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The Horse Whisperer's Abode

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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:51 pm

Walking around outside, I check the watch, and my eyes flew open. Oh no, Rascal had been on the hotwalk too long! I scowled, muttering under my breath and mentally yelling at myself. It was only by about ten minutes, but he was still injured pretty badly. Racing over to the hotwalk, I flip it off, and Rascal whinnied almost impatiently to me. Unhooking him, I walk him slowly at first. Seeing he was fine, I breathe a sigh of relief and lead him back to the barn, locking him up in his stall. Scout still had about twenty minutes to go and looked bored as hell. Wondering where everyone was, I start making my way towards the house, sure Kristy and Jared were probably in there. Ami was probably with one of the horses, but where was Payton? Walking under a large tree, I hear someone sniffling and pause. Finally, I look up and see Payton crouching the branches. "What are you doing up there? What's wrong?" I ask, frowning as I look up at her, shifting nervously.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:57 pm

i sighed and then jumped hearing a voice under me "holy hell" i mumbled as i grab a branch so i didnt fall out of the tree, quickly i wipe my eyes and looked down at him "its Ty right? nothing, nothings wrong" i say trying to smile, but it wasnt working, i looked at his face, seeing the yea like hell nothings wrong. sighing i start climbing down, i jump down the last bit and looked at him "im ok really" i say avoiding his gaze, i couldnt look him in the eyes at the moment, i couldnt hide the pain in them. suddenly i thought of Rascal "oh crap i forgot about Rascal!"
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:01 pm

I nodded. "Yeah, it is. And yeah right, why are you crying?" I listened to her and grabbed her arm before she could race off to the hotwalk. "It's fine, I already got him. No one was paying attention, it's not your fault. He's fine, anyway," I said, forcing a smile down at her though it didn't reach my eyes as I dropped her arm.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:08 pm

i go to race to get Rascal but stop feeling him grab my arm, i tense up when he grabbed my arm then let out a breath when he let go, i couldnt help but tense up, thats how i stay alive.holding my head a little higher i looked at him but still not in the eyes "i wasnt crying" i say stubbornly, i wasnt going to break down,i couldnt break down in front of someone i didnt even know
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:39 am

I arch my eyebrows. "Oh-kay... Then what were you doing up in a tree all alone sniffling to yourself?" I asked. I shake my head slightly, shrugging. "Nevermind, if you don't want to talk then I can't force you," I say, starting to walk to the house before stopping. "If you want to spend a little more time with the foal, it's time for him to get another bottle," I say.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:46 am

i look at him my eyes getting blank again, maybe that would stop him from asking questions, i thought then let out a breath when he stops "thanks," i say softly then watch him start to leave, i listen to him and smiled small ""really? sweet yea i'll feed it to him" i say as my eyes light up a little i turn to leave then looked at him over my shoulder "and Ty? thanks " i say then jog to the barn
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:14 pm

I shrug, walking back over to the house. Walking inside, I walk through the living room, pushing through the swinging door into the kitchen. Kristy was sitting at the table, and Jared wasleaning against the counter of the island. "My horse is not gay!" Kristy said, crossing her arms. Jared was clearly amused. "Hey, Kristy, my horse is probably the gayest horse here, he doesn't even care about the mares," I said. "Well, Seamus likes mares too, so he's not really gay," she kept insisting, putting her elbows on the table. "Well that's easy, Seamus is bi!" Jared said, just as Ami walked through the door. "Alright, this is a very interesting coversation," she said, shaking her head. "He is not!" Kristy said, still mad about Jared talking about her horse. "Wow, you're seriously mad about him calling your horse bi? All the horses on the left side of the stable yard are either gay or bi because most of them only see the other guys, and about 90% of the horses here are guys," Ami said, grabbing a water bottle out of the cupboard. Walking over behind her, I grabbed the big, foal bottle from the drying rack where I had left it from this morning. "Well that doesn't make all the horses gay or bi," Kristy said. Ami just shook her head, smiling as she walked back out, and I followed her. "Hey, it's okay that Payton feeds the foal, right?" I asked. "Oh, yeah, sure. She mineaswell so she doesn't start feeling left out," she said, glancing up at the sky. "So it's fine by me. I've gotta go bring Scout back into the barn soon," she said. I nodded and walked into the barn where the foal was kept, walking into the grain room. Turning the sink in there all the way to hot, I put a few scoops of foal formula in the bottle. He was starting to be weaned, and as I set the bottle under the hot water to fill, I grabbed his bucket. We put A&M, or Alfalfa Molasses, a tiny bit of Vita Bran, some Lavender, Weight Builder, and a few other supplements to help build his strength and and take the place of the vitamins in the milk he was supposed to get. Once the bottle was full, I put the nipple back on, putting my finger over the hole and shaking it roughly until all the formula was dissolved. Carrying the bucket and the bottle, I slipped out of the grain room and walked over to the colt's stall, peering in and knocking jokingly on the door.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:29 pm

