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kaylee's surprise

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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:39 pm

I smiled at Kaylee, "Would you mind helping Grace and I as gatherers?" Diego tensed beside me and I heard Kaydn say in a low tone that we were not alone. Diego changed into wolf form and looked up at me, I nodded and changed into wolf form beside him. Grace, Hunter, Kira, and Dollar all did the same. I looked over at Kaylee and Kaydn and nodded my bead for them to come over with us. Diego took a step in front of me protectively. I nugded at him lovingly with my muzzle and called out, "Who's there?" I waited patiently, alhough, the males of the pack stood protectively in front of their partners, keeping them safe from danger.


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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:46 am

kaydn: i seconds i went from tall slender human to muscular sleek wolf

kaylee: " sure " i say then shift to my beautiful blonde wolf form my blue eyes stared directly at the new wolf

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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:10 pm

(I'm just continue like Faye didn't add in since she hasn't posted again...if she wants she can repost when she's on again.)
I smiled at Kaylee, "Ok, then its settled. Everyone off to do their jobs." I looked at Kaydn, "Hunt during the day, guard at night." I added, "Oh and you are allowed to decide which den, or area you'd like to guard." I winked and walked off with Grace, "C'mon Kaylee! We gotta go gather!" I laughed and started to walk towards the woods, to where the meadow filled with trees, flowers, fruits and a few vegetables were plentiful.

I squeezed Dream's hand and walked over to Kaydn, "C'mon, Kira and I will show you the best spot to hunt from." I walked over to Kira and nodded, instantaneously we morphed into wolf form and darted into the woods. Coming to a stop at a fallen oak, crouching in the large branches, waiting for a buck to pass without notice of our presence.


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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:59 am

kaylee: " ok" i say and hurry after then. my dress blew in the slight breeze as my blonde curls danced around my shoulder

kaydn: " alright" i say and shift following after them

kaylee's dress:
kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Sundress

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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:39 pm

(that's a cute dress!)
I smiled and waited for Kaylee to catch up. I started to tell her of the meadow, "In the meadow there are trees with fruits, flowers cover the ground, and even a few vegetables are found near the waterfall!" I loved going to the meadow, it was so pretty, especially at night. I thought back, remembering how one day Grace had said it would be fun to bring Hunter here. But that was before Hunter liked her. I looked at Grace, "You can bring him here now." She smiled and ran ahead, towards the flowers. She had the best taste in flowers, and always made beautiful bouquets. I usually gathered fruits and some vegetables, "Ok, Kaylee. You can either help me gather fruits and vegetables or one of the two. Or you could even get the water, we have buckets over there already that you could use to fill up." I let her think about it and looked around at the trees, seeing which were ready for me to harvest. I saw an apple tree that was ready, an orange tree, and a pear tree. Also, I saw a cherry blossom tree that I hadn't noticed before in full bloom. I called after Grace, "Grace! Be sure to get some of those cherry blossoms!" I laughed and started to run through the meadow, my arms out, and I spun, enjoying the scents of the flowers.

I darted through the woods, Kira close behind, followed by Kaydn. We stopped at the old fallen ancient oak. I turned around to Kaydn and Kira, I looked at Kira and nodded for her to move to the right side of the tree. I then looked and Kaydn and nodded towards the left, where the branches were. He would hide in the branches and be the first to attack, then me and finally Kira. I stayed in the middle, hiding behind the large round trunk. Kira was hidden within the thick roots, ready for my signal. I looked over towards Kaydn to see if he noticed anything, I growled softly, as if to ask if he saw anything. We wanted deer, but bunnies could maybe with stand our hunger. Only we would need a lot of bunnies.


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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:28 pm

kaydn: i noded seeing a gruop of massive elk there was at least 4 of them but it was hard to cuont with some of them hiding in the tall grass

kaylee: i smile happy to help "i'll get the fruits, if its ok" i said in my normal small vioce that chimeed like bells in the breeze

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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Faye Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:10 pm

(Sorry dinner guests Rolling Eyes )
(I guess I will act like they never saw him and have him enter again..)

I pointed my nose into the air and howled.I was calling wolves to join me.I caught the scent of a buck.But a single wolf could not take it down.Those horns.And those daggers called hooves.They could easily injure a wolf with a single blow.I knew there wasn`t much game this season.And I didn`t want this one to get away.I lowered my body to the ground and creeped towards the scent following my nose.
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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:41 pm

