Call of the Wild
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by • Echo Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:44 pm

The stallion’s red/brown eyes scanned the terra ahead of him, his black hooves striking out a rythmetic pattern on the hard, dusty ground. A full moon rose above his black hide as he galloped, mhis body covered in a shimmering layer of sweat. His ears, pinned flat against his cranium, were lost in the swimming confines of his dark, streaming mane. Tail and mane streaming like cruel, thick smoke behind him, he entered a forest.

Everything was deathly silent, as if a cold spell had fallen over the world, leaving nothing left to live, to breathe or see daylight again. Yet his own force cruelly defied the cold grasp of Death, whose footsteps the stallion followed closely in.

The silver moonlight streamed through the trees, dappling his coat, casting long, evil shadows across the ground and through the trees. He burst back through the trees on the other side of the forest, his cruel eyes gazing around him at the fairytale-like garden before himself. He snorted loudly and slid to a silent stop, rearing up in deadly grace to strike out powerfully with his fore legs at the sky, his ears lost in the ocean of mane atop his crest. He bared his strong white teeth. The whiteness of them, not yet stained with blood, glinted in the moonlight. A slight breeze rippled his mane and tail, and his muscles twitched under the taut, dark coat.

Let us see who is first, he thought to himself, a cruel smile playing on his lips as he landed with a dull, near silent thud on the grassy ground.

His body was tightly compacted, muscled from years of fighting and running. His moves were full of all the deadly poise, grace, litheness, and beauty of a killer's, striking like a cobra, darting in and out in the fighting manner of the wolves. He hadn't been born to kill. No, he had been born for action and speed. But by one quirk and turn of events, he had ended up as a murderer, destroying all who denied him or stood in his way

The sleek black stallion's muscles coiled and bunched, extending fully and propelling him strongly foreword. His long black mane hung in his forehead, dropping a little below his muzzle, covering the star and snip that stood out brightly. A long tail bannered out behind him like a dark cloud, creating wind that this little valley obviously lacked.

Dark hooves barely skimming the ground, his one white ankle standing out, a ghastly contrast to his black coloring, before the stallion slid to a stop. The night air was still, not a star in the sky. A waning moon sat in the middle of the Heavens, the only place he had never been and never wished to go. In all his life, the stallion had never lost, in all his nine years. He was great; a true rarity in this world nowadays. Mean and cunning, he was sly and quick in all he did, making him one of the best horses, the best murderers to ever walk the earth.

Eyes that held no emotion, just dark holes of energy, scanned the clearing he was in. Lifting his body up into the air, standing erect, he screamed out loudly. His voice echoed over the land, and he shook his mane, his black leg and his white leg pawing powerfully at the air. Letting loose another scream, he landed on all fours again. Slamming a hoof over and over into the ground, ripped up grass flew everywhere.

Hours passed, and the black stallion could feel his anger mounting. Pawing at the ground again, the only sign of his being there other than the echoing sound of his voice, he screamed out again. His tail lashed out behind him angrily as he glided smoothly over the green tundra, muscles rippling under his taut coat. No animal other than him stirred, and not a breeze other than that which he created whispered through the treetops.

Rearing to his full length once more, he screamed out again, almost a challenge to his any who thought they would be good enough for his herd. He shook his mane, pawing at the skies, almost defiantly to the Heavens. He had seen all there was to see, and now he was there to gather.

Swiveling his ears, a thought entered his mind. As he landed once more, he screamed again, only this time, it was for a mare. Any mare to come, to test him. He would find a mate, the perfect mare for his herd. His challenging cry welcomed all mares to come, though only one would live.

Okay, this is going to be extremely mature and experienced. I’ve posted this before, in a series of different topics, but I think everyone who used to be in it is now inactive, though I’ve been wanting to start it. But hey, if you’re out there and recognize this and are still interested, please, join again! This is open to everyone, as long as they are mature. Lots of bloodbath, lots of “adult content” (again, not only sex, it seems I always have to remind people that that is not the only reason for posting), lots of action. Post size doesn’t really count, doesn’t have to be this long, as long as its good and descriptive. So if you feel up to this, by all means, join!

Again, the M/E in the title stands for Mature/Experienced.

~ Echo
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:00 pm

[[I'll post in a bit, sorry, I don't want it to be a complete failure]]


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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by • Echo Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:04 pm

xD that's fine.
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:26 pm


A loud scream of a stallion made my pearl-white ears snap up like a rubberband after it was released. A snort vibrated itself from my nose as I toss my head, sending my thin mane into spirals and flips. My black hooves met the ground as I picked up the pace, moving in a graceful dancing gait towards the stud's voice. He was around the meadow I grew up in, but it was abandoned several years ago do to a past incident, one of which I claim I had nothing to do with...

