblis likes you; He doesn't normally go near people he doesn't like.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:55 pm

i shake her hand then smiled faintly "ok thanks" i say then nodded watching her go, i watch her with thinking so i could stay here and work, it was safe and no one knew i was here, i smiled smugly to myself, plus i like being around the horses,. i seeing her lock the shed door i quickly swipe the smug look off my face at look at her and shrugged "yea sure" i say then walk after her, then hearing her, my face brightens a little "really?" i asked looking at her. my eyes light up a little hearing that, heck even if it was a horse at least someone liked me and thought i as worth something.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:00 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Kristy
I glance over at her and nod. "Yep, if he doesn't like you then he'll just completely ignore you and walk away no matter how much you call or bribe him," I said. A moment later I turned around the corner of a barn. Seamus, a dark chestnut, had gottne himself loose from the post and was walking over towards the line of horses outside on the other side of the barn. I scowled. "Aw, Seamus!" I said, setting down my things and jogging after him. He flicked his ears and lifted up into a swinging trot, then tripped on his lead rope. Grabbing it, I pull him to a stop, shaking my head at him. "You crazy escape artist," I said, leading him back over to the hitching rail. "Sorry, this horse can untie almost any knot," I said, tying him back up tightly but giving him room to move his head.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:08 pm

i smiled small and nodded "cool" i say fallowing her to the barn, i looked around memorizing places to hide and places to run. i make a mental note to look around more then see another pretty stallion trotting away, i burst out laughing for real as i watch him run from her. i smirked slightly and nodded "yea i can see that" i say picking up the stuff her put down, i hold it as i watch her tie him back up to the pole. "so why is her tied up out here and not with the others?" i asked looking him over then looking at her
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:16 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Kristy
I looked at her. "Because he needs to be taught some manners while being groomed," I say, picking up a hoofpick from the grooming kit set down by the rail. I heard the sound of hooves on cement, looking into the barn to see Jared leadind a light chestnut gelding named Johnny coming down the aisle of the barn, Johnny's mane and his hair matching in colors and almost length since Johnny's mane was so short. We had bought him from an auction about a year ago in bad health and skittish of everything. He was better now, but he still wasn't too reliable. Just before they came out of the barn, Johnny suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide and nostrils flared. He skittered backwards suddenly, Jared moving with him and giving him room. He snorted, tossing his head up. After a moment he stopped, trembling slightly as Jared moved closer to him slowly again.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:22 pm

i nodded and smirked slightly "ahh i see" i say then watch her for a moment then turn to see another stallion with some guy, i watch them and then hold my breath when the stallion acts up, i bite my lip watching him please dont let it be me please dont let it be me, i keep thinking over and over in my head, i looked closer at the stallion he just looked scared to me but what it at me? or something else? i asked myself. all i knew about horses as from what i'd read in books and what i learned at my job last summer.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:44 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Kristy
Seamus threw his head up, rolling his eyes when Johnny acted up, and I held onto the end of his leadrope, ready to pull it just in case. We didn't need this crazy horse breaking another railing. Johnny calmed down, and so did Seamus. Jared began to lead him back out of the barn, and he Johnny skittered more towards us away from a fat calico cat who yawned and did a black cat stretch which would seem impossible for a cat of his size. Johnny flared his nostrils at the cat and pinned his ears. "Seriously, Johnny, what kind of horse doesn't like cats?" Jared asked, scowling as he led the horse to the other end of hitching rail Seamus was tied up to, looking curiously at Payton.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:54 pm

i watch the horses then couldnt help it but laugh lightly when the cats walked out, i looked at Jared, i should have just kept my mouth shut but no i open it "well obviously him" i say then looked at Seamus and walk closer to him head "hey there pretty boy" i cooed at him and offer him my hand to smell, i looked at him thinking and brush my blue and blond bangs that fell out of my ponytail out of my eyes so i could look at him better, i smiled softly and my eyes light up a little
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:00 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Kristy
I see Jared shake his head slightly and smirk. "Well, he always was insane," he said, smiling small as he tied Johnny up. "I'm Jared, and do you mind watching him while I get his grooming kit?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. "You shoulod've done that first!" He just shrugged. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Seamus throw his head up almost arrogantly, keeping his nose just out of her reach, shaking my head slightly. "Sorry, he likes to play hard to get," I joked.

