Call of the Wild
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:38 pm


The wind whispered in her ears. Trees rustled as the wind blew through the air. Silence sweeped over the land. No sudden movements accured. The rays of the sun bleamed down upon the forest floor. Moonlight walked throughout the trees. Leaves crumches under her hooves. Rain began to fall, slapping agaisnt her face. The rain stoped instantly, the sun took over its flamming light melted the rain on Moonlights beautiful coat. Her eyes filled wth ice, cold struck them as she stoped at the edge of a cliff. She looked across it squinting her eyes to see a wide open land filled wth wonderful pretties. She snorted and shock her head to remove her bangs from out her eyes. Whiping her hea daroudn to nipple at her shoudler abit. She sneezed. Moonliht bobbed her head and reared, striking out her powerful forlegs out into mid-air creating a vast dark cloud of dust. A neigh flowed out her maw. Landing with a dull thud, Moonlight snorted and pawed at the egde of the cliff. Rocks fell and crumbled along the side until it reached the bottom, creating an echo sound refect back to her ears.
Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. First_Manip_by_MoonyArsaraidh
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Dark**Light Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:04 pm

I was near the center of the cliff and watched as a mare was rearing and knocking rocks down the cliff. I had been working my way up the cliff for quite some time and was knocked down to the ground by a stone that hit my side. There was a dusty print on my black Appaloosa coat. ( ) I stood back up and continued working my way up the cliff until I finally reached a ledge to rest on for the rest of the day. I would continue to travel up the cliff at night. About the time I got on the ledge I let out a loud whinny just to let the mare acknowledge my presence. I had lost my herd and was going to be the lead stallion but it never happened. I thought to myself My name is Salem. I have to find a herd. I NEED to find a herd. If I don't I'll be no better off than my old herd.DEAD I drifted of to sleep. Soon only to awaken at nightfall.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Blueroanie Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:20 pm

Name: Alfahl (Al-fa-hil)
Gender: Stallion
Age: 9
Rank: Bachelor
Breed: Mustang
Mate: None, but is looking.
Foal(s): None, but wishes for some.
Sibling(s): Had a brother but he was killed in a battle.
Personality: A battle hardened stallion that only wishes to settle down and have a family. He's very capable of chasing off aggressive stallions and will give his life if it meant saving someone he loved. He's gruff but has the sweetest of hardest. Similar to a geode, you have to break through the hard shell to get to the beautiful crystals on the inside.
History: Lived among Arabs in the desert since he was 3 years old. Princes rode him into battle and always found him to be a courageous, valiant, dangerous stallion. Within a few months he had been given the name Alfahl which means The Stallion in Arabic. However their luck didn't last long and they finally lost during a major battle. Many men were slaughtered including his rider. The enemies came at him with ropes to catch him but instead he reared, killed the wielder of the rope, and fled. That was when he was 6. The next year he spent outside the desert in the mountain ranges but after those 12 months he couldn't stand it anymore. He missed his beloved home. So he went back. For the past 2 years he has been roaming around his homeland, missing old times and avenging his companion's deaths.
Player: Blueroanie
Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Desert_Wind_by_apple_is_a_color


Alfahl snorted as he pranced around in the Garden. A week ago he was chased off his land in the desert by a group of bandits. They were trying to capture him, but after he resisted them for nearly a month they became agitated. The sorcerers in their group said that he was a desert spirit, an entity that could not be caught nor tamed. So they set out to erase him from the land. He was a threat to them just as his recently killed band was a threat. 3 days past and as Alfahl slept the bandits began sneaking up on him. He was used to being alert even in sleep and heard their footfalls. He was numbered 10 to 1. So he fled. Any sensible and wise horse would have done the same. And he ran for days even when his legs threatened to collapse. The bandits followed him and only stopped to rest or eat. In this way he slowly gained distance.

A week later...

Alfahl had been recovering from him long sprint at a lush garden. After a rest he drank slowly from the stream at the top of a large cliff. Just then the scent of a mare filled his nostrils and he breathed deeply. She was relatively calm and just seemed to be announced her presence. And so in reply, Alfahl reared up and led out his loud and boisterous neigh. The sound echoed off the walls of the canyon just the mare's had. It was a deep, masculine call that showed his strength and stamina even in the sound. Then his front hooves landed on the ground with a muffled thud. Alfahl decided to find the mare who had let out her call. With little effort, Alfahl half reared, pushed off the ground, and started forward at a canter towards the edge of the cliff. Just as he left the trees, the desert stallion saw the mare. She was standing at the edge of the cliff, causing small pebbles was to fall. There was another call that answered just as he began approaching her. But then the other stallion never showed his face. So Alfahl nickered to let the mare know he was there. "Hello." His voice was rough and jagged, the sound of a desert wind violently blowing across the sandy terrain. "Mind if I join you? My name is Alfahl."