I slowed near the ending of the dense treeline, and peek my blue eyes around the base of one especially thick, grey with death, evergreen tree. The baby blue of my eyes were sliced with the silver of my thick forelock as I stretched it's grey fingers down around the side of my cheek bone and below. A small whicker played itself over my vocal cords, and I venture out into the meadow. Fluent steps glided over the short grass and struck it with a soft thud sound. I flick my long, whispy tail and trot closer. I come to a halt abruptly before the stud. I was made a midget before him, but my proudly raise neck showed it didn't slow me from greeting him.

"Hello" I say, my voice like the sound of a winter breeze whispering it's way through a barren land. I blink silently, then rest my back left hoof. The movement set my entire figure into a diagonal curve that proved my lack of fear. "What are you here for?" I asked, the words were hostile but my voice said my intentions were purely innocent.

[[X.x This isn't as good as I had once predicted, but.... oh so xD ]


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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by • Echo Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:09 pm


The soft-sounding whicker of a mare caught the Friesian-like stallion's attention, and his head jerked up towards the sound, ears swiveling forward. He became still; a stature of pure grace and power rolled into one. The soft breeze that carried across the land carresed his thick mane and tail, blowing them around his heavy body. From across the meadow, a grey mare stepped from the shadows of the very forest he had come from, stepping towards her. Coming alive again, he threw his head down, one massive, heavy leg lifting to paw the air before him, the white sock gleaming brightly. Shaking his head, his heavy muscles rolling beneath his coat, he trotted forward a few feet before stopping, watching the mare as she approached.

She was not as heavy nor tall in build as him, but neither was she a small, petite little thing. Her coat was shades of grey and white, blending together to make a beautiful coloring for her. She stopped before him, seemingly fearless of his larger size, which pleased him slightly. Though he didn't want her underestimating, either, it was good that she was proud and fearless to an extent. When she spoke, the words were slightly harsh yet clear, spreading through the air to his ears like smooth-running water. Shaking his head slightly, he flicked his long black tail around his sides.

"Does it concern you why I travel? Are you the leader of this land?" he demanded, not quite liking the authority she spoke with. This land belonged to no one truly; many claimed it, but none truly ruled it, and Iblis knew this. Flicking his ears back slightly, he tucked his nose slightly. "I am here for mares like yourself, any here are willing and worthy to come with me to my home," he spoke bluntly, his eyes watching her regally.

Nah, you're fine.
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:24 pm


A soft smirk danced across my face, one that often masked my many emotions. "You are correct in your words stallion, as you are confident" My words danced around me, but were quiet, like the music one would listen to before they rested. The light breeze had lifted, and now tugged my tail and mane across to the opposite side. I tried to read the stallion, but failed. This only broke my confidence for a minute second. "I am not the leader, but I am the daughter of one that used to reside in these meadows and forests."

As I awaited the stud's response, I contemplated his reasoning for being here. I wasn't quite sure whether I was prepared to be in a herd, or to have the company of another horse, just yet. In no means was I scared, no, of course not. I was just not sure I was ready to anchor my life and settle down with any stallion or group. The last herd I had been in wasn't very pleasurable, it was more of a forceful living. I constantly had to live by my father's wants and desires, as well as all of his mare's. I ignored that part of my life, becuase it wasn't a part of my life anymore.

"I see there are no more mares around here just yet, and in my span of life I have seen but a few, so good luck with your travels and your quest." I say, my words were elegant and rounded with my voice in a waltz of beauty. I never try to speak in such a manner, but it just happens, and I figure that if it doesn't hurt me, then I shouldn't try to fix what's not broken.



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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by JayzPF Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:40 pm

Can I reply at the next chance? because I don't want too many horses to rush in at once.
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by • Echo Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:19 pm

Of course! Go ahead, I don't bite (much), the more horses the better (; I'll get my reply up in a moment.
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by JayzPF Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:08 am

ok I think I'll wait a little longer though
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by JayzPF Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:25 pm

The quiet murmuring of other horse's voices creeped in to my peaceful dream, waking me with a start. I slowly raised my delicate reddish head, pricking my finely shaped ears to better hear the conversation. Many months have passed since I'd laid my silver eyes on another one of my kin, so I was eager to meet these horses and determine if they were worthy of my love. Stallions veiw me as an gorgeous and petite mare, but I was much more. I murder aimlessly, an assasin for no reason.

