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Dancing In The Moonlight

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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by • Echo Sat May 15, 2010 12:34 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Maye Like a Star @ heaven
My slim form moved gracefully with the black stallion I sat upon, his sleek ebony form darting through the forest. Bounding over fallen logs and weaving around trees with the grace of a fleeting doe, our two forms blending in with the shadows of the night, coming in and out of existance. At times we were completely invisable; It was part of the race of Elves I belonged to that gave me the powers for such things. Sliding to a stop just inside a clearing, I slid from his back, my dark forest green cloak sticking to the curves of my body elegantly and showing off my slim form. Behind me, Spartan snorted, pawing roughly at the ground with one slim white foreleg. Glancing over at him, I look up at the sky, the full moon showing brightly as it seperated itself from the black storm clouds that threatened to spill.
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by Soul Hunter Sat May 15, 2010 12:39 pm

ooc- can i post here???
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by • Echo Sat May 15, 2010 12:41 pm

Of course, that's what posts are for Razz
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by Soul Hunter Sat May 15, 2010 12:42 pm

ooc- ok thanks... also some of my posts might be a bit short... just warning you also this character is a bit insane

i sat up in the tree in cat form.. a silver ringing sound(high pitched ting) was made by the silver bell tied round my neck with a black ribbon... i had a grey coat with light green stripes and my eyes were an even lighter green...i was strange and very odd... i looked at them "hmm how interesting" i said wearing a maddening smile... i was ,well completly insane.. i had a human form as well (true form) but when traveling i mostly stayed in cat form so people weren't freaked out.. well to be honest a green stiped cat does stand out but oh well...
i watched them as my tail wrapped round my front paws...i silently watched them and then relised there was an elf there "well, this will be interesting" i said still wearing my maddening smile...
i was a female cat creature and a well known one... but in films they had got my colours and occuapation wrong as well as gender.. they thought i was male...but i was definatly female....
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by • Echo Sat May 15, 2010 12:52 pm

{No problem, and mine can too, it depends on whether or not I can think of a long post or not. And by the way, it may not say it in the bio, but that bio is an older one of her, but she has black rosettes [like those on a white Jaguar] covering her body, she can grow fangs, has a bit of Vampire blood running through her veins, has the white tufted ears and white tail with black rosettes of a white Jaguar as well, and she can shapeshifter into a white Jaguar and a Phoenix, and her horse is really a Dragon but usually uses this form when travelling. Her eyes are exactly like a cat's and can change colors}

Like a Star @ heaven Maye Like a Star @ heaven
I hear a noise behind me and twist around, my cat eyes blazing an icy blue at the moment, the same color as Spartan's at the moment. My hand gripped the pommel of my sword as I spotted the oddly colored cat high up in the tree. A Werecat, perhaps? One of my best friends was part Werecat, and I had met many, but none had looked like this cat here. As a matter of fact, she didn't look like anything I had ever seen, and I had seen a lot of strange things. "Hello," I say, my voice smooth and calm, like water rushing over rocks in an overflowing stream at the beginning of Spring, just when snow was melting and draining into it. Lifting my chin, exposing my neck slightly as I looked up at the cat in the trees; Who cares if she looked insane? Hell, I was too, to have been able to survive my whole Life.
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by Soul Hunter Sat May 15, 2010 1:00 pm

i laughed at the sword point "well, looks as if i've been found" i said slightly laughing still i ha to be on a completly different level on insanity to be able to survive where i came from and i was a one of a kind... "you're really very rude how dar you point you sword at the guard of Underland" i said "although you wouldn't know that they got my gender, colours and occupation wrong in all the films and books" i said... i had an unknown lifespan.. i didn't even recall how long my lifespan was but i couldn't care less...i was the master of invisabilty and illusions from where i came from and loved every momment of it

ooc- she is *Drum roll* The Chesshire Cat, my version...
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by • Echo Sat May 15, 2010 1:08 pm

{I know, I saw the bio, and she never pulled out her sword, just rested her hand on the pommel...}

Like a Star @ heaven Maye Like a Star @ heaven
I arch my eyebrows. "I never so much as pulled out my knife," I say smoothly, my eyes shining with amusement for a moment before dying down again. "If you're the guard, then shouldn't you actually be guarding whatever it is you're supposed to be?" I say slyly, my cat ears and long tail twitching slightly as I look at her. Spartan snorted, walking up behind me, ears back as he bared his teeth at the cat. I glanced at him and rolled my eyes, leaning against his shoulder and taking my weight off of my right leg. "Don't mind him; He can be very rude," I say, not at all bothered by the cat. I had met many insane people who acted madder than herself; You learned to live with it, especially when you yourself was insane.
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by Soul Hunter Sat May 15, 2010 1:12 pm