((Will finish later))
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Dark**Light Mon May 02, 2011 4:32 pm

I heard a whinny from another horse and started to quickly make my way up the hill. I got to the top to find a desert stallion and the mare. I galloped over to them and said "Hello. Mind if I join you? My herd scattered and I was supposed to be the lead stallion. Though I don't need to be a lead stallion anymore. All I need is a small group of you. Oh, by the way my name is Salem." I backed up to lower my head to the stallion and mare but then took a small fall of the side of the cliff. It didn't take long to get back to the top of the cliff but the fall had startled me so I was a bit shaky. Once I had gotten back up to the top of the cliff I had reared in triumph for both climbing up the hill and falling off the cliff...and surviving. I continued to walk across the cliff. Considering the fact that the desert stallion had beat me to her I kept walking then noticed a small group of people. They were riding Arabians and had ropes. I knew that they were after the desert stallion. I came galloping back to them and slid to a stop. I said "there's a group of desert bandits riding on Arabians! They're carrying ropes and I think that they're after you desert stallion! I'm sorry but I don't know your name. You'll have to tell me later. We gotta get out of here!"

Last edited by Zenyattafan122 on Wed May 04, 2011 3:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Blueroanie Tue May 03, 2011 2:31 pm

((Please keep in mind that you may not post what my stallion's reaction was. "I noticed that it had made the stallion jump...only because it was unexpected."
Not trying to be mean, just letting it be known. Wink ))

Alfahl was not surprised by the stallion's appearance, as he had smelt him before, but he was surprised at his words. He seemed to think that he and the mare were mates and were starting a herd. Though he did wish for that, he would not enforce it upon the mare. "It is an honor to meet you Salem. I am Alfahl, veteran of battles among the Arabs." He held his head high and tail high in a majestic pose. He was about to bow back to the stallion but then noticed him slip and fall down a ways off the cliff. Galloping over he looked over the side to see what had become of the stranger. The stallion named Salem had only fallen a few feet and was on his way up already. "You've got a bit of luck about you. That could have been a fatal fall." When Salem reared in triumph, Alfahl did as well and let out a loud neigh and joined in on his celebration.

Then Salem began walking off and Alfahl settled down and watched him go. Did I offend him? But the stallion did not turn back. Atleast that's what he thought. A few minutes later he heard hoof beats and Salem emerged from the forest. Alfahl's ears laid back flat on his head as he waited to see what frightened the stallion so. When he heard the news he looked past Salem at the forest. "Run! They want me, I can drive them away from you. Go!" He said in a commanding voice and then galloped near the forest. When he saw the riders coming he reared up and let out the loudest most intimidating battle cry and then galloped off along the cliff side. He looked back to make sure the men were following. Then when he noticed they were, he continued to lead them away from the two horses.

The 5 horsemen and wild stallion ran for miles and miles across the plains, through forests, and over streams. Alfahl was slowly tiring and sweat gleamed on his coat. The horsemen's steeds were built for long distances but not at the rate that Alfahl was going. A quarter of a mile was between the pursuers and the stallion and it was slowly increasing. But too slowly. Before long Alfahl would tire and the Arabians would over take him. Even when he ran on moss and rocks to leave no tracks the men followed. They must have been hand picked from the Sultan and proved great trackers. I do not know these lands. There could be shortcuts and ledges that I've past and not even notice. If only I were back at my homeland, then I could lose them. His situation seemed dire and for a brief moment Alfahl realized that this may be his last chase, that the untameable desert stallion would finally fall. His legs however were still pumping at their increased speed and the distance was still increasing. There was hope, though small, it was there. If he could narrow down the horsemen's numbers to 2 or 3 then he could fight them. I need a diversion from something or someone. (hint, hint Wink )
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Tue May 03, 2011 3:43 pm