I grunted quietly and in one swift motion scrambled to my rock hard and razor sharp hooves. A soft breeze gently caressed my hide, blowing back my mane and tail like banners. I stood still for a moment, the sun gleaming down upon my cherry bay body as my eyes wandered over the valley for the speakers. Hesitation grasped me when I was about to step forward and I wondered if I really should greet the pair of horses I had spotted. Deciding on yes, I began to trot forward out from under my resting maple leiserly.

After a minute, I reached the pair and stopped a few yards away, bowing my head in submission. I waited patiently for the stallion to speak first.

(SSS and SSB)
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by • Echo Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:42 pm

Iblis rolled his eyes, stomping one hind hoof slightly. To him, it did not matter that her father had resided there, for the way she said it made it sounds as though he was no longer here, and, even it he was, there was no true leader of this land, and he doubted that there ever would be. When she spoke next, Iblis’ mind immediately interpreted it as being sarcastic, the way she said good luck but he bit back the bitter words that had instantly begun to form in his mind before the mare had even finished speaking.

“Well,” he stated slowly, as though he were explaining something simple to a small foal. “you just have to wait a little longer. And the horses I come for may not be as numerous as other breeds, but they will all surely come the moment they hear a challenge,” Iblis finished stating, watching the smaller mare with a close, guarded eye. He did not want normal or weak horses, and he was not here for land. He was here to find murderers like himself; strong, brave horses which would be able to withstand harsh conditions and pain, so that, one day, they would be at the top. Weaklings would not be allowed; Iblis despised even the though of such creatures. He new, from both experience, stories, and the intelligence of his mind, that to live in a world like this, where death was a very real and likely outcome for many, and where every moment brought new challenges and fights for survival, you had to be tough, and to take every chance you got. This was the unspoken code of the wild, a code Iblis had learned from an early age and had lived by faithfully ever since then. And he thoroughly despised those who didn’t live by the code, those who had gone soft, and especially those who let themselves be touched by human hands. And so he was here, possibly one stop out of many, to wipe out those who were unworthy, those who lived by just blind luck and ignorance.

Movement and soft, thudding footfalls caught the large, Friesian stallions attention, and his head turned towards the sound. A small, reddish-colored mare with all the signature markings of a bay coloring was coming towards them with a long, smooth gait. Iblis’ body tensed instinctively, for even if this new mare looked small and petite, she could prove dangerous. Iblis had once known a mare who was absolutely tiny and of a deep, red chestnut color. She hadn’t looked like much, but she had quickly proved herself to be fast, strong, smart, and enduring, with an evident taste for blood and a joy for toying with her victims’ minds and bodies. He didn’t know what had happened to her, nor did he really care. Right now, most of his attention was on the cherry bay who had stopped before him, though he never truly looked away from the grey mare standing a little apart from him. She dipped her head forward in a slight sort of bow and gesture of respect, though she did nothing to leave herself vulnerable or defenseless, and Iblis found he liked that. Now just to see who she really was.

“Hello,” he spoke, when the new mare obviously waited for him to do so first. His voice rough and deep, though charmingly handsome and smooth at the same time. “I am Iblis. Ad this is..?” his eyes flickered to the grey mare for a moment, realizing now that neither of them had truly exchanged formalities just yet. Well, better late than never.

Okay, so this might sound stupid, but what exactly does SSS and SSB mean?
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:03 am


A small snort came from my petite, arabian nose when the mare silently materialized before the stallion. She bowed- something I would never do to anyone but a god or goddess, and then she waited for him to speak. It may have been respectful.. or anything else like politeness and manners, but I saw it as weak or cowardly. I had no intention of holding her too high by that thread, but she was still attatched to that one string, and I refused to cut it until she proved herself. [[sorry for the crazy metaphor xD]]

The stallion turned to me, obviously asking for my name. "Aanjay" I said simply, then pressed my back hooves hard into the soft soil. They dipped under the moist dirt, and the coolness was fairly relaxing. "And you are?" I asked the mare. She was the same size as me, and we both had the small fragile frame that so many underestimated.