"well i am, what i am guarding is in this wood" i said my maddening smile became even madder...
"the Hatter is angry but i want his hat, The Red Queen wants my head to be off, The white queen is cross and completly hates me but all is not well in this world Under ground" i said.. each one of my words reeked of madness...
"nice dragon though and you yourself seem strange i can see right through theese illusions that are made"
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by • Echo Sat May 15, 2010 1:19 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Maye Like a Star @ heaven
I arched my eyebrows, stroking Spartan's neck. "Is that so? You must be very troublesome then," I say. I knew where this was coming from, and it all seemed to click in my brain. "And what illusion are you talking about?" I say, then shake my head. "Oh! You mean those! I cannot help what I am made to be, cat, I can't control the illusions that hide my true form, making me appear 'normal' to the Humans, it is simply what and who I am. Of course other creatures like yourself see through it; It is only meant to fool the Humans," I say, giving a sly, slightly crooked grin at the cat.
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by Soul Hunter Sat May 15, 2010 1:26 pm

i chuckled and my nealry pale light green eyes looked to her "well, then tell me your name?" i said "also eerything i just said seemed to click in your brain, after liveing here and there for several years i can already read every single reaction" i said not coming from the tree since i found it to troublesome at the momment
"Do you know what i am yet?" i asked with curiousity
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by • Echo Sat May 15, 2010 1:33 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Maye Like a Star @ heaven
My eye color shifted slightly to a deep gold, one of the colors I was most accustomed to. "My name is Maye-Linn Wilson," I say. "And as for you, I know that you are the Chessire Cat," I say, looking at her as Spartan hung his head over my shoulder. "My my, it seems that the stories have gotten you ver wrong indeed," I say.
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by Soul Hunter Sat May 15, 2010 1:38 pm

"oh, looks like i finnaly found someone who figured it out, very well done child" i said with a smile and jumped down "indeed i am The Cheshire Cat and it's a pleasure to meet you Maye" i said " you're right the first person to see me changed me completly,they fell into my world and remembered all well but me. Mallymkun ,The Doormouse. McTwisp, The White Rabbit. The Marsh Hare and The Mad Hatter as well As the Nave of Heart, the two queens and the many mosters and wonders that lurked there." i said and floated in the air infront of her "but they forgot on thing , the warning they were all given but never remebered"
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by • Echo Sat May 15, 2010 1:43 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Maye Like a Star @ heaven
I smiled small. "Well, that wouldn't have seemed possible to me. I've never forgotten interesting beings like yourself," I say, thinking about my half-sister, ShadoWing (not shadowwing, but Shadow-Wing is how it is pronounced). She was literally the happiest Goth you would ever meet, and was insanely eccentric. "And what warning would that be?" I ask, tilting my head to look at her curiously.
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by Soul Hunter Sat May 15, 2010 2:19 pm

"well my dear as well as the guard i am also the guide, though my specailties are vanishing from anyone's sight, the warning i gave them is the reason i seek help.. " i said "ah, sorry for being so rude now..i haven't shown you my true form yet i know your's" i said and then transformed into a human girl, i was actually only 19 years old . i had short natrual grey hair i still had my grey tail and ears with light green stripes and my even paler eyes. my skin was slightly paler than usual(normal for her) and i wore black torn jeans with a pink and purple striped sleeveless top but around my neck the silver bell was there still tied on with the black ribbon.. it was like my collar.
"the warning i gave them was that with each thing they recreated adn changed the more choas that would fall there, the less chances that anyone would find it" i said "and the fail of another 'Alice' coming and this time is the worse time for Underland."
"Alice In Wonderland, Alice in Underland stories created from the fact that they went there but now that they have changed so many things, this has cause no more 'Alice's ' to appear again" i said sadly
my smile faded this was one thing i hated the chaos that i could not even prevent from happening
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by • Echo Sat May 15, 2010 3:07 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Maye Like a Star @ heaven
I listen to her, noting the obvious saddness in her voice as I thought about her words. "That sounds terrible," I commented quietly, mulling over her words in my mind.
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by Soul Hunter Sat May 15, 2010 3:17 pm

my ears flickered and my bell ringed "hey! old freinds" i said and hugged two fo the red queens knights as they approuched... the others stepped out and i backed away "huh? what are you here for?" "the queen has ordered your-" "yeah, yeah ,yeah i know the drill.. you say 'blah blah blah' and i destroy you all" i said and and lunged myself at one and ripped off their armour in secounds before destroying them...
"sorry i got you involved" i said to Maye i sadi and let a mad evil grin creep upon my face.. "but do you want to give me a hand?" i said and then jumped on one of them and then clawed another my ears back and then i manged to destroy most of the armour before getting hit and a whole load of wounds appear on me.. "looks like my illusion vanished" i said.. theese wound i had had for a few days and weren't healing... "now then, is the bloody reed queen doing well?" i asked one of them "you got your orders, get her back to Underland alive no matter what" shouted one of them.. i hissed as they came near me " i will never help that queen she almost killed me and i don't remember being your freind at all" i hissed and ripped him to shreds in seconds..