Name: Abal
Name Meaning: Wild Rose
Gender: Mare
Age: 5 Years
Ranking: Mare of the Sultan but she misses being her wild self among others who could keep up with her.
Breed: Mustang
Courting?: Nobody, the stallions at the stables are too irritating for her to even think about.
Mate?: Nope.
Foals?: None.
Siblings: She did have a twin but she died long ago, as did her mother and father.
Personality: Let's just say this; Get on her wrong side and your in for the fight of your life, get on her good side and you'll have a loyal companion till the end.
History: Abal originated from far-off lands but was imported here when the Sultan took piqued interest in her when she showed promise from the day she learned to run, she has served the Sultan in whatever he wanted, from being ridden by the guard to catch the occasional bandits, to leading the Sultan and his servants through the city. None of it brought her pleasure, she missed the open plain and soon enough, the next time she was taken out by a guard was to catch a thief, she bucked her rider from her back and ran off, cantering about the marketplace, nearly through the front gates. The Sultan sold her to a bunch of guys who were looking for fast horses and this is where she is now.
Player: Me ^_^
Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Polls_black_stallion_2721_244150_answer_3_xlarge

The jet black mares' hooves beat on the moss, her rider scanned the ground then ahead carefully. Checking for any signs of the stallion they were tailing," If I'm honest, this guy's fast." the roan stallion beside her neighed unhappily as his hooves grew tired and his legs grew achey," Come on! Don't give up!" called the milky palamino mare whinnied to her neighbor, encouraging him on with his running, most of our group was already faultering and losing hope, the jet black mare however, stayed focused on the target, her speed ever so slightly surpassed that of her comrades, and ever closer to the stallion up ahead. Abal smirked slightly to herself, she was just minutes away from an attempt at shaking her rider off and cantering off. She had to find the perfect distraction first.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Blueroanie Tue May 03, 2011 4:47 pm

Alfahl saw a cliff up ahead and looked behind. He could hear the horse's hoof beats far in the distance, they were getting closer. With a last hope, the desert stallion began climbing the cliff. The rocks were loose here and he lost his footing more than a few times. Blasted bandits must have gotten new steads at Masu-Nara. Fine arabians too by the sound of it. Finally, 15 minutes later, he reached the top. From his view point he could see around for a mile in each direction. Less than a quarter of a mile away were his pursuers. In the front was a bandit on his black steed, they were gaining. Thinking quickly, Alfahl began kicking rocks and boulders, causing small avalanches all along the cliff's ridge. No doubt a horse or two would become spooked and throw their rider. After looking at the damage he caused, Alfahl rose up on his hind legs and neighed mightily and galloped down the other side, which was much smoother.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue May 03, 2011 5:44 pm

Wait what the f*** is happenin. I don't even get it?!
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Blueroanie Wed May 04, 2011 12:53 pm

((Not much to be honest. Alfahl was talking to your mare but then Salem approached and began speaking with Alfahl. After a shot introduction Salem walked off into the woods. He saw bandits and ran back to warn the others. Alfahl noticed the bandits and led them away from Salem and your mare. Artemis's mare Abal was one of the bandit's steeds and is chasing Alfahl as he tries to lose them in the cliffs and forests. That's about it. I'm waiting for Artemis to reply or you or Zenyatta to post something. )) Wink
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Dark**Light Wed May 04, 2011 3:42 pm

I watched as the desert stallion galloped away with the bandits trailing behind. I galloped after the bandits and quickly stopped. I called for the mare to follow me as I ran after the bandits. I whinnied loudly to spook the horses in the back. Luckily my plan worked...more than I wanted it to. All the horses were spooked and I ended up running through a large mass of horses bucking and going crazy until I passed through and was left to chase after the black mare. Hoping that I'd be ale to get in front of her and let her see my muscular body and make her get distracted. But that was just the opposite of what happened. I got in front of her and the rider lassoed me. It caused the black mare to stop. I quickly bucked and kicked until I hit the rider. It knocked him off. Then I watched as moonlight soon arrived at the scene. I looked back to see multiple bandits on the ground surrounded by horses just standing around doing nothing. I quickly galloped ahead with the two mares following me. I figured that the black mare got tired of being bossed around by her rider. I whinnied for Alfahl to come running back.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Blueroanie Wed May 04, 2011 5:22 pm

Alfahl was half way down his descent when he suddenly realized what he heard. Pausing, ready to run at a moment's notice, he turned his ears in the direction of his pursuers and listened. Nothing. That was what worried Alfahl. No hoof beats. No rider's cries. Nothing.