[[Sorry, I gtg, sorry so short and bad]]


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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by JayzPF Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:21 pm

The sun gleamed off of my blood colored coat, giving me the appearance of being on fire. I sensed that the other mare was not impressed by my form, that she thought me weak and cowardly. That was fine with me. A horse could think what they want, but their opinions weren't always right. I smiled coldly at the mare and answered tersely "The ones that know me call me Metric." The pair's posture helped me read them like an open book. The stallion was of good blood and was obviously a killer, like me. I wasn't sure why he was here though, as assassins almost never settle down to start a family. The mare was also an assassin, born ready for the job. Both were like me, and I considered befriending them. It never hurt to have a couple allies. My petite nose twitched as I scented other horses, ones that I didn't know or care for. My skills helped me drown out the distracting scent and I focused on the two I was conversing with.

I nodded politely to the Iblis, glancing over to Aanjay to see her reaction. Maybe it was cowardly for a killer to bow, but I knew my limits and that this stallion could kill me if I showed disrespect.

(yeah sorry so short and sorry so bad. I've been a little busy with homework)
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by • Echo Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:37 pm

Iblis nodded slightly when Aanjay gave her name, rolling the syllables over in his mind. It was a unique name; one he had not heard before. His gaze shifted from Aanjay to the new mare when she spoke, looking over her slight form critically. Both of these mares, although small, seemed as though they were prefectly capable of taking care of themself. Lifting his head slightly, his posture regal and proud, yet not arrogant, as he regarded the two. Both of them, if they proved to be like him, would make fine additions to the little band he was ready to create.

"And how are you both doing today?" he asked, his voice smooth and rough at the same time, addressing both of them as they stood. Of course, they would both have to prove themselves before he decided whether or not he would accept them.

My muse failed, I'm really sorry >.<
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by • Echo Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:45 pm

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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by JayzPF Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:21 pm

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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by • Echo Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:49 pm

Is anyone going to reply?
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by Guest Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:55 pm

(If I may join I will but to warn you I'm on my phone.)


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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by Guest Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:46 pm

(Ignore post if I'm unwelcomed)

I shall show no pain,
I shall show no weaknesses,
I shall show no fear.

A loud rumblimg noise of hooves echoed in the woods as the pure jet black mare galloped at full speed not breaking a sweat. If she was any darker she would be darker then the night itself. Then sudently she vured right, leaving rhe Woods behind her. Her mucless buldged out while she ran hiddem to sight. The mare eyes where the only things able to be seen, they where a blind shade of silver blue but make no mistake this mare can so twenty twenty. (Name) charged straight at them showimg no fear but stopped five feet from them and reared thrashing her legs out and tossing her head before landing with a thud And walking head high towards them. The quater horse mare was tall but smaller then the stallion. As she walked to them she lett a soft Whicker leave her maw. The mare flicked her long forelock to the side reaveling a faint white star. She said nothing for the nicker was her hello. When she stoped just inches away from the stallion she toward over one of the mares as well as the other on but only by 6 inches. The mare waited for something to happen ears forward body alert and mucles tense, though some migjt not notice it she was sort of showing off with her muscles.

(Still chosing her name hope it's good enougj if not ssb.)


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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by • Echo Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:18 pm

Of course you can reply Wild, that's exactly what the "All Welcome" stands for in the title. But I don't know if Alphabetized or Jayz are replying anymore ^.^ I'll get my reply up hopefully soon.
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by Guest Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:06 pm

(I know it's jist some people don't want some one to reply. once done with page 1.)


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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by JayzPF Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:56 pm

(Oh I didn't see that post sorry reply will be up soon I was trying not to leave Alphabetized behind)

Last edited by JayzPF on Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by JayzPF Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:52 pm

A sudden longing to settle down made the blood colored mare lifted her head and stare straight in to the stallion's harsh eyes, searching for something to tell her if this was the right guy, the guy that she would spend her life with. She glanced at the other mare out of the corner of an eye, knowing that if she joined Iblis they would come too. She had no time to invest in someone who would not love and care for her individually, but she had missed the company of others that shared her motivation. Being in a herd would be a new and most likely pleasant experience and Metric envisioned herself galloping across a barren field with others, chasing an unknown victim.

She could visualize the scene easily, which startled her. Her ears pricked up at the sound of his voice and she replied "I've been well, although they aren't making victims like they used to." Metric grinned and turned acknowledged the newcomer, nodding politely. "I am called Metric." She let her gaze wander over the mare, surveying the pitch black body standing taller than her, though not quite as tall as Iblis.

(Sorry for the delay I went swimming. Hehe the short posts make me feel good)
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Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME.  M/E} Empty Re: Under the Moonlight {Open, ALL WELCOME. M/E}

Post by JayzPF Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:26 pm

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