{haha, these two are actually horses from my mom's work, Seamus isn't exactly the nicest horse in the barn, and Johnny flips at everything almost. It can take you an hour just to move him ten feet from his outside stall to the hitchin rail Rolling Eyes }
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:11 pm

i looked at Jared and nodded "yea sure, im Payton" i say then looked back at Seamus and play pout "well your not fun" i say joking then moved over to johnny slowly and looked him over "hi there boy" i say softly and stand by him , my hands in my pockets, i wasnt going to do anything for him to freak out about

(haha nice! yea i have a horse who is like a huge puppy!)
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:23 pm

{lol, nice!}

Like a Star @ heaven Kristy
I smiled small, watching Jared as he nodded a thanks, disappearing in the tack room in the barn. Picking up a flick brush, I went to Seamus's left side, brushing away the straw and woodchippings from his barn stall and looking over his back at her. Johnny tossed his head, eyeing Payton curiously. Finally, he lowered his head, still on the extreme end of his leadrope, and extended his muzzle towards her, nostrils dilated as he took in her scent. "Have you ever worked with horses?" I asked suddenly, seeing the way she moved around them.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:31 pm

i watch Kristy work then looked back at Johnny and smiled at him "hi there boy" i cooed at him softly still not moving very much, i was going to let him come to me thats what Hank thought me and what i read in the books, my face lights up a little when he extended his muzzled to me, very slowly i stretch out my hand to let him smell and looked at Kristy "uh huh lasr summer i took a job at a stable that worked with probable horses and bored horses" i shrugged "that and i've read like every book the library had on horses"
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:47 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Kristy
I smile small, moving to Seamus's other side. To my surprise, he was actually on his best behavior for once. He probably had something devious in mind. "Do you like horses?" I asked, tossing the brush into the kit and picking up the hoofpick, moving to Seamus's left fore as Jared came out of the barn with Johnny's grooming kit, moving slowly to not startle the skittish horse.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:53 pm

i watch Johnny and shrugged at her question "yea i guess i do" i say and then looked at Jared "can i brush him?" i asked then looked back at Johnny's body language, i looked back at Jared "i promise i wont dont anything stupid" i say looking at him but not in the eyes, i brush my hair out of my eyes again
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:01 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Kristy
Jared looked at me and I shrugged, reaching over to grab the thrush cleaner. Cleaning out each hoof thoroughly, I can smell the thrush in both of them, drizzling the liquid into each hoof. Finally I straightened up, patting Seamus's neck, then realized I had gotten the purple liquid on my hands. I groaned. "Great, this stuff stains! I said, putting the cap on the bottle and tossing the hoofpick into the kit. Picking up the bottle, I hurry into the barn, turning right into the first room, setting the bottle in the cabinet on the right. Then I hurried across from the cabinet into the bathroom to wash my hands.

Like a Star @ heaven Jared
I smile small. "Sure," I say after a moment, handing her the brush. "Just be slow, he'll probably try to move around a lot," I said, going over to lean against the railing by Seamus, my light brown hairfalling untidily over my forehead and falling into my brown eyes.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:06 pm

i smiled small "Thanks" i say and take the brush from him, i walk slowly to Johnny's side and nodded to what Jared said "ok" i say then cooed at Johnny"its ok boy" i slowly start to brush his neck, thinking and watching him and Jared out of the corner of my eye, i didn't trust anybody, so i was careful
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:20 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Kristy
I scowled, turning off the water and examining my tie-dyed hands. "Great!" I groaned, drying them off. Walking into one of the two tack rooms across the isle, the second one, I found Seamus's bridle and slid it onto his saddle's horn. Picking up the saddle and pad, I walked over to the saddle racks that sat between the first room adn the feed room. Sliding my load onto the first rack, I hang the bridle up above it. Picking up the saddle and pad again, moving the pad underneath the saddle, I walked back out to Seamus. He saw me coming and I moved onto his left side so I could put the saddle on right. He moved around the railing, moving onto the other side. "Yeah? Where you gonna go now?" I asked as he pulled on his lead rope. Placing the saddle gently on his back, I shifted it and dropped the girth, tightening it. Walking back inside, I slung his bridle over my shoulder, untying Seamus's leadrope and leading him to the arena.

Like a Star @ heaven Jared
I watch Payton work with Johnny, then shake my head slightly. "Do you know how to ride?" I asked curiously.
• Echo
• Echo
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