I smiled at Kaylee, "Of course! Then I'll get fruits and we can all pitch in to get the water!" I laughed and walked over to the vegetables, I had left an empty basket there last week. I picked it up and bent down onto my knees and picked what was ready. I picked tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, and broccolli. I yelled over to Kaylee, "There should be a basket hanging on a branch in one of the trees!"
I looked over at Kaydn and saw he was eyeing something. I peeked through a crack in the trunk and saw about 4 elk. I looked at Kira and nodded twice. Which meant we were all going to charge. I growled to Kaydn to tell him the same, my growl was too quiet for the elks ears here. He got the signal and I leaped over the trunk. Kira went straight around the elk to block their exit. I went straight on and Kaydn went to the left. I charged at a large male and leaped onto his back, I bit into his muscular neck, snapping his delicate spinal cord. I jumped off it and lunged at a smaller female, ripping out her throat. I looked over to see and Kaydn and Kira doing the same. I saw 3 fawns and stopped Kira and Kaydn. I growled for them to let them leave. Kira moved and they bolted out of the small clearing into the shelter of the woods. I morphed into human form and grabbed a hind leg and front leg of a buck. I started to drag him back to our 'camp.' I decided it would just be faster to carry it. I picked it up and slung him over my shoulder. I grabbed a female and slung her over my other shoulder. I turned around to see if Kira and Kaydn were following, Kira was carrying two females. We had 4 females and two males. I was carrying a male and a female, Kira was carrying two females, which left Kaydn with a male and female.
I sighed, wondering through the woods alone. I had left my pack to find someone to love since everyone in my pack had fallen in love with each other. I heard a male wolf's distant call and my face brightened. I morphed into wolf form and ran in the direction of the call. I stopped, smelling a large buck nearby. I crouched and started to make my way towards it. I then smelled the male too, I cocked my head to the side confused. The buck wasn't dead yet, but they were both so near. I finally saw the buck a few yards ahead of me and saw behind it, the male wolf. I growled quietly to him, much to quiet for the buck to hear. He noticed me and I nodded at the buck, we could double team it.


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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:50 pm

kaylee: i eye the hanging basket " i found it" i yell to the others lightly i grab the basket and start to fill it with ripe bannanas, apples, peaches, and oranges. within minutes the basket was other filled as i pruodly balanced them on my head as my mom had once done

kaydn: i leap into the air and shift to a lion before sinking my teeth and claws in to the elk brining them down. when they were dead and done twitching i shift to my human form and toss them over my shuolders like they were wieghtless

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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:44 pm

I called back to Kaylee brightly, "Alright! When you're finished head on ver here to the waterfall!" I proceeded in filling my basket with vegetables. Before long it seemed to be overflowing. I looked over at Kaylee and bursted out laughing. She had been walking with the basket on her head, it was a great sight to see! I walked over to the waterfall and bent down to grab a tin bucket. I ben down on my knees beside the crystal clear water and cleaned out the bucket. I scrubbed away the icky stuff, washed away what I had scrubbed at and then dumped it out. I did that to the other 6 buckets and set the down beside me. I then grabbed two for myself and plunged one underneath the waters surface, filling it instantly with water. I looked over and saw Grace walking over with about 10 or so bouquets. "Did you beat your record today?" I called to her, sarcasm obvious in my voice. She called back, "Did you actually get some vegetables today?" I smiled, flashing my white teeth and handed her two buckets. "Fill 'em up please." She smiled and said, "Only because you said please." We filled up our buckets while I handed two to Kaylee, "Mind fillin' these up?" We filled up the buckets and carried them back to camp. We sat in the middle where every had met earlier and waited for the hunters to come back. While waiting we set up lunch for everyone and stored the rest of it.

I smiled as I saw Kaydn turn into a lion, we could use shifters like him and Kaylee. I turned back forwards and we started our trek back to the camp. As we got closer I smelt flowers, fruits, vegetables, and Dream. I smiled and called back to Kira and Kaydn, "Almost there." We came into the clearing and set down the elk. I sat beside Dream and said, "We caught some elk, 4 females, and 2 males."


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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Faye Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:04 pm

I smiled then narrowed my eyes towards the buck.The she-wolf would probably go towards the neck,so I would go around the back,somewhat being a decoy.I suddenly pounced up clamping my cainines around the bucks white tail.My claws scratched at the bucks sides,trying to get a better grip.

I was hanging on for dear life.I could transform into human form,but my teeth weren`t as strong in human form.I would be standing though.I decided to stay in wolf form.
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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:16 pm

kaylee: " sure" i say as i filled the bucketts and carried them back as thuogh they were wieghtless humming as i fallowed them back to camp

kaydn: in the distance i could hear kaylee humming happily i smiled and jioned her as we hummed two is better than one

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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:39 pm