ooc- never get on the wrong side of The Cheshire Cat.. it has terrible consquences
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by • Echo Sat May 15, 2010 3:53 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Maye Like a Star @ heaven
A grin spread across my face as I took a step away from Spartan, lowering my body into a crouch, tail flicking behind me. "No problem," I say. Spartan tossed his head up into the air, ears back as he bared his teeth at the knights, flicking his tail, icy eyes bright. My own eyes turned a silvery gold as my form began to change, flowing and shifting. My body turned the color of ivory, with ebony rosettes flecking my hide in a pattern. Golden flecks dotted the rosettes, my white tail lashing out in fierce joy behind me. Taking a slow step forward, my silver and gold eyes intent, I leaped through the air, opening my massive maws as I landed on of the knights, my sharp claws and long fangs tearing effortlessly through his armour.

{haha, I kept saying black Jaguar, I meant white Razz }
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by Soul Hunter Sat May 15, 2010 3:59 pm

i landed on one and pinned him down before biting his neck.. he never got back up... i stood up and wipped blood from my mouth..the madness in my eyes increased and i then jumped into a tree and smirked.. the nave of hearts had appered... i laughed and then jumped down on another knight and killed him...
they had underestimated my fighting abilty big time.. since in the films i didn't fight at all not even in the books... but i had changed slightly as time passed i adjusted to Underland and became very assassin like...
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by • Echo Sat May 15, 2010 4:07 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Maye Like a Star @ heaven
I stepped up from the fallen knight, my white jaws colored crimson, my teeth scarlet as my eyes flashed the color of freshly drawn blood. Bounding out of the way of a sword, I sank my teeth into the knight's leg, clawing my way up his body and tearing through his armour, laying open his chest and throat. I knew every means possible of killing and torture, even the unknown ways and some techniques I had taught myself. I had been trained out in the large town of Beliene, whose population was over 70% terrorists and assassins. The college I had gone to had been one that trained assassins, and my whole Life had consisted of wars and bloody battles that I had taken part of. Jumping off of the warrior as he fell, limp and lifeless, to the ground, I bare my teeth as I glower calmly at the next who charged at me, waiting for him to come to me.
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by Soul Hunter Sat May 15, 2010 4:09 pm

i then finshedoff two of them and looked to Maye and turned into a cat and dug my teeth into the neck of another Knight "c'mon" i said and climbed up into the tree quickly.. there was too many and also i needed to rest a bit...i waited for Maye
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by • Echo Sat May 15, 2010 4:21 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Maye Like a Star @ heaven
I look up to see her calling me, ripping a hole through the knight's chest as he came at me. I look at Spartan, who was now in his Dragon form. His black scales shimmered with sapphire and ruby colors tinting them, his long ivory fangs stained red. His spiked tail whipped out behind him, slashing through two more of them. I let out a rasping growl and he looked at me for a moment before nodding his head slightly, lifting up into the air, disappearing into the dark night sky as he spiraled upward. Leaping up into the tree the Chessire Cat was in, I climbed my way over to her, my long tail raised to balance myself.
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by Soul Hunter Sat May 15, 2010 4:27 pm

"oh right, my name is acutally Cheshire, Chesh for short" i said and looked down at the knights.. they soon went after giving up on finding me.. i had a high standard for hiding.. i turned invisable or cause illusions...i loved it...
"their gone at last" i said and jumped down before turning into a human and sitting with my back against the tree...
"thank you Maye and thank your dragon as well... that was quiet unexspected" i said
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by • Echo Mon May 17, 2010 4:19 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Maye Like a Star @ heaven
I smiled, flashing rows of straight, white teeth, jumping down after her. Bending my knees to absorb the impact of the fall, I land lightly in a crouch, striaghtening up slowly. "It was no problem; Believe me, we're used to this sort of thing," I said, shaking my head slightly. "So why did they want you, anyway?" I ask, nodding at the dead knights who lay bloody on the ground.
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by Soul Hunter Tue May 18, 2010 9:00 am

"they want me because i'm the guard and guide and also only i can find 'Alice'" i answered "it's my job to protect and guide 'Alice' till we find the door home and also i have to welcome her there and she has to meet the people that dwell there" i said... "want to come?, if i invite you you're welcome to come but i need any help i can find at the moment"
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Dancing In The Moonlight Empty Re: Dancing In The Moonlight

Post by • Echo Tue May 18, 2010 4:06 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Maye Like a Star @ heaven
I grin nodding slightly. "Of course I'll come, I haven't had much fun in a long time. It's been rater boring, actually," I say, combing my fingers through my hair.
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