Cautiously, Alfahl turned around and went back up to the top of the ridge. There only 10 yards away from the bottom of the ridge was Salem, Moonlight, and a riderless Mustang, one that pursued him. With a sigh of relief, Alfahl descended down the rocky side of the cliff and slipped a few times because of his weariness. He had a few small cuts on his legs when he finally touched down on the hard packed dirt at the base of the ledge. Rocks were strewn everywhere from the avalanches he caused. With a surprisingly light step, Alfahl made his way over to the trio.

When he got within hearing range he lowered his head in a bow towards Salem. "Thank you. I am in your debt, my friend." His coat was glistening from his sweat and his chest heaved with his deep breathes as the air left his nostrils in powerful exhales. The muscles beneath his skin were pulsing, eager for rest yet also ready to run another 5 miles. Alfahl held his head in a casual way to offer him a chance to rest but not too low to show submission or weakness.

Alfahl turned to the black mare and nodded a greeting. "That was quite a chase. I must applaud your stamina. If it weren't for Salem, I may have actually been caught." He blew out his nostrils in a sign of amusement, not at the mare but at his remark of being caught. He knew that he would rather die then be hassled around by bandits. Besides, the bandits had given up catching him and were only out for blood. This was the main reason he thanked Salem, though the other stallion may not have realized what he had just done. He noticed the mare's build and then raised his head in surprise. She was his kind. She was mustang like himself. Keeping this information to himself, Alfahl stepped back only once to give himself some room. He still had a high amount of adrenline in his blood and did not wish to suddenly spook and harm anyone.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Wed May 04, 2011 7:24 pm

Yea but i don't even know what to wright!
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Blueroanie Thu May 05, 2011 7:45 am

Your mare is with the others. Just introduce yourself.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Thu May 05, 2011 2:12 pm

Abal nodded in amusement then returned her gaze to the ground, she tapped one hoof on the ground, slightly breathless from her continuous cantering. She looked back the trio of wild horses and smirked somewhat, she found what she hoped for but, now what?

Abal shook out her mane and quickly blew her mane from her eyes, bowing slightly, she retreated to the slight shade of a nearby dying tree, she leant against the rough bark as she watched the trio of wild horses from before. She did notice something as she watched them, the stallion she had been forced to tail for who knows how far was a Mustang, the same as her. She wondered if she had intruded upon something important and hoped she no longer was in the way if that was indeed the case.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Dark**Light Thu May 05, 2011 2:23 pm

I stopped everything that I was doing to try to get the rope off that I had been lassoed with. I rolled on the ground, I flung my head from side to side, and I even tried to use a tree branch to snap the rope. I trotted up and down the sides of the cliff but then it happened...I felt a small tug on the rope and looked back to see one of the bandits holding onto the rope. Then I was soon surrounded by them. I tried to buck but then they lassoed my rear legs together. I reared but then they lassoed my front legs. All that was left to do was cry for help. I whinnied endlessly(I was out of sight from the other horses) for them to come and help me. I called for the black mare,Moonlight and Alfahl. I couldn't hear them coming but I knew they would come. Sooner or later.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Thu May 05, 2011 2:42 pm

Abal lifted her hoof to aproach them but stopped as her ears flicked, she made a soft sound as she strained to hear for more sounds. She trotted around the tree to look around the cliff edge or further across the canyon.

Abal saw nothing, nothing but dirt and dust, one lost bird that seemed to faulter as it flew, soon to fall prey to a starving hawk.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Blueroanie Thu May 05, 2011 3:50 pm

Alfahl listened intently and watched the others but offered no conversation himself. He was a warrior not a mannered stallion and had no knowledge of how to be open to conversation. So he stood apart and observed. He observed Abal standing aside from the others like he, Moonlight the quiet mare, and Salem as he struggled with the rope. Alfahl was about to offer assistance when Salem walked off out of view in direction of the cliff. Feeling more rested, Alfahl lowered his head to graze. After a few mouthfuls he began to wonder where Salem had gone. Probably just getting a drink from the stream. He wasn't too worried though. Until he began to feel uneasy. Alfahl swallowed his mouthful of grass and stood tail and erect, his ears flicking in every direction listening for some unheard sound. Though nothing came, he felt as if danger was nearby. Abal seemed alert as well.