{Chasing Dreams}
As everyone started to return with their foods I spoke up, "Hunters could you maybe please cook the meat for us? While us gatherers setup our food?" I smiled and looked at Kaydn, Kira, and Diego. Then at Kaylee and Grace. Diego nodded and I smiled brightly, "Thanks! We'll get on that right now then." I grabbed the veggies and walked over to a large boulder. I set down my veggie basket and walked to my den. I came back with a tablecloth and draped it over the rock. I poured out the veggies and looked over at Grace and Kaylee. "Should we make some sort of salad?" Grace walked over and said, " Well, we could make a fruit salad with the fruit." I smiled and said, "Okay! We'll make a fruit salad, should we make a salad out of the vegetables or just have them as sides?" I looked up at Kaylee, "Any ideas?"
I nodded and said, "Your welcome, you three go do your thing and us three will go do ours." I picked up the two elk I had carried once more and put them beside the firepit. I grabbed some branches from trees nearby that were the right length. While doing this I looked at Kaydn, "Can you find some kindling?" I then looked at Kira, "Can you find some rocks to start the fire?" She nodded and headed off to find some rocks. I heard her shrill scream and dropped the logs. I ran to her, morphing into wolf form, ready for a fight. I jumped through the brush to where she was and saw she was hugging Dollar. I sighed and morphed back, Dollar saying, "Calm down Diego, it's just me." I stood there staring at him, a frown on my face. "Where the h*ll have you been?" He laughed and said, "I've been looking for Blue, didn't even find her scent." I sighed, "She's lookin for love. Come join us for some lunch while we wait for her to come back." He nodded and walked over, holding Kira's hand. Just then Hunter burst in through the bushes, I sighed, "And where have you been?" He nodded at Dollar, "With him." I shook my head and looked back towards camp, "Grace was looking for you." His eyes lit up, he walked past me and I heard her shrill scream followed by laughter. I shook my head and picked the logs back up.


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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:42 pm

I saw him go as the decoy and lunged in soon after him. I dove for the throat, but the buck moved and I landed on it's back. My white coat shimmered from the sunlight as I bit on it's muscular neck. I clamped down, crushing the buck's spinal cord. I hopped off and looked at the male, "Um, yeah. I'm Blue, you are..?"


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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Faye Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:24 pm

I released my grasp when the buck fell stiff dead to the ground.I smiled and faced the she wolf that adressed herself as Blue.

"Pleasure to meet you Blue,I`m Amarillo.I walked a few steps closer to her and smelled her curiously.
"So you live with other wolves,where are they?"
My black fur was covered in twigs,leaves and all sorts of stuff.
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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Sat Feb 27, 2010 2:57 pm

I smiled politely, but actually began to feel slightly uncomfortable as the wolf who called himself Amarillo moved closer. I nodded, "Uh, yeah. A pack of about 9; 4 males and 5 females. Oh and if you happen to meet them, don't be surprised to see that a female is the leader of the pack." Not thinking about it, I morphed into human form and picked up the buck. I looked over at Amarillo and saw his gawking face, "Oh crap, you aren't a shapeshifter are you." It wasn't even a question, well technically, but it didn't sound like one. I shifted the buck and turned, sighing. I began to walk back to the pack, I knew how much Kira liked bucks, although they probably were already eating without me. I decided to let Amarillo have the buck and turned back around. I dropped it and morphed back into wolf form. I turned away from him and swished my tail, I hoped he wasn't thinking about forcebreeding me. My tail fell straight down and I held it tight against me. I began to walk faster.


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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:14 pm

kaylee:" i could make i side salad?" i say sugetsting meakly

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kaylee's surprise - Page 2 Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:47 pm

{Chasing Dreams}
I smiled and said, "Sounds good!" I spearated all the vegetables and fruits, then said, "Here you two make a vegetable side salad and I'll make a large fruit salad. Sound good?" I looked from Kaylee to Grace. Grace nodded and began her work, grabbing lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and cucumbers. I began my work as well, grabbing purple grapes, pineapple, cantelope, honey dew, and strawberries. I also grabbed a few bananas and cut all up into slices them set them into a large bowl we had salvaged from a wreckage in the woods.

I heard Kira's shrill scream and looked up in worry. Diego walked out of the woods frowning, followed by Dollar and Kira holding hands. I looked back down at the vegetables sighing and thinking about Hunter. I wondered where he was. Suddenly I felt someone's strong hand on my shoulder I looked up to see Hunter standing above me, smiling. I echoed Kira's shrill scream and jumped up into his arms, letting him hold me in a hug. My feet weren't even touching the ground and he continued to hold me. I pulled back to look into his face, "Where've you been?" I put on a fake pouty face and stared at him. He laughed and said, "Don't worry babe I was helping Dollar look for Blue." I smiled and said, "Oh ok, did you find her." He leaned forward, shaking his head, eyes on my lips. I bit my lip and closed the distance, kissing him for a few seconds and jumped from his arms, leaving him wanting more. He stared shocked at first and then smiled, "Oh you'll better be sorry now!" Then he morphed into wolf form, and jumped towards me. I morphed effortlessly and dodged his jump. I bounded the other way into the woods, with Hunter chasing me not far behind.

I shook my head watching Hunter and Grace. Before I could say anything they had bounded off into the woods, Hunter chasing after Grace. I laughed and shook my head then started the fire. I called over to Kadyn, "Wanna help me with this elk?" I needed help skinning and gutting it, it wasn't really a job I enjoyed doing myself. Kira was still over with Dollar and I didn't dare bother them because they would both give me the death stare and I would be sorry.


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