i jog to the barn frowning at myself "that was close P, you almost broke down,in front of someone you dont know" i shake my head and slow down when i get to the barn, i smiled small and walk into it going to the colts stall, i slip in and smiled when he scrambled to his feet and walk up to me "hungry boy?" i asked then laughed when he nudged me with his muzzled "ok ok hang on Tys making it, i would but i have no clue how" i say petting him and smiling for real. i turn around hearing Ty and smiled small at him "hey" i said walking to the stall door
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:04 pm

I smile small, opening the stall door and coming in. The small colt hurried over to me, and I handed the bottle over to Payton. "Try to tempt him into eating some grain, we're starting to weane him," I said, nodding slightly to the foal. Scratching behind his ears, I watched him wobble over to her when he saw that she had the bottle.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:13 pm

i take the bottle from him and nodded "ok sure" i say then looked at the colt then to the bucket thinking, i smiled small and hold out the bottle for him "come here little guy" i say softly then smiled as he starts to nurse, i was going to let him drink half then see if i could get him to eat some grain
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:12 pm

I smile small, slipping out of the stall and closing it behind me. Walking out of the barn, I look around for a minute, blinking a few times to adjust my eyes to the light. Walking over to the other barn, who all were either geldings or stallions, which just showed how little mares we had, I walk into the barn. Going into the tack room, I pull down one of the bridles, walking back out and setting it on the hook above the first rack in the barn. The two barns were identical in everything but the horses inhabiting them. Searching the halters for a minute, I find Apache's, lifting it up and going outside. Walking to the first stall on my right, I unlock it, slipping inside.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:28 pm

i smiled softly feeding the colt then when he was half way down i pulled the bottle from him, "ok now lets try some grain" i say holding the bucket to him, "come on, little guy you know you want some" i cooed at him shaking the bucket slightly, i sighed when he still wouldnt try it so i scoop some into my hand and hold it out in front of his muzzle, "come on little guy" i cooed then smiled big when he nibbled at him "thats it" i say softly watching him eat it out of my hand, slowly i move my hand into the bucket so now he was nibbling at it. i smiled as my eyes light watching him
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:23 pm

The dun pinto Mustang's multicolored ears perked forward and he swished his tail, walking over to me. I rubbed his head for a moment before slipping the halter on over his ears, buckling the straps together. He didn't have the prettiest face; He had the broad, too-large Mustang head, and it was pure white with some thin lines of color running throughout it, making him look older than he was, which was three. He was a horse we had taken in to train, and he was a really good horse, even if when he decided he wanted to be done, he stopped, dug his hooves into the ground, and refused to move. No amount of coaxing and bribes would make him move until his tack was taken off, then he would walk calmly to his stall. And to his stall, nowhere else. Try to stop for a moment and he just drags you along with him. Try to lead him another way and he would either stop or rip the rope out of your hands and take off to his stall.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:03 pm

i smiled when he finished most of the grain and the bottle "thats a good boy" i cooed at him and then sit on the floor my back against the barn wall,i smiled softly when he laid his head on my lap, petting him i closed my eyes thinking about nothing really, then slowly i drift to sleep leaning against the stall wall, the colts head in my lap, my hand resting on his neck gently. i mumbled a few words in my sleep about drugs and trouble, nut then i stop and settle down into a some what peaceful sleep, for me that is,
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:12 pm

Bringing Apache out of his stall, I lead him over to the two hitching rails, tying him loosely to one. Walking into the barn again, I grab the grooming kit for him, bringing it out near him adn rubbing his multicolored neck. Picking up the clippers, I hook them up to the extention cord from the barn, bringing them over near him and turning them on for him to get used to the sound. He pricked his ears forward, not seeming at all scared by them. Of course. This horse just loved the clippers. Kneeling by his forelegs, I shave his forelocks before standing up to do his whiskers. It made cleaning them a lot easier to get rid of the extra hair and just made them look neater.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:23 pm

i wake with a start later and looked round the stall, panting for air, once i see that i was in a stall with a colts head in my lap and not in some warehouse tied to a chair getting the crap beat out of me, i relaxed and then slip out from under the colts head, silently i pick up the bucket and bottle and walk to the feed room to put the bucket away and wash out the bottle, once i finish that i walk around on silent feet, to where i hear noise. i stop a little bit of to the side and watch Ty clean up the horse, taking a small step out into the light watching him. this place was so different heck the people were different then most, but not in a bad way they didnt judge me on how i looked or talked, it was nice really nice. i smiled faintly thinking that over "so you dont mind me helping out?" i blurted out, well i wanted to know
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:52 am