"I'm going to look for Salem. Something is amiss." Alfahl half reared, pushed off with his hind legs, and cantered off in the direction Salem had gone. After a few minutes he finally heard something. A russeling sound and then a few seconds later a whinny. Salem! With a push of his legs he bolted at a gallop towards the noise. There near the cliff was Salem roped down by the 5 horsemen. One had a rope around his neck and the other four each had a leg tied down.

Anger boiled inside him and Alfahl reared up to his full height, 10 ft. He then let out a loud neigh and lashed out with his front legs, the hooves dangerously close to the men's faces. "Salem try to get free!" Hoping to cause a distraction, Alfahl charged forward at the man holding Salem's head. When he got close the man yelled in shock and dove out of the way. Alfahl turned around to charge again. The man let go of the rope and pulled out a whip. "You blasted demon!" He lashed out with the whip but Alfahl was too quick. He step back and then dodged to the right. The man tried again but Alfahl then reared and jumped 4 ft. into the air at the bandit.

The man cried out and jumped to the right. But he wasn't quick enough, Alfahl's front left hoof struck him on his shoulder and left a gash where it hit. Letting go of the whip, the bandit clutched his left should with his right hand. With him distracted, Alfahl bellowed aggressively and reared again, this time coming down on the man. There was a shout of pain and the sound of crunching. Satisfied, Alfahl turned to the other four and neighed in challenge, the limp body of the bandit laying at his hooves.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Dark**Light Fri May 06, 2011 5:59 pm

I struggled with the ropes trying to get them of but to no avail. I watched as Alfahl killed one of the bandits then challenged the others. Though I had been struggling the entire time I realized that the other bandits were still holding onto the ropes. I mustered up all my strength and kicked as hard as I could. Hitting one of the horsemen. I had little energy left after all the struggling and soon my head hit the ground and fell unconscious. The last thing I heard were the cries of the horsemen and Alfahl. The last thing I saw was out of the corner of my eye I saw Moonlight and Abal standing in the distance. Watching the battle go on. I kept hoping they would come to help as I fell unconscious.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Blueroanie Fri May 06, 2011 6:51 pm

Alfahl used Salem's distraction to his advantage. While the other stallion kicked and bucked, Alfahl charged one of the distracted men near him. The bandit had little time to react as he directed his attention to the charging stallion. He was immediately killed on impact as he was trampled by the massive hooves. Alfahl's advantage was over when the other men realized what had happened. Only 2 were left. "Let's get out of here! That things a demon!" One of the men turned and ran, his buddy took one look at Alfahl and ran after him. "Hey wait up Cliff, don't leave me!"

With anger still boiling in him, Alfahl chased after the two men. He bite the closest one in the butt and then headbutted him in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. The last one he knocked over with a swing from his head and then turned around. Alfahl reared up and landed on the man. The bandit cried out when he saw the hooves coming down and tried to roll out of the way, but he wasn't quick enough. The hooves of the wild stallion landed on his knees and broke both of them. Blood seeped through his pants and stained the ground. Alfahl flicked his mane and reared up again to strike the man. But instead he landed inches from his face. The bandit was panickstricken and when the hooves came that close he passed out from the adrenaline.

Victorious, Alfahl cantered back to the battle zone and looked around. Blood was everywhere; On the ground, on his chest, his hooves, and even a little around his mouth. But this didn't bother him. Salem's limp body on the ground worried him. He trotted over and sniffed Salem's face. He was alive, he could feel his breathe. Turning to the mares he called out, "Get some water! He's exhausted!" Then he cantered off nearby to grab some plants from the forest.

A few minutes later he came back with a mouth full of different types of grasses and herbs. They were sweet tasting and would encourage Salem to eat. He set them down near Salem's nose so that he could smell the sweetness.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Fri May 06, 2011 11:08 pm

Abal quickly galloped to the nearest stream, gathering as much water as she could in her cheeks then galloped to Salem and Alfahl.

Abal skidded down the rockface, causing pebbles and small rocks to dislodge and tumble to the ground. Abal steadied herself as reached the bottom, close to Salem and Alfahl, she trotted to them, cheeks bulging slightly with fresh water.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Blueroanie Sat May 07, 2011 8:15 am

Alfahl nodded a greeting as Abal came over. "Slowly release the water over his mouth, It should wake him up." As he spoke he grunted and looked down at his legs, there were small cuts everywhere. "Seems I didn't get out unscathed this time."

He looked down at Salem and sighed. "I know nothing else I can do for him. He's in Fate's hands now." With that the large buckskin stallion turned and walked over to the cliff. "Watch over him, if he wakes try and get him to eat. I will be up the stream tending to myself." Then he lurched forward and began climbing up the ledges that were jutting out of the rockface.

A few minutes past when he finally reached the top. His legs were burning with the numerous cuts. This is why I do not join a bachelor herd. I do not wish to be the babysitter. But he knew that this situation was his fault. He had led the bandits here.

While he thought, Alfahl walked over to the stream and slowly submerged himself in it. The cool water eased the pain on his legs and cleared his mind. It's time I take back what rightfully belongs to me. They took my land and my companions, now I shall take their lands and their families. New found anger boiled inside him. With a burst of energy, he rose out of the 3 ft. deep water and lashed out with his legs. He neighed loudly, letting all the world know of his vengeance. As he slammed back down, sprays of water flew in every direction and soaked his lower half. Satisfied, Alfahl left the stream and stepped over to the rock face. Down below Abal was with Salem and the mare-who's-name-he-doesn't-know was standing at a distance.

From his position he could see far across the land. This is where he stayed, watching over the three horses down below and ready to charge at any bandits that may come their way.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Sat May 07, 2011 4:58 pm

Abal did as ordered, gently letting the cool water trickle from her lips, over Salems' muzzle. She hoped it would be enough but as she turned to survey her surroundings, her stomach lurched as she saw the blood of the bandits. It made her smile somewhat to see her cruel former rider bloody and lifeless.

The wretched human deserved his fate. Abal spoke in baritone within her mind, she noticed that Salem needed shade or else he would overheat, she tugged on his mane gently and pulled slightly. Seeing as that didn't work, Abal went round to his underbelly and pushed his chest and stomch with her head over to a decent place of shade, she laid in the shade of an out-jutting rock, quite near to Salem if the need be.

Abal watched the canyon below, the small stream that flowed through it, with even thinner creeks flowing into it from different directions, Perhaps it's safer and cooler down there than it is up here on the barely shaded cliff.. Abal listened to her inner thoughts with interest, almost completely blocking out the world around her.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Blueroanie Sat May 07, 2011 6:01 pm

Alfahl watched with interest as Abal pushed Salem over to shade. He had not thought of the heat, for he was so used to the desert sun that it hardly bothered him at all. Naturally he figured other horses were the same without giving it another thought. It was foolish of him not to consider it. What's done is done. For an hour he stood upon the cliff, watching the land laid out before him with a keen eye. Nothing was out of the ordinary, except for the occasional eagle or rabbit. He even saw a small herd of deer running in the distance. But there was no bandits and there was no band of horses. So, though reluctantly, Alfahl slowly made his way back down the cliff. When he reached the bottom he took a sip from the stream and then made his over to Abal and Salem. "How is he doing?" Concern came naturally but also a tinge of impatience. He was ready to be off and heading back to his homeland.
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Dark**Light Sat May 07, 2011 7:07 pm

I slowly awoke and(struggling to get up) walked over to the pile of herbs and grasses. I licked my damp mouth and looked around at the scene. The ground covered in blood and the limp body of the bandit. I saw another bandit struggling to get away. I walked over and put him on my back. I thought about throwing him of the cliff bit then walked over to a camp with other horses and put him down. I watched as he crawled slowly into a tent and looked back out of the tent. I heard him call me over then he gave me a half of an apple. He ate the other half. I trotted back to Abal and said "The other rider isn;t that bad. He gave me a half of an apple. I think I'm gonna visit him each day until he heals and leaves."
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Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is. Empty Re: Moonlight -- Shes not who you think she is.

Post by Blueroanie Sun May 08, 2011 10:51 am

Alfahl shook his head when Salem spoke. "That would not be wise." But as he studied the stallion's face he sighed. "But I see you have already set your mind to it. Take my advice and be on your guard no matter what. Not even if the man were to give you a hundred apples. They are deseptive and cruel, do not underestimate them." He used a firm voice to show that he was not kidding around and then he went off to a fresh patch of grass and began to graze. He planned to leave by the end of the day.

((Sorry so short))
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