{hehe, forelocks, that's on their forehead XD I meant fetlocks, on their hocks...}
Placing the guard on the clippers, I give him a neat full cut before turning the clippers off, unplugging them, and putting them back in the barn. Coming back out, I pick up the hard-bristled flick brush, pushing all the loose hair from his body. I pick out his hooves, threading Cowboy Magic through his mane, which is like a horse conditioner that we use so we don't pull any hairs from their mane or tail, then comb through it. We only brushed through their tails every other week, and then we used the Cowboy Magic on them. Looking up when she comes out, I shrug. "Well, I haven't decided yet, but you seem to be okay. Jared's just Jared and hates it whenever anyone does anything to confuse a horse or hurt them, he's gone off on all of us before. Kristy mostly stays to herself for a while and you can't really get to know her very much until you actually start to see her around, which isn't very hard since when she has nothing to do she's mostly just wandering around near the horses," I say with a shrug, not explaining Ami as I tossed the mane-and-tail brush back into the kit.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:51 pm

i slid my hands into my back pockets listening to him, slightly nodding, i looked past him taking note on Kristy and Jared. then i looked at him with the same gray dull eyes that i've always had "what about Ami? what happened to her mom?" i asked softly. i knew something had happened to her mom, you could tell but that sometimes Ami got this sad look in her eyes, she played a game i was a champ at, acting like everything was ok when you really wanted to die, shaking my head slightly i looked back at Ty
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:00 pm

I shrug. "She died. That's all I can really say about her, it's not exactly my place to give you the details." Picking up the hoof pick, I place my hand on his hoof. He didn't move it. Tugging up, he picked it up to paw. "Hey, boy, I'm not playing this game again," I say, smacking him gently on his shoulder. He looked at me before pricking his ears and looking forward again. I tried again and he lifted his hoof like a well-trained Quarter Horse gelding who was born in captivity. None of which he was, other than the gelding part.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:21 pm

i listen to him and nodded "oh ok, thats fine i understand" i say softly as i watch him work with Apache, well i think that was his name. i smiled small watching then then looked around "so how long have you worked here?" i asked then looked at him then at the horse, i wasnt trying to be nosy i just wanted to know a little about the people i could work with.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:57 pm

I pick out Apache's hooves, running my hand alongside his neck, barrel, and flanks as I did so he knew where I was going and what I was doing. I put the hoofpick away and looked back over at her. "Since I was fourteen, and I'm twenty-three now," I say. I grabbed the hard-bristled body brush, pulling it gently over his body to get the dirt and manure out of his coat. "Jared came here three years after that, and Kristy was a daughter of a friend to Ami's mom and started working here a little after she, died," I say, shaking my head slightly. Her mom had been a good person, calm, patient, adn gentle.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sun Jun 27, 2010 3:09 pm

i watch him then listen to him nodding slightly "oh so you guys are like family" i say as i felt a small twing of pain in my heart, knock it off P. i think to myself then looked at him trying to read him, but it was kinda hear. geez all of these people wore a freak mask, i shake my head at myself oh yea P look whos talking, your the biggest of then all, i snapped at myself in my head then looked at him thinking lost in thought
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:07 pm

I nodded. "Yeah, pretty much, only she's actually got an education," I say with a shrug, glancing over at her. "I dropped out of highschool a little before I started work here." Patting Apache's neck, I dropped the brush back into the kit. "Sorry if this sounds rude, but I've gotta go work him in the round pen, you can watch if you want or ask one of the other three if there's something to do," I say, walking to the front of Apache, rubbing his cheek and forehead.
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:37 am

i listen to him and smiled faintly "i understand" i said then watched him a little more thinking, then looked at him "oh no its alright, sorry for askin so many questions" i say taking a step back "well i dont think Jared likes me very much so i'll see if Kristy or Ami have anything for me to do" i say with a faint smile "it was cool talking with you" i said then walk off looking for Kristy or Ami
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The Horse Whisperer's Abode - Page 5 Empty Re: The Horse Whisperer's Abode

Post by • Echo Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:18 pm

I shrug. "He doesn't hate anyone except the snobs who only care about ribbons," I say, untying his leadrope. I nod slightly. "You too, later." Walking into the barn I grab the bridle, then walk back outside before Apache can try to run off. Collecting the leadrope, I lead Apache to the roundpen. Once there, I switch him into the bridle, fixing the circingle on him to lunge him.
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